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        Investigation of gamma radiation shielding capability of two clay materials

        S.F. Olukotun,S.T. Gbenu,F.I. Ibitoye,O.F. Oladejo,H.O. Shittu,M.K. Fasasi,F.A. Balogun 한국원자력학회 2018 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.50 No.6

        The gamma radiation shielding capability (GRSC) of two clay-materials (Ball clay and Kaolin)of SouthwesternNigeria (7.49 N, 4.55 E) have been investigated by determine theoretically and experimentallythe mass attenuation coefficient, m/r (cm2g 1) of the clay materials at photon energies of 609.31, 1120.29,1173.20, 1238.11, 1332.50 and 1764.49 keV emitted from 214Bi ore and 60Co point source. The massattenuation coefficients were theoretically evaluated using the elemental compositions of the claymaterialsobtained by Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) elemental analysis technique as inputdata for WinXCom software. While gamma ray transmission experiment using Hyper Pure Germanium(HPGe) spectrometer detector to experimentally determine the mass attenuation coefficients, m/r(cm2g 1) of the samples. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical calculationsof WinXCom software. Linear attenuation coefficient (m), half value layer (HVL) and mean free path(MFP) were also evaluated using the obtained m/r values for the investigated samples. The GRSC of theselected clay-materials have been compared with other studied shielding materials. The cognizance ofvarious factors such as availability, thermo-chemical stability and water retaining ability by the claysamplescan be analyzed for efficacy of the material for their GRSC.

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