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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Influence of Processing Variables on the Rheological Properties of Lubricating Greases Manufactured in a Stirred Tank

        Garci´a-Morales, J. A.,Franco, J. M.,Valencia, C.,Sa´nchez, M. C.,Gallegos, C. 한국공업화학회 2004 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.10 No.3

        This paper deals with the influence that the agitation speed, the temperature of processing, and the cooling profile applied during crystallization of the thickening agent exert on some rheological parameters of lubricating greases. With this aim, the in situ reaction between 12-hydroxystearic acid and lithium hydroxide was conducted to form the lithium soap. After the saponification reaction was completed, the crystallization was induced by adding different batches of the lubricating oil and cooling the stirred tank. Torque was measured during the process using a controlled-rotational-speed mixing rheometer from which the energy consumption during processing was evaluated. The Metner-Otto approach was followed to estimate the viscosity of the incipient and final lubricating greases. Linear viscoelastic and viscous flow measurements were performed on the final product. From the experimental results, we conclude that an increase in the temperature applied after the saponification reaction or a decrease in the cooling rate of the freshly prepared grease generally increases the values of the rheological parameters studied. On the other hand, by increasing the rotational speed, the values of the viscoelastic functions were significantly reduced. In addition to this finding, all of these variables affect the energy consumption during the processing. Discrepancies found in the viscosity values obtained from rotational rheometry and torque measurements during the mixing flow are attributed to the fractured layer observed in the gap between the wall and the impeller.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Factor Specificity and the Exchange Rate Theory of Purchasing Power Parity : An Extension of the Jones-Purvis Model

        Garci´a-Cebro, Juan Antonio 세종대학교 국제경제연구소 1998 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.13 No.3

        The focus of this paper is on the structural aspects of exchange rate determination, generalizing the 1983 Jones-Purvis model. Specifically the Jones-Purvis model is extend to incorporate the comcept of factor specificity. It is shown that deviations from purchasing power parity depend on, among other determinants, factor specificity. Furthermore, it examines the factor specificity as a short-medium run determinant of the behavior of exchange rates, in a framework where two countries are affected by a common external shock. (JEL classification: F11, F13)

      • Cobalt Electrolyte/Dye Interactions in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: A Combined Computational and Experimental Study

        Mosconi, Edoardo,Yum, Jun-Ho,Kessler, Florian,Gó,mez Garcí,a, Carlos J.,Zuccaccia, Cristiano,Cinti, Antonio,Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K.,Grä,tzel, Michael,De Angelis, Filippo American Chemical Society 2012 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.134 No.47

        <P>We report a combined experimental and computational investigation to understand the nature of the interactions between cobalt redox mediators and TiO<SUB>2</SUB> surfaces sensitized by ruthenium and organic dyes, and their impact on the performance of the corresponding dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). We focus on different ruthenium dyes and fully organic dyes, to understand the dramatic loss of efficiency observed for the prototype Ru(II) N719 dye in conjunction with cobalt electrolytes. Both N719- and Z907-based DSSCs showed an increased lifetime in iodine-based electrolyte compared to the cobalt-based redox shuttle, while the organic D21L6 and D25L6 dyes, endowed with long alkoxy chains, show no significant change in the electron lifetime regardless of employed electrolyte and deliver a high photovoltaic efficiency of 6.5% with a cobalt electrolyte. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations show the formation of a complex between the cobalt electrolyte and the surface-adsorbed ruthenium dye, which brings the [Co(bpy)<SUB>3</SUB>]<SUP>3+</SUP> species into contact with the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> surface. This translates into a high probability of intercepting TiO<SUB>2</SUB>-injected electrons by the oxidized [Co(bpy)<SUB>3</SUB>]<SUP>3+</SUP> species, lying close to the N719-sensitized TiO<SUB>2</SUB> surface. Investigation of the dye regeneration mechanism by the cobalt electrolyte in the Marcus theory framework led to substantially different reorganization energies for the high-spin (HS) and low-spin (LS) reaction pathways. Our calculated reorganization energies for the LS pathways are in excellent agreement with recent data for a series of cobalt complexes, lending support to the proposed regeneration pathway. Finally, we systematically investigate a series of Co(II)/Co(III) complexes to gauge the impact of ligand substitution and of metal coordination (tris-bidentate vs bis-tridentate) on the HS/LS energy difference and reorganization energies. Our results allow us to trace structure/property relations required for further development of cobalt electrolytes for DSSCs.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/jacsat/2012/jacsat.2012.134.issue-47/ja3079016/production/images/medium/ja-2012-079016_0016.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/ja3079016'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>


