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      • Increased Carotenoid Production in Petite Mutants of Phaffia rhodozyma

        안길환,박병순 선문대학교 자연과학대학 1998 자연과학대학 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        마이토콘드리아의 돌연변이는 Phaffia rhodozyma에서 carotenoid의 생산을 증대시켰다. 마이토콘드리아의 호흡 돌연변이는 acriflavine과 ethidium bromide를 이용하여 유도되었다. 총 9개의 시험된 호흡 돌연변이주 중 7개가 모 균주에 비하여 증대된 carotenoid를 생산하였다. 호홉 돌연변이주에서 활성산소의 생산이 증대되고 이것이 carotenoid의 생산을 증대시킨 것으로 사료된다. Mitochondrial mutation increased carotenoid production in Phaffia rhodozyma. Mitochondrial petite mutants were selected after treatment with acriflavine and ethidium bromide. Seven out of nine petite mutants, tested, produced increased carotenoid compared to their parent strain. Increased reactive oxygen species might be produced in the petite mutants, and this caused carotenoid production.

      • 高速流에서의 垂直壓力의 定常狀態와 過渡的 特性(1)

        鄭吉煥 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1979 基礎科學 Vol.2 No.1

        Maxwell model of viscoelasticity is modified to incooperate the Ree-Eyring nonlinear viscosity instead of the linear Newtonian viscosity term. From the solution of the modified Maxwell model we attempted to construct an integral expression of a nonlinear response function.

      • 公共土地開發事業 地方化問題와 代案에 관한 小考

        조길환,황의진,김영곤 여수대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.13 No.2

        Since 1980 the Korea Land Development Coporation has played a major role in land development by means of a Public Initiated Land Development Scheme. This strategy has attempted to correct the market failure of the generation of large sum of windfall profits. In accordance with reimplementation of the local autonomous ruling system since 1991, the demend for local government initiated land development have increased rapidly as local governments attempt to math the influence of national local development policy. In this regards, it is very useful for urban planners to analyze the merits and dismerits of the local government initiated land development schemes in view of national agency's development. This paper recommends several mitigation measures to improve the settlement of the local government initiated land development scheme.

      • 都市公營開發事業에 對한 考察

        조길환,황의진,김영곤 여수대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.13 No.2

        This Paper studied the background and characteristics of the adopted public development among the system of housing land development that is executing in our country nowadays And it defined the reasons of problems that is caused by a social change in the Project of public development at the level of city public development toward a service that the public development effects to the City planning. So it would like to propose reform methods in develo-ping housing area to give basic data in establishing system of city public development by the local selfgoverning body as the methods for a construction of effective city space and smooth supply of housing area is presented as follows. First : In order to ensure a legitimacy of an exercise of government power for the business of public development, the gualification of a practical system of public development is to be strengthened. According to the guideline of the policy of city development or nation's housing or land, the condition of Yelated areas, the characteristics of business subject, the system of public development is to be selected. The object of the public development such as the developing business of residential land for the low-incomed class, the suitable business that is developed by the pu-blic, the developing business of land in national basic industries is to be realized and objectified more. Second : A differtial application of distribution price of the residential land according to not only the distribution of residential land related with housing construction business and its use or object but also the storage of public land and reformation of system and distribution object of public development land through an activation of the system of land selling in advance. Third : The idleness one of planning developed land such as a rational management for restriction of privaty ownership of developing profit, the establishment of effective restoration system of the developed profit, and establishment of land developing fund is to be controlled. Fourth : To ensure a reinvestment resources for continuous propulsion of the city developing business, its effective propulsion of developing business by a preaying distribution and induction of land demand and distribution acceleration ncouragement of purchase interest) is to be drived. So the distribution acceleration and fund revulsion is to be smooth with a rational reform of a distribution method by a minimization of dependency degree of outer fund in an early period of development and establishment of inverstment resources by a restoring profit of the public development. Fifth : A method of activation in city developing business is to be considered by a diversity of the developing subject. Sixth : The search for distribution method of space for city environment and the enlargement method of equipment space is to be considered.

