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      • Diagnostic usefulness of a T cell-based assay for latent tuberculosis infection in kidney transplant candidates before transplantation

        Kim, S.-H.,Lee, S.-O.,Park, I.-A.,Park, S.J.,Choi, S.-H.,Kim, Y.S.,Woo, J.H.,Park, S.-K.,Park, J.S.,Kim, S.C.,Han, D.J. Blackwell Publishing Inc 2010 Transplant infectious disease Vol.12 No.2

        <P>S.-H. Kim, S.-O. Lee, I.-A. Park, S.J. Park, S.-H. Choi, Y.S. Kim, J.H. Woo, S.-K. Park, J.S. Park, S.C. Kim, D.J. Han. Diagnostic usefulness of a T cell-based assay for latent tuberculosis infection in kidney transplant candidates before transplantation.Transpl Infect Dis 2010: <B>12:</B> 113–119. All rights reserved</P><P>Background</P><P>The presence of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection (LTBI) should be evaluated before kidney transplantation. Although a new T cell-based assay for diagnosing LTBI gave promising results, this assay has not yet been compared with the tuberculin skin test (TST) for diagnosing LTBI in renal transplant candidates before transplantation.</P><P>Patients and methods</P><P>All adult patients admitted to a single institute for renal transplantation over a 1-year period were prospectively enrolled. A clinically predictive risk of LTBI was defined as: (i) recent close contact with a person with pulmonary TB; (ii) abnormal chest radiography; (iii) a history of untreated or inadequately treated TB; or (iv) a new infection (i.e., a recent conversion of TST).</P><P>Results</P><P>Of 209 renal recipients, 47 (22%) had a positive TST≥5 mm, 21 (10%) had a positive TST≥10 mm, 65 (30%) had a positive T-SPOT.<I>TB</I> test, and 25 (12%) had an indeterminate T-SPOT.<I>TB</I> test. The induration size of TST was significantly associated with a high positivity rate on T-SPOT.<I>TB</I> (<I>P</I><0.001). Agreement between T-SPOT.<I>TB</I> test and TST≥10 mm was fair (<I>k</I>=0.24, 95% confidence interval 0.11–0.36). However, neither univariate nor multivariate analysis showed any association between the clinical risk for LTBI and positivity on T-SPOT.<I>TB</I> or TST.</P><P>Conclusion</P><P>T-SPOT.<I>TB</I> test was more frequently positive than TST in renal transplant candidates. However, further longitudinal studies are awaited to determine whether the ability of T-SPOT.<I>TB</I> assay to detect LTBI in renal transplant recipients can better predict the development of TB than can TST after transplantation.</P>

      • I-V 장치 특성 및 I-V 장치를 이용한 ZnO 나노막대의 전기적 특성 연구

        김정란 ( Zhen Lan Jin ),박창인 ( C. I. Park ),김병혁 ( B. H. Kim ),한상욱 ( S. W. Han ) 전북대학교 과학교육연구소 2010 과학과 과학교육 논문지 Vol.35 No.-

        We have synthesized vertically aligned ZnO nanorods by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on Al2O3(0001) substrate. We implanted N+ to vertically aligned ZnO nanorods and annealed at different temperatures. The electrical property of Zno nanorods was measured by using I-V measurements. I-V systems is very sensitive with around condition, between two tips distance, pressure of tip for the sample, source range of electric field and used tip diameter at measurement. We observed that ZnO nanorods showed ohmic contact.

      • KCI등재

        Role of the Meckel’s Cartilage in Embryonic Mandibular Development of Mice

        J. W Choi,S. B Han,J. H Sung,H. I Shin 대한구강악안면병리학회 2005 대한구강악안면병리학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        Mecke!'s car t ilage is one of the ea rliest structu re to appear in a mandible derived from the lï rst branchi a l a rch and serves as the primorclium I"or the formation 01‘ mandible‘ mall eus. incus. and sphenomandibular li gament However. its direct role a nd the mechanism in mandibular clevelopment a re not well elucidated. 1'0 address t his Issue‘ we observed morphol ogical and histological changes and gene expression patterns in the Mecke!'s cart ilage 01" a cleveloping mouse. I"rom E13.5 to E18.5 embryos. using skeletal preparation samples a ncl routinely prepa red s lide secti ons for light mi croscopic observation in various sectional planes. The following methods were per |‘ ormecl : H&E staining I"or general hi st이 og i cal observation ‘ Von Kossafor detection of minerali zation. TRAP activ ity staining for locali zaLion 01’ osteoclastic cell s. immunohistochemistry for !Iα@-1 a ncl -9 forevaluati on of enzy matic activity 01" osteoclasLic cell s. a ncl in situ hybricli zation for detection of collagen type 1. Il. ancl X mRNA ex presslon‘ respecLively. AL E1 3.5 Mec kel's cartilage appeared as a V-shaped rod fused a t the micl line and thin minera li zed ma ndibular buccal plaLe was I"ormed lateral to. and at some clistance from. Meckel’s carti lage in an intramembranous ossi lïcation mocle. WiLh the progression of tooth development. t he Meckel’s in carti lage adjacent incisors revealecl hyperLrophi c chonclrocyte di ff"er entiation with minerali zation of the chondroid matrix. The Meckel’s car Li lage was replacecl with bone by o~ L eoc l asLs . showing strong immunoreact ivity for MMP- l ancl -9 from E16 5 Wi Lh ti me‘ Lhis bony replacement of Meckel's cartilage in an endochondral ossification mode was ex Lenclecl up Lo the mid-porLion of Lhe molar sockets til l EI8.5. The bony replacement of minera li zed hypertrophic chondrocyte zone expressing X collagen mHNA conLri buted to the formation of thick mandibular lingual plate . 1'hese f"i ndings suggesL LhaL mandibular formalion and development is closely relatecl with not only Mecke!'s carLi lage. buL also wiLh Lhc developing LooLh. and thaL C'erLai n in f"l uence from the developing tooth may play a role in detcrmin in g Lhe faLc of Meckel’s ca rLi lage cluring ma ndi bular development.


