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      • Resistance of Oil Seed Crops to Meloidogyne arenaria and M. incognita in Korea

        Jihye Ha,Eulsoo Yun,Insoo Choi,Donggeun Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2016 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.04

        To select resistant oil seed crops against two species of root-knot nematodes, M. incognita and M. arenaria, 10 cultivars of sesame (Sesamum indicum) and 10 cultivars of perilla (Perilla frutescens var. japonica) were screened in greenhouse pot test. All sesame cultivars tested were resistant to M. incognita but susceptible to M. arenaria. While, perilla was resistant to both Meloidogyne species. Therefore, perilla cultivars could be used as rotation crops in greenhouses infested with both M. incognita and M. arenaria. But, sesame cultivars only can be used as a rotation crops in greenhouses infested with M. incognita but not for M. arenaria.

      • KCI등재

        세계박람회 동선체계 특성분석

        하지혜 ( Jihye Ha ),유진형 ( Jihyung Yoo ) 한국공간디자인학회 2017 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.12 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) The World Expo is an international event that presents a new paradigm by seeking solutions to human issues through the theme of the exposition. The purpose of this study is to analyze the World Exposition Spatial Composition, which is directly exposed to the visitors in order to convey the theme of the World Expo. Based on the analysis of the conditions of the venue, it is necessary to set the appropriate scale according to the structure of the Expo site, to create the necessary facilities list, and to estimate the spatial plan. The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial characteristics of the World Expo site and the use of the World Expo site. (Method) This study analyzed the environmental, physical, and functional characteristics of the World Expo, and prepared a spatial program for the Expo. In addition, the spatial program for the Expo focused on visitors' circulation among various forms of movement. The case studies were analyzed from various aspects of the World Expo Center including the host country and period, the number of participants, the number of participating countries, the ratio of site use, the area of facility use, and the Subsequent Application of Expo Sites from the late Modern World Expo to the recent World Expo. (Results) As a result of analyzing the characteristics and facilities of the World Expo site, site selection was done according to the nature and geographical characteristics of the venue, reflecting the theme. The venue of the venue was planned to have a larger area of the line than the area of the facility. In addition, the type of connection of visitors was divided into grid type (# type), array type (I type), and circulation type (O type). When water related contents were included in the subject, there was a river or sea adjacent to the site. Most of the circulation types appeared in the Dong-Sun Line of the World Expo, which was intended to be used without damaging the site. In addition, the number of participating countries increased the number of facilities in the Expo, and the ratio of facilities varied according to the type of the Expo. Also, the space configuration of the Expo had a great effect on the Subsequent Application of Expo Sites plan. (Conclusions) The center space of the World Expo is a space that represents the theme of the Expo, and visitors should concentrate on the central space. The World Expo forms the center line of the Expo center along the axis of the theme, and the arrangement of the facilities and the role of the line in the venue play an important role for the audience in understanding the subject.

      • IPA 분석을 활용한 환경보건분야 정책우선순위 분석

        하지혜(Jihye Ha),강정은(Jung Eun Kang) 한국환경정책학회 2022 한국환경정책학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2022 No.2

