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Guha, Anirban,Guha, Ruby,Gera, Sandeep Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2013 Animal Bioscience Vol.26 No.6
Mastitis set apart as clinical and sub clinical is a disease complex of dairy cattle, with sub clinical being the most important economically. Of late, laboratories showed interest in developing biochemical markers to diagnose sub clinical mastitis (SCM) in herds. Many workers reported noteworthy alternation of acute phase proteins (APPs) and nitric oxide, (measured as nitrate+nitrite = NOx) in milk due to intra-mammary inflammation. But, the literature on validation of these parameters as indicators of SCM, particularly in riverine milch buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) milk is inadequate. Hence, the present study focused on comparing several APPs viz. ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin, ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein, fibrinogen and NOx as indicators of SCM in buffalo milk. These components in milk were estimated using standardized analytical protocols. Somatic cell count (SCC) was done microscopically. Microbial culture was done on 5% ovine blood agar. Of the 776 buffaloes (3,096 quarters) sampled, only 347 buffaloes comprising 496 quarters were found positive for SCM i.e. milk culture showed growth in blood agar with $SCC{\geq}2{\times}10^5$ cells/ml of milk. The cultural examination revealed Gram positive bacteria as the most prevalent etiological agent. It was observed that ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin and NOx had a highly significant (p<0.01) increase in SCM milk, whereas, the increase of ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein in infected milk was significant (p<0.05). Fibrinogen was below detection level in both healthy and SCM milk. The percent sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, predictive values and likelihood ratios were calculated taking bacterial culture examination and $SCC{\geq}2{\times}10^5$ cells/ml of milk as the benchmark. Udder profile correlation coefficient was also used. Allowing for statistical and epidemiological analysis, it was concluded that ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin indicates SCM irrespective of etiology, whereas ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein better diagnosed SCM caused by gram positive bacteria. NOx did not prove to be a good indicator of SCM. It is recommended measuring both ${\alpha}_1$-anti trypsin and ${\alpha}_1$-acid glycoprotein in milk to diagnose SCM in buffalo irrespective of etiology.
Guha, Anirban,Gera, Sandeep,Sharma, Anshu Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2012 Animal Bioscience Vol.25 No.3
Mastitis is a highly morbid disease that requires detection at the subclinical stage. Tropical countries like India mainly depend on milch buffaloes for milk. The present study was conducted to investigate whether the trace minerals viz. copper (Cu), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) and enzyme activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in riverine buffalo milk can be used as an indicator of subclinical mastitis (SCM) with the aim of developing suitable diagnostic kit for SCM. Trace elements and enzyme activity in milk were estimated with Atomic absorption Spectrophotometer, GBC 932 plus and biochemical methods, respectively. Somatic cell count (SCC) was done microscopically. The cultural examination revealed Gram positive bacteria as the most prevalent etiological agent. A statistically significant (p<0.01) increase in SCC, Fe, Zn, Co and LDH occurred in SCM milk containing gram positive bacterial agents only. ALP was found to be elevated in milk infected by both gram positive and negative bacteria. The percent sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, predictive values and likelihood ratios were calculated taking bacterial culture examination and $SCC\geq2{\times}10^5$ cells/ml of milk as the benchmark. Only ALP and Zn, the former being superior, were found to be suitable for diagnosis of SCM irrespective of etiological agents. LDH, Co and Fe can be introduced in the screening programs where Gram positive bacteria are omnipresent. It is recommended that both ALP and Zn be measured together in milk to diagnose buffalo SCM, irrespective of etiology.
Field studies of wind induced internal pressure in a warehouse with a dominant opening
Guha, T.K.,Sharma, R.N.,Richards, P.J. Techno-Press 2013 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.16 No.1
A field study of wind-induced internal pressures in a flexible and porous industrial warehouse with a single dominant opening, of various sizes for a range of moderate wind speeds and directions, is reported in this paper. Comparatively weak resonance of internal pressure for oblique windward opening situations, and hardly discernible at other wind directions, is attributed to the inherent leakage and flexibility in the envelope of the building in addition to the moderate wind speeds encountered during the tests. The measured internal pressures agree well with the theoretical predictions obtained by numerically simulating the analytical model of internal pressure for a porous and flexible building with a dominant opening. Ratios of the RMS and peak internal to opening external pressures obtained in the study are presented in a non-dimensional format along with other published full scale measurements and compared with the non-dimensional design equation proposed in recent literature.
