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      • KCI우수등재

        중세한국어 ‘굳다’의 용법

        김한결 ( Kim Han Gyul ) 국어학회 2021 국어학 Vol.- No.98

        본고는 중세한국어 ‘굳다’의 다양한 용법을 공시적으로 살피는 것을 목적으로 작성된 것이다. ‘굳다’의 용례는 대부분 언해서를 통해 확인할 수 있기 때문에 원문의 한자를 검토하는 일, 앞으로의 통시적 변화 과정을 탐구할 것을 염두에 두어 현대한국어 ‘굳다’의 용법과 비교하는 일도 겸하였다. 중세한국어 문헌에 등장하는 ‘굳다’는 ‘堅, 固’, ‘堅固, 堅牢’를 비롯하여, ‘牢, 硬, 剛, 强, 鞏, 實, 確’, ‘堅剛, 堅强, 剛强, 牢强, 牢固’ 등에서 언해된 것이 절대다수이다. 현대한국어 ‘굳다’는 선행 연구를 참조하고 필자의 견해를 더하여 다음과 같이 모두 열세 가지로 정리하였다. 동사 용법은 총 다섯 가지인데, “① (구체물이) 단단하게 되다, ② (금전 등이) 그대로 남다, ③(어떤 성질이) 몸에 배어버릇이 되다, ④(어떤 사실이나 현상이) 없어지지 않고 남아서 고정되다, ⑤(일이) 몸에 배어 익숙해지다”가 그 내용이다. 형용성동사 용법은 “⑥ (신체가) 뻣뻣해지다, ⑦(표정 등이) 딱딱해지다, ⑧(신체 등의) 특수 기능이 떨어지거나 사라지다”와 같은 세 가지, 형용사 용법은 “⑨ (구체물이) 단단하다, ⑩ (어떤 태도가) 변하지 않을 만큼 강하다, ⑪ (사람이) 재물을 아끼고 지키는 성질이 있다, ⑫ 견디는 힘이 세다, ⑬ 심리적 장벽이 높다”와 같은 다섯 가지가 그 내용이다. 중세한국어 ‘굳다’는 동사 용법 네 가지, 형용성동사 용법 한 가지, 형용사 용법 여섯 가지 등 모두 열한 가지로 파악하였는데, 현대한국어 ‘굳다’의 용법과 일치하는 것도 있고 그렇지 않은 것도 있다. 동사 용법 가운데서 위의①은 두시기에 공통되는 것이고, ③은 의미는 서로 비슷하나 꼭 같지는 않고 선택 특성도 다른 것이다. 또 ②, ④, ⑤는 확인할 수 없는 용법이었으며, 현대한국어 용법에서 드러나지 않는 “(추상물이) 굳건해지다, (사람이 어떤 경지에) 안착하다”는 중세한국어만의 특성인 것으로 파악하였다. 형용성동사 용법으로는⑧은 두 시기에 공통되는 것이지만, ⑥-⑦은 확인할 수 없었고, 현대한국어에는 없으나 중세한국어에만 있는 그런 용법 역시 확인할 수 없었다. 형용사 용법으로는⑨, ⑪, ⑫는 두 시기 공통된 용법인 것으로 파악하였으나, ⑪, ⑬은 중세 한국어에서 발견하기 어려운 용법이었다. 반면에 현대한국어에서 발견하기 어려운 “(매듭이) 느슨하거나 헐겁지 않고 단단하다, (어떤 성질이) 몸에 밴 상태이다, (삼라만상이) 항구적이다”의 세 용법은 중세한국어에서만 발견되는 것이라고 보았다. 이렇게 두 시기 ‘굳다’의 용법이 완전히 일치하지는 않는 것은 그 용법이 통시적으로 변화해 갔음을 의미하는 일인데, 그 과정을 추적하는 일은 후고로 미루었다. This thesis was written to examine various usages of ‘Gut-da’, medieval Korean, synchronically. Because examples of ‘Gut-da’ can mostly be found from translation books, it also compared it with the usages of ‘Gut-da’, modern Korean, by focusing on the examination of Chinese characters in original texts and next research of the diachronic change process. An absolute majority of ‘Gut-da’ which appears in literature of Medieval Korean was translated from 는 ‘Roe (牢), Gyeong (硬), Gang (剛), Gang (强), Gong (鞏), Sil (實), Hwak (確)’, ‘Gyeongang (堅强), Gyeongang (堅强), Ganggang (剛强), Roegang (牢强), and Roego (牢固)’ as well as ‘Gyeon (堅), Go (固)’, ‘Gyeongo (堅固)’, and ‘Gyeonroe (堅牢)’. ‘Gut-da’, modern Korean, was arranged to be 13 usages by referring to the precedent studies and adding the author's views to them as follows: The usage of verbs are total 5 and the contents are “① (Materials) harden, ② (Money) is left as it is, ③ (Something) Men settle down to something and it became a habit, ④(Facts or phenomena) do not disappear and are left and fixed, and ⑤ (Work) You settle down to work and get accustomed to it.” The usage of adjectival verbs are 3 and the contents are “⑥(Bodies) stiffen, ⑦(Faces) are stiff, and ⑧ (Special physical) functions do not work or do disappear.” The usage of adverbs are 5 and the contents are “⑨(Materials) are hard, ⑩(Attitudes) are as strong as being unchanged, ⑪(Men) have a habit of saving and keeping money, ⑫Having a high capacity to tolerate something, and ⑬ A high psychological barrier.” ‘Gut-da’, medieval Korean, was grasped to be total 11 usages of 4 verbs, an adjectival verb, and 6 adjectives and some of them accord with the usage of ‘Gut-da’, modern Korean, and some of them don't. In the usage of verbs, the above ① has something in common in the two periods, for ③, they have similar meanings, but they are not identical and the selective characteristics were different. And ②, ④, and ⑤could not be found from them. “(Abstract things) stay grounded and (Men) reach a stage safely” which don't reveal in the usage of modern Korean have found to be the unique characteristics of medieval Korean. For the usage of the adjectival verb, ⑧ had something in common in the two periods, but ⑥and ⑦could not be found from it and the usage only found from medial Korean, not modern Korean also could not be found. For the usage of adjectives, ⑨, ⑩, and ⑬ had something in common in the two periods, but ⑪ and ⑫ were difficult to be found from medieval Korean. On the other hand, the three usages of “(Knots) are tight, not loose and (Something) Men settle down to something and it became a habit, and (Abstract things) are permanent.” which are difficult to be found from modern Korean are thought to be just found from medieval Korean. The usage of ‘Gut-da’ which do not accord with each other in the two periods mean that they have diachronically changed. The pursuit of the process was left for next studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        Supraorbital Approaches for Anterior Skull Base and Parasellar Lesions: Insights From a Single-Center Experience