        최근 우리나라는 다양한 지역사회의 환경보건 이슈들이 발생하고 있다. 산업단지 주변 주민의 환경오염 노출로 인한 건강 피해, 대기오염물질 노출로 인한 시민 건강위해성 증가, 수은, 가습기살균제 등 생활 속 환경유해인자 노출로 인한 건강 피해 등이 있다. 그러나 현행 「환경보건법」 제6조 1항에 따른 「환경보건종합계획」은 환경유해인자의 위해성 평가, 환경성질환에 따른 건강피해관리에 초점이 맞추어져 있으며, 전 세계적으로 이슈화되고 있는 기후변화, 제품함유 유해물질, 나노물질, 취약계층 환경보건 서비스 등에 대한 고려 및 정책적 근거가 미비하다. 환경보건과 관련하여 기후변화 가속화, 인구구조의 변화, 신기술 발전가속화 등의 미래 메가트렌드는 중대한 영향을 미치며, 이에 대한 국민들의 관심과 인식이 증가함에 따라 환경보건 니즈(Needs)가 증대되고 있다. 국내 중앙정부에서 종합계획과 분야별 기본계획이 수립되어 있지만, 지역 중심의 환경보건 관리체계가 미흡하여 국민 만족도가 낮을 수 있다. 또한 환경보건문제는 지역에 따라 지리적, 환경적, 사회 · 경제적, 인구학적 특성이 다르기 때문에 그 영향도 다르게 나타난다. 따라서 지역별 환경보건 정책의 우선순위를 결정하고, 특성과 제반 여건을 고려하여 이를 해결하기 위한 환경보건정책 지원 방안을 마련하는 것이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 환경보건정책 최적화를 위하여 정책을 개선할 수 있는 방법을 식별할 수 있도록 정책의 효율성을 조사하고자 한다. 현재 시행되고 있는 정책의 효과를 향상시키기 위해선 현 시점에서 환경보건 정책에 대한 전문가 및 실무진들의 요구에 대한 조사 필요하다. 이에 따른 본 연구의 주된 목표는 IPA 분석을 통하여 환경보건정책에 대한 전문가 및 실무진들의 요구를 파악하고 중요도와 만족도(실행도)의 차이(Gap)를 통해 향후 효율적인 환경보건 정책수립에 보탬이 되고자 정책 우선순위를 설정하고자 한다. IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis) 방법은 상대적인 만족도와 중요도를 동시에 비교 · 분석하여 조사대상자의 인식을 파악함으로써 정해진 인력과 예산으로 우선적으로 해결해야할 것과 지양해야할 것을 결정하는데 유용한 정보를 제공한다. 구체적인 방법은 먼저 중요도-만족도를 측정한 후 x축과 y축을 기준으로 2차원 도표를 표시하고, 그 위치에 따라 의미를 부여한다(Martilla and James, 1977). 이 때 제 1사분면은 지속유지영역, 제 2 사분면은 집중노력영역, 제 3 사분면은 점진개선영역, 제 4 사분면은 과잉노력영역으로 해석된다. IPA 분석을 수행하기 위한 설문조사는 환경보건 분야 관련 전문가 29명을 대상으로 이메일을 통해 진행되었다. 설문 문항은 「제2차 환경보건종합계획(2021~2030)」의 4가지 전략(환경 유해인자 사전 감시강화, 환경유해인자 노출 관리 강화, 환경성 건강피해 대응능력 강화, 환경보건 시스템 견고화)에 대한 전략별 주요 과제를 참고하여 구성하였다. 설문조사 결과를 바탕으로 중요도와 만족도 간의 차이를 비교 · 분석하고, 대응표본 T 검정을 통해 신뢰도와 타당성을 확인하였다. 최종적으로 중요도와 만족도의 평균값을 이용해 IPA 매트릭스를 작성하고, 정책 우선순위를 결정하였다. 분석결과, 환경보건 과학기반 및 정책추진성과 강화 방안에 대한 IPA 분석을 도식화한 IPA 매트릭스는 <그림 1>과 같다. 매트릭스의 범위는 사용된 척도의 범위(리커트 5점 척도)와 같으며 중요도 요인의 평균값은 4.22, 만족도 요인의 평균값은 3.15로 나타났다. 부정적인 Gap(제 2 사분면)이 발생하여 최우선적으로 개선이 필요한 정책은 관계부처, 유관기관과의 협업 강화와 과제 관련 법령 제 · 개정 등 제도적 기반 강화이며, 긍정적인 Gap(제 4 사분면)이 발생한 정책은 빅데이터 분석 방법 적용으로 이와 관련된 예산 및 자원을 제도적 기반 강화에 투입할 필요가 있어 보인다. 환경보건 개선 정책방향 및 대책에 대한 IPA 분석을 도식화한 IPA 매트릭스는 <그림 2>와 같으며, 중요도 요인의 평균값은 4.14, 만족도 요인의 평균값은 2.89로 나타났다. 부정적인 Gap이 발생하여 최우선적으로 개선이 필요한 정책은 환경보건 시스템 견고화 전략, 환경성 건강피해 대응 능력 강화 전략, 환경유해인자 사전 감시 강화 전략에 해당하였으며, 긍정적 Gap이 발생한 정책은 환경유해인자 노출 · 관리 강화 전략에 해당하였다. 즉, 현재 환경유해인자 노출 관리 강화 전략에 쏟고 있는 노력을 분산하여 환경보건 시스템 견고화 전략에 우선적으로 집중할 필요가 있는 것으로 판단된다. 〈그림 본문 참조〉 환경보건 분야는 유해영향에 대한 평가 중심에서 사전예방(precautionary principle) 측면의 정책 추진으로 패러다임이 변하고 있다. 과거 및 현재의 환경보건 문제 뿐 아니라 미래사회에 예상되는 환경보건 문제해결을 위한 기술개발의 목표·방향 설정 및 지역사회 환경보건문제를 지자체가 자체적으로 진단하고 해결할 수 있도록 지자체의 역량을 강화하기 위해서는 그 가이드라인이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구의 결과는 정책 우선순위를 가시적으로 보여줄 수 있기 때문에 정책을 변경하거나 추진해야하는 근거를 제시할 수 있으며, 다양한 이해관계자와 부서 간의 협업을 촉진하고, 법 · 제도, 예산, 행정과 같은 환경보건 거버넌스를 구축하는데 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 헬스를 활용한 지역사회 참여

