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        Stress Fractures of The Ribs on Golfers

        Ha, K. I.,Song, K. S.,Lord, M. J. 대한스포츠의학회 1995 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        A collaborative review at three institutions documented nineteen cases of stress fractures of the fibs in golfers. Thirteen were males and six were females. The average age of the injured golfers was 39 years (range 29-51). The 4th-7th ribs were the most commonly injured. All fractures occurred along the posterolateral aspect of the ribs and involved multiple ribs in nine cases. Sixteen golfers sustained injury on the non-dominant side of the trunk, which is actually the "dominant" side in a golf swing. Eighteen golfers were beginners, while the one experienced golfer had dramatically increased his practice time on the diving range prior to injury. Plain radiographs were usually diagnostic. However, bone scintigrphy was necessary for diagnosis in three cases. A delay in diagnosis of six to eight month occurred in two cases which were originally mis-diagnosed as back strains. Stress fractures of the fibs in golfers may be more common that previously realized and may be incorrectly diagnosed as recalcitrant back strains. Based on other studies, fatigue of the serratus anterior appears to be the mechanism of injury. We recommend strengthening of the serratus anterior in the rehabilitation from this injury and in a general conditioning program for golfers. Golf in considered a leisure sport with minimal risk of injury. However, it demands tremendous skill which can only be attained through sustained prcatice. Hitting bucket after bucket of balls on the practice range can lead to overuse injury^20). The Back and non-dominant shoulder are among the most common sites injured^20,25). Symptomatology in this region is usually attributed to muscle strain. However, muscle fatigue may lead to stress fracture. In one large series of 169 stress fractures, golf was the fifth most common sport involved and the rib was the third most common bone injured^12). We present nineteen cases of stress fractures of the ribs in golfers. We have reviewed the biomechanics of the golf swing and analyzed the possible mechanism of injury. The prevention and treatment of these injuries is also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        매독, 페스트, 정신병에 대한 파라켈수스의 진단과 감정 : 근대 초 시대성의 한 예

        김학이(Hakie Kim) 한국독일사학회 2021 독일연구 Vol.- No.48

        이 글은 질병이 세균이나 바이러스의 작용이 아니라 질병 증후군에 대한각 시대의 지각이라는 전제에서 출발하여, 근대 의학의 비조 중의 하나인파라켈수스가 진폐증, 매독, 페스트, 정신병을 무엇으로 진단했으며, 그 때병과 감정은 어떻게 의미화되는지 분석했다. 분석의 결과는 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 병은 체액의 불균형이 아니라 외부 물질이 신체 기관에 화학적으로일으킨 오작동이다. 둘째, 그 오작동에는 인간 주체의 도덕적 태도 및 감정과 천체의 감정이 함께 작용한다. 셋째, 천체의 개입은 오로지 인간의 도덕적, 감정적 태도에 의해서 촉발되는 바, 인간의 부도덕한 감정적 상상이 인간 체내에 “몸(corpus)”을 만들고, 그 몸이 별에 “상상”으로 각인되면, 별은그에 감정적으로 반응하여 그것을 독으로 전환시킨 뒤 그 독의 상상을 인간 몸에 보내고, 그 상상은 인체 내에서 물질화된다. 페스트 독이 만연한 곳에서 페스트에 대한 공포를 느끼면 페스트에 감염되는 이유는 바로 페스트에 대한 공포 속에 인상으로 각인된 페스트 증후군이 인체 내에서 물질화되기 때문이다. 성비투스 무도병이라는 정신병의 발발 경로도 정확히 그에일치하여, 인간이 춤을 추고자 하는 욕망을 품으면 그 죄스러운 감정이 신체 기관에 각인되어 물질화된다. 파라켈수스는 생애 말년에 이 입론을 확대하여, 신을 멀리하는 것, 신적인 도덕을 위반하는 것, 분노와 증오와 공포를느끼는 것 모두를 정신병의 지표로 간주했다. 필자는 16세기 루터파 지역에 독특했던 종말론이 ‘교파화’ 작업의 추동력이 되었던 바, 파라켈수스의 의학을 그 교파화 과정의 일부로 해석했다. 그릇된 감정을 악마화하는 것은감정의 규율화 작업이었을 것이기 때문이다. 더불어, 감정이 신체적 질병을일으킬 수 있었으니만큼 그 시대가 감정에 ‘물질적’ 행위능력을 부여했으며, 인간의 감정이 신체와 외부 물질과 별과 동일 평면에서 상호작용하고있었음도 알 수 있었다. This essay analyzes the diagnoses of miners’ diseases, syphilis, pest by Paracelsus, based on the assumptions that the diseases are not something of bacteria or virus but the perceptions of the people at that time about various illness syndromes. The results are as following. First, the diseases were not from the unbalance of the humors but the chemical dysfunction of corporal organs caused by the organic inappropriate separation and distillation of intake outside materials. Second, the corporal chemical processes were in part reduced to the moral and emotional attitudes of human subjects and the firmament. Third, the stary interventions resulted only from human subjectivity. The unmoral and emotional attitudes generated a “corpus” in the body, the impression of which was imposed on the stars, while the stars transformed the impression into a poison, the impression of which materialized itself in the human body. Pracelsus argued that syphilis and pest were born by that mechanism. So he suggested, one who had fear of pest in the area poisoned with pest would be infected with pest. He inferred the occurrence of St. Vitus chorea by the same logic. Paracelsus in the last days of his life expanded the argument into a wide moral theory of mental diseases, so that all ungodly attitudes and unmoral emotions were proof of the madness. This essay suggests that the medical arguments of Paracelsus should be regarded as an example of the apocalyptic sensibility of the German Lutheran in the 16th century, and that Paracelsus unintendedly contributed to the social and moral disciplining of the people by disciplining their emotions.

