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      • KCI등재

        Fabrication of Transparent Cellulose Fiber Paper by Sequential Treatment of Cationic Cellulose Nanofibers and Polyvinylpyrrolidone

        Furong Xin,Huili Wang,Feixiang Guan,Guodong Li,Zhaoping Song,Dehai Yu,Wenxia Liu 한국섬유공학회 2020 Fibers and polymers Vol.21 No.9

        Paper-based material is receiving more and more attention as an alternative of plastics in flexible electronics. However, conventional paper made of cellulose fibers is opaque owing to its micron-sized void space among fibers. Herein,cellulose fiber paper was changed into transparent paper by sequentially coating cationic cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) andpolyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). The morphology, transparency, thermal and mechanical properties were analyzed. The resultsshow that the coating of CNFs reduces the micron-sized void space in the cellulose fiber paper, favoring the furtherimprovement on the transparency of paper by coating PVP. By optimizing the coating amount of CNFs and PVP, atransparent paper with a transmittance of 88.5 % at 550 nm is obtained. The as-prepared transparent paper also showsimproved thermal stability, slightly increased tensile strength and significantly enhanced deformation resistance. It was apotential candidate of flexible electronic substrates.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Large Firms in Countries on the Road to High-income Countries and Avoiding the High-income Trap

        Shanji Xin,Xu Jin,Furong Jin 국제문화기술진흥원 2024 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.12 No.2

        This study analyzes and compares the roles and significance of large firms in economic growth by differentiating developmental stages. The focus is on both the role of big businesses on the road from middle- to high-income countries and the performance in their economies. By classifying the top 30 nonfinancial firms into their origin countries, we have constructed a country-level data basis covering 33 countries ranging from middle- to high-income economies for the 2001 to 2017 period. We conduct fixed effect estimation. Empirical results show that capital-intensive big businesses would be more predominant in developed economies. In terms of policy implications, the results suggest that if policymakers want to optimize the role of big businesses in economic growth, policymakers need to distinguish the income level. Policymakers also need to adjust the size distribution of firms moderately ahead of time to create the size distribution of firms needed to take the economy to the next level.

      • KCI등재

        Comprehensive Approaches to Shoulder Impingement Syndrome : From Diagnosis to Rehabilitation

        Shanji Xin,Xu Jin,Furong Jin 국제문화기술진흥원 2024 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.12 No.2

        Shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) is a common musculoskeletal condition characterized by pain and functional limitation due to the impingement of subacromial structures. This comprehensive review elucidates the complex nature of SIS, covering its pathophysiology, diagnostic methodologies, treatment options, and preventive measures. Through an exhaustive examination of current literature and clinical practices, the review highlights the importance of a multifaceted approach to SIS management. Physical therapy plays a pivotal role, focusing on exercises to strengthen shoulder musculature, enhance scapular stability, and improve range of motion. The review also discusses the strategic use of medications such as NSAIDs and corticosteroid injections, emphasizing their effectiveness in pain and inflammation management. Additionally, it advocates for structured rehabilitation programs post-treatment to restore function and prevent recurrence, recommending preventive strategies like ergonomic adjustments, targeted exercises, and proper technique training. This paper underscores the need for personalized and evidence-based treatment strategies, integrating physical therapy and pharmacological management when necessary.

      • KCI등재후보


        金芙蓉 ( Jin Furong ),辛善姬 ( Xin Shanji ) 성균관대학교 성균중국연구소 2024 중국사회과학논총 Vol.6 No.1

        这项研究首先考察了中国近期人口统计学上的变化及其原因, 并探讨了中国政府为解决这一问题所采取的政策。自2013年起, 由于生育率下降, 中国的劳动年龄人口开始减少, 而2022年中国人口61年来首次出现负增长。同时, 随着老龄化进程的加快, 中国于2001年进入老龄化社会, 2021年进入老龄社会。中国生育率的下降和劳动年龄人口的减少, 以及老龄化进程的加快, 主要源于实施30多年的计划生育政策。高房价、高生活费用、高教育费用以及缺乏对女性经济活动的保护措施, 也是约束生育的经济因素。另一方面, 中国人口的减少和老龄化不仅对中国经济, 也对全球经济产生负面影响。这些影响包括中国产品出口价格随着劳动成本的上升而提高;进口中国产品的国家的通货膨胀加速;中国的消费支出减少和消费驱动增长模式的转变动能减弱; 以及对进入中国国内市场的全球品牌产生负面影响等等。然而, 不同国家的经验表明, 人口负增长与经济增长两者能够并存。人口负增长的影响是长期的、渐进的、缓慢的, 如果及早规划、积极应对可足以降低其对经济增长的负面效应。与中国经济紧密相关的韩国有必要关注中国人口减少和老龄化所带来的劳动成本上升、消费支出变化, 以及中国政府的政策措施。 This study first examines the recent demographic changes in China and their causes, as well as the policies adopted by the Chinese government to address these issues. Since 2013, due to declining birth rates, China’s working-age population began to decrease, and in 2022, China experienced a population decline for the first time in 61 years. Simultaneously, with the rapid progression of aging, China entered an aging society in 2001 and an “aged society” in 2021. The decline in China’s birth rate, reduction in the working-age population, and rapid aging are primarily attributed to over three decades of the one-child policy. High housing costs, living expenses, educational expenses, and the lack of protective measures for women’s economic activities are economic constraints on childbirth. On the other hand, China’s population decline and aging not only affect the Chinese economy but also have negative effects on the global economy. These impacts include the increase in export prices of Chinese products due to rising labor costs, the acceleration of inflation in countries importing Chinese products. Moreover, Chin’s population decline induces the decrease in China’s consumer spending and the weakening momentum of the consumption-driven growth model, as well as negative effects on global brands entering the Chinese domestic market. However, experiences from different countries show that negative population growth and economic growth can coexist. The impact of negative population growth is long-term, gradual, and slow. If properly planned and actively responded to, it can sufficiently mitigate its negative effects on economic growth. South Korea, closely linked to China’s economy, needs to pay attention to the increase in labor costs, changes in consumer spending, and the policies of the Chinese government resulting from China’s population decline and aging.

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