        ( Han Gyul Lee ),( Sung Jin Cho ),( Hye Ran Park ),( Dongwook Seo ) 대한뇌종양학회·대한신경종양학회·대한소아뇌종양학회 2024 Brain Tumor Research and Treatment Vol.12 No.3

        Background Modern neurosurgery has undergone significant evolution to include minimally invasive procedures, with the supraorbital approach (SOA) being a prime example. In this study, we aim to explore the surgical techniques and outcomes of this approach in the surgical treatment of frontal lobe, anterior skull base, and parasellar lesions. Methods This study included 33 patients aged 36-83 years who underwent surgery using the SOA for lesions in the inferior frontal lobe, anterior skull base, and parasellar area between 2015 and 2024. There were 25 cases of meningioma, 2 cases of brain abscess, 2 cases of glioma, and one case each of craniopharyngioma, hemangioma, metastasis, and Rathke’s cleft cyst. The medical data and follow-up results were retrospectively analyzed. Results The mean size of lesion was 3.38±3.05 cm. The mean follow-up period was 48.8 months. Gross total resection was achieved in 25 patients (75.8%). There were no perioperative deaths, cases of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, or infections. Two cases of morbidity were reported as complications: one case of delayed intracerebral hemorrhage and one case of infarction due to vascular injury. All patients exhibited satisfactory cosmetic results. Conclusion In comparison to the conventional pterional approach, the SOA represents a safe and effective keyhole method for the removal of both extra-axial and intra-axial skull base tumors. This is particularly beneficial for lesions in the orbitofrontal region and parasellar area, as it allows for minimal disruption of normal brain parenchyma. Moreover, the SOA promotes a swift recovery and short hospital stay. Additionally, the SOA yields superior cosmetic results, including the prevention of temporalis muscle atrophy.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Higher thoracic radiation dose is beneficial in patients with extensive small cell lung cancer

        Han Gyul Yoon,Jae Myoung Noh,Yong Chan Ahn,Dongryul Oh,Hongryull Pyo,Haeyoung Kim 대한방사선종양학회 2019 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.37 No.3

        Purpose: The effectiveness of thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) in extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) patients is increasingly reported, but there is no definite consensus on its application. The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with better outcomes of TRT among patients with ES-SCLC, focusing on whether a higher TRT dose could improve treatment outcome. Materials and Methods: The medical records of 85 patients with ES-SCLC who received TRT between January 2008 and June 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. Eligibility criteria were a biological effective dose with α/β = 10 (BED) higher than 30 Gy10 and completion of planned radiotherapy. Results: During a median follow-up of 5.3 months, 68 patients (80.0%) experienced disease progression. In univariate analysis, a BED >50 Gy10 was a significant prognostic factor for overall survival (OS; 40.8% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.006), progression-free survival (PFS; 15.9% vs. 9.6%, p = 0.004), and intrathoracic PFS (IT-PFS; 39.3% vs. 20.5%, p = 0.004) at 1 year. In multivariate analysis, a BED >50 Gy10 remained a significant prognostic factor for OS (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.502; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.287–0.876; p = 0.015), PFS (HR = 0.453; 95% CI, 0.265–0.773; p = 0.004), and IT-PFS (HR = 0.331; 95% CI, 0.171–0.641; p = 0.001). Response to the last chemotherapy was also associated with better OS in both univariate and multivariate analysis. Conclusion: A TRT dose of BED >50 Gy10 may be beneficial for patients with ES-SCLC. Further studies are needed to select patients who will most benefit from high-dose TRT.

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