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        A Consideration of Honorific Language as Viewed by Korean Learners of Japanese

        등원지영미 ( Chiemi Fujiwara ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.4

        한국인 학습자에게는 어휘, 문법 등의 일본어 체계가 모국어인 한국어와 유사하기 때문에 일본어 습득을 촉진시키는 요소로 작용하지만, 일본어 커뮤니케이션 상의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나인 대우표현(待遇表現)과 경어(敬語)는 한국인 학습자뿐만 아니라 대부분의 일본어 학습자에게 습득이 어려운 부분이다. 한국어도 일본어와 같이 경어가 발달된 언어이지만 양 언어 간에는 경어체계와 그 사용법에 차이점도 존재하기 때문에 커뮤니케이션 상 오해도 자주 발생한다. 그래서 본고에서는 일본인과의 커뮤니케이션에서 대우(待遇) 레벨의 선택에 영향을 주는 한국인 학습자의 경어관(敬語觀)에 대해서 살펴보았다. 이러한 일본어 학습자의 경어 의식에 대해서는 양적 연구는 많지만 경어 의식에 초점을 맞춘 질적 연구는 적다. 여러 가지 요인이 작용하여 변화하는 「의식」에 대해서는 양적 연구만으로는 그 양상을 포괄적으로 파악하기는 어렵다. 따라서 본고에서는 개인별 태도구조 분석법(Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct; 이하, PAC 분석)을 이용하여 한국인 학습자의 경어관과 경어 사용에 대한 의식을 살펴보았다. 다음은 조사에 대한 분석 결과이다. 피험자의 덴드로그램(dendrogram)에 나타난 자유연상항목(自由連想項目)은 모두 66항목이다. 그 중에「긍정적 이미지 항목」이 42항목,「부정적 이미지 항목」이 10항목,「어느 쪽도 아닌 항목」이 14항목이 나타난 것으로 보아서 한국인 학습자는 전체적으로 긍정적인 경어관을 가지고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 피험자에게 공통적으로 나타난 경어관중에서 가장 특징적인 것은「예의」, 「거리감」의 2항목이고, 이 이미지는 피험자 전원에게 나타났으며 이것은 경어를 커뮤니케이션에 있어서 정중함을 나타내는 주요한 수단으로 인식하고, 화자간의 친소(親疏)관계와 심리적 거리를 유지하고 조절하는 기능으로 인식하고 있다는 것을 나타낸다고 할 수 있다.「거리감」에 대해서는 경어를 사용함으로써 상대방과 기분 좋은 거리를 유지할 수 있다고 장점으로 보는 것으로 보아서 부정적 평가만 하고 있지는 않다는 것을 알 수 있다. 두 번째 특징은 자유연상항목(自由連想項目)에서 「경어 사용자」에 대한 긍정적 이미지가 강하게 나타난 점이다. 발표나 비즈니스 등 공적인 장면에서 프로페셔널하게 일을 잘하는 것, 세련된 하이클라스의 사람들 등의 공통된 이미지를 들 수 있으며, 지성·교양과 경어 사용자상이 명확한 연관 관계가 있다고 인식하는 경어관이 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 또한 경어 사용은 언어적 센스와 언어를 사용하는 기법으로 보고 있고, 언어 장면에서의 적절한 언어 사용 능력이라고 할 수 있는 사회 언어 능력으로 보고 있는 양상도 확인할 수 있었다. 이와 같이 피험자가 경어 사용을 화자의 능력적인 관점에서 파악하고, 교양·지성과 관련 지어서 보는 것은 「교양·지성을 가진 경어 사용자」는 한국의 가정에서 제대로 경어 교육을 받은 사람이라고 생각하고, 그러한 가정교육에 대한 긍정적 이미지가 반영된 것이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 세 번째 특징은 피험자가 경어 사용을 일본과 한국의 공통된 특징이라고 평가하고 「동아시아」의 특징이라고 보고 있으며, 넓은 시점에서 총체적으로 파악하려고 한다는 점이다. 이것은 PAC 분석을 이용해서 조사한 藤原(인쇄중)의 연구에서 대만인이 일본어의 경어를 일본 문화에 한정된 특징으로 보고 있는 결과와는 크게 다르다. 이 두 가지 연구결과를 종합적으로 살펴보면 한일 양언어간의 경어 체계의 유사성이 제2 언어인 일본어의 경어관에 영향을 주고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 네 번째 특징은 본 연구에서도 선행 연구(藤原2011, 藤原인쇄중)와 같이 경어의「어려움」과 「복잡성」이라는 항목이 출현했지만 이것은 경어 체계 그 자체에 대한 것이 아니라, 존경어·겸양어의 올바른 사용법에 대한 어려움에서 기인된 것으로 생각된다. 일본어의 겸양 표현은 한국어에 비해서 다양하기(賈惠京, 2001) 때문에 한국인 학습자가 일본어 경어를 가장 어렵게 느끼게 되는 원인이라고 생각된다. 이상에서 본 바와 같이 한국인 학습자의 경어관의 특징은 모국어의 경어에 대한 이미지가 자유연상항목(自由連想項目)으로 나타났으며 경어 자체를 긍정적으로 보고 있다는 점이다. 대만인 학습자가 부정적 이미지가 많으며 경어에 대해서「간단했으면 좋겠다」「없는 게 좋다」고 지적하는(藤原, 인쇄중) 것과는 상반적으로, 한국인 학습자는「없어져서는 안 된다」「반드시 몸에 익히는 편이 좋다」는 항목이 나타났으며, 경어 사용을 사회생활을 영위하기 위한 중요한 문화적 산물로 보는 경향이 있다. 향후에는 서로 다른 속성의 피험자(예:일본 체재 경험이 없는 한국인)를 선정하여 조사를 실시함과 동시에 피험자수를 늘려서 정량조사를 실시하여 본연구의 결과와 고찰을 한층 더 심화시킬 필요가 있다고 생각된다. With approximately 960,000 South Koreans studying Japanese as of 2009, they comprise 26.4% of the total number of all learners of Japanese as a second language, more than any other nationality (The Japan Foundation, 2009). For Korean learners of Japanese, the similarities in the structure of Japanese-vocabulary and grammar, etc.-with their native Korean are factors that further their language acquisition. However, it is not uncommon for Korean learners of Japanese to find the characteristics of Japanese communication involving speech levels, particularly honorific language, to be difficult. Although the Korean language has also developed a system of honorific language, it has many disparities with the structure and usage of Japanese honorific language. In addition, differences in normative consciousnesses regarding honorific language are considered to possibly be a frequent trigger for miscommunication. This paper considers the influence that their view of honorific language has upon Korean learners of Japanese with regard to their selection of speech levels when communicating with Japanese people. While much research in which qualitative studies were conducted on consciousness pertaining to Japanese honorific language has already been done, there has been little research with aqual it ative examination focusing on Japanese language learners` consciousness of honorific language. Through quantit ative research alone, it is difficult to gain acomprehensive understanding of aspects of “consciousness,” which change due to the influence of various contributing factors. Therefore, this paper will utilize the Analysisof Personal Attitude Construct(below, PAC analysis), which inrecent years has come to be used as a psychological approach to analyzing Japanese language education, to examine Korean learners` of Japanese consciousness pertaining to the view and usage of honorific language. A survey was conducted from August 2009 to January 2011 in Japan and South Korea. The survey respondents were four intermediate to advanced Korean speakers of Japanese, each of whom had studied in Japan. The survey followed the PAC analysis format with “What is your image of honorific language and its usage?” as the stimulus term. The results of the analysis will be given below. Sixty-six free association items were found