      • 원형관로내 층류 맥동유동의 속도와 압력 분포에 관한 연구

        박길문,유영태,위광환,이충주,정지철 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1996 生産技術硏究 Vol.18 No.2

        In this study basic equations for the pulsatile laminar flow in a circular rigid pipe containing a slightly compressible fluid are derived and analytical solutions for the distributions of wave propagation factor K, cross-sectional mean velocity u_(m) and pressure P are schematically developed and confirmed experimentally. The pulsatile flow with 0 ≤ f ≤ 48Hz and 0 ≤ Re ≤ 2500 generated by summing the oscillatory flow made by ball valve into steady one. The wave form of pulsatile flow is described as a longitudinal wave and particle velocities measured experimentally are group velocities of the wave packet which are always smaller than phase velocities which are approximate to the sonic velocity C when the radial dispersion and wall friction are negligible. Therefore wave number is approximated to k = ω/c for high angular velocity region. The axial pressures and centerline velocities were measured by strain-gage type pressure transducers and Pito-static tubes, respectively. The cross-sectional mean velocities calculated from centerline velocities with the parabolic distributions of the laminar flow and confirmed by using the ultrasonic flowmeter. We knew that axial distributions of oscillatory velocity and pressure coincide with thoeretical and depend on the Reynolds number and angular velocity.

      • 韓國産 박과 植物에 관한 本草學的 硏究

        全吉煥,宋昊埈,辛民敎 한국전통의학연구소 1998 한국전통의학지 Vol.8 No.1

        韓國産 박과 Cucurbitaceae에 속한 植物에 대하여 本草學的으로 文獻을 통하여 調査한 結果 다음과 같이 要約되었다. 1. 植物 總 53種 中 오이속·Cucumis 植物이 10種, 박속·lagenaria 植物 總 6種, 호박속·Cucurbita과 하늘타리속·Trichosanthes 植物이 各各 5種, Melothria 植物이 4種, Hernsleya과 유자속·Momordica 植物이 各各 3種, 뚜껑덩굴속·Aetinostemma, 수박속·Citrullus 과 수세미오이속·Luffa 植物이 各各 2種, 그 外 동아속·Benincasa, Bolbostemma, Corona, Diplocydos, 돌외속·Gymnostemma, Gymnopetalum, Hodgsonia. 산외속·Schizopepon, Sechiam, Thladiantha 植物이 各各 1種의 順으로 調査되어 Cucumis 植物이 가장 많이 나타났음을 알 수 있었다. 2. 植物은 總 19屬 53種으로 調査되었으며 그 가운데 藥用植物은 괄樓, 冬瓜, 南瓜, 甛瓜, 絲瓜 等의 15屬 34種으로서 約 64%를 차지하고 있었다. 3. 植物 中 藥用植物을 藥用 部位別로 分類해보면 種子類 23種, 果實類 19種, 根類 16種, 葉類 11種, 果皮類 10種, 莖·藤類 9種, 체類 4種, 全草類와 果ㅁ類가 各各 3種 그 外 塊莖, 霜, ㅁ, 幼芽, 液汁 및 絡類가 各各 1種의 順으로 調査되어 種子類 藥物이 가장 많이 活用되었다. 4. 藥性에 있어서 寒凉性 藥物이 22種, 平性 藥物이 12種, 溫熱性 藥物이 3種 等으로 나타나 寒凉性 藥物이 가장 많이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 5. 效能에 있어서는 淸熱解毒 藥物이 21種, 利水消腫 藥物이 20種, 潤肺化痰 藥物이 12種, 止痛 藥物과 生津止渴 藥物이 各各 7種 等으로 調査되어 淸熱解毒과 利水消腫 藥物이 가장 많이 나타났다. 6. 有毒 藥物로는 苦瓜, 王瓜, 黃瓜, 苦壺蘆子, 木ㅁ子, 合子草, 羅鍋저, 甛瓜체等으로 나타나 있으나 木ㅁ子를 除外하고는 毒性이 極烈하지 않았다. 以上의 내용으로 보아 韓國産 박과 植物中 藥用植物이 64%를 차지하였고 이 가운데 種子와 果實類 藥用植物이 가장 많았으며 아울러 毒性 藥物이 적어 臨床에 容易하게 使用될수 있을 것으로 생각되며, 同科의 藥用植物에 대하여 實驗的인 硏究가 이루어져야 할 것으로 생각된다. For the purpose of developing Korean Herbalogy with the plants of Cucurbitaceae which grow wild and is plante d in Korea, the these and writings on herbalogy, from literature of successive generations, have been thoroughly investigative and the results obtained were as follows: 1) There were totaled 19 genera and 53 species in Korea and among them medecinal plants are 15 genera, 34 species, some 64% in total but the number of species may be added because of similar plants. 2)According to the oriental name which can be used for medical purpose, the medicinal plants beloning to the Cucurbitaceae wer e classified as Semen 23, Fructus 19, Radix 16, Folium 11, Exocarpium 10, Caulis 9, Herba 3, ect, Thus it was noticed that Semen was the main kind. 3)According to sum of 53 species in Cucurbitaceae they were dassified into Cucumis genera 10, Lageneria genera 6, Cucurbita and Trichosanthes genera 5)Melothira genera 4,Hemsleya and Monordica genera 3, Actinostemma, Citrullus and Luffa genera 2, Benincase, Bolbostemma, Cocc ina, Diploccylos, Gymnostemma, Gymnopetalum, Hodgsonia, Schizopepon, Sechiam and Talandina genera 1 etc. Thus it was noticed that Cucumis genera was the main kind. 4)According to nature and flavour of medicinal plants, they were dassified into cold and cool; 22, balance 12, wormth and heat; 3. Thus it was noticed that cold and cool is the main in nature and flavour of medicinal plants. 5)According to the Properties and Principal Curative action, they were classified into, clearing up heat and toxin 21, drugs for inducing diuresis to allevitae edema 20, drugs for nourishing the lung and resolving phlegm 12, drugs for analegesic and promoting the production of body fluid to quench thirst 7. 6)Comparing to whole medical plants 53 kinds, toxic durgs include minor toxin were 8 kinds. Thus toxic durgs were rare. From this result, It was revealed that the plants for medical purpose in Cucurbitaceae was 64% kinds of the whole, in which semen was mostly abundunt,toxic plants were so rare that it will be used for clinical treatments more easily. It is considered that many dinical experiments and approaches must be continued to use widely.

