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      • Colostrum Derived-exosomes Alleviate Inflammatory Symptoms in Experimental Colitis via Immunosuppressive Effects

        Haeun CHO,Geonhee HAN,Kwang Yeon HWANG,Sun Hwa KIM,Yooso YANG 한국생물공학회 2021 한국생물공학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Exosomes are a type of extracellular vesicles with a diameter of 30 to 150 ㎚, and are secreted by multiple cell types. Exosomes can mediate cell-to-cell communication and modulate many physiological and pathological processes by carrying biomolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins and metabolites. In particular, bovine milk is a readily accessible source for mass production of exosome, and milk-exosomes can effectively deliver inflammatory and immunomodulatory active cargo through the gastrointestinal tract in a stable form. Here, we investigated the beneficial effects of bovine milk, especially colostrum-derived exosomes in a murine model of ulcerative colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). Our results showed that oral gavage of colostrum-derived exosomes can alleviate colitis symptoms such as abdominal pain, loss weight, diarrhea and rectal bleeding by regulating intestinal inflammatory immune responses. Collectively, our findings that bovine colostrum-derived exosomes with excellent structural and functional stability offer great potential as natural therapeutics for the recovery of colitis, may broaden the applications of milk consumption.

      • KCI등재

        Impact of biochar and compost amendment on corn yield and greenhouse gas emissions under waterlogged conditions

        Cho Han-Na,Shin Minji,Lee Ikhyeong,Ryoo Haeun,Acharya Bharat Sharma,Park Jae-Hyuk,Cheong Yong Hwa,Cho Ju-Sik,Kang Se-Won 한국응용생명화학회 2023 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.66 No.-

        Biochar, widely recognized for its capacity to counteract climate change impacts, has demonstrated substantial benefits in agricultural ecosystems. Nevertheless, empirical studies exploring its efficacy during climatic aberrations such as heavy rainfall are limited. This study investigated the effects of compost and biochar addition on corn growth attributes, yield, and soil CO2 and N2O fluxes under heavy rain (exceeding 5-yr average) and waterlogging conditions. Here, treatments included compost (CP, 7.6 t ha−1); rice husk biochar (RB, 7.6 t ha−1); wood biochar (WB, 7.6 t ha−1); and control (Cn). Under high rainfall and waterlogging, the CP treatment manifested a pronounced enhancement in corn biomass and productivity, exceeding biomass and productivity of Cn treatment by 12.6 and 32.2%, RB treatment by 120 and 195%, and WB treatment by 86.1 and 111%, respectively. Corn yield increased in the order: CP > Cn > WB > RB. Intriguingly, negligible disparity occurred between the RB and WB treatments in straw yield, grain yield, grain index, and corn productivity but both treatments recorded distinctively lower values than CP treatment. Also, the CO2 and N2O fluxes remained largely similar for two biochar treatments but lower than CP treatment. Overall, CP increased corn yield, straw, and grain yield whereas biochars reduced N2O flux during waterlogging. Although derived from a short-term experimental window, these pivotal findings furnish invaluable insights for devising soil amendments for yield and environmental benefits in contexts of extreme climatic perturbations. Our findings offer a robust foundation for refining nutrient management strategies confronted with waterlogging challenges, but long-term studies are necessary for definitive conclusions.

      • 합성머스크화합물(synthetic musk compounds)의 환경매체에서의 상대존재비과 먹이망을 통한 생물확대 경향

        조하은(Haeun Cho),김도균(Dokyun Kim),원은지(Eun-Ji Won),문효방(Hyo-Bang Moon),이성규(Sunggyu Lee),안광국(Kwang-Guk An),신경훈(Kyung-Hoon Shin) 환경독성보건학회 2021 한국독성학회 심포지움 및 학술발표회 Vol.2021 No.5

