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      • KCI등재

        임업에서의 순수작업시간과 임목형상조건과의 (林木形狀條件) 관계연구

        강건우 ( Gun Uh Kang ) 한국산림과학회 1989 한국산림과학회지 Vol.78 No.4

        The main purpose of this research is to provide scientific informations about standard wage and performance tariffs in forest management with special reference to working time for thinning. To identify relationships between net working time and tree characteristics, three geographically different sample plots were established at Yangsan, Bongpyung and Jinan and 460 oaks, 372 Japanese larches, 232 red pine and 240 pitch pine mere selected at each sample plots. The results of statistical analysis using multiple regression are as follows : 1. Five independent variables of breast height diameter(DBH), mid-diameter(MD) large end diameter (LD), log-length(L), No. of branches(NOB) were stable independent of worker and tree species. 2. Comparing correlation coefficient of five independent variables, the best predictive variables, breast height diameter and No, of branches, were selected. Breast height diameter and No. of branches were identified as the most important independent variables in terms of effect on the dependent variable of the working time. 3. Comparing coefficient of determination (Rp) and residual mean square (MSEp), the best Linear regression equation for each tree species was selected as follower : WT = a-b1×NOB+b2×DBF 4. Proportion of hang-up time to total working time in thinning were 66% in oak stand, 74%, in Japanese larch stand, 55%, in red pine stand and 52% in pitch pine stand, respectively. 5. Based on the best regression equation, a table of working time was made by strata of number of branches and breast height diameter. 6. Total working time using the best regression equation in Table 5 can be predicted in terms of felling time, limbing time, hang-up time, i.e., total working time increases by 11 to 13 seconds with every 1 centimeter increase in breast height diameter from 7 to 16 centimeter.

      • KCI등재

        벌목작업 (伐木作業) 표준화 연구

        강건우 ( Gun Uh Kang ) 한국산림과학회 1991 한국산림과학회지 Vol.80 No.2

        The main purpose of this research is to standardize the logging operation with special reference to the net working time for thinning. This study was carried out to obtain the standard working method and working technique for Korean logging operation through the comparison of the present Korean working method and the German standard working method 1. The net working time devided into work elements showed little difference between those two working methods. 2. From the correlation analysis, net working time was significantly correlated with breast height diamrter, the dependant variable, with the highest correlation coefficient in each species. 3. Total working time increases by 11 to 13 seconds to every 1 centimeter increase in breast height diameter from i to 16 centimeter. 4. The result of this study concluded that the German working method is recommended for improving the labour problems in the forest operation due to high wages and lack of manpower gradually increasing from now in Korea. In addition to the application of this standard working method, the technical training for the method should be done to the workers for improving the productivity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        몇가지 침엽수 소경재 (小經材) 간벌작업에서의 (間伐作業) 일반시간에 대한 관계시간연구

        강건우 ( Gun Uh Kang ) 한국산림과학회 1996 한국산림과학회지 Vol.85 No.2

        This study was conducted by relative time study to identify the allowance time and basic work time, which is together composed of the total work time, in the wage composition and work process composition. This study was done for the case of a basic one person a group from thinning treatment for some conifer species such as Japanese red pine, Japanese larch, pitch pine and Korean pine. 1. In order to apply the Japanese allowance time of four species to the general conifer case, the maximum value of allowance time composition value among those of four species was selected. The results are as follows: delay time for person 1.8%, rest time 14.1%, delay time for machine 12.5% and wating time 0.4%. The some of ratios of adjustment allowance time is 28.8%. 2. Estimated wage basis time table, which can be used for wage table or process table, was prepared by adding up adjusted general allowance time and standard work time estimated by estimation equation for each species through the time study.

      • KCI등재

        도시림(都市林)의 이용자 특성에 관한 연구 : 대구 앞산자연공원을 중심으로 Case Study of Apsan natural park in Taegu

