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      • OGGI 유전자의 다형성이 방광암에 미치는 영향

        김은정,정필두,정춘구,서정원,윤석중,김원재 충북대학교 의학연구소 2001 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.11 No.2

        연구목적 : 손상된 유전자의 회복은 암의 발생 및 예방에 중요한 역할을 한다. 잘못된 염기의 제거 및 회복에 중요한 역할을 하는 OGGI 유전자의 다형성이 방광암에 어떠한 작용을 하는지를 환자-대조군 연구를 통해서 조사하였다. 대상 및 방법: 방광암 환자 168명과 건강인 672명을 대조군으로 하여 genomic DNA를 이용하여 SSCP (single-stranded conformational polymorphism), direct DNA sequencing 및 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) 방법을 통해 환자 및 대조군사이의 OGGI 유전자의 다형성을 조사하였다. 결과: 건강 한국인에서 OGGI 유전자의 유전형을 조사한 결과 econ 6의 Pro324Pro 부위(lb type)와 exon 7의 Ser326Cys 부위 (la type)에 유전자의 다형성이 있음을 발견하였다. Codon 324는 silent polymorphic site였으나 codon 326은 C→G로 nucleotide가 바뀌어 amino acid가 serine→cysteine으로 바뀌는 polymorphic site였다. 대조군에서 codon 326은 Ser326Ser 형이 127례 (18.9%), Ser326Cys 형이 363례 (54.0%) 및 Cys326Cys 형이 182례 (27.1%)이었으며, 168명의 방광암 환자군에서는 Ser326Ser 형이 44례 (26.2%), Ser326Cys 형이 87례 (51.8%)이고 0ys3260ys 형이 37례 (22.0%) 이었다(p=0.034) 즉 Cys326Cys 형 및 Ser326cys 형에 비하여 Ser326Ser 형에서 방광암이 생길 확율이 1.52배 (95% CI=0.439-0.969) 높았다 특히 40세 미만의 남자의 경우 Ser326Ser 형에서 방광암 발생확률이 다른 유전형에 비하여 6.1배 높았다. 결론: OGGI 유전자의 유전형은 서구인과 판이하게 달랐으며 방광암에서는 이 유전자의 변이가 빈번할 뿐아니라 codon 326의 Ser326Ser 형에서는 다른 유전자형에 비하여 방광암이 발생할 확률이 1.5배 이상 높았다. 특히 한국인 40세 미만의 남자에서는 방광암 발생확률이 6배이상 높았다. 본 연구결과 OGGI codon 326의 유전적 다형성은 방광암의 종양화 과정과 관계가 있을 것으로 여겨지며 특히 40세 미만의 한국 남자의 경우는 더욱 밀접한 관계가 있을 것으로 사료된다. Purpose: A repair of damaged DNA has been shown to be involved in the susceptibility to cancer development and prevention. Therefore, it is worth investigating genetic polymorphisms of the OGGl gene associated with the gene repair mechanism. In this study, we examined a possible association of genetic ploymorphisms in OGGl with the risk of bladder tumor. Materials and Methods: Hospital based, case-control investigation was carried out in 168 primary bladder tumor patients and 672 control subjects. We performed the SSCP, PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and direct DNA sequencing to characterize the genetic polymorphism of OGGI in both cases and oontrols. Results: We found two polymorphic sites in OGGl. A Ser/Cys polymorphism at codon 326 (la type) in exon 7 was associated with an exchange of amino acid. Another polymorphic site at codon 324 (1b type) in econ 6 was silent. The association between codon 326 Polymorphism and the risk of the bladder tumor was examined by a age-sex adjusted analysis. We found that the distribution of OGGl Ser326Cys genotypes of controls(Ser/Ser, 18.9% ; Ser/Cys, 54.0% ; Cys/Cys, 27.1%) was significantly different from that of bladder tumor patients (36.2%, 51.8% and 22.0%, respectively) (p = 0.034, adjusted OR = 0.652, 95% Cl = 0.44 - 0.97). Especially, bladder tumor risk in Korean male under 40 years old was approximately 6 times higher than over 40 years old males. Conclusion : Our data suggested that Ser326cys polymorphism at codon 326 of OGGl male below 40 years old in Korea significantly increased the risk of tumorigenesis in the urinary bladder (p = 0.015, adjusted OR = 0.165, 95% CI = 0.04 - 0.75) Our results suggest that the OGGl Ser326Cys Polymorphism might play a role in the tumorigenesis of the bladder.

