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      • 針葉樹林의 昆蟲生態에 關한 硏究 : 잣나무, 전나무 樹冠部를 中心으로 The Crown fauna of Pinus Koraiensis and Abies holophylla

        元炳徽,李海浜 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1969 農林科學 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Pine-nut trees(Pinus koraiensis-ten years old) and Fir-trees (Abies holophylla thirty years old) of the Kwangnung Forest Experiment Station, Kyungki-do, Korea were examined as the sample plots from about the end of May, through the early part of November, 1968. The pine-nut trees stand on a nearly ground level with a little slope, and the average height of the trees was 5.6m. The dominant species of the ground vegetation under the plantation such as Cyclosorus ocuminatus, Polygonatum falcatum, Arthroxon hispidus and Clematis fricotoma and fourty two species of other grasses and shrubs were found there. The fir-trees that stand on the hill with 15 degrees of slope 120m above the sea level were 14.5m on the average. And there were also thirty-three species of plants, including Liriope graminifolia, Boehmeria frutescens and Psendostellaria heterophylla as the dominant species of the ground vegetation under the plantation. Each ground vegetation of the plantation was observed to investigate the insect fauna ecologically that inhabit in the crown stratum of the trees. Several studies, such as this, have been already made on plant flora. And some new fact have been shown in the plant flora. the insects that inhabit in the crown stratum of the plantation were collected by spraying D. D. V. P. (Dimethely Dichloro Vinyl Phosphate), emulsion insecticide, used auto-sprayer. The collected arthropods were classified and analyzed to find the composition, density, and seasonal fluctuation. And the results were brought as follows. 1. In the pine-nut trees, the insects that belong to twelve Orders in which there were sixty families were found, beside the spiders, as follows; Order Hemiptera, Deptera, Collembola, Coleoptera, Psocoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Dermaptera, Tricoptera, Ephemeroptera and Neuroptera. And there were found insects that beloong to ten Orders in which there were fifty-eight famillies were found in there as follows; Collembola, Diptera, Hemiptera, Psocoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera, Dermaptera and Tricoptera. 2. The insects that belong to the Order Hemiptera, Diptera and collembola were largely found in the pine-nut trees, on the other hand in the fir-trees, the insects that beloong to Collembola, Diptera, Hemipter and Psocoptera in the Order were in large quantities found. 3. Family Aphididae in Order Hemiptera was dominated by 74.5% in the order, and Family Trypetide, Anthomyidae and Drasophilidae in Order Diptera was dominated by 71.3% in the order. In fir-trees Family Entomobryidae in Order Collembola was dominated by 92.2% in the Order, and Family Drasophilidae, Phoridae and Anthomyiidae of Order Diptera in order were dominated in the order. Family Aphididae of Order Orthoptera was dominated as in the case of the pine-nut trees by 99.7% in the Order. Family Psocidae of Order Psocoptera was dominated by 86.9% in the order. 4. In comparison of the insect fauna in two different sample plots, there was only a little difference in the domination. Family Aplididae of the order Hemiptera, family Drasophilidae of the Order Diptera were dominated in the each order, and in the pine-nut trees, Family Traypetidae, Family Phoridae in the fir-trees inhabited differently. And Family Smynthuridae of the Order Collembola in the pine-nut trees, dominated and in contrastly Family Entombryidae of the Order Collembola in the fir-trees dominated in the distribution. 5. On the pattern of seasonal fluctuation, all the Arthropods in the pine-nuts, showed high density considerably till the last part of June and then declined gradually by October, showing an increase again. In the fir-trees considerable high density of the Arthropods were shown gradually in the first part of July and then decline again; however, in the late parts of August a little increase was noted again and then suddenly declined till the middle of October. From the middle of October there were a little increase in the distribution. In this, on comparison of two sample plots, there was only a little undulation in the case of the fir-trees. 6. On the pattern of seasonal fluctuation, in the pine-nut trees the family Aphididae of the Order Hemiptera showed the most aboundant distribution in the middle of June and the late of October. The Family Trypetidae of the Order Diptera was found throughout the year without distinct undulation and Famly Anthomyiidae was found largely at the beginning of June, and in the later part of October. The Family Drasnphilidae was collected inlarge quantities atothe beginning of June and the middle of September. The Family Smynthuridae of the Order Collembola was found in large guantities in June and the beginning of July and in the middle of September a few of the springtails were found. In the fir-trees the Family Entomobryidae of the Order Collembola was found mostly at the beginning of July and the middle of August. The Family Drasophilidae was found mostly on and after the later part of August as the case in the pine-nut trees and Family Phoridae was collected throughout the year distinct undulation. The Family Anthomyiidae was collected mostly on and after the beginning of September. The Family Aphididae of the Order Hemiptera as in the case of the pine-nut trees showed the highest density at the beginning of July and the later part of October, and the Family Psocidae of the Psocoptera was collected mostly at the beginning of June and then declined.