        Tailoring the Energy Landscape in Quasi-2D Halide Perovskites Enables Efficient Green-Light Emission

        Quan, Li Na,Zhao, Yongbiao,Garcí,a de Arquer, F. Pelayo,Sabatini, Randy,Walters, Grant,Voznyy, Oleksandr,Comin, Riccardo,Li, Yiying,Fan, James Z.,Tan, Hairen,Pan, Jun,Yuan, Mingjian,Bakr, Osman American Chemical Society 2017 NANO LETTERS Vol.17 No.6

        <P>Organo-metal halide perovskites are a promising platform for optoelectronic applications in view of their excellent charge-transport and bandgap tunability. However, their low photoluminescence quantum efficiencies, especially in low-excitation regimes, limit their efficiency for light emission. Consequently, perovskite light-emitting devices are operated under high injection, a regime under which the materials have so far been unstable. Here we show that, by concentrating photoexcited states into a small subpopulation of radiative domains, one can achieve a high quantum yield, even at low excitation intensities. We tailor the composition of quasi-2D perovskites to direct the energy transfer into the lowest-bandgap minority phase and to do so faster than it is lost to nonradiative centers. The new material exhibits 60% photoluminescence quantum yield at excitation intensities as low as 1.8 mW/cm(2), yielding a ratio of quantum yield to excitation intensity of 0.3 cm(2)/mW; this represents a decrease of 2 orders of magnitude in the excitation power required to reach high efficiency compared with the best prior reports. Using this strategy, we report light-emitting diodes with external quantum efficiencies of 7.4% and a high luminescence of 8400 cd/m(2).</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Soda Pulping of Sunflower Stalks. Influence of Process Variables on the Resulting Pulp

        Lo´pez, F.,Eugenio, M.E.,Di´az, M.J.,Nacimiento, J.A.,Garci´a, M.M.,Jime´nez, L. 한국공업화학회 2005 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.11 No.3

        This paper discusses the influence of independent variables in the pulping of sunflower stalks [viz. the effects that the alkali concentration (5~15%), anthraquinone concentration (0~0.1%), temperature (125~175℃), time (30~90 min), and the liquid/solid ratio (4~8) have on the yield, holocellulose content, lignin content, and kappa number of the resulting pulp]. By using a central composite factorial design, equations relating each dependent variable to the different independent variables were derived; they reproduced the experimental results for the dependent variables with errors less than 15%. The Kappa number values were reproduced with errors less than 19%. This study confirms the feasibility of applying a soda-anthraquinone pulping process to sunflower stalks. Using a short time, a low liquid/solid ratio, a high temperature and anthraquinone concentration, and a medium-to-high alkali concentration (13.9%), we obtained values for holocellulose, lignin, and kappa number that differ by less than 13.7, 14.9, and 20.1%, respectively, from the optimum values (viz. 97.8%, 3.9%, and 14.9, respectively). However, the yield is 36.1% lower than the optimum value (68.7%). These conditions provide a pulp having acceptable properties. According to the results, paper sheets can be obtained that have characteristics similar to those obtained using similar alternative raw materials, and considerable savings should occur on operating costs.

      • KCI등재

        Budismo Wo˘n : ortodoxia y heterodoxia

        Daris, Liliana Garci´a 서울大學校 스페인中南美硏究所 1996 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        En este trabajo se intentara´ analizar la similitud que existe entre algunos conceptos pertenecientes al Budismo Maha ̄ya ̄na, y ma´s especi´ficamente a la escula Madhyamika o Su ̄nyavada, como son Dharmaka ̄ya y Su ̄nya con Il Wo˘n del Budismo Wo˘n.