      • 제주공항 항공등화 제어시스템의 고효율 운전대책

        이길수,김일환 濟州大學校 産業技術硏究所 2000 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper presents the new control method of aeronautical ground lighting conrol system at Jeju airport. In the computer simulation. it is shown how to make a design for high efficiency aeronautical ground lighting control system using PWM inverter and active power filter with PI control. To verify the theoretical analysis. the conventional aero lighting control system using SCR and the proposed control system are built. Results of computer simulation are presented to support discussion.

      • 固眞飮子가 galactosamine으로 유발한 흰쥐의 간중독에 미치는 영향

        원철환,정승현,임성우,신길조,윤상협,이원철 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1997 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        최근 간질환에 대한 진단과 기술의 비약적인 발전에도 불구하고 치료방법론에서는 그 해결이 모호한 상태에 있다. 실험적으로 간중독을 유발시킨 동물에 약물을 투여하여 그 약화를 입증하려는 노력이 진행되고 있다. 이에 저자는 固眞飮子가 간독성의 완화효과에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위하여 固眞飮子추출물을 투여한 흰쥐에 galactosamine으로 간독성을 유발하고 간조직내 glutathione과 과산화지질의 함량, 혈청중의 GOT, GPT, γ-GPT, ALT, LDH의 효소활성측정 및 혈청중의 bile acid함량을 측정하여 다음과 같은 유의한 결과를 얻었다. glutathione의 함량은 固眞飮子을 전처치한 실험군에서 유의성 있게 증가하여고, 과산화지질, 혈청중 GOT, GPT, γ-GPT, ALT, LDH, bile acid는 고진음자를 전처치한 실험군에서 유의성있게 감소하였다. The purpose of this study is to observe the protective effect of Kojinyumja on serum reaction and hepatic tissue in galactosamine treated rats. In this study, the experimental rats divided four group(Normal group, Control group, Sample A group, and Sample B group): Under the same condition, normal and contro1 group were administered water, sample A, B group were administered Kojinyumja for 8days. And then, Coth control group and Sample B group were injected to abdomen with galactosamine for 1day. The rates of glutathione, lipid peroxide, GOT, GPT, γ-GTP, ALP, LDH, and contents of bile acid level were measured. The results are as follows: The glutathione rate significantly increased in sample group, the others(lipid peroxide, G0T, GPT, γ-GTP, ALP, LDH, bile acid) significantly decreased in sample group.

