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      • KCI등재후보

        Effect of Parasitoids' Exit and Predators' Ingress Holes on Silk Yield of the African Wild Silkmoth, Gonometa Postica Walker (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)

        Fening, Ken Okwae,Kioko, Esther Ndaisi,Raina, Suresh Kumar Korean Society of Sericultural Science 2009 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.19 No.2

        Wild silkmoths can be utilised sustainably in the production of silk as an income for resource-poor rural communities. However, attack by parasitoids and predators affect the quality of cocoons and quantity of raw silk produced. A laboratory experiment was undertaken to quantify the effect of parasitoids' (dipteran and hymenopteran) and predators' (ants) exit and ingress holes, respectively, on silk production. The mean number of shells required to produce fifty grams of raw silk was highest with cocoons parasitised by a dipteran and lowest with unattacked cocoons (but with moths already emerged). Degumming loss was highest in parasitised and lowest in unttacked cocoons, but both were not different from cocoons predated by ants. Shell weight was highest in unattacked cocoons, followed by hymenopteran-parasitised and predated cocoons, with the dipteran parasitized ones being the least. Single cocoon weight was greater in hymenopteran-parasitised and predated cocoons than the dipteran-parasitised and unattacked cocoons. Shell ratio or raw silk, floss and yarn weights were higher in unattacked than parasitised and predated cocoons. The total loss in raw silk attributable to attack by parasitoids and predators ranged between 17.4~31.2%. The results offer baseline information for assessment of economic losses in wild silk farming due to parasitoids and predators in the field.

      • KCI등재후보

        Effect of Parasitoids` Exit and Predators` Ingress Holes on Silk Yield of the African Wild Silkmoth, Gonometa Postica Walker (Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae)

        ( Ken Okwae Fening ),( Esther Ndaisi Kioko ),( Suresh Kumar Raina ) 한국잠사학회 2009 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.19 No.2

        Wild silkmoths can be utilised sustainably in the production of silk as an income for resource-poor rural communities. However, attack by parasitoids and predators affect the quality of cocoons and quantity of raw silk produced. A laboratory experiment was undertaken to quantify the effect of parasitoids` (dipteran and hymenopteran) and predators` (ants) exit and ingress holes, respectively, on silk production. The mean number of shells required to produce fifty grams of raw silk was highest with cocoons parasitised by a dipteran and lowest with unattacked cocoons (but with moths already emerged). Degumming loss was highest in parasitised and lowest in unttacked cocoons, but both were not different from cocoons predated by ants. Shell weight was highest in unattacked cocoons, followed by hymenopteran-parasitised and predated cocoons, with the dipteran parasitized ones being the least. Single cocoon weight was greater in hymenopteran-parasitised and predated cocoons than the dipteran-parasitised and unattacked cocoons. Shell ratio or raw silk, floss and yarn weights were higher in unattacked than parasitised and predated cocoons. The total loss in raw silk attributable to attack by parasitoids and predators ranged between 17.4~31.2%. The results offer baseline information for assessment of economic losses in wild silk farming due to parasitoids and predators in the field.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Breaking the Culture-specific Silence of Women Glass Bead Makers in Ghana: Towards Empowerment

        Adom, Dickson,Daitey, Samuel T.,Yarney, Lily,Fening, Peggy A. Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2020 Safety and health at work Vol.11 No.4

        Background: The production of glass beads in Ghana is greatly impacted by the ingenuity of Ghanaian women. Preliminary investigations revealed the lack of interest on the part of women due to poor working conditions as a result of the influence of culture-specific silence. Therefore, the study investigated the poor working conditions faced by these industrious women with the ultimate goal of suggesting ways they can be empowered. Methods: A phenomenological study was conducted in two indigenous glass bead communities in Ghana. Data were solicited via direct observations, personal interviews and focus group discussions. Twenty-six purposively sampled respondents were recruited for the study. Data from the study were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results: The results confirmed that the elderly women glass bead makers are much influenced by the Ghanaian culture of silence. This prevents the women from speaking about the challenges they are facing in their work. Also, the women are silenced because of the fear of losing their jobs as well as the reluctance of their male managers to remedy the challenges they encounter in the course of work. This has resulted in poor remuneration, lack of insurance packages for workers, certification, and absence of personal protective tools for the women. Conclusion: The study tasks the government of Ghana, the Legal Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA), the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission in Ghana, the Ghana Trade Union as well as the Local Government Workers' Union to empower the women to sustain the glass bead industry in Ghana.

      • KCI등재

        Transparency to Reduce Surgical Implant Waste

        Kiel J. Pfefferle,Matthew F. Dilisio,Brianna Patti,Stephen D. Fening,Jeffrey T. Junko 대한정형외과학회 2015 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery Vol.7 No.2

        Rising health care costs and emphasis on value have placed the onus of reducing healthcare costs on the surgeon. Methods: Financial data from 3,973 hip, knee, and shoulder arthroplasties performed at a physician owned orthopedic hospital was retrospectively reviewed over a two-year period. A wasted implant financial report was posted starting the second year of the study. Each surgeon’s performance could be identified by his peers. Results: After posting of the financial report, 1.11% of all hip and knee arthroplasty cases had a waste event compared to 1.50% during the control year. Shoulder arthroplasty waste events occurred twice as often than that observed in hip and knee arthroplasty during the study period. A decrease in waste events was observed but was not statistically significant (p = 0.30). Conclusions: Posting a non-blinded wasted implant data sheet was associated with a reduction in the number of wasted orthopedic surgical implants in this series, although the reduction was not statistically significant.

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