      • KCI등재

        19/20세기 독일인들의 감정

        김학이(Kim, Hakie) 한국독일사학회 2015 독일연구 Vol.- No.30

        This paper reviews several scholarly works of the German historians about the emotions of the German in the 19th and 20th Century. Above all the studies by U. Frevert, D. Morat, H. Lethen, and F. Biess are closely examined. The review arrives at the following conclusions. First, the theories of emotions which were historically put forward by the German intellectuals, did never completely separate emotions from cognitions, as revealed exemplarily in the case of Wilhelm Wundt. Secondly, emotions were always connected with the questions, what the morality was to be made up of and what roles the emotions were to play. Different answers were given, depending upon the intrinsic meaning systems of each time-spans. Up until the first half of the 19th century emotions had to be in a harmony with the reason, while they were thereafter to be repressed. The repressed emotions led unwittingly to a yearning for ‘Great Emotions’ or the coming of an hero. Thirdly, the German historiography don’t jet bring about historical studies of concrete emotions such as grief, fear and anger, with a exception of Frank Biess, who produced powerful researches of the German fear at the early Federal Republic of Germany. This paper proposes the historians to conduct the study of the ‘economy of emotions’ at each historical constellations.

      • Predictive Value of the Platelet-To-Lymphocyte Ratio in Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

        Yuksel, Ozgur Haki,Urkmez, Ahmet,Akan, Serkan,Yldirim, Caglar,Verit, Ayhan Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.15