in dendrograms of respondents` answers. Overall, they showed a positive view of honorific language with 42 items for a “positive image,” 10 for a “negative image,” and 14 for “neither.” The first common characteristic among respondents was the appearance of the two items: “manners,” and “feeling of distance.” From the appearance of these two items in all of the respondents` answers, it can be understood that, for verbal communication, honorific language is an important means of showing politeness and that respondents are aware that it has a function of maintaining and adjusting the degree of intimacy and psychological distance between speakers. In terms of the “feeling of distance,” there was also mention of the advantageousness of honorific language for keeping a comfortable level of distance, thus, respondents did not necessarily evaluate “feeling of distance” to be a negative thing. The second common characteristic of the free association items was a strongly positive image of users of honorific language. In presentations or in business, there was a shared impression among respondents of honorific language users being professional, disciplined workers who get the job done, belong to a higher class, and have refinement. The view of honorific language that emerged among respondents is clearly connected to an impression of its users as being intelligent and sophisticated. Furthermore, it was confirmed that respondents view honorific language use as a sense and skill for language and that correct usage of honorific language in communication situations connotes sociolinguistic competence-the ability to use language. In this way, honorific language users are viewed from the perspective of their ability. The tendency to tie honorific language usage to ability of speakers, sophistication, and intelligence could stem from the consciousness of Korean respondents, which is of “sophisticated, intelligent honorific language users” as having received a solid at-home education on honorific language in South Korea, and their positive image of that education in the home. The third characteristic was that respondents identified honorific language as a characteristic shared by Japan and South Korea, evincing their broad perspective that views honorific language in an overall sense as an East Asian characteristic. This differs greatly from Taiwanese speakers of Japanese, who tend to view honorific language as a characteristic limited to Japanese culture as shown by the research by Fujiwara using PAC analysis to clarify their view of honorific language (under review). The disparity between these two sets of research results indicates the possibility that the similarities between Korean and Japanese honorific language influence the way Koreans view the honorific language of Japanese. As for the fourth characteristic, just as in previous research (Fujiwara, 2011, under review), responses showed an image of honorific language as “difficult” and “complicated.” However, rather than the difficulty of honorific language itself, this refers to the difficulty of knowing when to correctly use respectful and/or humble honorific words. As Japanese humble honorific expressions display greater variation than those of Korean (Hekyon Ka, 2001), this can possibly be considered the most difficult part of Japanese honorific language for Korean learners. As seen above in the characteristics of the way in which Korean learners of Japanese view honorific language, there was a tendency to have a positive image of honorific language itself, as seen in responses to the free association items for observing the image of honorific language in native-language situations. As for Taiwanese learners of Japanese, many negative-image responses appeared, such as those indicating that honorific language “should be simplified” and “should be done away with” (under review). Whereas in data on Korean learners, items were observed stating that honorific language is “something that shouldn`t be lost” and is “a must-have skill,” reflecting a tendency to view honorific language usage as a vital part of cultural heritage necessary for running social lifestyles. Along with influencing this positive consciousness, it is possible that similarities between the structure of honorific language in their native language of Korean and their second language of Japanese also leads to a consciousness of honorific language, which is informed by a general image that lumps the honorific language of the two languages together. In addition, it can also be surmised that honorific language education within Korean families as well as daily lifestyles, which are deeply-rooted in Korean social/cultural characteristics, and the positive consciousness toward such things, also exerts an influence on the consciousness regarding honorific language. In the future, the results and observations of this paper should be pursued in greater depth through studies conducted with respondents from different groups (for example, Koreans who have not stayed in Japan) including larger groups of respondents and incorporation of qualitative analysis.