        강건우,이정현 한국산림경제학회 1995 산림경제연구 Vol.3 No.1

        This is a case study about users' characteristics of Apsan natural park in Taegu. The purpose of this study was examined users' characteristics which have significant effects on the degree of satisfactions on recreation. For this study, data were obtained from 443 users to on-site questionnaires at Apsan natural park, and this survey was conducted in June, 1993. The data were analyzed by Factor analysis in conjunction with Cluster analysis to evaluate user's characteristics of urban forest. Factor analysis was first performed each recreation activity satisfaction on 11 variables based on eigen values greater than 1.0 and percentage of variance explained. Two significant factors were revealed, which were individual activity recreation and social activity recreation factor. Factor scores for recreation activity satisfaction then were used as the inputs for Cluster analysis. Clustering method was used in the nearest sorting method as a distance measure. The result of clustering show three types of clusters which were ; 1) Outdoor recreation type, 2) Social recreation type, 3) Unsatisfied recreation type. Individual recreation factor scores for the outdoor recreation type were higher than that of social recreation factor scores. This type of user were most of middle -aged, the willingness to pay to Apsan natural park for the outdoor recreation type were higher than that of the other two types(4,131Won/person). Social recreation factor scores for the social recreation type were higher than that of individual recreation factor scores. Also the ratio of female members in the social recreation type was higher than the other two types. The willingness to pay to Apsan natural park for the social recreation type was 3,992Won/person. In order to improve this type`s accessibility to the park, it is necessary to rearrange the facilities like the public transportations, parking lots, nearby traffic network. Unsatisfied recreation type showed low factor scores on individual recreation and social recreation. Although this type was more educated, higher income-level, and younger than the other types, the willingness to pay to Apsan natural park was lower than that of the other two type(1,561 Won/person). This type of users participated in dynamic recreation activities rather than static recreation activities. It would be better off to improve the diverse recreation facilities such as mountaineering routes, hiking routes, and bicycling courses. The result of this study can be applied to the establishment of urban forest and will make contribution to provide more diverse recreation opportunities for the citizens of Taegu area.

      • 낙엽송 간벌 작업에서 순수작업시간과 심박수에 따른 휴식시간과의 관계 연구

        강건우 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 2000 資源問題硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        The pupose of this study was to standardise the forest working system to design the intensity of working system in felling operation of the thinning forest in Korea as well as to contrive the improvement of working method and the increase of productivity. For the purpose of investigating these, element working was classified by felling operation in Japanese larch thinning forest, and recess periods and pulse rates were measured and analyzed. The results were as follows : 1. An estimated Net working time is resulted in 237sec./tree for at average DBH 14.5cm. 2. The pulse frequence per minute were 120 pulses in average in the choice of fellingdirectory, 123 pulses in the circumference, 129 pulses in the felling operation, 132 pulses in hang-up and 139 pulses in the novement. 3. From the results of the Hulse frequence analysis, average putse frequence in net working time showed 131 pulses pef minute. 4. Excess DLG(DauerleishHgsgrenze) which indicates the working intensity Thor'ed 21 pulses per minute. 5. An estimated recess period is resulted in 140sec. over net working time(180sec.). 6. The ratio of recess period(140sec.) over net working time(180sec.) showed 77%.

      • 林業 經營에서 豫想賃金 基準時間의 算出方法

        姜建宇 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1989 資源問題硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        This study was carried out to get basic informations for the standard wages and performances tariffs in forest management by the working and time studies for thinning of Oak stand. The detailed measurement data of the working and time studies with allowance time of used wages tariff - HET in West Germany - were utilized to the calculation method of estimated standard time for wages tariff. An estimated standard time is resulted in 4.46min/tree for DBH 10cm Oak. The average productivity per working hour is about 14 tree per a worker.

      • 林業 賃金表에서의 一般 時間 分析(I) : 독일 賃金表 EST를 中心으로

        姜建宇 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1993 資源問題硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        The main purpose of this study is to get basic informations for the wages-tariff in forest management. The results of the allowance time were analyzed from wages tariff-EST(Erweiterten Sorten-tarif) using in Germany. 1. The proportion of allowance time from total working time was 31.9% for deciduous tree and 29.7% for conifers. The results obtained in this allowance time were as follows ; a) Preparation time was 5.40% for deciduous tree and 4.60% for conifers. b) Rest time was 3.63% for deciduous tree and 2.88% for conifers. c) Delay time for machine was 3.2% for deciduous tree and 1.8% for conifers. d) Delay time for Chain saw operation was 10.64% for deciduous tree and 7.39% for conifers. e) Delay time for worker was 20 t each for deciduous tree and conifers. 2. The allowance time for chain saw operation was 35.64% for deciduous tree and 3239%for conifers. 3. The allowance time was utilized in the calculation of Estimated Standard Time for wages tariff. Estimated standard time=Net working time X (1+0.01X(Allowance time( %) +Time for Chain saw operation( % ) X Allowance time for Chain saw( % )).

      • 간벌림에서 인력집재작업의 생산성 연구

        강건우,김재원 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1999 資源問題硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        This study was carried cut to analyse the manual ground skidding in thinning. The results were as follows : 1. Average productivity per one time of the manual ground skidding was 0.0685m'. 2. In the proportion of the total skidding time in thinning, net working time and allowance time were 58% and 42% on an average, respectively. 3. Prom the result of the analysis of the daily productivity by working method in one condition(20m skidding distance, 30% gradient and 0.05m'per skidding) , both one man skidding with kanggri and Roll down operation showed high productivity. key word : manual ground skidding, skidding operation, time study

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