      • 일 전문대학 간호과 학생들이 인지하는 강의평가 기준에 대한 조사연구

        김정애,이애경,주미경,정안순,장은정,김정수,강정희,이정애 경복대학 2004 京福論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        일개 전문대학 간호과 학생들을 대상으로 강의평가 기준을 파악하고자 하였다. 개방형 질문지를 이용하였으며 7개의 교수관련 강의평가 문항 각각에 대해 좋은 점수 및 나쁜 점수를 부여하는 기준을 조사하였다. 각 문항별로 다양한 기준이 확인되었으며, 간호과 학생들의 강의 만족도를 높일 수 있는 교수설계를 위한 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다. We aimed to set standards for the student evaluation of instruction for college students of Nursing. We used an open questionaire and surveyed the standards for how students judge the instruction good of bad by using seven questions related to the instructor. Various standards set from each question could be used as basic materials to meet the students' needs in the classroom when the instructors try to find out new instructional design.

      • KCI등재

        유용성 도료와 수용성 도료의 유해성 비교에 관한 연구 : 자동차 보수용 도료를 중심으로

        권은혜,김광식,오정룡,최정근,정윤석,이유진,김은아,송세욱,정호근 한국산업위생학회 2001 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to substitute water-based painting materials for the current solvent-based ones used in motor-repairing process to minimize the exposure of organic solvents to the painters. This study assessed the exposure of organic solvents to the painters using water-based and solvent-based painting materials and compared compositions, painting processes and the health hazards of the application of these alternative painting materials. The results of this study are as follows. 1. solvent-based painting materials used in motor-repairing process consist of various organic solvents, which consist primarily of toluene, xylene, ethyl benzene, ethyl methyl bezene, trimethyl bezene, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, methyl isobutyl ketone, 2-ethoxy ethanol, 2-ethoxy ethyl acetate and toluene-2.4-diisocianate and the others. These organic solvents are know as health-hazardous substances. But water-based painting materials are high-solid, low-solvent ones and consist of such two organic solvents as 2-butoxy ethanol and 2-heptanone and the others. 2. The painters using solvent-based painting materials in motor-repairing process are exposed to various organic acetate, methyl isobutyl ketone, trimethyl benzene, 2-ethoxy ethanol, and 2-ethoxy ethyl acetate. But the painters using solvent-based ones are only exposed to 2-butoxy ethanol and 2-heptanone. 3. By using water-based painting materials in stead of solvent-based painting materials containing health-hazardous organic solvents, the exposure of such organic solvents in the painter's breathing zone can be largely prevented. 4. This study recommends water-based painting materials as substitutes for the current solvent-based ones used in motor-repairing process to minimize the exposure of organic solvents to the painters.

      • 임상실습 교육개선을 위한 간호학생의 간호활동시간 분석

        이애경,김정애,주미경,정안순,장은정,김정수,강정희,이정애 경복대학 2001 京福論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        신규간호사의 능력은 간호학생 때의 다양한 임상경험에 기초를 둔다. 따라서, 간호대학의 교수, 병원 지도자, 임상지도자는 간호학생들이 다양한 지식을 획득하고 간호기술을 경험할 수 있도록 도와주는 중요한 역할을 한다. 이 연구의 목적은 이러한 간호학생들의 임상실습에서 수행하는 간호활동과 간호활동 시간을 분석하고자 하는데 있다. 연구결과 간호학생 1인당 직접간호활동 시간은 185.5분(직접간호비율은 56.7%)으로 141.65분(간접간호 비율은 43.3%)인 간접간호활동 시간보다 많았다. 직접간호활동 시간 중 활력징후 측정이 51.9분으로 가장 많은 시간을 차지하였고, 간접간호활동 시간 중에는 차트보기가 22.98분으로 가장 많은 시간을 차지하였다. 전반적으로 기본적인 임상간호 수행기술에 소요되는 시간이 고도의 숙련된 간호기술을 수행하는데 드는 시간보다 많은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서, 본 연구결과를 토대로 간호대학의 지도자와 병원의 지도자 및 임상지도자가 함께 임상실습 교육과정의 지침서와 평가서를 평가할 필요가 있다고 제언하는 바이다. The competence of newly graduated nurses is based on various clinical experiences gained when they were students. Therefore, professors in nursing schools, directors in hospitals or preceptors must play a critical role in assisting them to obtain various knowledge and experienced nursing skills. The purpose of this study is to investigate nursing care activities and nursing care hours practiced by nursing students in clinical experience. The results of this study showed that the direct nursing care hours per each nursing student are 185.5 mins(direct nursing care rate 56.7%) and it is higher than indirect nursing care hours, 141.65 mins(indirect nursing care rate 43.3%). The hours of checking vital signs are the longest(51.9mins) among the direct nursing care activities, and the hours of reviewing chart are the longest(22.98mins) among the indirect nursing care activities. In general, the time of performing basic clinical nursing technique was higher than that of performing high skilled nursing technique. And nursing observation was higher than that of directly performing task. So, we suggest based on the results of this study as follows. It is needed for nursing instructors in nursing schools and hospitals together to evaluate the guidelines and check-list of clinical practice courses.

