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        Transport and management of diffuse pollutants using low impact development technologies applied to highly urbanized land uses:고도화 도시지역에 적용된 LID 기법의 비점오염물질 관리 및 이동

        F. K. F. Geronimo,최혜선(H.S. Choi),김이형(L. H. Kim) 한국습지학회 2019 한국습지학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구는 도로, 주차장 및 지붕에서 발생된 TSS와 중금속의 거동을 분석하기 위해 수행되었다. 강우시 도로, 주차장, 지붕에서 발생되는 중금속은 입자상 물질(TSS)에 부착되어 이동된다. 이는 TSS 부하량과 Cr, Fe, Cu 및 Pb의 입자상 중금속 및용존성 중금속의 부하량의 상관관계로 판단 가능하다(r =0.52~0.73, p <0.01). 일반적으로 도로 및 주차장에서 발생된 TSS 및 중금속은 지붕에 비해 더 높은 것으로 분석되었는데, 이는 차량에 의해 중금속이 많이 발생하며, 집수면적 또한 도로 및주차장이 넓기 때문으로 보여진다. 첨두유출발생시까지 TSS 부하량의 65~75%가 유출되는 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 인근수계로 유출되는 TSS를 제거하기 위해서는 첨두유출을 제어하는 것이 가장 효과적인 것을 의미한다. 또한 비용경제적인LID 시설의 규모를 산정하기 위해 시설의 적정 크기(시설의 표면적/배수구역 면적)에 따른 TSS와 중금속 제거율을 평가하였다. 본 연구는 LID 시설의 설계시 참고 가능한 기초데이타로 중요한 의미가 있는 것으로 사료된다. This study was conducted to understand factors affecting TSS and heavy metals transport on the road, parking lot and roof. During storm events, heavy metals, which were mostly attached to TSS, were also transported when TSS was washed off in the road, parking lot and roof. This finding may be supported by the significant correlations between TSS load and total and soluble heavy metals load including Cr, Fe, Cu, and Pb (Pearson r value: 0.52 to 0.73; probability p value<0.01). Generation and transport of TSS and heavy metals were greater in the road and parking lot compared to the roof due to vehicular activities, slope and greater catchment areas of these sites. It was found that TSS transport during peak flows of storm events ranges from 65% to 75% implying that by controlling peak flows, TSS transportation to nearby water bodies may be decreased. Depending on the target TSS and heavy metal reduction, sizing of low impact development (LID) technologies and green infrastructures (GI) such as infiltration trench, tree box filter, and rain garden may be calculated. Future researchers were recommended to assess the limitations of the systems and determine the design considerations for these types of facilities.

      • KCI등재

        A comprehensive review of microplastics: Sources, pathways, and implications

        K.A.V. Yano,N.J.D.G. Reyes,F.K.F. Geronimo,전민수,김영철,김이형 한국습지학회 2020 한국습지학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Most studies defined microplastic (MP) as plastic particles less than 5 mm. The ubiquity of MP is raising awareness due to its potential risk to humans and the environment. MP can cause harmful effects to humans and living organisms. This paper review aimed to provide a better understanding of the sources, pathways, and impacts of MP in the environment. MP can be classified as primary and secondary in nature. Moreover, microplastic can also be classified as based on its physical and chemical characteristics. Stormwater and wastewater are important pathways of introducing MP in large water bodies. As compared to stormwater, the concentrations of MP in wastewater were relatively lower since wastewater treatment processes can contribute to the removal of MP. In terms of polymer distribution, wastewater contains a wider array of polymer varieties than stormwater runoff. The most common types of polymer found in wastewater and stormwater runoff were polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The continuous discharge and the increasing number of MP in the environment can pose greater hazards and harmful effects on humans and other living organisms. Despite the growing number of publications in relation to MP, further studies are needed to define concrete regulations and management strategies for mitigating the detrimental effects of MP in the environment.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of nutrient removal efficiency of an infiltration planter and an infiltration trench

        K.A.V. Yano,F. K. F. Geronimo,N. J. D.G. Reyes,전민수,김이형 한국습지학회 2019 한국습지학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Nutrients in stormwater runoff have raised concerns regarding water quality degradation in the recent years. Low impact development (LID) technologies are types of nature-based solutions developed to address water quality problems and restore the predevelopment hydrology of a catchment area. Two LID facilities, infiltration trench (IT) and infiltration planter (IP), are known for their high removal rate of nutrients through sedimentation and vegetation. Long-term monitoring was conducted to assess the performance and cite the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing the facilities in nutrient removal. Since a strong ionic bond exists between phosphorus compounds and sediments, reduction of total phosphorus (TP) (more than 76%), in both facilities was associated to the removal of total suspended solids (TSS) (more than 84%). The efficiency of nitrogen in IP is 28% higher than IT. Effective nitrification occurred in IT and particulate forms of nitrogen were removed through sedimentation and media filters. Decrease in ammonium- nitrogen (NH4-N) and nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), and increase in nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) fraction forms indicated that effective nitrification and denitrification occurred in IP. Hydrologic factors such as rainfall depth and rainfall intensity affected nutrient treatment capabilities of urban stormwater LID facilities The greatest monitored rainfall intensity of 11 mm/hr for IT yielded to 34% and 55% removal efficiencies for TN and TP, respectively, whereas, low rainfall intensities below 5 mm resulted to 100 % removal efficiency. The greatest monitored rainfall intensity for IP was 27 mm/hr, which still resulted to high removal efficiencies of 98% and 97% for TN and TP, respectively. Water quality assessment showed that both facilities were effective in reducing the amount of nutrients; however, IP was found to be more efficient than IT due to its additional provisions for plant uptake and larger storage volume.

