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        Meat Quality, Digestibility and Deposition of Fatty Acids in Growing-finishing Pigs Fed Restricted, Iso-energetic Amounts of Diets Containing either Beef Tallow or Sunflower Oil

        Mitchaothai, J.,Everts, H.,Yuangklang, C.,Wittayakun, S.,Vasupen, K.,Wongsuthavas, S.,Srenanul, R.,Hovenier, R.,Beynen, A.C. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2008 Animal Bioscience Vol.21 No.7

        The influence of dietary beef tallow (BT) versus sunflower oil (SO) on meat quality and apparent digestibility and deposition of individual fatty acids in the whole carcass was investigated in pigs fed diets containing either BT or SO. The diets contained equal amounts of energy in the form of the variable fats and were fed on an iso-energetic, restricted basis. Crude fat in the SO diet was better digested (p<0.001) than in the BT diet. The dietary fat type had no effect on growth performance, physical properties of the carcass and meat quality. The pigs fed the BT diet showed lower (p<0.001) apparent digestibilities for palmitic and linoleic acid, but those of oleic and ${\alpha}$-linolenic acid were not affected. The ratio of deposition in the carcass to intake of digestible fatty acids for the whole feeding period was decreased (p<0.01) for oleic and linoleic acid in pigs fed the SO diet. The pigs fed the SO diet instead of the BT diet had a lower (p<0.05) deposition:intake ratio for mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The calculated minimum de novo synthesis of saturated fatty acids was increased for the SO diet, but that of mono-unsaturated fatty acids was not different. In conclusion, the iso-energetic replacement of BT by SO had a marked impact on the fatty acid composition of tissues, but did not affect carcass and meat quality traits in spite of the marked difference in the deposition of linoleic acid in adipose tissues, loin muscle and the whole body. In addition, it became clear that the type of dietary fat had marked, specific effects on the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids.


        Shrimp By-product Feeding and Growth Performance of Growing Pigs Kept on Small Holdings in Central Vietnam

        Nguyen, Linh Q.,Everts, Henk,Beynen, Anton C. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.7

        The effect studied was that of the feeding of shrimp by-product meal, as a source of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid, on growth performance and fatty acid composition of adipose tissue in growing pigs kept on small holdings in Central Vietnam. Shrimp by-product meal was exchanged with ruminant meal so that the diets contained either 0, 10 or 20% shrimp byproduct meal in the dry matter. The diets were fed on 6 different small-holder farms. The farmers fed a base diet according to their personal choice, but were instructed as to the use of shrimp by-product and ruminant meal. The diets were fed to the pigs from 70 to 126 days of age. There were three animals per treatment group per farm. The diets without and with 20% shrimp by-product meal on average contained 0.01 and 0.14 g docosahexaenoic acid/MJ of metabolisable energy (ME). Due to the higher contents of ash and crude fiber, the shrimp by-product meal containing diets had lower energy densities than the control diets. Eicosapentaenoic acid was not detectable in adipose tissue; the content of docosahexaenoic acid was generally increased after consumption of shrimp by-product meal. In spite of the concurrent high intakes of ash and crude fiber, the feeding of shrimp by-product meal had a general stimulatory effect on growth performance of the growing pigs. The intake of docosahexaenoic acid or its content in adipose tissue was not related with average daily gain. It is suggested that shrimp by-product meal may contain an unknown growth enhancing factor.


        Chromosomal Localization of Korean Cattle (Hanwoo) BAC Clones via BAC end Sequence Analysis

        Chae, Sung-Hwa,Kim, Jae-Woo,Choi, Jae Min,Larkin, Denis M.,Everts-van der Wind, Annelie,Park, Hong-Seog,Yeo, Jung-Sou,Choi, Inho Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.3

        In this study, a Korean native cattle strain (Hanwoo) evidencing high performance in terms of both meat quality and quantity was employed in the generation of 150,000 BAC clones with an average insert size of 140 kb, and corresponding to about a 6X coverage of bovine chromosomal DNA. The BAC clones were pooled in a mini-scale via three rounds of a pooling protocol, and the efficiency of this pooling protocol was evaluated by testing the accuracy of accessibility to the positive clones, via a PCR-based screening method. Two sets of primers designed from each of two known genes were tested, and each yielded 2 or 3 positive clones for each gene, thereby indicating that the BAC library pooling system was appropriate with regard to the accession of the target BAC clones. Analyses of $3.3{\times}10^6$ base pairs obtained from the 7,090 BAC end sequence (BES) showed that 34.88% of the DNA sequence harbored the repetition sequence. Analysis of the 7,090 BES to the $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ generation radiation hybrid map of the cattle genome, using the COMPASS program designed for the construction of a cattle-human comparative mapping, resulted in the localization of a total of 1,374 clones proximal to 339 $1^{st}$ generation markers, and 1,721 clones proximal to 664 $2^{nd}$ generation markers. Collectively, the BAC library and pooling system of the BAC clones from the Korean cattle, coupled with the chromosome-localized BAC clones, will provide us with novel tools for the excavation of desired clones for genome mapping and sequencing, and will also furnish us with additional information regarding breed differences in cattle.

