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        Toxicological and safety evaluations of Weissella cibaria strain CMU in animal toxicity and genotoxicity

        Dolan Laurie C.,Arceneaux Benjamin G.,Do Kyung-Hyo,Lee Wan-Kyu,Park Geun-Yeong,Kang Mi-Sun,Choi Kyung-Chul 한국독성학회 2022 Toxicological Research Vol.38 No.3

        Weissella cibaria belongs to the Lactobacillaceae family and has been isolated from traditional fermented foods and saliva of children with good oral health. Previous investigations have shown that W. cibaria CMU (Chonnam Medical University) is expected to be safe based on results of in silico and in vitro analyses. However, there is a lack of studies assessing its safety in vivo. A toxicological safety evaluation of W. cibaria CMU was performed using an acute oral safety study in rats, a 14-day oral range finding study, a subsequent 13-week oral toxicity study in rats and a genetic toxicity battery (in vitro bacterial reverse mutation, in vitro chromosome aberration in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and in vivo micronucleus study in mice). The results of the studies in rats showed that the acute lethal dose of W. cibaria CMU is > 5000 mg/kg body weight (bw)/ day (1.8 × 109 CFU/kg bw/day) and the 14-day or 13-week no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) is 5000 mg/kg bw/ day (1.8 × 109 CFU/kg bw/day), the highest dose administered. W. cibaria CMU was non-mutagenic in the bacterial reverse mutation test and non-clastogenic or aneugenic in vitro and in vivo. In conclusion, the toxicological studies performed demonstrated W. cibaria CMU to be a safe strain to consume. This study is the first study examining the potential of a W. cibaria strain to cause genetic toxicity and subchronic toxicity in rats according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development guidelines.

      • Tintinnid ciliates of the marine microzooplankton in Arctic Seas: a compilation and analysis of species records

        Dolan, J. R.,Pierce, R. W.,Yang, E. J. Springer Science + Business Media 2017 Polar biology Vol.40 No.6

        <P>We set out to examine a postulated latitudinal trend in species richness within the Arctic Ocean. We compiled species records of tintinnid ciliates in the Arctic from the literature and added our own unpublished Chukchi Sea data to produce a database (available as an Online Resource data file) consisting of 1427 records of 89 species from 414 locations above 65A degrees N sampled from 1885 to 2015. While there was no trend of species richness throughout the Arctic, there was a significant positive relationship between species richness and the number of sites sampled in a 2A degrees band, suggesting a sampling effect. Plotting cumulative numbers of species and cumulative number of sites sampled by year, we found a linear relationship in log cumulative numbers of species and log sites sampled, and a lack of a plateau in the species accumulation trend. Species records are highly dominated by four species, accounting for 45% of the records: Acanthostomella norvegica, Parafavella denticulata, Ptychocylis obtusa and Salpingella acuminata, all of which, except S. acuminata, have long been suspected to be morphologically variable, with different morphotypes given undue species status. Pooling all reported species of Acanthostomella, Parafavella and Ptychocylis yielded little qualitative differences but considerable quantitative differences. We found large discrepancies in geographic coverage. We conclude that many zones projected to experience large changes in sea ice coverage are under-sampled. Based on the historical trend, the list of Arctic tintinnid ciliate species will likely continue to grow with new sampling, regardless of changes in the Arctic Seas.</P>

      • Declines in both redundant and trace species characterize the latitudinal diversity gradient in tintinnid ciliates

        Dolan, John R,Yang, Eun Jin,Kang, Sung-Ho,Rhee, Tae Siek Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2016 The ISME journal Vol.10 No.9