      • Rifampin으로 예방적 항결핵요법 후 Etanercept를 사용 중인 류마티스 관절염 환자에서 발생한 결핵 1예

        이혜원,이태화,김근태 고신대학교 의과대학 2010 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.25 No.2

        Tuberculosis infection is a rare but important side effect of anti-tumor necrosis factor agents that are widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. A 63-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis who had been treated with etanercept visited the hospital because of polyarthralgia and right neck pain. Before use of etanercept, she was treated for latent tuberculosis. When the patient came to the hospital, she had no respiratory symptoms. But, we found abnormal findings in regularly follow-up chest x-ray. She was diagnosed as reactivation of latent tuberculosis by bronchoscopy. After stopping the etanercept, she has been treated with anti-tuberculosis agents, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, and intra-articular steroid injection. We report here on this unusual case along with a review of the relevant literature

      • 韓國産 野生鳥類의 生態와 保護에 관한 硏究

        元炳徽,李海浜 東國大學校 1967 論文集 Vol.3-4 No.-

        1. This investigation on feeding habits and ecology of 15 Species birds, Himalayan Cuckoo(Cuculus saturatus horsfieldi), Korean Great-Tit(Parus major wladiwostokensis), Black-Raped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis diffusus), Manchuriar Jungle-Crow (Corvus levaillantii japonensis), Eastern Carrion-Crow (Corvus corone orientalis), Eastern Golden-Plover (Charadrius dominicus fulvus), Korean Buzzard (Buteo buteo burmanicus), Ussurian Tree-Sparrow (Passer montanus dybowskii), Feathered-Toed scops-Owl (Otus aiso semitorgues), Chinee scope-Owl (Otus scope jstictonoctonotus) Korean Wood-Owl (Strix aluco ma), Long-Eared-Owl (Asio otus otus), Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus lfammeus), Eastern grey hero (Ardea cinerea jouyi), Plumed egret (Egretta alba modesta), carried on from 1957 to 1967, Dec.. 2. With comparative investigation on their feeding habits and ecology, these birds was divided into three groups, Agricultural birds, 9 species, which concerned with agriculture and crops, Forestry birds, concerning with forest and Fishery birds, concerning with fishery. 3. Agricultural birds, 8 species almost consumed noxious insect, various rodents as foods which injourious to crops. Forestry birds 5 species consumed too almost noxious insects for food, and with this results, all these birds belong to beneficial birds. 4. These all birds have to be protected, and be studied to seek out more effective way to protect them.

      • 韓國産 鼠類의 生態學的 硏究

        元炳徽,李海浜 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1969 農林科學 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        1. Since 1950. till November, 1969 Morphological, Ecological and distribution of Korean Rats 12 species was studied. 2. On the natural enemy of the rodents, mammals contain 7 speciesi Meles meles melanogeny (Korean Badger) Charronia flavigura Koreana (Korean yellow-necked marten) Sorex minutus gracillimus (little spider shrew), Sorex Caecutiens annexus (Korean spider shrew), Crocidura lasiura thomasi (Korean musk shrew), Mustela siberica Coreana (Korean-mink). Aues Contain 8 speaies : Bubo bubo kiautschcns (clark eagle-owl), Otus bakkamoena ussuriensis (Feathered-toed Scops owl), Asio otus otus (Long-eared owl), Asio flammeus (short eared owl), Strix aluco ma(Korean wood-owl) Buteo Buteo burmanicus (Korean Buzzard), Falco tinnuculus intertinctuc (Kestrel), Milvus migrans lineatus (black-eared Kite) and Reptilia Contains 4 species Natrix tigrina lateralis, Elaphe Schrenkii, Agkistrondon halys (Pallas), Ealphe dione Pallas, in Korea.

