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      • KCI등재후보

        Korean Buddhism on the International Stage

        EAMON F. ADAMS 동국대학교 불교학술원 2008 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.11 No.-

        This paper attempts to situate Korean Buddhism in a global context. A basic concern of the paper is the simple question: what does Korean Buddhism have to offer the global community? Though not coming up with any concrete answers to the above question, the paper concludes that the Korean Buddhist tradition has indeed got much to offer, but has thus far failed both to adequately announce itself on the international stage and to interact on a critical level with the wider Earth community. An example of one of the challenges facing Korean Buddhism is the call to move beyond the nation state community and move towards the global community, as seen in the challenge to move away from the concept of ‘nation protecting Buddhism’ (護國佛敎) and towards the more inclusive concept of ‘Global-community protecting Buddhism’ (護地球村佛敎). It is also suggested that many of the riches which Korean Buddhism might share with the wider community may be found when Korean Buddhism’s philosophical and spiritual views are studied through the various lenses of history, ecology, colonialism, economics, etc.

      • KCI등재

        Korean Buddhism during the Colonial Period: A Complex Reality

        EAMON F. ADAMS 동국대학교 불교학술원 2010 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultur Vol.14 No.-

        We do Korean Buddhism an injustice if we view the colonial period as a time when the Buddhist community simply had to choose between two possible courses of action within both the religious and social spheres: resisting Japanese imperialism or collaborating with the colonial power. In order to move beyond this restrictive binary opposition between nationalism and collaboration I will point out some of the complexities of the period. These complexities demonstrate how many happenings during the colonial period were at once both detrimental and advantageous to Korean Buddhism ―not necessarily in equal proportions. By examining some such happenings in more detail we might begin to uncover the true complexities of the colonial period for those who lived through it. And by so doing we will better open up the field of the study of Korean Buddhism during the colonial period.

      • KCI등재

        현대 한국의 불교와 문화적 소비

        에몬 F. 애덤스 신부(Fr. Eamon F. Adams) 신학과사상학회 2017 가톨릭 신학과 사상 Vol.- No.79

        본 연구는 현대의 대한민국의 불교와, 21세기에 걸맞는 ‘한국 불교’의 정체성을 강화하려는 시도에 대한 점검이다. 이러한 주제를 조사하기 위해 역사적 방법론과 사회적 방법론을 혼합한 접근 방법을 채택했다. 그럼으로써 현 상황이 어떻게 도출되었으며, 현재 한국 사회에서 어떻게 발현되고 있는지를 보다 잘 이해하고자 한다. 본 연구는 오랫동안 국가와 밀접한 관계에 있었던 불교의 역사를 재해석함으로써 불교가 한국 사회에서 스스로 새로운 위치를 창출하고 있음을 전제로 한다. 이러한 호혜적 관계로 말미암아 불교는 ‘민족 세계화의 불교’라는 새로운 형태를 띠게 된다. 이러한 방식으로, 한국 불교는 ‘한류’로 알려진 현상을 통해 한국 문화를 세계화하려는 한국 정부의 정책과 호의적인 입지에 놓인다. 그렇게 함으로써, 한국불교는 문화체육관광부와 같은 국가 기관으로부터 재정적 후원과 지원을 받을 수 있는 튼실한 입지를 구축하게 되었다. 현 시대 한국 불교의 새로운 역할은 다음의 두 가지 측면에서 매우 중요한 질문을 제기한다. 1) 스스로를 한국의 문화 자산으로 제시함으로써, 종교적 정체성을 상실할 위험에 처해 있진 않은가? 2) 종교적 전통은 종교적 순수성을 상실하지 않으면서 어느 정도까지 문 화 소비와 세계화에 대한 국가나 문화유산산업 정책과 공조할 수 있는가? This study deals with Buddhism in contemporary South Korea and its attempts to strengthen its identity as ‘Korean Buddhism’ in-tune with the twenty-first century. The approach adopted to investigate this topic is a marriage of historical and sociological methodologies so as better to understand both how the present situation came about and how it is being manifested in contemporary Korea. The basic hypothesis of this study is that Buddhism in Korea, by drawing on and reinterpreting its long history of close relationship with the state, is creating a new niche for itself in Korean society. This rapprochement takes the form of Buddhism rebranding itself as a type of ‘Nation Globalising Buddhism’. In this way, Buddhism in Korea positions itself favourably in relation to the Korean government’s policy of globalising Korean culture through the phenomena known as the ‘Korean Wave’. By so doing, Korean Buddhism places itself in a strong position to receive financial sponsorship and support from state agencies such as the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. This new Buddhist role in contemporary Korea raises important questions on two levels: 1) by presenting itself as a Korean cultural asset is Korean Buddhism in danger of losing some of its religious identity?, 2) To what extent can religious traditions coalesce with state and heritage industry policies on cultural consumption and globalisation without losing authenticity?

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