      • 붉은 Yeast Phaffia rhodozyma로 부터 Astaxanthin의 생산

        안길환 이화여자대학교 가정과학대학 식품영양학과 아시아 식품영양연구소 1995 食品營養情報 Vol.- No.6

        Astaxanthin(3, 3'-dihydroxy-β, β-carotene-4, 4'-dione)은 연어류의 주요 carotenoid 色素이다. 漁場에서 生産한 연어의 生産은 過去수 십년 동안 빠르게 增加되었고, 1998년에는 연간 70∼80만 톤의 연어가 養殖될 것으로 예상된다. 현재의 astaxanthin의 세계 시장규모는 년간 1200억원이다. Phaffia rhodozyma는 色素의 生物學的 소스로서 바람직한 特性들을 가지고 있지만 自然菌株의 astaxanthin 含量은 200∼300㎍/g yeast에 불과하다. 菌株改良에서 얻은 HT - 계열 菌株는 약 5.5mg carotenoid/g yeast를 生産하지만 보다 높은 色素生産을 위해서는 繼續的인 改良을 必要로 한다. 일본의 기린은 현재 astaxanthin까지의 유전자 cloning을 끝내고 양산체제에 돌입하려 하고 있다. 몇 가지 문제점(많은 유전자를 cloning을끝내고 양상체제에 돌입하려 하고 있다. 몇 가지 문제점(많은 유전자를 cloning하여 수율 증진이 힘든 것, 사용 허가가 오래 걸리는 것 등)들을 해결하면 가장 강력한 competitor가 될 것이다. Flow cytometry의 cell sorting 方式을 사용함으로써 carotenoid 大量生産菌株를 10,000배 까지 濃縮할 수 있었다. 이는 유전적 조작 후에 균주 screening에 유용하게 사용할 수 있을 것이다내. 細胞 內 carotenoid 螢光을 測定한 結果, 일부 細胞는 15mg/g yeast의 色素를 含有하고 있었고 이를 이론적 최대 수율으로 결론 내렸다. P.rhodozyma의 carotenoid 分布를 laser confocal fluorescene microscophy를 가지고 硏究하였는데, carotenoid 脂肪體에 存在하고 endoplastic reticulum이나 mitochondria에는 存在하지 않는 것으로 밝혀졌다. Proline, asparate, asparagine, gultamine, gultamate는 yeast의 成長을 增加시켰지만, 色素의 生産은 減少시켰다. 20개의 아미노산의 同時 過剩供給은 停止期 동안의 carotenoid의 蓄積을 방해하였다. 연구개발 필요부분은 다음과 같다: 1) carotenoid 生合成 經路 確立: 2) bottle-neck 部分 糾明 및 key enzymes의 增幅: 3) regulated 部分 糾明 및 이의 deregulation: 4) 遺傳子 操作 方法 및 vector 確立: 5) fermentation 및 harvesting condition 確立: 그리고 6) 他微生物로 色素 遺傳子 移轉.

      • Isolates of the Yeast Phaffia rhodozyma on 2-methylimidazole Produced Increased Carotenoid

        안길환 선문대학교 자연과학대학 1999 자연과학대학 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Cytochrome P-450저해제인 2-methyl-imidazole (Ml) Phaffia rhodozyma 효모의carotenogenesis에 영향을 미쳤고, MI는 carotenoid 고생산주의 선별제로 쓰일 수 있었다. MI는 carotenioid 생산을 astaxanthin으로부터3,3'-dihydroxy-3',4'-didehydro-β,Φ -carotene-4-one으로 바꾸었다. 이렇한 결과는 cytochrome P-450가 caroteniod 생합성에 관여한다는 사실에 힘을 실어준다. P.rhodozyma carptempod 고생산주는 MI에 대하여 그들의 모균주부터 더 저항성이 강했다. MI를 함유하고 있는 agar배지에서 분리된 균주들은 대조구와 비교하여 더 많은 caroteniod를 생산하였다. The inhibitor of cytochrome P-450, 2-methyl-imidazole (MI), affected carotenogenesis of the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma, and it could be used as a selective agent for carotenoid hyperproducing mutants. MI redirected carotenoid production from astaxanthin to 3,3'-dihydroxy-3',4'-didehydro-β,Φ-carotene-4-one. This result suggested that cytochrome P-450 might be involved in carotenoid biosynthesis. Carotenoid Hyperproducing mutants of P. rhodozyma were more resistant to MI than their parent strains. The mutants isolated on a Mi-containing plates produced increased carotenoid compared to the control.

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