      • KCI등재

        Performance assessment of an urban stormwater infiltration trench considering facility maintenance

        N. J. D.G. Reyes,F. K. F. Geronimo,최혜선,김이형 한국습지학회 2018 한국습지학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Stormwater runoff containing considerable amounts of pollutants such as particulates, organics, nutrients, and heavy metals contaminate natural bodies of water. At present, best management practices (BMP) intended to reduce the volume and treat pollutants from stormwater runoff were devised to serve as cost-effective measures of stormwater management. However, improper design and lack of proper maintenance can lead to degradation of the facility, making it unable to perform its intended function. This study evaluated an infiltration trench (IT) that went through a series of maintenance operations. 41 monitored rainfall events from 2009 to 2016 were used to evaluate the pollutant removal capabilities of the IT. Assessment of the water quality and hydrological data revealed that the inflow volume was the most relative factor affecting the unit pollutant loads (UPL) entering the facility. Seasonal variations also affected the pollutant removal capabilities of the IT. During the summer season, the increased rainfall depths and runoff volumes diminished the pollutant removal efficiency (RE) of the facility due to increased volumes that washed off larger pollutant loads and caused the IT to overflow. Moreover, the system also exhibited reduced pollutant RE for the winter season due to frozen media layers and chemical-related mechanisms impacted by the low winter temperature. Maintenance operations also posed considerable effects of the performance of the IT. During the first two years of operation, the IT exhibited a decrease in pollutant RE due to aging and lack of proper maintenance. However, some events also showed reduced pollutant RE succeeding the maintenance as a result of disturbed sediments that were not removed from the geotextile. Ultimately, the presented effects of maintenance operations in relation to the pollutant RE of the system may lead to the optimization of maintenance schedules and procedures for BMP of same structure.

      • Implications of CaCl<sub>2</sub> application to plants in LID facilities

        Choi, H. S.,Hong, J. S.,Geronimo, F. K. F.,Kim, L. H. IWA Publishing 2018 Water Science & Technology Vol.78 No.5

        <P>Low impact development (LID) technologies mimic the natural water cycle through the physico-chemical and biological interactions of plants, filter media and soil, and microorganisms, thereby reducing the release of pollutants. In LID facilities, plants carry out photosynthesis, facilitate microbial growth, and uptake pollutants contained in stormwater runoff. However, de-icers (CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>) used to melt snow during winter slow the growth of plants and even increase plant mortality. In addition, de-icers change the soil structure, causing changes in soil content and affecting the growth of plants and microorganisms. Therefore, this study examined the effects of CaCl<SUB>2</SUB> on the resistance of plants, the removal efficiency of non-point source pollutants, and water circulation. The mortality rate of the tree and shrubs caused by CaCl<SUB>2</SUB> was found to be in the order of <I>Rhododendron indicum</I> > <I>Spiraea prunifolia</I> var. <I>simpliciflora</I> > <I>Metasequoia glyptostroboides</I>. For herbaceous plants, mortality rate was in the order of <I>Pratia pedunculata</I> > <I>Aquilegia japonica</I> > <I>Tagetes erecta</I> > <I>Sedum makinoi aurea</I> > <I>Hosta longipes</I> > <I>Dianthus chinensis</I> > <I>Acorus gramineus</I> > <I>Liriope platyphylla</I>. In addition, it was found that the amount of chlorophyll decreases with high concentrations of CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>. The findings of this research will be useful for plant selection considering CaCl<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations applied to paved areas during the winter.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Development of Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Kurunegala City, Sri Lanka

        N. J. D.G. Reyes,H. N. Cho,F. K. F. Geronimo,전민수,김이형 한국습지학회 2019 한국습지학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Sri Lanka is an island nation susceptible to climate-related disasters and extreme weather events. Kurunegala City is the developing capital city of the North-Western Province of Sri Lanka. Changes in rainfall patterns and a steadily increasing annual average temperature amounting to 0.69±0.37°C were observed in the city area. Generally, urban areas are at risk due to the lack of climate change adaptation provisions incorporated in the development plans. This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of Krunegala City, Sri Lanka and develop an appropriate climate change adaptation plan for the city. Site investigation and qualitative risk assessment were conducted to devise a plan relevant to the climate change adaptation needs of the city. Qualitative risk analyses revealed that drinking water, water resources, and health and infrastructure risks were among the major concerns in Kurunegala City. Low impact development (LID) technologies were found to be applicable to induce non-point source pollutant reduction, relieve urban heat island phenomenon, and promote sound water circulation systems. These technologies can be effective means of alleviating water shortage and reducing urban temperature. The measures and strategies presented in this study can serve as reference for developing climate change adaptation plans in areas experiencing similar adverse effects of climate change.

      • Assessment of environmental impacts of LID technologies on vegetation

        Choi, Hyeseon,Hong, Jungsun,Geronimo, F.K.F.,Kim, Lee-Hyung Techno-Press 2019 Membrane water treatment Vol.10 No.1

        LID facilities do not consider environmental factors, and due to inappropriate vegetation planting causing degradation in efficiency due to plant damage and difficulty in maintenance. Therefore, in this study, assessment of impact environmental factor by seasonal variation of chlorophyll and growth of vegetation planted in LID technologies and change of pollutant reduction were conducted. In the case of B-SJ and B-RI, growth rate decreased after summer (August), and B-MG showed steady growth until autumn (September). Chlorophyll was found to increase during spring season while it decreased during autumn season. The chlorophyll concentration was found to affect the plant growth pattern. TN reduction efficiency was highest with greater than 80% efficiency in summer, and it was analyzed that plants were identified as the main factor affecting the seasonal reduction efficiency of TN. Also, temperature and relative humidity were analyzed to affect plant growth, activity and pollutant removal efficiency. Plant type and growth pattern are considered as factors to be considered in selection of appropriate plant types in LID technologies.

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