      • KCI등재
      • Unraveling the Role of Monoolein in Fluidity and Dynamical Response of a Mixed Cationic Lipid Bilayer

        Singh, Priya,Sharma, Veerendra Kumar,Singha, Subhankar,Garcí,a Sakai, Victoria,Mukhopadhyay, Ramaprosad,Das, Ranjan,Pal, Samir Kumar American Chemical Society 2019 Langmuir Vol.35 No.13

        <P>The maintenance of cell membrane fluidity is of critical importance for various cellular functions. At lower temperatures when membrane fluidity decreases, plants and cyanobacteria react by introducing unsaturation in the lipids, so that the membranes return to a more fluidic state. To probe how introduction of unsaturation leads to reduced membrane fluidity, a model cationic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) has been chosen, and the effects of an unsaturated lipid monoolein (MO) on the structural dynamics and phase behavior of DODAB have been monitored by quasielastic neutron scattering and time-resolved fluorescence measurements. In the coagel phase, fluidity of the lipid bilayer increases significantly in the presence of MO relative to pure DODAB vesicles and becomes manifest in significantly enhanced dynamics of the constituent lipids along with faster hydration and orientational relaxation dynamics of a fluorophore. On the contrary, MO restricts both lateral and internal motions of the lipid molecules in the fluid phase (>330 K), which is consistent with relatively slow hydration and orientational relaxation dynamics of the fluorophore embedded in the mixed lipid bilayer. The present study illustrates how incorporation of an unsaturated lipid at lower temperatures (below the phase transition) assists the model lipid (DODAB) in regulating fluidity via enhancement of dynamics of the constituent lipids.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • Stacking Structures of Few-Layer Graphene Revealed by Phase-Sensitive Infrared Nanoscopy

        Kim, Deok-Soo,Kwon, Hyuksang,Nikitin, Alexey Yu.,Ahn, Seongjin,Martí,n-Moreno, Luis,Garcí,a-Vidal, Francisco J.,Ryu, Sunmin,Min, Hongki,Kim, Zee Hwan American Chemical Society 2015 ACS NANO Vol.9 No.7

        <P>The stacking orders in few-layer graphene (FLG) strongly influences the electronic properties of the material. To explore the stacking-specific properties of FLG in detail, one needs powerful microscopy techniques that visualize stacking domains with sufficient spatial resolution. We demonstrate that infrared (IR) scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (sSNOM) directly maps out the stacking domains of FLG with a nanometric resolution, based on the stacking-specific IR conductivities of FLG. The intensity and phase contrasts of sSNOM are compared with the sSNOM contrast model, which is based on the dipolar tip–sample coupling and the theoretical conductivity spectra of FLG, allowing a clear assignment of each FLG domain as Bernal, rhombohedral, or intermediate stacks for tri-, tetra-, and pentalayer graphene. The method offers 10–100 times better spatial resolution than the far-field Raman and infrared spectroscopic methods, yet it allows far more experimental flexibility than the scanning tunneling microscopy and electron microscopy.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/ancac3/2015/ancac3.2015.9.issue-7/acsnano.5b02813/production/images/medium/nn-2015-02813x_0007.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nn5b02813'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • Metal-Organic Frameworks Mediate Cu Coordination for Selective CO<sub>2</sub> Electroreduction

        Nam, Dae-Hyun,Bushuyev, Oleksandr S.,Li, Jun,De Luna, Phil,Seifitokaldani, Ali,Dinh, Cao-Thang,Garcí,a de Arquer, F. Pelayo,Wang, Yuhang,Liang, Zhiqin,Proppe, Andrew H.,Tan, Chih Shan,Todorovic& American Chemical Society 2018 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.140 No.36

        <P>The electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reaction (CO<SUB>2</SUB>RR) produces diverse chemical species. Cu clusters with a judiciously controlled surface coordination number (CN) provide active sites that simultaneously optimize selectivity, activity, and efficiency for CO<SUB>2</SUB>RR. Here we report a strategy involving metal-organic framework (MOF)-regulated Cu cluster formation that shifts CO<SUB>2</SUB> electroreduction toward multiple-carbon product generation. Specifically, we promoted undercoordinated sites during the formation of Cu clusters by controlling the structure of the Cu dimer, the precursor for Cu clusters. We distorted the symmetric paddle-wheel Cu dimer secondary building block of HKUST-1 to an asymmetric motif by separating adjacent benzene tricarboxylate moieties using thermal treatment. By varying materials processing conditions, we modulated the asymmetric local atomic structure, oxidation state and bonding strain of Cu dimers. Using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) experiments, we observed the formation of Cu clusters with low CN from distorted Cu dimers in HKUST-1 during CO<SUB>2</SUB> electroreduction. These exhibited 45% C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>4</SUB> faradaic efficiency (FE), a record for MOF-derived Cu cluster catalysts. A structure-activity relationship was established wherein the tuning of the Cu-Cu CN in Cu clusters determines the CO<SUB>2</SUB>RR selectivity.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

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