      • KCI등재

        Canadian Public Sector Reform: Moving Towards a Neo-Weberian State?

        Evert A. Lindquis,Jonathan Craft 서울대학교행정대학원 2024 Journal of Policy Studies Vol.39 No.2

        Recent turbulence in governing environments has reinvigorated big questions in the field about the efficacy of various public governance approaches. This article examines the applicability of the Neo Weberian State (NWS) approach to the Canadian case. Our analysis reveals that Canada does not currently meet the NWS requirements. Canada’s decentralized federal system and Indigenous governance dynamics challenge the hierarchy essential to the NWS. As a modest reformer, Canada’s public management reform trajectory has not yielded many of the elements stipulated by the NWS. Canada remains characterized by partial and often asymmetrical incrementalism which we argue points to a hybrid, pragmatic, and negotiated (HPN) approach. Looking at Canada through the lens of NWS raises important questions and considerations for the future directions of Canadian public management, but also identifies further opporutnities to sharpen the NWS approach.

      • KCI등재

        Using toponym co-occurrences to measure relationships between places: review, application and evaluation

        Evert Meijers,Antoine Peris 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2019 도시과학국제저널 Vol.23 No.2

        While there is consensus that network embeddedness of cities is of great importance for their development, the precise effect is difficult to assess because of a lack of consistent information on relations between cities. This paper presents, applies and evaluates a rather novel method to establish the strength of relationships between places, a method we refer to as ‘the toponym co-occurrence method’. This approach builds the urban system on the basis of co-occurrences of place names in a text corpus. We innovate by exploiting a so far unparalleled amount of data, namely the billions of web pages contained in the commoncrawl web archive, and by applying the method also to small places that tend to be ignored by other methods. The entire settlement system of the Netherlands is consequently explored. In addition, we innovatively apply machine learning techniques to classify these relations. Much attention is paid to solving biases deriving from place name disambiguation. Gravity modelling is employed to assess the resulting spatial organization of the Netherlands. It turns out that the gravity model fits very well with the pattern of relationships between places as found in digital space, which contributes to our assessment that the toponym co-occurrence method is a solid proxy for relationships in real space. Using the method, it is established that the relationships in the Randstad region, by many considered a coherent metropolitan entity, are actually somewhat less strong than expected. In contrast, historically important, but nowadays small cities in the periphery tend to have maintained their prominent position in the pattern of relationships. Suburban, relatively new places in the shadow of a larger city tend to be weakly related to other places. Several suggestions to further improve the method, in particular the classification of relationships, are discussed.


        Vedung, Evert 국제평화연구소 1989 平和硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        Information -communication, moral suasion, persuasion - is the softest instrument in the government's tool-kit. Can it really work? To suggest some conditions which may explain the success and faililure of information, the unique Swedish energy conservation program 1973-1988 is chosen as a case. Based on the Principle of Voluntariness, the Swedish energy conservation program has included information as a crucial tool of government. The energy conservation goals set by Parliament since 1975 have been accomplished with substantial margins. Overall energy use is lower in 1958 than in 1973 in spite of a forecasted 50-percent increase. Whether and how the public information efforts have contributed to this achievement, is not substantiated beyond all doubt. However, most studies seem to indicate that information really has had effects. Certainly, it has precipitated a reduction that maybe would have come later on anyway because of price hikes. Probably, it has also produced savings independently of price increases. The Swedish government has used established networks of private third parties between consumer and government agencies to collect, package and disseminate information to end-users. The third parties include corporatist institutions like professional organizations, trade associations, unions, employers' confederations, the association of local authorities, and the network of organizations around electricity and other energy Production and distribution. Trades and Professions have been important channels as well as the mass media. Another typical feature is the use of local government. A substantial part of the information has been research-based, produced within the peculiar Swedish system of so called sectorial, applied research. The Corporatist, Trades and Prodessions, Mass Media, Local-Government, and Research Approaches to government information have contributed to the success of the communication programs. Information has been particularly successful in influencing consumers who have economic incentives to take conservation measures but who don't know exactly how to go about. It has been more successful with consumers who can influenoe directly their energy environment (house owners, owner-occupants) than with those who cannot (tenants). Specific information on hew-to-do skills have been more instrumental than general-motivation knowledge. Information activities with perpetual evalustion of outputs and outcomes and continuous feedback of the results net only to program mangers but also to the addressees are more successful than information efforts without a proper evaluation function.

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