        김동하(Dong Ha Kim),홍지혜(Jihye Hong),하은지(Eunji Ha),유승현(Seunghyun Yoo) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2015 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Objectives: This study aims to examine the trends of mobile-health research in terms of community participation. Methods: A set of 24 peer-reviewed articles were identified for review. Two authors independently reviewed the articles using a literature review matrix and reexamined as a team. Review categories include: general characteristics, research methods, levels and ranges of community participation, and research topics. Results: Most of the articles were published in 2013-2014, including one domestic paper. Multidisciplinary approaches were used in 65% of the studies. Community participation was at low or mid-levels of Arnstein’s participation model. In mobile-health research so far, the level of participation tends to improve as more diverse stakeholders participate in health promotion initiatives with mobile-health. The review yielded five types of mobile-health research for community health promotion: improving the quality of primary healthcare through the community health workers’capacity enhancement; improving the data collection capabilities; facilitating exchanges of community information and resources; reinforcing community identity; and monitoring physical environment of the communities. Conclusions: Although at an early stage of research development, application of mobile-health to community health promotion via participation has a potential. Multi-disciplinary approaches should be fostered for further development.

      • KCI등재

        Use of a Korean Wheat Variety to Prevent Myocardial Infarction and Alzheimer’s Disease

        ( Jihye Lee ),( Sun-ha Lim ),( Kyeong-hoon Kim ),( Chon-sik Kang ),( Ji Wook Jung ),( Jongwon Lee ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2021 강원 농업생명환경연구 Vol.33 No.3

        In our previous studies, wheat-extract powder and/or wheat-bran extract powder, processed through centrifugation, showed efficacy in rodent models for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and myocardial infarction (MI), and improved memory in elderly who complained of memory impairment. However, the development of a new processing method that does not require a centrifugation step is necessary for the efficient and inexpensive processing of functional foods. In this study, we prepared whole-wheat extract powder (WWE) from three Korean wheat varieties: Anbaek, Anzunbaengi, and Goso, by grinding, extraction, and drying. Initially, all three WWEs were tested in a rat MI model and Anbaek WWE was chosen as the final candidate as it significantly reduced myocardial injury even at the lowest dose of 31 mg/kg per day. Additionally, Anbaek wheat flour contained the highest quantity of water-extractable arabinoxylan (WE-AX), an active ingredient, compared to the other varieties tested. Anbaek WWE was then tested in a mouse AD model wherein WWE administration showed maximum memory improvement at a dosage of 125 mg/kg. One underlying mechanism by which Anbaek WWE improved memory was by enhancing neurotransmission at glutamatergic synapses. Based on these results, we recommend Anbaek WWE as a potential candidate to be developed as a functional food to prevent AD and MI at a dosage of 1 g/day per person, which was calculated using a standard conversion factor.

