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      • 英語와 國語의 初期發話의 意味와 構造

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 2003 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        The goal of a theory of acquisition is to explain how the child masters his native language. This explanaton presupposes the understanding of the cognitive development of the child and its languange acquisition device. The purpose of this study is to show some of the meaning and syntactic properties of early English and early Korean,providing common features between the two languages. The results obtained from the study are summarized as follows ; (1) One-word utterances, after babbling,are evidently used with communicative intent, containing the same communicative functions as adult utterances. So they can be classified in terms of the semantic notions of Fillmore's Case Grammar. (2) Pivot Grammar describes only the structure of a transient stage of two-word utterances. The semantic relations between two words are best explained with the notions of Case Grammar. (3) The syntactic features should be explained in topic-comment structure,which has been shown to have universality among many languages. The above results show that early English and early Korean have many semantic,syntactic features in common,implying a universal theory for, at least, the two languages.

      • 英語 聖書 마태福音에 나타난 語彙變化에 關한 硏究

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 1989 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The Bible is one of the most valuable books that we read in our daily life. The English Bible was translated in various types, but this thesis especially treats vocabulary differences in the Authorized Version(AV) and Today's English Version (TEV). The purpose of comparing the grammatical differences in the AV and the TEV is to understand every line and meaning, focusing on the differences between Old and Present English expressions. Comparison between the Engelish Bible-the AV and the TEV reveals grammatical differences as follows : a. Noun: The plural forms of the nouns brother, fish read brethren, fishes in the AV; brothers, fish in the TEV, The possessive case of 's is inanimate. The possessive case of it reads his just the same as in Old English. b. Pronoun: the singular 2nd personal pronoun is inflected to thou, thy, thee; the plural nominate case is inflected to ye; thine and mine are used before vowel; thy and my before consonants. c. Relative pronoun : The relative pronoun that is replace by who and which according to its antecedents: even in the case that an antecedent indicates persons , which is used as relative. d. Adjective: Inflection of adjective is relatively constant and are more commonly changed to nouns or adverbs in the AV than in the TEV. e. Article: The definite article the was not so frequently used as today, An, the original form of the indefinite article a, is still used before the non-silent h sound. f. Verb: Verbs are inflected differently according to their tenses: in the AV, the present and the past tenses of indicative 2nd person are inflected to -(e)th, and singular 3rd person to -(e) th, the past tense -st, and the present and the past forms reflect all tenses. g. Auxiliary Verb: The present and past tense of the 2nd personal pronoun thou is inflected to -(e)st, The auxiliary verb do was not use in interrogative or in negative sentences. h. Adverb: In the AV, adjectives which were leveled to -e are diverted to independent adverbs, while some are not so in the TEV. i. Preposition and Conjunction: These are variously and idiomatically used more frequently in the AV than in the TEV. Considering vocabulary differences between the AV and the TEV, studies of the AV are 'conducive to gaining insights into the historical process of the English language as well as understanding of the TEV.

      • 英語受動構文의 格文法에 關한 硏究

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 1998 논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        Case structure is defined as the array of case by which verbs are classified. It is differentiated in relation to the features of verbs and those of nouns. The Case systems have their case categories and case markers according to their relationship and all cases have prepositions in their deep structure. However the preposition is canceled by the process of subjectivilization. Instrumental case does not occur in the subject position with Agentive. When a sentence is transformed to passive form, objective case becomes subject, and Agentive and Instrumental cases retain their respective prepositions. Case grammar is a kind of transformational grammar which Charles J. Fillmore introduced. He noted as follows: "The sentence in its basic structure consists of verb and one or more NP, each associated with the verb in a particular case relationship." So he suggested that a sentence consists of modality and preposition. The modality involves negation, tense, mood and aspect. Preposition involves a verb and various cases. These various cases have unique innate case markers. In this case structure, the prototypical example of the conversion of subjectivilization is passive-transformation. Through the process of this study, we find that we have to study more about case grammar for the purpose of better understanding the structure and meaning of a language.