        Purpose: To predict prostatic carcinoma using a logistic regression model on prebiopsy peripheral blood samples. Materials and Methods: Data of a total of 873 patients who consulted Urology Outpatient Clinics of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital between February 2008 and April 2014 scheduled for prostate biopsy were screened retrospectively. PSA levels, prostate volumes, prebiopsy whole blood cell counts, neutrophil and platelet counts, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), biopsy results and Gleason scores in patients who had established diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) were evaluated. Results: This study was performed on a total of 873 cases, with an age range 48-76 years, divided into three groups as for biopsy results. with diagnoses of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (n=304, 34.8 %), PCa (n=265, 30.4 %) and histological prostatitis (n=304; 34.8 %). Intra- and intergroup comparative evaluations were performed. White blood cell and neutrophil counts in the histological prostatitis group were significantly higher than those of the BPH and PCa groups (p=0.001; p=0.004; p<0.01). A statistically significant intergroup difference was found for PLR (p=0.041; p<0.05) but not lymphocyte count (p>0.05). According to pairwise comparisons, PLR were significantly higher in the PCa group relative to BPH group (p=0.018, p<0.05, respectively). Though not statistically significant, higher PLR in cases with PCa in comparison with the prostatitis group was remarkable (p=0.067, and p>0.05, respectively). Conclusions: Meta-analyses showed that in patients with PSA levels over 4 ng/ml, positive predictive value of PSA is only 25 percent. Therefore, novel markers which can both detect clinically significant prostate cancer, and also prevent unnecessary biopsies are needed. Relevant to this issue in addition to PSA density, velocity, and PCA3, various markers have been analyzed. In the present study, PLR were found to be the additional predictor of prostatic carcinoma.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        A New Mathematical Model for Optimum Production of Neural Stem Cells in Large-scale

        Hossain, S.M. Zakir,Sultana, Nahid,Babar, S.M. Enayetul,Haki, G.D. The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicopro 2007 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.3 No.2

        Millions of individuals worldwide are currently afflicted with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis which are caused by the death of specific types of specialized cells in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Recently, Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) are able to replace these dead cells with new functional cells, thereby providing a cure for devastating neural diseases. The clinical use of neural stem cells (NSCs) for the treatment of neurological diseases requires overcoming the scarcity of the initial in vivo NSC population. Thus, we developed a novel 3-dimentional cellular automata model for optimum production of neural stem cells and their derivatives in large scale to treat neurodegenerative disorder patients.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of long-term preservation on stability of mesenchymal stem cells

        Jeong Su Byeon,Jienny Lee,Yong Woo Sohn,Haki Kim,Mi Jeong Park,Na-Yeon Gu,In-Soo Cho,Sang-Ho Cha 한국예방수의학회 2016 예방수의학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        : Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been researched for use in biomedical applications, particularly for cell-based therapies and regenerative medicine due to their self-renewing capacity and ability to differentiate into multiple cell types such as adipose, bone, and tendon tissues. Cryopreservation of MSCs is a common preservation method that is advantageous for cellular therapies in human and veterinary medicine. Adipose tissue-derived cells have been shown to maintain their properties after cryopreservation. In this study, we investigated the morphology, proliferation (cumulative population doubling level and doubling time), cell surface markers (CD34, CD90, and CD105), and ability to differentiate into adipose, bone, and cartilage tissues in vitro of equine adipose tissue-derived MSCs (eAD-MSCs) and miniature pig adipose tissue-derived MSCs (mpAD-MSCs) with and without long-term cryopreservation. The eAD-MSCs and mpAD-MSCs were analyzed immediately and after being frozen in liquid nitrogen for 3 years and 2 years, respectively. Cryopreserved eAD-MSCs maintained their morphology, proliferation rate, and cell surface markers compared with fresh cells. With the exception of proliferation rate, cryopreserved mpAD-MSCs also maintained their fresh cell characteristics. The proliferation rate of cryopreserved mpAD-MSCs was higher than that for fresh cells. Cryopreservation did not change the adipogenic, chondrogenic, or osteogenic differentiation potentials of eAD-MSCs and mpAD-MSCs. In summary, long-term cryopreservation maintains the cell phenotype and differentiation ability of eAD-MSCs and mpAD-MSCs. These results might be useful when developing veterinary medicine and clinical applications.

      • KCI등재

        Spheroid formation from equine mesenchymal stem cells

        Mi Jeong Park,Jienny Lee,Yong Woo Sohn,Haki Kim,Jeong Su Byeon,Na-Yeon Gu,In-Soo Cho,Sang-Ho Cha 한국예방수의학회 2016 예방수의학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are primary candidates for cell therapy and tissue engineering applications. A two-dimensional (2D) culture system is typically used for cell growth, but that method affects the characteristics of stem cells. The physiological cell environment connects cells not only to each other, but also to the extracellular matrix providing mechanical support, exposing the entire cell surface, and opening signaling pathways. The hanging drop method is the most widely used 3D culture method for spheroid formation. In this study, we investigated the relationship between spheroid size and changes in gene expression to determine the optimum spheroid size for use in tissue engineering. The expression levels of stemness factors such as NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2, angiogenic factors such as VEGF and IL-8, and osteogenic factors such as COX2 and TGF-β1 increased with spheroid size in the respective spheroid formation groups unlike the responses in their monolayer groups. Therefore, our results indicate that spheroid formation through the hanging drop method can increase the efficiency of MSCs-based tissue engineering over that obtained via traditional 2D cell culture systems.