      • Cerebellar Shank2 Regulates Excitatory Synapse Density, Motor Coordination, and Specific Repetitive and Anxiety-Like Behaviors

        Ha, Seungmin,Lee, Dongwon,Cho, Yi Sul,Chung, Changuk,Yoo, Ye-Eun,Kim, Jihye,Lee, Jiseok,Kim, Woohyun,Kim, Hyosang,Bae, Yong Chul,Tanaka-Yamamoto, Keiko,Kim, Eunjoon Society for Neuroscience 2016 The Journal of neuroscience Vol.36 No.48

        <P>Shank2 is a multidomain scaffolding protein implicated in the structural and functional coordination of multiprotein complexes at excitatory postsynaptic sites as well as in psychiatric disorders, including autism spectrum disorders. While Shank2 is strongly expressed in the cerebellum, whether Shank2 regulates cerebellar excitatory synapses, or contributes to the behavioral abnormalities observed in Shank2(-/-) mice, remains unexplored. Here we show that Shank2(-/-) mice show reduced excitatory synapse density in cerebellar Purkinje cells in association with reduced levels of excitatory postsynaptic proteins, including GluD2 and PSD-93, and impaired motor coordination in the Erasmus test. Shank2 deletion restricted to Purkinje cells (Pcp2-Cre; Shank2(fl/fl) mice) leads to similar reductions in excitatory synapse density, synaptic protein levels, and motor coordination. Pcp2-Cre; Shank2(fl/fl) mice do not recapitulate autistic-like behaviors observed in Shank2(-/-) mice, such as social interaction deficits, altered ultrasonic vocalizations, repetitive behaviors, and hyperactivity. However, Pcp2-Cre; Shank2(fl/fl) mice display enhanced repetitive behavior in the hole-board test and anxiety-like behavior in the light-dark test, which are not observed in Shan2(-/-) mice. These results implicate Shank2 in the regulation of cerebellar excitatory synapse density, motor coordination, and specific repetitive and anxiety-like behaviors.</P>

      • The Complementary Role of Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Estimation in Evaluating and Predicting Response to Nivolumab in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

        ( Ha Il Kim ),( Ju Hyun Shim ),( Jiyoon Kim ),( Jihye Lim ),( Jonggi Choi ),( Danbi Lee ),( Kang Mo Kim ),( Young-suk Lim ),( Han Chu Lee ),( Young-hwa Chung ),( Yung Sang Lee ) 대한간학회 2020 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2020 No.1

        Aims: Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level has been found to be a useful marker for predicting responsiveness to locoregional or systemic therapies in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We aimed to evaluate whether changes in serum AFP could accurately reflect response and predict prognosis in nivolumab-treated patients with the disease. Methods: In this study, a total of 84 HCC patients who had baseline serum AFP of ≥20 ng/mL and received an over 8-week course of nivolumab treatment between 2017 and 2019 were included. We defined ‘response to therapy’ as a result assessed at 8 weeks after nivolumab. Radiological response was evaluated by the RECIST criteria with CT images; and serological response was based on AFP changes from baseline (decrease and increase by 20% or 50%). Prognostic effect of AFP response was evaluated by overall survival analysis. Results: Baseline characteristics of 84 patients were as follows: 68 Child-Pugh class A, 1 treatment-naïve, 33 portal invasion, 73 distant metastasis, 81 BCLC stage C, and 66 serum AFP ≥200 ng/ml. AFP response defined as >20% (n=6) or >50% (n=5) reduction in the value was agreed upon objective responses by RECIST (complete or partial response; n=7) in 86% and 71%, respectively. There were also agreements in 93% and 85%, respectively between progressive disease on CT scans (n=55) and serological progression by >20% (n=51) or >50% (n=47) increase in AFP level. After 8 weeks of treatment, responders and progressors determined by a cut-off of 20% for AFP change independently predicted overall survival of patients (adjusted hazard ratios, 0.39 and 2.95, respectively), as did those by RECIST (0.24 and 4.56, respectively; Ps<0.05). Conclusions: Serological response criteria using 20% changes in serum AFP had good performance in predicting clinical outcomes in patients with AFP-producing HCC receiving nivolumab. Serial AFP measurement could be useful particularly for non-measurable infiltrative HCC in the relevant setting.

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