        합성머스크화합물(synthetic musk compounds, SMCs)은 향수, 화장품, 세제, 비누 등에 사용되는 향료성분으로 생활하수에 포함되어 하수처리장으로 유입되나 처리과정에서 완전히 제거되지 못하고 환경 중으로 배출된다. 수환경 내에 유입된 SMCs는 환경에 잔류하여 수환경 내 생태계에 영향을 미치며 섭식을 통해 인체에까지 전달되어 독성영향을 줄 수 있다. 본 연구는 환경매체에서의 SMCs 상대존재비와 먹이망을 통한 생물확대 경향을 알아보고자 하였다. 조사는 2020년 6월과 9월에 대전하수처리장 부근의 금강상류와 금강하구언에서 진행되었다. 환경매체와 생물체내 모두 SMCs 성분 중 하나인 galaxolide (HHCB), tonalide (AHTN), musk ketone (MK)이 가장 많이 검출되었다. 표층 수 에서는 HHCB가 66 ± 15%, AHTN이 8.7 ± 10%, MK가 26 ± 14%, 퇴적물에서는 HHCB가 85 ± 11%, AHTN이 12 ± 10%, MK가 1.8 ± 1.5%, 생물에서는 HHCB가 71 ± 23%, AHTN이 17 ± 17%, MK가 11 ± 8.7%의 비율로 검출되었다. 아미노산 질소 안정동위원소비로 산출한 생물의 영양단계 (trophic position, TP)와 체내의 SMCs 농도를 이용하여 영양단계 확대계수 (trophic magnification factor, TMF)를 구했으며, 그 결과 HHCB는 0.6-4.6, AHTN은 0.6-8.3, MK는 1.0-2.3의 범위의 값이 도출되었다. 연구를 통해 SMCs가 환경매체와 생물체내에 변하지 않는 일정한 상대 존재비를 가지고 잔류하는 것이 확인되었으며, 먹이망을 통해 확대될 수 있는 가능성이 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재

        쓰레기 종량제가 생활폐기물 배출에 미치는 영향: 생활폐기물 수거서비스 수요함수를 중심으로

        조하은(Cho, Haeun),우영진(Woo, Youngjin) 한국도시행정학회 2020 도시 행정 학보 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 생활폐기물 종량제 봉투 가격이 생활폐기물 배출량에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 인접 지역과 상위 지역의 종량제 봉투 가격에 영향을 받는 지방자치단체 생활폐기물 종량제 정책의 봉투 가격 결정방식을 고려하여 가계가 배출하는 생활폐기물의 총 수거량, 종량제 수거량, 재활용 분리수거량의 수거서비스 수요함수를 공간 패널 모형으로 추정하였다. 분석 결과, 종량제 봉투 가격은 지리적으로 인접한 지역 간 유사한 수준을 보이며 폐기물 종량제 수거량과 재활용 수거량에 공간 파급효과가 존재하여 인접 지역의 종량제 봉투 가격이 다른 지역의 폐기물 배출에 영향을 주었다. 가계의 생활폐기물 배출 행위에 대한 종량제 봉투 가격 효과가 있었고 가격 효과는 시간에 따라 감소하는 침식효과가 있다. 마지막으로 종량제 봉투 가격이 인상되면, 종량제 수거량의 감소분은 재활용 수거량의 증가분보다 커 전체 생활폐기물 수거량이 감소하였다. 공간 파급효과로 인해 주변 지역의 종량제 봉투가격의 인상이 인접 지역의 봉투 가격 인상 요인으로 작용하기 때문에 가격 정책을 효율적으로 운용하기 위해서는 광역자치단체를 포함한 지역 간 종량제 봉투 가격 설정에 대한 협의가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Unit Based Pricing(UBP) on the municipal solid waste and recycling. The waste collection demand functions are estimated using the spatial panel model to consider the spatial correlation in the waste disposal behavior. The result shows that due to the spatial spillover effect of the UBP price, the UBP pricing affects the waste collection of contiguous regions. In addition, the price effect of UBP on the solid waste collection decreases over time, which shows that erosion effect exists. Finally, as the price of UBP rises, the increment of recycling is less than the reduction of waste, which reduces the total amount of household waste. The result implies that it is necessary that the local government need to consult with neighbor regions to set the UBP price.