      • KCI등재

        Plant-based traditional foods and beverages of Ramotswa Village, Botswana

        Geremew Bultosa,Moenyane Molapisi,Nelson Tselaesele,Rosemary Kobue-Lekalake,Gulelat Desse Haki,Shimane Makhabu,Bonno Sekwati-Monang,Eyassu Seifu,Gothatamang P. Nthoiwa 한국식품연구원 2019 Journal of Ethnic Foods Vol.6 No.-

        Background and objectives: Different communities have various types of edible plants at their nearby ecology from which they process their traditional foods that make the basis of diversified diets for food and nutrition security. Exploration of various ethnic traditional foods knowledge will have an immense contribution for preservation and sustainability of the traditional food system and culture. The objectives of this research were to investigate and document the edible plant type used and description on the processing of plant-based traditional foods/dishes and beverages of the Ramotswa village, Botswana. Majority of the Ramotswa village residents belong to the Balete tribe. Methodology: Questionnaire interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) were used in the documentations of edible plants type, methods involved in the processing, values, challenges, and the seasonal availability. Results and discussion: There are 50 wild edible plants used and most are available during rainy season. Maize, sorghum, beans, cooking melon, watermelon, and pumpkin are widely used domesticated crops. The edible part of wild plants is utilized in different ways. Some consumed after minor processing and some as cooked, boiled, recipe in traditional dishes, inoculum in fermentation, substrate in traditional beverages, and medicinal plants. Food safety concerns were indicated for few products. High temperature and shortage of rainfall are making some edible plants scarce. For some, preparation takes a long time; and when processing is not properly done, unpleasant odor, bitter taste, and mold growth can result, particularly for traditional beverages. Even though, most traditional foods/dishes and beverages are still consumed and enjoyed by the communities, there are worries that the young generation has limited knowledge and skills to process and utilize them. Conclusions: Most plant-based traditional foods/dishes consumed are low in sugar and fat, but are wholesome (whole grains, with dietary fibers) with high potential for diet diversification. The documentation provided will help to create awareness for preservation of the traditional foods/dishes and beverage culture, and as a baseline information for further studies for those nutrient and bioactive compound data are not available.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Spinal Cord Injury Treatment using a Noble Biocompatible Bridge

        Hossain, S.M. Zakir,Babar, S.M. Enayetul,Azam, S.M. Golam,Sarma, Sailendra Nath,Haki, G.D. The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicopro 2007 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.3 No.3

        The failure of injured axons to regenerate in the mature central nervous system (CNS) has devastating consequences for victims of spinal cord injury (SCI). Traditional strategies to treat spinal cord injured people by using drug therapy and assisting devices that can not help them to recover fully various vital functions of the spinal cord. Many researches have been focused on accomplishing re-growth and reconnection of the severed axons in the injured region. Using cell transplantation to promote neural survival or growth has had modest success in allowing injured neurons to re-grow through the area of the lesion. Strategies for successful regeneration will require tissue engineering approach. In order to persuade sufficient axons to regenerate across the lesion to bring back substantial neurological function, it is necessary to construct an efficient biocompatible bridge (cell-free or implanted with different cell lines as hybrid implant) through the injured area over which axons can grow. Therefore, in this paper, spinal cord and its injury, different strategies to help regeneration of an injured spinal cord are reviewed. In addition, different aspects of designing a biocompatible bridge and its applications and challenges surrounding these issues are also addressed. This knowledge is very important for the development and optimalization of therapies to repair the injured spinal cord.

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