        아산시 지역에서 과민성 장 증후군의 유병률: 표본인구 설문조사

        조영석 ( Young Seok Cho ),최명규 ( Myung Gyu Choi ),신석준 ( Seok Jun Shin ),추교영 ( Kyo Young Choo ),정우철 ( Woo Chul Chung ),이인석 ( In Seok Lee ),김상우 ( Sang Woo Kim ),최황 ( Hwang Choi ),한석원 ( Sok Won Han ),정인식 ( I 대한소화기기능성질환·운동학회 2004 Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (JNM Vol.10 No.1

        목적: 우리나라의 과민성 장 증후군과 배변증상의 유병률을 조사하고, 다른 진단 기준을 적용하였을 때 유병률에 차이가 있는 지를 알아보기 위하여 지역사회 주민을 대상으로 무작위 표본추출조사를 시행하였다. 대상 및 방법: 충청남도 아산시 보건소와 협조하여 11개 면과 2개동을 무작위로 선정한 후, 인구에 비례하여 18세 이상 70세 미만의 남녀 2,024명을 무작위로 표본추출하였다. 조사원이 대상가구를 직접 방문하여 배변증상을 설문지로 조사하였다. 결과: 3회 방문에 부재 중이거나 제외기준에 속한 주민을 제외하고, 1,417명(남 762명, 평균 44±14세, 여 655명, 평균 43±15세) 이 설문지를 완료하였다. 로마기준 II에 의한 과민성 장 증후군의 유병률은 2.2% (95% 신뢰구간 [95% CI], 1.4~3.0)이었고, 로마기준 I으로는 2.8% ([95% CI], 1.9~3.7)였다. 복통과 Manning 기준 중 2가지 이상을 만족하는 과민성 장 증후군의 유병률은 3.6% ([95% CI], 2.6~4.6)였다. Manning 기준과 로마기준 I, 그리고 Manning 기준과 로마기준 II간에는 각각 moderate agreement를 나타내었다(κ=0.48; p<0.001), (κ=0.50; p<0.001). 로마기준 I과 로마기준 II간에는 substantial agreement를 나타내어(κ=0.66; p<0.001) 세 가지 진단기준 중 로마기준 I과 로마기준 II의 경우에 일치의 정도가 가장 높았다. 결론: 로마기준 II를 적용하여 표본추출 설문조사에 의한 우리나라의 과민성 장 증후군의 유병률은 2.2%이며, 적용된 진단기준에 따라 차이가 있었다. Backgr ound/Aims: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is common in Caucasians and Japanese, but its epidemiology has not been studied in random Korean populations. It has been suggested that the variation in the prevalence of IBS may be due to the application of different diagnostic criteria. New criteria for IBS have been proposed (Rome II). The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of IBS in a random population in Asan city, Korea by using the Bowel Symptom Questionnaire (BSQ), which was based on the multinational, diagnostic, Rome II criteria for functional bowel disorders, as a measure of GI symptoms and to compare diagnostic criteria. Methods: A cross-sectional survey, using a reliable and valid questionnaire based on the fulfillment of the Rome II criteria was performed in a random population in Asan city, Korea, on residents aged 18~69 yr. The response rate was 78.4% (n=1417). All respondents were interviewed at either their homes or offices by a team of interviewers. Results: The prevalence for BS according to the Rome II, Rome I, and Manning criteria was 2.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4~3.0), 2.8% (95% CI, 1.9~3.7), and 3.6% (95% CI, 2.6~4.6), respectively. There was moderate agreement between the Manning and Rome II criteria (κ=0.48; p<0.001), and between the Manning and Rome II criteria (κ=0.50; p<0.001), but substantial agreement between the Rome I and Rome II criteria (κ=0.66; p<0.001). The prevalence for abdominal bloating was 4.0% (95% CI, 3.0~5.1), for diarrhea was 0.8% (95% CI, 0.3~1.2), and for constipation was 2.6% (95% CI, 1.8~3.5). Conclusions: The prevalence of IBS based on the Rome II criteria was 2.2%. The prevalence of IBS varied substantially depending on the specific definition of IBS used. (Kor J Neur ogastr oenterol Motil 2004;1:49-56)