        Wintertime aerosol optical and radiative properties in the Kathmandu Valley during the SusKat-ABC field campaign

        Cho, Chaeyoon,Kim, Sang-Woo,Rupakheti, Maheswar,Park, Jin-Soo,Panday, Arnico,Yoon, Soon-Chang,Kim, Ji-Hyoung,Kim, Hyunjae,Jeon, Haeun,Sung, Minyoung,Kim, Bong Mann,Hong, Seungkyu K.,Park, Rokjin J.,Ru Copernicus GmbH 2017 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Vol.17 No.20

        <P>Abstract. Particulate air pollution in the Kathmandu Valley has reached severe levels that are mainly due to uncontrolled emissions and the location of the urban area in a bowl-shaped basin with associated local wind circulations. The AERONET measurements from December 2012 to August 2014 revealed a mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) of approximately 0.30 at 675 nm during winter, which is similar to that of the post-monsoon but half of that of the pre-monsoon AOD (0.63). The distinct seasonal variations are closely related to regional-scale monsoon circulations over South Asia and emissions in the Kathmandu Valley. During the SusKat-ABC campaign (December 2012-February 2013), a noticeable increase in both aerosol scattering (σs; 313 → 577 Mm−1 at 550 nm) and absorption (σa; 98 → 145 Mm−1 at 520 nm) coefficients occurred before and after 4 January 2013. This can be attributed to the increase in wood-burned fires due to a temperature drop and the start of firing at nearby brick kilns. The σs value in the Kathmandu Valley was a factor of 0.5 lower than that in polluted cities in India. The σa value in the Kathmandu Valley was approximately 2 times higher than that at severely polluted urban sites in India. The aerosol mass scattering efficiency of 2.6 m2 g−1 from PM10 measurements in the Kathmandu Valley is similar to that reported in urban areas. However, the aerosol mass absorption efficiency was determined to be 11 m2 g−1 from PM10 measurements, which is higher than that reported in the literature for pure soot particles (7.5 ± 1.2 m2 g−1). This might be due to the fact that most of the carbonaceous aerosols in the Kathmandu Valley were thought to be mostly externally mixed with other aerosols under dry conditions due to a short travel time from their sources. The σs and σa values and the equivalent black carbon (EBC) mass concentration reached up to 757 Mm−1, 224 Mm−1, and 29 µg m−3 at 08:00 LST (local standard time), respectively but decreased dramatically during the daytime (09:00-18:00 LST), to one-quarter of the morning average (06:00-09:00 LST) due to the development of valley winds and an atmospheric bounder layer. The σs and σa values and the EBC concentration remained almost constant during the night at the levels of 410 Mm−1, 130 Mm−1, and 17 µg m−3, respectively. The average aerosol direct radiative forcings over the intensive measurement period were estimated to be −6.9 ± 1.4 W m−2 (top of the atmosphere) and −20.8 ± 4.6 W m−2 (surface). Therefore, the high atmospheric forcing (i.e., 13.9 ± 3.6 W m−2) and forcing efficiency (74.8 ± 24.2 W m−2 τ−1) can be attributed to the high portion of light-absorbing aerosols in the Kathmandu Valley, as indicated by the high black carbon (or elemental carbon) to sulphate ratio (1.5 ± 1.1). </P>

      • KCI등재

        Validation of the Utility of the Genetically Shared Regions of Chromosomes (GD-ICS) Measuring Method in Identifying Complicated Genetic Relatedness

        Cho Sohee,Shin Eunsoon,Park YoonGi,You Haeun,Lee Eun Young,Lee Jong-Eun,Lee Soong Deok 대한의학회 2024 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.39 No.27