      • 英語 聖書 마태福音에 나타난 語彙變化에 關한 硏究

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 2003 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        The Bible is one of the most valuable books that we read in our daily life. The English Bible was translated in various types, but this thesis especially treats vocabulary differences in the Authorized Version(AV) and Today’s English Version(TEV). The purpose of comparing the grammatical differences in the AV and the TEV is to understand every line and meaning, focusing on the differences between Old and Present English expressions. Comparison between the English Bible-the AV and the TEV reveals grammatical differences as follows: a. Noun: The plural forms of the nouns brother, fish read brethren, fishes in the AV : brothers, fish in the TEV, The possessive case of ‘s is inanimate. The possessive case of it reads his just the same as in Old English. b. Pronoun: the singular 2nd personal pronoun is inflected to thou, thy, thee; the plural nominate case is inflected to ye: thine and mine are used before vowel; thy and my before consonants. c. Relative pronoun: The relative pronoun that is replace by who and which according to its antecedents: even in the case that an antecedent indicates persons , which is used as relative. d. Adjective: Inflection of adjective is relatively constant and are more commonly changed to nouns or adverbs in the AV than in the TEV. e. Article: The definite article the was not so frequently used as today, An, the original form of the indefinite article a, is still used before the non-silent h sound. f. Verb: Verbs are inflected differently according to their tenses: in the AV, the present and the past tenses of indicative 2nd person are inflected to -(e)th, and singular 3rd person to - (e) th, the past tense -st and the present and the past forms reflect all tenses. g. Auxiliary Verb: The present and past tense of the 2nd personal pronoun thou is inflected to - (e) st, The auxiliary verb do was not use in interrogative or in negative sentences. h. Adverb: In the AV, adjectives which were leveled to -e are diverted to independent adverbs, while some are not so in the TEV. i. Preposition and Conjunction: These are variously and idiomatically used more frequently in the AV than in the TEV. Considering vocabulary differences between the AV and the TEV, studies of the AV are conducive to gaining insights into the historical process of the English language as well as understanding of the TEV.

      • 韓國敎會 說敎의 問題点과 方向

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 2003 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        Christianity and the sermon are inseperably related to each other as well as the gospel and preaching are, and especially the sermon which is a clearly a little while inseperable connection even though only a little while with the history of christianity. According to the historical view of the sermon, the preachers of Old Testament Age reproached not only the unrightousness with inspriably deep emotion from God: proclaimed the warning through the judgement of God. In the Medieval Age, entangling the lawful catagory, it should be as the sermon to elucidate and lost its ability. In the Age of Apostle, receiving the spiritual ability of Pentacost, they should prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death, and also prove the prediction about Messiah in the Old Testament in over half of the sermon. After that time they should keep the Apostle's instructions in the first period of the gospel preaching. They felt that there were many asceticism to emphasise ethically. It was an inavoidable relation of the underground church at the first time. At such a risk of their lives because of the drift of liberation of Christianity the sermon should be joined to the political and powerful situations which gradully won out. Meeting with disaster of scholar philsophy they should go hiding their figures in the monastry. But it seemed that the sermons of Luther and Calvin be brought the life power centered the Bible through Reformation from corruption and formation in the 15th century. Since 1885 the sermons of the pulpit in Korean church should start with the transmission of the gospel in Korea, and they are also influenced by traditional religions, Confucianism and Buddhism, and followed many difficulties to change the aspect of Exodus sermon in the short history of Christianity in our country. At the first step of the Korean church we had got the Biblical and pure evangerical sermon, but about the time Korean Liberation the forms of sermon were much different and cultural influence and literary works emerged in them. At the latter half of 1950's because of spliting of the Presbiterian church the egoism and antagonism influenced the sermon, and the voice was high, but love of God and life power were too feeble. After that time through Korean War and Revolution they should put the key point at the secular sermon to realize the social justice: vise versa, representing the view of the Bible for conservativeness of theology and should keep the tradition. Owing to such a split by the antagonism and hostility the faith of the Korean church should be turned the other direction and drift to ward the mysterical world and be influence of an escaped as reality. We can realize that the sermon should not be clear originally its mission because of the lawful and commandamental sermon. The mission of the sermon on the pulpit in Korean church are not only clearly faced with the crisis in the history of a hundred year missionary: they are slow growing to the trial on the pulpit changed in Korean church. We believe that if the preachers have to start with the strong decision and endevour to overcome this crisis, they can do it and also believe that we have a better future than we should ever have.

      • 英語와 國語의 初期發話의 意味와 構造

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 1993 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        The goal of a theory of acquisition is to explain how the child masters his native language. This explanaton presupposes the understanding of the cognitive development of the child and its languange acquisition device. The purpose of this study is to show some of the meaning and syntactic properties of early English and early Korean,providing common features between the two languages. The results obtained from the study are summarized as follows; (1) One-word utterances, after babbling,are evidently used with communicative intent, containing the same communicative functions as adult utterances. So they can be classified in terms of the semantic notions of Fillmore' s Case Grammar. (2) Pivot Grammar describes only the structure of a transient stage of two-word utterances. The semantic relations between two words are best explained with the notions of Case Grammar. (3) The syntactic features should be explained in topic-comment structure,which has been shown to have universality among many languages. The above results show that early English and early Korean have many semantic,syntactic features in common,implying a universal theory for, at least, the two languages.