      • 알루미늄 합금과 고장력 강판 접합을 위한 헬리컬 SPR의 단조공정 설계

        김원영, 김동범, 김기호, 김도훈, 이인환, 조해용 충북대학교 산업과학기술연구소 2013 산업과학기술연구 논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        A self-piercing rivet(SPR) is a mechanical component for joining dissimilar materials. It is used for joining dissimilar material sheets such as aluminum alloy and steel. The self-piercing rivet directly pierces into sheets without drilling sheets beforehand unlike conventional rivets. However, the self-piercing rivet occurs buckling when piercing high strength steel. Therefore, a helical SPR which can pierce high strength steel sheet was designed. In this study, forging process was designed for manufacturing the helical SPR and simulated by using commercial FEM code DEFORM-3D. In the simulation of forging process for manufacturing rivet, process sequence, formability, forging load were investigated. The suitable forging process could be designed by comparisons of simulated results. Experimental trials have been carried out for same conditions as simulated ones. The simulated results agreed with the experimental ones. So, the analytic approach in this thesis is useful to save cost and time in the forging industry

      • 韓國産 哺乳動物의 生態에 關한 硏究(Ⅱ)

        元炳徽,李海浜 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1971 農林科學 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        Taxonomical studies of Korean mammals have been reported by Several foreign zoologists (MORI, KISHIDA, THOMAS, KURODA). However no study has been made on the ecological investigation of Korean mammals yet. Previously Writers reported on the Order Artiodetyla in dongGuk Journal vol.6.7. This paper reports the results obtained from the study which was made ecological aspects of korean mammals Since 1950 dealing with II species of Insectivola as follow. Family ERINACEIDAE Genus erinaceus (1758) Rrinaceus europaeus amurensis SCHRENCK Erinaceus auropaeus koreensis MORI Family SORICIDAE Genus Sorex LINNAEUS (1758) Sorex minus gracillimus (THOMAS) Sorex caecutiens annexus THOMAS Genus Crocjdura WAGNER(1832) Crocidura russula quelpartis KURODA Crocidura russula sody KURODA Crocidura snaveolens shantungensis MILLER Crocidura utsuryoensis MOIR Crocidura lasiura lasiura DOBSON Crocidura lasiura yamashina JURODA Crocidura lasiura thomasi SOWERBY

      • 山林鳥類의 繁殖經過와 育雛期의 食習性에 關한硏究 (Ⅰ)

        元炳徽,金閏山,李海浜 동국대학교 농림과학연구소 1967 農林科學 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        1. This investigation has been made as a result of observation upon the breeding habits and feeding habits of nestling during nesting period with five species birds "Hypsipetes amaurotis hensoni, Garrulus glandarius brandtii, Oriolus chinensis diffusus, Accipiter soloe¨nsis, Cyanopica cyanus koreensis breeded at Kwang Nung, Kyung Kido, Expreimental forest from the begining of June to the end of July, 1965. 2. Above five Species birds are all Common forest bird and three species of this, Hypsipetes amaurotis hensoni, Garrulus glandarius brandtii, Cyanopica cyanus koreensis, are permanent resident, and the remaining two Species. Oriolus chinensis diffusus, Accipiter soloe¨nsis are common summer resident birds. 3. Hypsipetes amaurotis hensoni finish their breeding from the middle of may to the end of July and their nestling period is 15 days. The food consumed during the nesting period of nestlings, composed of : Insect adult 76.35% Insect larvae 2.7%, Araneina 1.35%, Mollusca 12.5% and the seeds of Prunus levrille and Kochee 5.12%, In view of forest protection, hexious inesct Occupied from 76.65% of all food. 4. Garrulus glandarius brandtii laid their 2∼7 eggs from the middle of may to the middle of July and the incubation would take place for 14 days. Nestling period is 16∼18days. The food during the nesting period of nestling composed of: Insect larvae 38.72%, Insect adult 32.65%, Insect pupae 2.3% Araneina 16.28%, Hyla alborea 10.12%, and Noxions insect occupied from 73.48% of all. 5. Oriolus chinensis diffusus arrive here from the middle of may and migrated to south ward from the beginining of September. Incubation period is 14 days and the number of eggs laid is 4∼6. The food during the nesting period of nestlings composed of: Iasect larvae 57.57%, Insect adult 15.15%, Aranina 13.64% and Noxions insect occupied from 72.72%, of all food. 6. Accipiter soloe¨nsis arrive here from the middle of may and migrate from the late part of september. The number of eggs laid is 3∼5. Inculation period is 21∼23 days and the nesting period of nestlings is 16∼19days. The food during the nesting period of nestling composed of: Rana n. nigromaculate 92.97% platyleura kaempferi 6.99% 7. Cyanopica cyanus koreensis laid their 4∼6 eggs from the middle of may to the late part of July and nesting period of nestling is 15∼18 days. The food during the nesting period of nestling composed of: Insect Adult 56.14%, Insect larvae 10.83%, Insect pupae 8.24%, Other animal items 23.69% and some of seeds of Oldhaml 8. Hypsipetes amaurotis hensoni "garrulus glandarius brandtii, Oriolus chinensis diffusus, "Cyanopica cyanus koreensis, feed on forest naxions insect as the principle food and we have to protect these useful birds for forest protection.