        Background: Relatives share more genomic regions than unrelated individuals, with closer relatives sharing more regions. This concept, paired with the increased availability of highthroughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping technologies, has made it feasible to measure the shared chromosomal regions between individuals to assess their level of relation to each other. However, such techniques have remained in the conceptual rather than practical stages in terms of applying measures or indices. Recently, we developed an index called “genetic distance-based index of chromosomal sharing (GD-ICS)” utilizing large-scale SNP data from Korean family samples and demonstrated its potential for practical applications in kinship determination. In the current study, we present validation results from various real cases demonstrating the utility of this method in resolving complex familial relationships where information obtained from traditional short tandem repeats (STRs) or lineage markers is inconclusive. Methods: We obtained large-scale SNP data through microarray analysis from Korean individuals involving 13 kinship cases and calculated GD-ICS values using the method described in our previous study. Based on the GD-ICS reference constructed for Korean families, each disputed kinship was evaluated and validated using a combination of traditional STRs and lineage markers. Results: The cases comprised those A) that were found to be inconclusive using the traditional approach, B) for which it was difficult to apply traditional testing methods, and C) that were more conclusively resolved using the GD-ICS method. This method has overcome the limitations faced by traditional STRs in kinship testing, particularly in a paternity case with STR mutational events and in confirming distant kinship where the individual of interest is unavailable for testing. It has also been demonstrated to be effective in identifying various relationships without specific presumptions and in confirming a lack of genetic relatedness between individuals. Conclusion: This method has been proven effective in identifying familial relationships across diverse complex and practical scenarios. It is not only useful when traditional testing methods fail to provide conclusive results, but it also enhances the resolution of challenging kinship cases, which suggests its applicability in various types of practical casework.

      • 정보통신 기술 HARQ분석과 최신 기술 동향에 관한 연구

        이하은(Haeun Lee),이동현(Donghyun Lee),하태윤(Taeyun Ha),Arooj Masood,조성래(Sungrae Cho) 한국통신학회 2021 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.2

        본 논문은 Hybrid-ARQ기술 분석 및 최신 기술 동향에 대해 서술한다. HARQ는 오류 검출 기법의 하나로 FEC와 ARQ기법의 장점을 혼합한 기술로 볼 수 있으며 동작 방식에 따라 Type이 구분된다. 이러한 HARQ는 기술적 이점을 바탕으로 다양한 기술에서 정보처리 지연을 줄이기 위해 응용되고 있다. 혼합적 요소를 이점으로써 다양한 기술에 주요 기능으로 적용되는 것을 통해 앞으로의 통신기술 발전에 있어 HARQ의 기대도가 높을 것임을 확인하였다.

      • Hungarian Algorithm의 분석과 기술 적용에 따른 VCG-Auction 적용 가능성 연구

        이하은(Haeun Lee),The Vi Nguyen,조성래(Sungrae Cho) 한국통신학회 2021 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.6

        본 논문은 Hungarian Algorithm의 실행과 분석 및 기술의 적용에 대해 서술한다. 이에 Hungarian Algorithm의 전반적인 실행 과정을 기반으로 해당 알고리즘을 분석하였다. 또한 해당 알고리즘이 실제로 적용되는 사례를 분석하여 기술에 적용 시켰을 때 어떤 강점을 갖는지에 대해 분석하였다. VCG Auction의 문제인 전력 매칭 문제를 해결하기 위해 제안된 Hungariang Algorithm의 활용도에 대해 판단하고, 이에 해당 알고리즘을 이용하여 VCG 전력 거래 알고리즘을 개발한다면 더욱 경쟁력 있는 알고리즘을 개발 할 수 있을 것임을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        GIWAXS Analysis on Preferred Orientation in Metal Halide Perovskite Films Via Alkylamines

        Yoon Haeun,Hong Seungyeon,Lee Sung Hun,Cho In Hwa,Kim Hyo Jung 대한금속·재료학회 2022 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.18 No.5

        We investigated the effects of the alkyl chain length of alkylamine ligands (AALs), known to modify metal halide perovskite crystallites, on the preferential alignment of the CsFAMA crystal domains using two-dimensional grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering (2D GIWAXS) measurements at various incident angles. In the absence of AALs, most (100) perovskite crystals were tilted 45° from the surface normal; the ratio of the 45°-tilted to isotropically oriented (100) crystals was similar in both the surface and bulk regions. However, in the presence of AALs, the 45°-tilted (100) crystals decreased, while the isotropically oriented (100) crystals increased, in both regions. In addition, vertically oriented (100) crystals were formed in the presence of AALs, which were observed only in the surface region of AALs with short alkyl lengths. As the alkyl chain length increased, vertically oriented (100) crystals appeared in both the surface and bulk regions of the film, i.e., the whole region of the film.

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