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      • KCI등재

        Influence of nuclear data library on neutronics benchmark of China experimental fast reactor start-up tests

        Guo Hui,Jin Xin,Huo Xingkai,Gu Hanyang,Wu Haicheng 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.10

        Nuclear data is the basis of reactor physics analysis. This paper aim at studying the influence of major evaluated nuclear data libraries, CENDL-3.2, ENDF/B-VIII.0, JEFF-3.3, and JENDL-4.0u, on the neutronics modelling of CEFR start-up tests. Results show these four libraries have a good performance and consistency in the modelling CEFR start-up tests. The JEFF-3.3 results exhibit only an 8 pcm keff difference with the measurement. The difference in criticality is decomposed by nuclide, which shows the large overestimation of CENDL-3.2 is mainly from the cross-section of 52Cr. Except for few cases, the calculation results are within 1s of measurement uncertainty in control rod worth, sodium void reactivity, temperature reactivity, and subassembly swap reactivity. In the evaluation of axial and radial reaction distribution, there are about 65% of relative errors that are less than 5% and 82% of relative errors that are less than 10%

      • KCI등재

        Verification of OpenMC for fast reactor physics analysis with China experimental fast reactor start-up tests

        Guo Hui,Huo Xingkai,Feng Kuaiyuan,Gu Hanyang 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.10

        High-fidelity nuclear data libraries and neutronics simulation tools are essential for the development of fast reactors. The IAEA coordinated research project on “Neutronics Benchmark of CEFR Start-Up Tests” offers valuable data for the qualification of nuclear data libraries and neutronics codes. This paper focuses on the verification and validation of the CEFR start-up modelling using OpenMC Monte-Carlo code against the experimental measurements. The OpenMC simulation results agree well with the measurements in criticality, control rod worth, sodium void reactivity, temperature reactivity, subassembly swap reactivity, and reaction distribution. In feedback coefficient evaluations, an additional state method shows high consistency with lower uncertainty. Among 122 relative errors in the benchmark of the distribution of nuclear reaction, 104 errors are less than 10% and 84 errors are less than 5%. The results demonstrate the high reliability of OpenMC for its application in fast reactor simulations. In the companion paper, the influence of cross-section libraries is investigated using neutronics modelling in this paper

      • KCI등재

        Neutronics modelling of control rod compensation operation in small modular fast reactor using OpenMC

        Hui Guo,Xingjie Peng,Yiwei Wu,Xin Jin,Kuaiyuan Feng,Hanyang Gu 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.3

        The small modular liquid-metal fast reactor (SMFR) is an important component of advanced nuclearsystems. SMFRs exhibit relatively low breeding capability and constraint space for control rod installation. Consequently, control rods are deeply inserted at beginning and are withdrawn gradually tocompensate for large burnup reactivity loss in a long lifetime. This paper is committed to investigatingthe impact of control rod compensation operation on core neutronics characteristics. This paper presentsa whole core fine depletion model of long lifetime SMFR using OpenMC and the influence of depletionchains is verified. Three control rod position schemes to simulate the compensation process arecompared. The results show that the fine simulation of the control rod compensation process impactssignificantly the fuel burnup distribution and absorber consumption. A control rod equivalent positionscheme proposed in this work is an optimal option in the trade-off between computation time andaccuracy. The control position is crucial for accurate power distribution and void feedback coefficients inSMFRs. The results in this paper also show that the pin level power distribution is important due to theheterogeneous distribution in SMFRs. The fuel burnup distribution at the end of core life impacts theworth of control rods.


        Development and verification of a Monte Carlo two-step method for lead-based fast reactor neutronics analysis

        Yiwei Wu,Qufei Song,Ruixiang Wang,Yao Xiao,Hanyang Gu,Hui Guo Korean Nuclear Society 2023 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.55 No.6

        With the rise of economic and safety standards for nuclear reactors, new concepts of Gen-IV reactors and modular reactors showed more complex designs that challenge current tools for reactor physics analysis. A Monte Carlo (MC) two-step method was proposed in this work. This calculation scheme uses the continuous-energy MC method to generate multi-group cross-sections from heterogeneous models. The multi-group MC method, which can adapt locally-heterogeneous models, is used in the core calculation step. This calculation scheme is verified using a Gen-IV modular lead-based fast reactor (LFR) benchmark case. The influence of homogenized patterns, scatter approximations, flux separable approximation, and local heterogeneity in core calculation on simulation results are investigated. Results showed that the cross-sections generated using the 3D assembly model with a locally heterogeneous representation of control rods lead to an accurate estimation with less than 270 pcm bias in core reactivity, 0.5% bias in control rod worth, and 1.5% bias on power distribution. The study verified the applicability of multi-group cross-sections generated with the MC method for LFR analysis. The study also proved the feasibility of multi-group MC in core calculation with local heterogeneity, which saves 85% time compared to the continuous-energy MC.


        Multigroup cross-sections generated using Monte-Carlo method with flux-moment homogenization technique for fast reactor analysis

        Yiwei Wu,Qufei Song,Kuaiyuan Feng,Jean-Francois Vidal,Hanyang Gu,Hui Guo Korean Nuclear Society 2023 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.55 No.7

        The development of fast reactors with complex designs and operation status requires more accurate and effective simulation. The Monte-Carlo method can generate multi-group cross-sections in arbitrary geometry without approximation on resonances treatment and leads to good results in combination with diffusion codes. However, in previous studies, the coupling of Monte-Carlo generated multi-group cross-sections (MC-MGXS) and transport solvers has shown relatively large biases in fast reactor problems. In this paper, the main contribution to the biases is proved to be the neglect of the angle-dependence of the total cross-sections. The flux-moment homogenization technique (MHT) is proposed to take into account this dependence. In this method, the angular dependence is attributed to the transfer cross-sections, keeping an independent form for the total sections. For the MET-1000 benchmark, the multi-group transport simulation results with MC-MGXS generated with MHT are improved by 700 pcm and an additional 120 pcm with higher order scattering. The factors that cause the residual bias are discussed. The core power distribution bias is also significantly reduced when MHT is used. It proves that the MCMGXS with MHT can be applicable with transport solvers in fast reactor analysis.

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