      • 간호 학생의 임상실습 효율을 위한 기초 조사 연구

        이애경,김정애,주미경,정안순,배경진,김정수,이정애,장은정 경복대학 2000 京福論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        임상실습 교육은 간호이론을 실무에 적용하는 기회를 제공하는 과정으로서 임상실습이 간호교육의 중요한비중을 차지하고 있다는 것은 주지의 사실이다. 이러한 중요성에도 불구하고, 임상실습 교육에 즉각적인 해결이 어려운 많은 문제점이 있음도 이미 알고 있는 사실이다 이에 임상실습 교육의 기초 자료로 활용되고 있는 실습목록표에 대한 간호 학생들의 실습목표의 명확한 이해와 더불어 이론과 실습의 연계성을 강화시키고자 하였다. 성인간호, 모성간호, 이동간호 3개 영역 모두에서 공통적으로 기본임상간호 항목이나 기본간호술과 관련된 항목에서 직접수행의 빈도가 높았고 숙련된 기술적인 처치나 전문성을 필요로 하는 항목에서는 관찰과 수행경험이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. Clinical performance is not only the process of providing the opportunity for applying nursing theory into practice but also it is a well-known fact that clinical performance is an important part in nursing education. lnspite of this importance, it is also true that many problem with no immediate solution exist in clinical performance of nursing students. thus, through measuring and analyzing the degree of clinical experience of the nursing students, on the nursing checklist that is being used as the basic guide in clinical education, we tried to clearly understand the objectives of clinical performance and to emphasize the connection between theory and clinical performance. The results of the study showed that the frequency of directly performing tasks was high in all areas of adult health nursing, maternity nursing, and child nursing for the items of basics clinical nursing and items related with basic nursing techniques, and that the experiences of observation and execution were lacking in the items needing skilled treatment or speciality.

      • KCI등재후보

        정상면역을 가진 환자에서 발생한 복부대동맥의 진균 감염성동맥류 1예

        이호영,김태형,추은주,전민혁,이은정,정은정,전성란,박의주,염욱,장원호,황정화,김동훈,김동원 대한감염학회 2008 감염과 화학요법 Vol.40 No.3

        감염성동맥류는 드물지만, 치명적인 질환이다. 진성 진균성 감염성동맥류는 더 드물게 발생한다. 진균감염은 사망률과 이환율이 매우 높다. 그러나 증상이 비특이적이고 일반적인 진단방법으로는 민감하게 진단이 되지 않기 때문에 종종 진단이 어렵다. 저자들은 면역이 정상이고 다른 위험인자가 없는 환자에서 복부대동맥에 발생한 진균성 감염성동맥류를 경험하여 이를 보고한다. 컴퓨터 단층촬영과 혈관 수술에 기초하여 진단하였으며, 수술 후 조직배양에서 균이 동정되지는 않았으나 절제한 혈관조직에서 칸디다 감염을 시사하는 발아가 있는 효모균이 관찰되었다. 한국에서 1988년에서 2007년까지 복부에 발생한 감염성동맥류 17증례를 고찰하였을 때 진성 진균성 감염성동맥류는 없었으며, 저자들이 경험한 것이 복부에서 발생한 진균감염성 동맥류로는 첫 증례이다. Infected aneurysms are uncommon, frequently fatal lesions. "True" fungus-infected aneurysms are even rarer. Fungal infections have high morbidity and mortality. However, diagnosis is frequently difficult, since the symptoms are non-specific and standard diagnostic procedures are often insensitive. We experienced a patient with persistent fever and negative blood cultures. The patient was immunocompetent and had no risk factors, and was diagnosed with a fungus-infected aneurysm based on computed tomography and vascular surgery. The vascular tissue revealed some narrow-based budding yeast within the thrombus, suggesting Candida infection. Seventeen cases of infected aneurysm of the abdomen were reported in Korea from 1988 to 2007, although none were "true" fungus-infected aneurysms, making this the first fungus-infected aneurysm of the abdomen in Korea. Prompt diagnostic procedures and aggressive treatment modalities are necessary for patients with occult infection and negative blood cultures, regardless of their immunocompetence, because of the high morbidity and mortality of this condition.