        <P>The latitudinal diversity gradient is a well-known biogeographic pattern. However, rarely considered is how a cline in species richness may be reflected in the characteristics of species assemblages. Fewer species may equal fewer distinct ecological types, or declines in redundancy (species functionally similar to one another) or fewer trace species, those occurring in very low concentrations. We focused on tintinnid ciliates of the microzooplankton in which the ciliate cell is housed inside a species-specific lorica or shell. The size of lorica oral aperture, the lorica oral diameter (LOD), is correlated with a preferred prey size and maximum growth rate. Consequently, species of a distinct LOD are distinct in key ecologic characteristics, whereas those of a similar LOD are functionally similar or redundant species. We sampled from East Sea/Sea of Japan to the High Arctic Sea. We determined abundance distributions of biological species and also ecological types by grouping species in LOD size-classes, sets of ecologically similar species. In lower latitudes there are more trace species, more size-classes and the dominant species are accompanied by many apparently ecologically similar species, presumably able to replace the dominant species, at least with regard to the size of prey exploited. Such redundancy appears to decline markedly with latitude in assemblages of tintinnid ciliates. Furthermore, the relatively small species pools of the northern high latitude assemblages suggest a low capacity to adapt to changing conditions.</P>

      • Tintinnid ciliates of Amundsen Sea (Antarctica) plankton communities

        Dolan, John R.,Jin Yang, Eun,Hoon Lee, Sang,Young Kim, Sun Norwegian Polar Institute 2013 Polar research Vol.32 No.1

        <P>The Amundsen Sea has been described as one of the most productive and dynamic pelagic systems in Antarctica and is one of the least studied. Based on samples from 15 stations in the Amundsen Sea, we describe for the first time the composition of the tintinnid ciliate assemblage of the microzooplankton. We compared the species compositions of coastal polynya sites, where the phytoplankton communities are dominated by Phaeocystis, to those of the offshore deep water sites, which are dominated by diatoms. We found a total of 15 species. Polynya sites were dominated by a few species of tintinnids, mostly those endemic to the Southern Ocean. In contrast, the deep-water sites contained many widespread tintinnid species, which are known from a wide variety of systems as well as other areas of the Southern Ocean. We examined polymorphism known to characterize the Antarctic tintinnid species Cymatocylis affinis/convallaria and Codonellopsis gaussi. We found that the types or forms found appeared unrelated to the type of microplankton community, defined by the identity of the dominant phytoplankton taxa. However, the number of different morphotypes found at a site appeared related to the overall concentration of the species, suggesting that different morphologies, previously considered distinct species, may simply be developmental stages.</P>

      • Dangerous Futures: Contingency Planning Using Scenario Writing

        Timothy Dolan 한국정부학회 2011 한국정부학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2011 No.12

        Scenario writing is useful research method in Futures Studies. Expert-based scenarios are often used in conjunction with Delphi technique to identify, forecast and model outcomes for given issues or situations. Well written, scenarios have the capacity to provide awareness and appreciation of social and historical inputs and possible outcomes to issues and policy responses. They also have significant influence on public attitudes when presented in literary or cinematic form. This paper is a summary of a screenplay that envisions a post-unified Korea where a generation of North Korean “lost boys” are a social problem. This scenario draws from the template of the classic book and movie, A Clockwork Orange, which dealt specifically with government response to criminal behavior by alienated youth. This paper contributes a philosophical and social perspective to a topic that has been primarily treated institutionally as if a kind of engineering problem. That a post-reunification Korea will result in a significant number of young males with few marketable skills and little prospects for a mainstream future should be confronted as a real prospect. That conventional rehabilitation services are very likely to fall short is strongly suggested here.

      • Notes on Culture and Governance in Bioethics East and West : Results of a Comparative Themed Content Analysis

        Timothy Dolan 서울행정학회 2011 서울행정학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2011 No.1

        A themed content analysis was done on 100 abstracts in the American Journal of Bioethies and 100 full-text articles in EUBIOS, the journal of the Asian Bioethics Society to identify the locus of governance on bioethical issues in August of 2010. Bioethical "governors" included corporations, domestic government agencies, individuals, international bodies, medical practitioners, medical researchers and others. Findings showed significant differences between the two bioethical communities on the relative frequencies of references to these governing entities. The largest discrepancy was found in the "other" category highly represented as a governing influence in Eubios. Further analysis of this category revealed that family and religion were more frequently cited as governors in bioethical issues written in Eubios relative to those found in The American Journal of Bioethics. This suggests that influences associated with traditional Asian culture exist in matters of bioethical concern in Asia. However this finding should also be tempered by the robust frequency of individual as bioethical governor found in both sets of literatures.

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