      • 英語 副詞의 句 構造 文法에 關한 硏究

        손은수 대구산업정보대학 2000 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        While there have been many works in the last couple of decades dealing with the semantics of English adverbs, few syntactic analyses have been presented. The syntactic analyses which proposed have generally been motivated by semantic rather than syntactic consideration. Therefore, in this study, I provide syntactic analyses compatible with this semantic treatment. These analyses are formalized under the Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of adverb placement and to demonstrate that this analysis can be applicable to other construction related to adverbs such as coordination, VP fronting, VP deletion, and Right Node Raising. Summarizing the content of this study, Chapter Ⅰ describes the purpose of this study, the brief introduction of the Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar and previous analysis on adverbs. Chapter Ⅱ examines the adverbs, especially distributional placement, under the Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. In this chapter Ⅰ propose the analyses of the placement of sentential adverbs, VP adverbs and temporal adverbs. In explaining the adverbs, small number of non-lexical ID rules and Linear Precedence statement are employed. As result the evaluation of this study is provided.

      • 韓國敎會 說敎의 問題点과 方向

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 1988 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Christianity and the sermon are inseperably related to each other as well as the gospel and preaching are, and especially the sermon which is a clea rly a little while inseperable connection even though only a little while with the history of christianity. According to the historical view of the sermon, the preachers of Old Testament Age reproached not only the unrightousness with inspriably deep emotion from God: proclaimed the warning through the judgement of God. In the Medieval Age, entangling the lawful catagory, it should be as the sermon to elucidate and lost its ability. In the Age of Apostle, receiving the spiritual ability of Pentacost, they should prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death, and also prove the prediction about Messiah in the Old Testament in over half of the sermon. After that time they should keep the Apostle's instructions in the first period of the gospel preaching. They felt that there were many asceticism to emphasise ethically. It was an inavoidable relation of the underground church at the first time. At such a risk of their lives because of the drift of liberation of Christianity the sermon should be joined to the political and powerful situations which gradully won out. Meeting with disaster of scholar philsophy they should go hiding their figures in the monastry. But it seemed that the sermons of Luther and Calvin be brought the life power centered the Bible through Reformation from corruption and formation in the 15th century. Since 1885 the sermons of the pulpit in Korean church should start with the transmission of the gospel in Korea, and they are also influenced by traditional religions, Confucianism and Buddhism, and followed many difficulties to change the aspect of Exodu's sermon in the short history of Christianity in our country. At the first step of the Korean church we had got the Biblical and pure evangerical sermon, but about the time Korean Liberation the forms of sermon were much different and cultural influence and literary works emerged in them. At the latter half of 1950's because of spliting of the Presbiterian church the egoism and antagonism influenced the sermon, and the voice was high, but love of God and life power were too feeble. After that time through Korean War and Revolution they should put the key point at the secular sermon to realize the social justice: vise versa, representing the view of the Bible for conservativeness of theology and should keep the tradition. Owing to such a split by the antagonism and hostility the faith of the Korean church should be turned the other direction and drift to ward the mysterical world and be influence of an escaped as reality. We can realize that the sermon should not be clear originally its mission because of the lawful and commandamental sermon. The mission of the sermon on the pulpit in Korean church are not only clearly faced with the crisis in the history of a hundred year missionary : they are slow growing to the trial on the pulpit changed in Korean church. We believe that if the preachers have to start with the strong decision and endevour to overcome this crisis, they can do it and also believe that we have a better future than we should ever have.

      • That절의 유형에 관한 연구

        孫恩壽 대구산업정보대학 1994 논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        This study can be divided into two parts : One in which the That-Clauses are classified by their forms, the other in which the procedure of their nominalization is shown. The That-Clauses are classified into a few of patterns, according to the difference of patterns. This difference is found in the character of the conjunction "that" : Sometimes the conjunction "that" has a certain meaning. It plays the role as the object of prepositions or adverbs. These are numerated within a small extent. The "It-that" clauses are also studied. The difference of the meaning in a sentence when it is generated into another is compared with those found in the original one before it undergoes the transformation. Through the process like these, the beauty, complexity and speedy communication of English sentences are studied only partially, which is properly suggested by Langendeon in his book "The Essentials of English Grammar" as a whole.

      • 英語 副詞의 句 構造 文法에 關한 硏究

        손은수 대구산업정보대학 2003 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        While there have been many works in the last couple of decades dealing with the semantics of English adverbs, few syntactic analyses have been presented. The syntactic analyses which proposed have generally been motivated by semantic rather than syntactic consideration. Therefore, in this study, I provide syntactic analyses compatible with this semantic treatment. These analyses are formalized under the Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of adverb placement and to demonstrate that this analysis can be applicable to other construction related to adverbs such as coordination, VP fronting, VP deletion, and Right Node Raising. Summarizing the content of this study, Chapter Ⅰ describes the purpose of this study, the brief introduction of the Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar and previous analysis on adverbs. Chapter Ⅱ examines the adverbs, especially distributional placement, under the Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. In this chapter Ⅰ propose the analyses of the placement of sentential adverbs, VP adverbs and temporal adverbs. In explaining the adverbs, small number of non-lexical ID rules and Linear Precedence statement are employed. As result the evaluation of this study is provided.

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