      • 임상실습 평가도구 개발에 관한 연구

        정안순,장은정 경복대학 1999 京福論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 임상실습 평가에 대한 현황조사를 통하여 평가의 특성과 내용을 분석하고 표준화된 임상실습 평가도구를 개발하기 위함이다. 서울, 경기지역의 간호교육기관에 의뢰하여 1999년 4월 30일부터 5월 31일까지 회수된 총14개의 평가 도구를 이용하였다. 이 연구의 결과는 1) 임상실습 평가도구의 유형은 공통도구사용이 92.9%를 차지하였다. 2) 평가척도는 4점척도를 7개교로, 50.5%에서 사용하고 있었다. 3) 평가도구에 반영된 이론적 근거로는 Bloom모형을 8개교(57.1%)에서 사용하고 있었다. 4) 평가영역은 지식, 기술, 태도가 중요시 되었다. 평가항목은 14개의 평가 도구 중 간호수행능력이 빈도 9, 순위 1을 나타내고 있다. 5)임상 실습 평가를 위한 평가도구는 Bloom 모형과 간호과정을 근간으로 개발되었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics and content of evaluation tool, and develop evaluation tool for standard clinical performance through the situational investigation about clinical performance. Total 14 evaluation tools, collected by the nursing education institutions located in Seoul and Kyungki-Do area April from Area 30 to May 31, were used for this study. The results of this study are as follows; First, the use of common evaluation tool in the type of clinical perfromance evaluation tools occupied 92.9%. Second, 4-measure system as the evaluation measure is used in the 7 nursing education institutions(50.5%). Third, Bloom's Model as a theoretical basis in the evaluation tool is used in the 8 nursing education institutions (57.1%). Fourth, knowledge, skill and attitude are major factors in the evaluation domain. In case of evaluation items, nursing competence among 14 evaluation tools stands first in the evaluation with the frequency number 1. Fifth, the evaluation tools for the clinical performance evaluation were developed on the basis of Bloom's Model and Nursing Process.

      • TNF-α 유전자형과 방광암과의 관계

        정필두,김은정,엄민식,서정원,윤석중,김종석,이상철,김원재 충북대학교 의학연구소 2001 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.11 No.2

