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      • A Supportable Format for Attribute Based Encryption in Cloud Computing

        George,Salu 한국유통과학회 2019 KODISA ICBE (International Conference on Business Vol.2019 No.-

        Cloud Computing is used for enabling convenient, on-demand network to access shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. Networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) which are rapidly provisioned and released with management effort or service provider interaction. Cloud technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth. The security is the major issue in the cloud computing. The issue is overcome by the encryption. The various encryption standards ensure the cloud security. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a vision of public key encryption that allows users to encrypt and decrypt messages based on user attributes. In a typical implementation, the size of the cipher text is proportional to the number of attributes associated with it and the decryption time is proportional to the number of attributes used during decryption To reduce the decryption time in outsourced encryption method the user provides a transformation key to the cloud to translate any ABE cipher text into simple cipher text and it only incurs a small computational overhead for the user to recover the plaintext from the transformed cipher text. The proposed system introduces the Verifiable Outsourced Encryption so that the user can check the correctness of the transformation performed by the cloud server and the user let to know the data is not modified by the untrusted servers.

      • Diverse Nation, Diverse Curriculum: Multicultural Education in Canada’s Public Schools

        George H. Richardson(George H. Richardson ),Saearm Yi(Saearm Yi),Monica Chahal(Monica Chahal ) 한국캐나다학회 2016 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies (APJCS) Vol.22 No.1

        Multicultural education has been an integral component of Canadian public education for more than 40 years. As might be expected with any element of public education that is more than 4 decades old, the nature and intent of multicultural education in Canada has evolved over time and has become a mirror of the changing ways in which Canada has imagined its increasingly diverse population and its national identity, In this paper, we examine multicultural education in three particular aspects. First, we describe the social and political context of multiculturalism in Canada. Second, we focus on multicultural education in provincial curriculum with special emphasis on the province of Alberta, and finally, we take up the more recent shift in multicultural education that suggests that the discipline can be viewed as a form of citizenship education. In our conclusion we touch briefly on education in Korea to return to the idea that national contexts have a significant influence on the ways in which multicultural education is understood and delivered.

      • KCI등재후보

        A biceps-bicaudatus sartorius muscle: dissection of a variant with possible clinical implications

        Konstantinos Natsis(Konstantinos Natsis ),Christos Koutserimpas(Christos Koutserimpas ),Trifon Totlis(Trifon Totlis ),George Triantafyllou(George Triantafyllou ),George Tsakotos(George Tsakotos ),Kate 대한해부학회 2024 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.57 No.1

        The current cadaveric report describes an unusual morphology of the sartorius muscle (SM), the biceps-bicaudatus variant. The SM had two (lateral and medial) heads, with distinct tendinous origins from the anterior superior iliac spine. The lateral head was further split into a lateral and a medial bundle. The anterior cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve emerged between the origins of the lateral and medial heads. SM morphological variants are exceedingly uncommon, with only a few documented cases in the literature, and several terms used for their description. Although their rare occurrence, they may play an important role in the differential diagnosis of entrapment syndromes, in cases of neural compressions, such as meralgia paresthetica, while careful dissection during the superficial inter-nervous plane of the direct anterior hip approach is of utmost importance, to avoid adverse effects due to the altered SM morphology.

      • Territorialization of State Power through Land Development in Southern China

        George C. S. Lin 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2011 Cross-Currents Vol.- No.1

        This article examines the relationship between urban land development and municipal finance in a Chinese regional economy undergoing rapid urbanization. Drawing upon insights from the perspective of political economy, this article identifies a strategy by which land-centered urbanization has been actively pursued as a means of revenue generation in response to the reshuffling of state power. The territorialization of state power is realized through the expansion of urban space into the rural vicinity and the conversion of rural land into high-valued urban development to a greater regional extent. In contrast to the urbanization of capital observed in the global North, where an overaccumulation of capital leads to a sequential switch of the circuits of capital, urbanization in China has been pursued as a strategy to mobilize and accumulate original capital. Contrary to conventional wisdom, urbanization has not been an outcome responsive to economic growth; instead, it has been an active driving force instrumental to regional transformation. This article calls for greater attention to be directed to the interrelationship between land development, local public finance, and urbanization in the ongoing transformation of the Chinese political economy.


        George Panigyrakis,Eirini Koronaki,Anastasios Panopoulos 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        The relationships among corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices, corporate identity, and Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude were evaluated for the luxury corporation Hermes. Discretionary CSR practices and moral/ethical CSR practices emerged as significant predictors of the corporate social values dimension of identity. Relational CSR practices, however, contributed mainly to the expertise dimension of corporate identity. Also, familiarity with CSR practices of a corporation had a significant effect on corporate identity, which in turn affected both dimensions of consumer attitude. Both corporate expertise and corporate social values were significant predictors of consumer attitude. The results are interpreted within a dual process model of corporate identity.