      • Robust PEGylated hyaluronic acid nanoparticles as the carrier of doxorubicin: Mineralization and its effect on tumor targetability in vivo

        Han, H.S.,Lee, J.,Kim, H.R.,Chae, S.Y.,Kim, M.,Saravanakumar, G.,Yoon, H.Y.,You, D.G.,Ko, H.,Kim, K.,Kwon, I.C.,Park, J.C.,Park, J.H. Elsevier Science Publishers 2013 Journal of controlled release Vol.168 No.2

        The in vivo stability and tumor targetability of self-assembled polymeric nanoparticles are crucial for effective drug delivery. In this study, to develop biostable nanoparticles with high tumor targetability, poly(ethylene glycol)-conjugated hyaluronic acid nanoparticles (PEG-HANPs) were mineralized through controlled deposition of inorganic calcium and phosphate ions on the nanoparticular shell via a sequential addition method. The resulting nanoparticles (M-PEG-HANPs) had a smaller size (153.7+/-4.5nm) than bare PEG-HANPs (265.1+/-9.5nm), implying that mineralization allows the formation of compact nanoparticles. Interestingly, when the mineralized nanoparticles were exposed to acidic buffer conditions (<pH6.5), their sizes increased rapidly due to dissolution of the inorganic minerals. Doxorubicin (DOX), chosen as the model anticancer drug, was effectively encapsulated into the bare and mineralized nanoparticles. For bare PEG-HANPs, DOX was released in a sustained manner and its release rate was not dependent on the pH of the solution. On the other hand, DOX release from M-PEG-HANPs was pH-dependent: i.e. DOX was slowly released from nanoparticles under physiological condition (pH7.4), whereas its release rates were much higher at mildly acidic environments (<pH6.5). From in vivo biodistribution study, it was found that M-PEG-HANPs could reach the tumor site more effectively than bare PEG-HANPs. The antitumor efficacy of DOX-loaded nanoparticles was evaluated after systemic administration into the tumor-bearing mice. Of the samples tested, the most effective antitumor efficacy was observed for DOX-loaded M-PEG-HANPs. Overall, these results suggest that M-PEG-HANPs could be a promising carrier for an anticancer drug.


        An investigation of potential risks of nuclear system from hydrogen production

        Han, S.J.,Ahn, K.I. North-Holland Pub. Co 2014 Nuclear engineering and design Vol.270 No.-

        Nuclear hydrogen production systems as a next generation energy resource are under development, which are faced with a new nuclear safety issue that takes place in the interface between a nuclear system and a hydrogen production system. Potential risks of a nuclear system from hydrogen production have been investigated according to a two-step probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) approach, i.e., (1) an identification of the potential factors of a hydrogen production system threatening the nuclear system and (2) an assessment of the impacts on the nuclear system from the identified factors. In the first step, a large scale hydrogen leakage from the hydrogen storage system and its explosion has been identified as a key potential factor. The second step has investigated the related impacts on the nuclear system by a PSA approach. From this investigation, the potential risks of the nuclear system from the hydrogen production system have been identified as (1) an impact of hydrogen explosion and (2) an impact from explosion fragments. As a result of the present study, the obtained insights provide useful information to resolve the new safety issue, which will address the interface between the nuclear system and hydrogen production system.

      • KCI우수등재

        재래돼지 Melanocortin Receptor 1(MCIR)의 변이에 관한 연구

        한재용,정일정,김태헌,윤두학,연성흠,최봉환,노환국,김남순,이화진 한국동물자원과학회 2001 한국축산학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene is the major candidate gene for coat color in pig since it is assumed to be controlled by an allele at the Extension (E) locus. A 702 by fragments of the MC1R gene were amplified by PCR, cloned and sequenced from 6 heads of Korean native pig. Of them, 4 pigs possessed allele#2 which is associated with black coat color in pig, the others had allele#1 which revealed a unique allele in European wild boar reported by Kijas et al. (1998). PCR-RFLP was carried out to observe their alleles from 6 different pig breeds including Korean native pig, Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace, Large White, and Meishan pig. Two pairs of primers were designed for amplifying the MC1R gene fragment corresponding to five polymorphic sites. PCR products were digested 5 different restriction enzymes. Nsp I , MspA 1 I , Rca I , Hha I and Acc II , and electrophoresed in 2.5% Metaphor agarose gel. All breeds except for Korean native and Meishan breeds were the same alleles reported by Kijas et al. (1998). Of 9 Meishan pigs tested in this study, 4 heads possessed the same allele, 5 heads were different alleles reported by Kijas et al. (1998). A total of 15 different alleles revealed in Korean native pig. The results of this study strongly suggest that black coat color in Korean native breed was associated with a constitutively active receptor at codon 99 (L99P).

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