      • KCI등재

        Olaparib plus bevacizumab as maintenance therapy in patients with newly diagnosed, advanced ovarian cancer: Japan subset from the PAOLA-1/ENGOT-ov25 trial

        Keiichi Fujiwara,Hiroyuki Fujiwara,Hiroyuki Yoshida,Toyomi Satoh,Kan Yonemori,Shoji Nagao,Takashi Matsumoto,Hiroaki Kobayashi,Hughes Bourgeois,Philipp Harter,Anna Maria Mosconi,Isabel Palacio Vazquez 대한부인종양학회 2021 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.32 No.5

        Objective: The addition of maintenance olaparib to bevacizumab demonstrated a significant progression-free survival (PFS) benefit in patients with newly diagnosed, advanced ovarian cancer in the PAOLA-1/ENGOT-ov25 trial (NCT02477644). We evaluated maintenance olaparib plus bevacizumab in the Japan subset of PAOLA-1. Methods: PAOLA-1 was a randomized, double-blind, phase III trial. Patients received maintenance olaparib tablets 300 mg twice daily or placebo twice daily for up to 24 months, plus bevacizumab 15 mg/kg every 3 weeks for up to 15 months in total. This prespecified subgroup analysis evaluated investigator-assessed PFS (primary endpoint). Results: Of 24 randomized Japanese patients, 15 were assigned to olaparib and 9 to placebo. After a median follow-up for PFS of 27.7 months for olaparib plus bevacizumab and 24.0 months for placebo plus bevacizumab, median PFS was 27.4 versus 19.4 months, respectively (hazard ratio [HR]=0.34; 95% confidence interval [CI]=0.11–1.00). In patients with tumors positive for homologous recombination deficiency, the HR for PFS was 0.57 (95% CI=0.16–2.09). Adverse events in the Japan subset were generally consistent with those of the PAOLA-1 overall population and with the established safety and tolerability profiles of olaparib and bevacizumab. Conclusion: Results in the Japan subset of PAOLA-1 support the overall conclusion of the PAOLA-1 trial demonstrating that the addition of maintenance olaparib to bevacizumab provides a PFS benefit in patients with newly diagnosed, advanced ovarian cancer. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02477644