      • KCI등재

        Capital and Historical Materialism

        George C. Comninel(조지 콤니넬) 경상대학교 사회과학연구원(마르크스주의 연구) 2012 마르크스주의 연구 Vol.9 No.4

        많은 논자들이 사회주의 실현을 위한 노동자계급 혁명이라는 마르크스의 정치적 프로젝트가 실패했음이 입증되었다고 주장해왔다. 그러나 글로벌 경제 위기 이후, 자본주의에 내재한 경제적 결함과 뿌리 깊은 불평등에 대한 마르크스의 비판을 주류학계도 인정하고 있다. 이러한 불일치는 노동자계급의 사회주의 혁명이 마르크스와 엥겔스가 『공산당 선언』을 발표했던 1848년에나 일어났을 법했다는 믿음이 반영된 것이다. 계급 사회의 역사에 마르크스의 역사적 유물론 방법론(마르크스 자신은 이러한 역사적 분석을 추구하지 않았고, 대신 계급에 대한 자유주의적 역사 서술에 의지했다)을 확장해 적용해본다면, 서유럽 자본주의에서 심지어 20세기에 들어서까지도 프롤레타리아 혁명을 위한 조건이 무르익은 것과는 거리가 멀었다는 것이 분명해진다. 그렇지만 『자본론』의 분석을 적용해볼 때 사회가 완전히 혁명적으로 전환할 토대가 오늘날에서야 마침내 존재하게 되었다고 볼 수 있다. Many argue that Marx’s political project of working class revolution to realize socialism has proved a dead end. His critique of capitalism’s inherent economic dysfunctionality and profound inequalities, however, has been acknowledged even by the mainstream during the current global crisis. This disconnect reflects the belief that proletarian socialist revolution might reasonably have been expected in 1848, when Marx and Engels called for it in The Manifesto. Extending Marx’s method of historical materialist analysis to the history of class society?historical analysis that Marx did not himself pursue, relying instead on liberal historical accounts of classes?reveals that even in Western Europe capitalism was far from sufficiently developed for proletarian revolution even at the turn of the 20th century. Using the analysis provided in Capital, however, it can be seen that the society Marx understood to be the foundation for a profound revolutionary transformation does finally exist today.

      • KCI등재

        Preliminary Structural Design of Wall-Frame Systems for Optimum Torsional Response

        George K. Georgoussis 한국콘크리트학회 2017 International Journal of Concrete Structures and M Vol.11 No.1

        Recent investigations have pointed out that current code provisions specifying that the stiffness of reinforced concrete elements is strength independent, and therefore can be estimated prior to any strength assignment, is incorrect. A strength allocation strategy, suitable for preliminary structural design of medium height wall-frame dual systems, is presented for allocating strength in such buildings and estimating the dependable rigidities. The design process may be implemented by either the approximate continuous approach or the stiffness matrix method. It is based on the concept of the inelastic equivalent singledegree- of-freedom system which, the last few years, has been used to implement the performance based seismic design. The aforesaid strategy may also be used to determine structural configurations of minimum rotation distortion. It is shown that when the location of the modal centre of rigidity, as described in author’s recent papers, is within a close distance from the mass axis the torsional response is mitigated. The methodology is illustrated in ten story building configurations, whose torsional response is examined under the ground motion of Kobe 1995, component KJM000.


        George C. Shen,Cia-Han Tsai,Rick Lee,Chia Ann Lai 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        The success of Marvel movies attracts more companies to place their brands in this series of movies, apparel brand like Under Armour or car manufacturer like BMW has largely used the movie as medium of product placement to increase brand equity. To understand how the product placement in the movie affect consumer attitude and purchase intention is in needed. Neer (2004) states that product placement is a type of marketing by creating impression for consumers unconsciously through incorporation into the plot of TV programs, movies and other media. The conceptual model was built based on the Russell’s (2002) tripartite typology of product placement and social comparison theory. We presume brand-self congruity, placement explicitness, plot connection, and attitude toward the plot and role are positively related to brand attitude and purchase intention. The research employed experiment with a 2 (placement explicitness: prominent/subtle) x 2 (plot connection: main character/supporting role) between subject design. The research theme is under the Under Armour because the brand used product placement as the company’s major marketing communication process of move placement. The research result shows that the more the product placement is identifiable in the movies, with frequent usage or appearance in main plot, the better the placement effect is; the preference of consumers on movies, including plot and role attitude, explicitly influences placement effect. If the real self or ideal self of consumers are consistent with brand image, a higher brand attitude and purchase intention will occur. To best of our knowledge, our paper is first one using self-congruity and attitude toward the plot to investigate the outcome of product placement in the movies. The research concludes with implications for promotion strategy to advance brand image and purchase intention by increasing the effectiveness of product placement. Future research suggestions relevant to the product placement issues, marketing communication and brand management are also provided.

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