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      • Augmenting User Interaction in a Smart Home Applying Commonsense Knowledge

        Fahim Kawsar,Mostafa Al Masum Shaikh,Jong Hyuk Park,Ishizuka Mitsuru,Tatsuo Nakajima 보안공학연구지원센터 2008 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.2 No.4

        In this paper, we present a system that augments user interaction to elicit intelligence of a living room adorned with aware artefacts. These artefacts are computationally augmented everyday objects, like a phone, a light, a TV, etc., which are enabled to communicate their operational states among themselves. The operational state of an artefact is usually changed to another state as a result of an interaction by the user. Our system augments such interactions by improvising other spatially correlated artefacts with the help of commonsense knowledge. For example, if a user picks up a ringing phone while the TV is on, the system either mutes or reduces the TV volume. In this case the phone’s state is changed to “in use” state due to deliberate interaction of the user and simultaneously the state of the TV may be changed to “mute” or “low volume” by the system. Such idea of augmenting user interaction has been elaborated in this paper. We present the computational model and theimplementation detail of our approach and also demonstrate its feasibility through an informal user study.

      • Prottoy Middleware Platform for Smart Object Systems

        Fahim Kawsar,Kaori Fujinami,Tatsuo Nakajima 보안공학연구지원센터 2008 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.2 No.3

        This paper presents a middleware platform, Prottoy for the development of smart object systems. A smart object has some specific characteristics e.g., augmentation variation, perceptual feedback provision, push-pull model, etc. In addition a smart object could be stand-alone, co-operative or associated with an external application. Generic pervasive middlewares have no clean support for accommodating all these characteristics of smart objects. Prottoy is designed by carefully observing the characteristics of smart objects and it has taken a core-cloud approach to represent them digitally. A smart object’s common functional features are combined together as a generic core and a collection of supplementary service profiles represents the cloud that can be plugged-in atop the core. Application developers are offered unified interfaces to interact bi-directionally (senseactuate) with the underlying smart objects isolating access issues completely regardless of the smart objects' types and properties. Prottoy's hybrid architecture allows a smart object to be stand-alone, co-operative or a part of an application. The benefit of our approach is twofold. Firstly, the core-cloud artefact framework provides a lucid representation of smart object that accommodates its specific features leading to a generic smart object model. Secondly, Prottoy allows rapid development of smart object systems by providing unified interfaces with high-level abstractions. In this paper, we discuss the background, technical details and the qualitative evaluation of Prottoy.

      • Secure and Efficient Tag Searching in RFID Systems using Serverless Search Protocol

        Sheikh I. Ahamed,Farzana Rahman,Endadul Hoque,Fahim Kawsar,Tatsuo Nakajima 보안공학연구지원센터 2008 International Journal of Security and Its Applicat Vol.2 No.4

        In the coming pervasive society, Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) Tags will be affixed within every product and object including human. This technology is anticipated to be a major technology which will be utilized by several pervasive services where these tags will be used to identify various objects. However, the use of RFID tags may create new threats to the security and privacy of individuals holding RFID tags. Therefore, widespread deployment of RFID systems preserving users’ privacy and data integrity is a major security challenge of the coming year. That is why research related to privacy preserving authentication is growing. And the envision is that: RFID systems can intermingle into human lives if they can offer practical, low cost and secured mechanisms for tag authentication which has been in the midst of researcher’s interest for almost a decade. One extension of RFID authentication is RFID tag searching. Any RFID authentication protocol which provides adequate security and privacy can be used for RFID tag searching. However, when the number of tags within a system will increase, the overall data collection cost will also increase. Therefore, more efficient tag searching method is needed. RFID search protocol can play a major role for tag searching which has not been given much attention so far. But we firmly believe that in near future tag searching will be a significant issue. In this paper we propose a lightweight and serverless RFID tag searching protocol. This protocol can search a particular tag efficiently without server’s intervention. Furthermore they are secured against major security threats.

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