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Multi-Application Controller for SAGE-enabled Tiled Display Wall in Wide-area Distributed Computing Environments

        Fujiwara, Yuki,Date, Susumu,Ichikawa, Kohei,Takemura, Haruo Korea Information Processing Society 2011 Journal of information processing systems Vol.7 No.4

        Due to the recent advancement of networking and high-performance computing technologies, scientists can easily access large-scale data captured by scientific measurement devices through a network, and use huge computational power harnessed on the Internet for their analyses of scientific data. However, visualization technology, which plays a role of great importance for scientists to intuitively understand the analysis results of such scientific data, is not fully utilized so that it can seamlessly benefit from recent high-performance and networking technologies. One of such visualization technologies is SAGE (Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment), which allows people to build an arbitrarily sized tiled display wall and is expected to be applied to scientific research. In this paper, we present a multi-application controller for SAGE, which we have developed, in the hope that it will help scientists efficiently perform scientific research requiring high-performance computing and visualization. The evaluation in this paper indicates that the efficiency of completing a comparison task among multiple data is increased by our system.

      • KCI등재

        R&D Sustainability of Biotech Start-ups in Financial Risk

        Fujiwara, Takao Asian Society for Innovation and Policy 2018 Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy Vol.7 No.3

        This paper's objective is to draw a decision guideline to continue research and development (R&D) investments in biotech start-ups facing the "Valley of Death" syndrome - a long negative profit period during a financial crisis. The data include financial indices as Net income, Revenues, Total stockholders' equity, Cash & equivalents, and R&D expenses of 18 major biotech companies (nine in negative profit and nine positive, in FY2008) and 15 major pharmaceutical corporations as benchmarks both in FY2008 and in FY2016 derived from the US SEC Database, EDGAR. A first methodology dealing with real options analysis assumes Total stockholders' equity as a growth option. And a second methodology, Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis, is applied to test the probability relationship between the Total stockholders' equity and the R&D expenses in these three groups. This study confirms that Total stockholders' equity can play the role of a call option to support continuing R&D investments even in negative profits.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effect of Vespa simillima Extracts on Long-Term Memory and MK-801-Induced Learning Disability in Mice

        Fujiwara, Yumiko,Kobayashi, Haruo,Kawai, Shigenao,Suzuki, Koichi Korean Society of Sericultural Science 2007 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.15 No.1

        Extracts of adult worker bodies of Vespa simillima in 2 % NaCl or acidified methanol were administered orally to mice for 70 days. Following this period, memory at one-day and one-month periods, and the effects on scopolamine-induced amnesia were examined using a step-through passive avoidance task. Changes in MK-801-induced disability after 8 days of training, and in memory one month after the trial were also assessed. Mice treated with the 2% NaCl extract showed significant improvement in memory in the behavioral tests one month after the trial, whereas mice receiving the extract in acidified methanol, did not differ from the controls in any trial. The results inidicate that Vespa simillima contains substances acting favorably on the cerebral functions of mammals.