      • 주요 시설물 인접지역의 깊은 터파기굴착에서 변위 및 응력의 계측과 응용

        원연호,강추원,양해승 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1996 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.2

        The excavation works for deep foundation in urban areas have recently increased complaints of blasting vibration and settlement of ground level. Foundation must be excavated approximately up to 24∼28m depths from the surface. The roads and subway line pass through the excavation area. The Dae-chung station is also located at the nearest distance 5∼35m fron the working site. To protect subway station and adjacient some structures from blasting and settlement, the level of ground vibration, displacements and stress were monitored and analyzed. The results can be summarized as follows : 1. An empirical particle velocity equation was obtained by test blasts at Nassan Missi 860 Officetel construction site. V=K(D/√W)^-n, where the values for n and k are estimated to be 0.371 and 1.551 respectively. From this ground vibration equation, the max, charge weight per delay time against distance from blasting point is calculated. Detailed blasting method is also presented. 2. To measure the horizontal displacement in directions in directions perpendicular to the borehole axis, 6 inclinometers installed around working sites. The displacement at the beginning was comparatively high because the installation of struts was delayed, but after its installation the values showed a stable trend. Among them, the displacement by 3 inclinometers installed on a temporary parking area showed comparatively high values, for example, the displacement measrued at hole No. IC-1 recorded the max, 57.33mm for 7 months. So, all of these data was estimated below a safe standard value 103mm. 3. Seven strain gauge meter was installed to measure value of maximum stress was-465㎏f/㎠, -338.4㎏f/㎠, 302.3㎏f/㎠ respectively. In compare to the allowable stress level of steel, they are estimated to be safe.

      • KCI등재
      • 한방병원에서 가정의학과 진료 내용 분석

        원진숙,신선호,김혜정 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1998 圓光醫科學 Vol.14 No.2

        Background: Recently social requirement for collaborated treatment of medical practice with oriental medicine has been increasing. This study is designed to provide the guidance of role of family medicine physician in oriental medicine hospital to help the establishment of interdepartmental cooperation between western and oriental medicines. Methods: Medical records of a total 973 patients administered in Chonju Oriental Medical Hospital of Wonkwang University from January Ito June 30 were reviewed. Data including sex, age distribution, periods of administration, past history, major clinical manifestations, diagnosis, laboratory tests, medications were collected and expressed as a percentage. The classification of Diseases was made according to ICPC. Results: Of 973 patients, sex ratio was 1:1.4 with female predominance and age distribution was highest in fifties and sixties (48%). Past history was dominated in cardiovascular disease (30.1%), postoperative sequele (16.4%) and diabetes (12.2%). Chief complains were ordered in frequency as arthralgia and myalgia (42%), hemiplegia (26%), dysphagia (17%), headache (13.8%), dizziness and vertigo (11.5%). Major diagnoses were cerebrosclerosis (39.7%), HNP (21.4%), cerebral hemorrage (11.2%) and arthritis (8.79%). Diseases of the administered patients were classified as cardiovascular (50.8%), musculoskeletal (31.8%), gastrointestinal (6.2%) and nervous systems. Conclusion: The main categories of the patients who were aided by family medicine physician in oriental medicine hospital were chronic debilitating diseases including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. To establish an effective collaboration of family medicine physicians in oriental medicine hospital, the doctors needed expert skills for treatment of supportive cares of chronic degenerative diseases and their complications.

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