        연구목적: TNF-α는 일부 종양의 종양화 과정과 관련이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 TNF-α 발현에 영향을 미치는 TNF-α 촉진자 -308 부위의 유전적 다형성이 방광암과 관련이 있는지 유무를 알고자 시행하였다. 대상 및 방법: 유전자 분석을 위하여 환자 113명 및 대조군 109명으로부터 혈액을 채취하여 genomic DNA를 분리한 후 PCR-RFLP 및 direct DNA sequencing을 통하여 TNF-α유전자의 다형성을 조사하여 방광암의 발생, 병기 및 분화도와 비교 검토하였다. 결과: TNF-α 촉진자 -308 부위의 유전형은 대조군에서는 GG형이 83.5%(90례 및 GA형이 16.5%(19례)로 관찰되었으며 AA형은 없었다. 환자군에서는 GG 형이 85.4%(97례), GA형 및 AA형은 각각 13.1%(15례)및 0.8%(1례)에서 관찰되었다. 두 군 모두에서 GG형이 가장 많이 나타났으며 다음으로 GA형을 보이고 AA형은 1례의 방광암 환자에서만 관찰되었다. -308부위의 경우도 두 군 사이에 유전자형의 차이는 없었다(p=0.259) 분화도별 분포를 보면 grade I이 20례, grade II가 49례, grade Ⅲ은 34례였고 병기별로 표재성인 경우가 90례였으며 침윤성은 14례였다. 분화도가 나빠질수록 GA형이 증가하였다(p=0.04). 그러나 병기와 TNF-α promoter -308부위의 유전자형 사이에는 유의한 상관 관계가 없었다(p=0.123). 결론: 방광암 환자의 혈액에서 GA genotype이 관찰되는 경우, 분화도가 나쁠 가능성이 매우 높기 때문에 좀 더 적극적인 치료와 세밀한 추적관찰을 함으로써 방광암으로 인한 사망과 암의 진행을 예방할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Purpose : Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is involved in tumorigenesis of several cancers as an endogenous tumor promoter. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether genetic polymorphism of TNF-α promoter region (-308) was associated with human bladder tumor. Materials and Methods: The DNA from 113 and 109 respective blood samples of bladder tumor Patients and control group was analyzed by PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and direct DNA sequencing methods to characterize the genetic polymorphism of -308 promoter region of the TNF-α gene in bladder tumor patients. We compared the association of bladder tumor with genetic Polymorphism of TNF-α promoter region(-308) in relation to the stage, grade, recurrence and progressio. Results : Eighty-six percents(97/113) of bladder tumor patients and 83.5% (90/109) of control group showed genotype GG at -308 region of TNF-α. Difference in genetic variations of TNF-α promoter (-308) did not exist between bladder tumor patients and control group(p=0.259). Tumor grade was significantly related to the GA genotype (p=0.04). The higher is the grade in bladder tumor, the more frequent was the GA genotype. Tumor stage, recurrence and progression were not significantly associated with genetic polymorphism of TNF-α promoter region (-308). Conclusion: The GA genotype of TNF-a promoter region (-308) had a significant impact on TNF-α production and was related to higher grade tumor compared to GG genotype. TNF-α serum levels in bladder tumor patients were significantly higher than controls. These data suggested that TNF-α might involve the tumorigenesis of the bladder rather than treatment or prevention of bladder tumor.

      • 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 통한 치어사육용 다단계 배양시스템의 개발 가능성 탐색

        정은수,조덕제,이정석,조만기 동서대학교부설연구소 1998 연구소 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        It was researched that the possibility for developing multistage culture system to cultivate larvae by computer simulation with basic experiments. This culture system was composed of 3 stages. Chlorella sp. at the 1st stage are being supplied to the rotifer(Brachionus plicatilis) at 2nd stage, and the rotifer are bing feeded to larvae at the 3rd stage. In this study, Chlorella sp. were cultivated by batch culture to search for the possibility of continuous feeding rate Chlorella sp., ???????? and ??(cells/hㆍrotifer) in the multistage culture system, then the change of the rotifer concentration at 2nd stage was simulated by computer. The required amount of rotifer for the growth of larvae was also increased as the increase of the length of larvae. On the 9th day of the culture, the rotifer uptake rate of larvae was 250(cells/dayㆍlarvae). Based on these basic experiments and results. It was suggested that the possibility of multistage culture system to cultivate larvae with continuous feeding of Chlorella sp. and rotifer.

      • 개의 아토피 피부염에 대한 Leflunomide의 임상적 적용 1례

        홍은지,윤기영,서경원,최호정,정성목,송근호,조종기,박성준 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2012 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.19 No.1

        A Shih-tzu(8-year-old, castrated male) was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with the history of relapsing pruritus, recurrent dermatitis. On the physical examination, generalized erythema, otitis externa, alopecia and lichenification were observed. Using Favrot's criteria for diagnishing atopic dermatitis, 7 criteria were satisfied out of 8 criteria. After treatment for infection, intradermal skin test was performed(positive allergen : Df, Dp). And then immunotherapy was performed, but clinical signs were not getting better. Next treatment of glucocorticoid shown little improvement of clinical signs, and adverse effect(diarrhea) was shown after cyclosporine application. So application of leflunomide which is used for human atopic dermatitis treatment in some case was planned. After 6 months of application of leflunomide, clinical signs were decreased gradually.

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