      • Unsual Telomere Structure in Insects

        Fujiwara,Haruhiko 한국생명과학회 2000 한국생명과학회 학술발표회 Vol.29 No.-

        Most eucaryotic telomeres consist of short telomeric repeats, which are synthesized by a reverse transcriptase activity of telomerase. The addition of telomeric repeats by telomerase is essential for cellular functions, such as compensating for telomere shortening and telomere crisis. However, in some insects, another type of telomere synthesis has been reported. Drosophila melanogaster seems to lose the telomeric repeats at all. In stead of telomerase, non-LTR retransposons, TART and HeTA, transpose on the chromosomal ends of Drosophila and rescue the telomere shoetening in this insect. Another insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori, however, has an intermediate type of telomere structure between most eucaryotes and Drosophila. The silkworm has penta-nucleotide telomeric repeats (TTAGG)n on their chromosomal ends, where many non-LTR retrotransposons are inserted in the telomeric repeats. We named these retrtranspososable elements as TRAS and SART. We have been studying about how these retransposons integrate into the telomeric repeats specially and whether these elements are involved in the telomeric maintenance and function. In this meeting, I would like to talk about (1) Unsual telomere structure and maintenance in insects (2) Distribution patterns of telomerase and (TTAGG)n in insects (3) site specific retrotransposition of telomere associated retrotransposons.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Fermented Soybean "Natto" Supplement on Egg Production and Qualities

        Fujiwara, K.,Miyaguchi, Y.,Toyoda, A.,Nakamura, Y.,Yamazaki, M.,Nakashima, K.,Abe, H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2008 Animal Bioscience Vol.21 No.11

        Natto is a Japanese traditional soybean product fermented by Bacillus natto. The effects of dried fermented soybean (natto) supplement on egg production and egg qualities of layer chickens was studied with regard to the effective use of various waste foods in Japan. Dried natto, prepared by heating at $60^{\circ}C$, was added to a basic diet at a level of up to 3%. Forty 166-wk-old layer chickens (Rhode Island Red) were randomly divided into 4 groups and five layer chickens were used in each group with two replicates. Layer chickens in group 1 were fed a basic diet as the control. The remaining 3 groups were fed the basic diet supplemented with dried natto at levels of 1, 2, and 3% (w/w), respectively. The result did not show improvements in egg production or feed conversion ratio of layer chickens even when 3% dried natto was added to the control diet. The egg qualities including egg weight, eggshell strength and thickness, yolk color, yolk weight, albumen height, and Haugh unit were also not improved. However, the feeding of dried natto changed the cholesterol content in the egg yolk. The supplementation of dried natto showed the tendency to decrease the yolk cholesterol after 12-wk of feeding compared to the control diet though it did not change plasma cholesterol levels in the blood. On the other hand, yolk cholesterol decreased significantly after 12-wk of feeding 3% dried natto (p<0.05).


        Effect of Fermented Soybean, "Natto" on the Production and Qualities of Chicken Meat

        Fujiwara, K.,Miyaguchi, Y.,Feng, X.H.,Toyoda, A.,Nakamura, Y.,Yamazaki, M.,Nakashima, K.,Abe, H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2008 Animal Bioscience Vol.21 No.12

        Natto is a Japanese traditional soybean product fermented by Bacillus natto. The effect of natto supplement on the production and qualities of chicken meat was studied since the effective use of various waste foods is required in Japan. Dried natto prepared by heating at $60^{\circ}C$ was added to a basic diet at an amount of below 2%. The supplementation of dried natto did not influence the weights of the carcass, breast and thigh meat, fillet or abdominal fat. Growth of the thighbone such as the length, thickness of cortex bone, and Ca/P ratio in bone ash were not altered by the addition of natto. However, the pH of male meat decreased following the supplementation of dried natto from days 28 to 80. The water-soluble protein content in male thigh meat increased in the group fed 2% natto from days 28 to 80. Free peptides increased in male thigh meat by feeding 2% natto from days 0 to 80. The supplementation of natto increased free glutamic acid in thigh meat regardless of sex. Moreover, the supplementation of natto specifically decreased meat cholesterol in female chickens though the effect was not shown in male chickens.

      • Hybrid Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of HRS Processed SUS316L and Titanium Materials

        Fujiwara Hiroshi,Ohta Koichi,Noro Atsushi,Ameyama Kei 한국분말야금학회 2006 한국분말야금학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.1

        SUS316L stainless steel, commercial pure Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy powders applied by Mechanical Milling (MM) process are sintered by Hot Roll Sintering (HRS) process. Microstructure and mechanical properties of those HRS materials is investigated. The microstructures of materials produced by HRS process consist of fine grains and work-hardened structure, that is, the hybrid microstructure. Tensile test of the HRS material demonstrated the good mechanical properties. These results show that the HRS process is very effective to the improvement of mechanical properties in the SUS316L stainless steel, commercial pure Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy.

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