Internal pressure dynamics of a leaky and quasi-statically flexible building with a dominant opening
Guha, T.K.,Sharma, R.N.,Richards, P.J. Techno-Press 2013 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.16 No.1
An analytical model of internal pressure response of a leaky and quasi-statically flexible building with a dominant opening is provided by including the effect of the envelope external pressure fluctuations on the roof, in addition to the fluctuating external pressure at the dominant opening. Wind tunnel experiments involving a flexible roof and different building porosities were carried out to validate the analytical predictions. While the effect of envelope flexibility is shown to lower the Helmholtz frequency of the building volume-opening combination, the lowering of the resonant peak in the internal and net roof pressure coefficient spectra is attributed to the increased damping in the system due to inherent background leakage and envelope flexibility. The extent of the damping effects of "skin" flexibility and background leakage in moderating the internal and net pressure response under high wind conditions is quantified using the linearized admittance functions developed. Analytical examples provided for different combinations of background leakage and envelope flexibility show that alleviation of internal and net pressure fluctuations due to these factors by as much as 40 and 15% respectively is possible compared to that for a nominally sealed rigid building of the same internal volume and opening size.
Wind induced internal pressure overshoot in buildings with opening
Guha, T.K.,Sharma, R.N.,Richards, P.J. Techno-Press 2013 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.16 No.1
The wind-induced transient response of internal pressure following the creation of a sudden dominant opening during the occurrence of high external pressure, in low-rise residential and industrial buildings was numerically investigated. The values of the ill-defined parameters namely the flow contraction coefficient, loss coefficient and the effective slug length were calibrated by matching the analytical response with the computational fluid dynamics predictions. The effect of a sudden i.e., "instantaneously created" windward opening in the Texas Technical University (TTU) test building envelope was studied for two different envelope flexibility-leakage combinations namely: (1) a quasi-statically flexible and non-porous envelope and (2) a quasi-statically flexible and porous envelope. The responses forced by creating the openings at different time leads/lags with respect to the occurrence of the peak external pressure showed that for cases where the openings are created in close temporal proximity to the peak pressure, the transient overshoot values of internal pressure could be higher than the peak values of internal pressure in the pre-sequent or subsequent resonant response. In addition, the influence of time taken for opening creation on the level of overshoot was also investigated for the TTU building for the two different envelope characteristics. Non-dimensional overshoot factors are presented for a variety of cavity volume-opening area combinations for (1) buildings with rigid/quasi-statically flexible non-porous envelope, and (2) buildings with rigid/quasi-statically flexible and porous envelope (representing most low rise residential and industrial buildings). While the factors appear slightly on the high side due to conservative assumptions made in the analysis, a careful consideration regarding the implication of the timing and magnitude of such overshoots during strong gusts, in relation to the steady state internal pressure response in cyclonic regions, is warranted.
Devaluation and Competitiveness : Evidence from the Tea and Cotton Textiles Industries
Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb 세종대학교 국제경제연구소 1997 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.12 No.1
This paper measures the effect of currency rate changes on the competitiveness of India's main export industries, Tea and Cotton Textiles. In contrast to the conventional approach that uses data from commodity markets, the present study is based on data from stock markets. The analysis is done in two parts. The first part reports estimates of somewhat significant currency rate exposure of the major Tea and Cotton Textiles exporting firms in India and other countries. The second part reports the movements of the average excess returns of the exposed Indian firms, based on an event-study of the devaluation of the Rupee in 1991. The theory behind the econometric models invokes only the efficiency property of financial markets and seems less controversial than its counterpart in the conventional approach(JEL Classification: F0)
From subject to producer: reframing the indigenous heritage through cultural documentation training
Guha Shankar 국립민속박물관 2010 International Journal of Intangible Heritage Vol.5 No.-
A central debate in the international forum centres on theways in which intellectual property (IP) protocols canprotect the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) –documentary recordings of songs, music and danceperformance, verbal art – of indigenous and nativecommunities from appropriation and exploitation. Lessattention has been paid to the means and methods bywhich such artefacts are created and how such practicesmay enhance cultural protection and aid in communitycultural sustainability. An on-going programme, launchedin 2008 by a coalition of international institutions, seeks totrain indigenous community members to document theirtraditional cultural expressions, folklore and ways of life,and to employ best practice in the organisation andmanagement of documentary material. The lessons andissues arising from this project will broaden and deepencurrent understanding and discussions in the debate overIP, ICH, cultural representation and empowerment.1
The Dynamics of the Real and Nominal Exchange Rates of India
Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb,Ranign, Rajiv 세종대학교 국제경제연구소 2003 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.14 No.1
This paper examines the dynamics of the real and nominal exchange rates for India with respect to its major trade partners,viz, the US, UK, Germany, Japan, France, Canada and Belgium. We test(ⅰ)the cross correlations between the nominal exchange rate and the relative price levels and between the real and the nominal exchange rate for short-run analysis(ⅱ) whether nominal exchange rates and relative prices are well characterized as non-stationary I(1)processes. An important policy implication in the present Indian scenario is that a devaluation of the currency may indeed change the real exchange rate and affect the trade balance.