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        Application of Voltammetry to Measurement of Concentrations of Multiple Lanthanide Ions in Molten LiCl-KCl

        Devin Rappleye,Sang-Mun Jeong,Mario Gonzalez,Lauryn C. Hansen,Michael F. Simpson 한국방사성폐기물학회 2015 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.13 No.S

        Voltammetry has shown promise as a method to estimate the concentrations of actinides in the molten LiCl-KCl used as an electrolyte in spent nuclear fuel electrorefiners. This salt typically contains several actinides in addition to many active metal fission products (rare earths, Group I & II metals). However, most of the voltammetry studies to date have focused on a single actinide or lanthanide in eutectic LiCl-KCl. This paper examines experimental and analytical techniques that can be used to estimate the concentration of a molten salt mixture containing both lanthanum (III)- and gadolinium(III)-chloride in eutectic LiCl-KCl. The aspects of the experimental procedures and setup that are unique to a multi-lanthanide mixture are briefly discussed. Experimental results from qualitative and quantitative analyses of cyclic voltammetry and open-circuit potentiometry are presented. Due to the close proximity of their standard potentials, extensive analytical work is required to estimate the concentrations. Two approaches are used in this work: peak separation and multivariate analysis. The merits of these two methods will be analyzed and discussed.

      • KCI등재

        W. B. Yeats and Folklore: The Search for an Irish Identity

        Devin Creed 한국예이츠학회 2017 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.53 No.-

        이 논문은 1880년대와 1890년대에 예이츠가 민속을 어떻게 활용하는지 는 탐구한다. 예이츠는 민속을 활용하여 자신이 아일랜드인임을 강조하며, 프로테스턴 트교인이면서 중산층 도시민으로서, 아일랜드독립운동에 참여하고자 한다. 아일랜드 농부들의 민속은 보편적 원시종교의 계승이며, 민속과 신비주의는 동일한 곳에서 파생 하다는 것을 보여줌으로써 자신의 아일랜드 정체성을 강조하려는 것이다. 그는 농부들 과 자신이 같은 신비주의적이고 전통적인 신바주의를 공유한다고 강조함으로써 자신 과 농민층과의 연결 짓고 자신의 아일랜드정체성을 갖고자 한다. 문화에 활력을 불어 넣는 예술가로 자처하는 그는, 원시종교의 영항을 보여주는 것 같은 특징을 강조하여 자신과 농산층 사이의 고리를 만듦으로써, 힘을 얻고자 한다. This paper explores Yeats’s use of folklore in the 1880s and 1890s. I think that Yeats uses folklore to cast himself as Irish, so that he, as a Protestant, middle class urbanite, could take part in the nationalist movement. It is also an attempt to forge his Irish identity by showing that the traditional folklore of the Irish peasantry was the inheritance of a universal primitive religion, and that folklore and the occult pointed to the same source. By claiming that the peasant was imbued with the same esoteric, ancient mysticism that he himself had adopted, Yeats drew a link between himself and the peasantry, thus giving himself access to Irishness. His self-imposed role as the artist who revitalizes culture gives him the power to make this link between himself and the peasantry through emphasizing certain aspects of their folktales that appear to show the influence of primitive religion.

      • KCI등재

        Student Perceptions toward the Use of Media for Extensive Study Purposes

        Devin Michael Strome 팬코리아영어교육학회 2020 영어교육연구 Vol.32 No.3

        This study explores student interest in and familiarity with English media as well as student perceptions regarding its difficulty and usefulness. Furthermore, this study explores whether there are significant differences between learners in regards to gender and self-reported English proficiency. In total, 167 students taking English class at a university in South Korea participated in this study. Participants were asked to complete a 5-point Likert scale survey regarding their perceptions about English media viewership. Statistical analyses showed that there is strong correlation between student interest and familiarity with English media. Furthermore, the participants find slang, speed of speech, and media viewership without subtitles to be more difficult than the content, grammar and cultural references in media. In terms of learner differences, females were more familiar with online streaming services, and less proficient students were found to have higher perceptions of difficulty of media. Several pedagogical implications are presented based on the findings of the study.

      • KCI등재후보

        “Do We Have a Winner? What the China-India Paradox May Reveal about Regime Type and Human Security”

        Devin K. Joshi 이화여자대학교 국제지역연구소 2009 Asian International Studies Review Vol.10 No.1

        As the concept of human security spreads in the post-Cold War period it is often presumed that non-democracies have worse human security than democracies. But the national human security (NHS) situation in weak or failed democracies can be even worse than in some non-democracies. So how exactly do the NHS records of states with different regime types like non-democratic China and democratic India compare? To address this question the paper assesses and compares NHS in terms of “freedom from want” (anti-poverty security) and “freedom from fear” (anti-violence security). It develops a theory of how different regime types might impact NHS based on how regimes differ along the 1) democratic-authoritarian and 2) predatory-developmental dimensions. It then conducts empirical testing of the theory through a global analysis of 178 countries and case studies of contemporary China and India. The study finds that while democracies and developmental states generally have higher NHS than autocracies and predatory states, developmental authoritarian states like China on average have slightly higher human security than predatory democracies like India.

      • KCI등재

        Social and Adversarial Varieties of Democracy

        Devin K. Joshi 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2012 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.41 No.2

        This article explores the relationship between two prominent varieties of democracy and the size of a country’s prison population. Theoretically, it proposes that social democracies increase social and economic equality which reduces both the “demand for crime” and the number of criminals. Adversarial democracies, on the other hand, generate higher levels of inequality and insecurity that lead to higher levels of crime. Utilizing a structured, focused comparison of Nordic social democracies and Anglo-American adversarial democracies complemented by cross-sectional multiple regression analysis of twenty industrialized democracies, I find empirical support for both of these conjectures. A major implication of this study is that states which choose parliamentary democracy, proportional representation elections, and a social democratic orientation may have a long-lasting positive impact on crime reduction by helping to remedy underlying structural causes of political, economic, and social inequality that give rise to criminal behavior.

      • KCI등재

        Women in the Korean National Assembly 1948-2020: Are They Really ‘Underqualified’ Compared to Men?

        Devin K,Joshi 한국학술연구원 2021 Korea Observer Vol.52 No.3

        This study presents a novel analysis of women’s qualifications compared to men in the Korean National Assembly (KNA) from 1948 to 2020. Throughout this period, women’s parliamentary representation in South Korea lagged severely behind women’s share of the voting population, a gap that may have stemmed from public perceptions that unlike their male counterparts, women members of parliament (MPs) are “underqualified.” But are they really underqualified? Drawing upon the biographies of all MPs to have served in the KNA until 2020, this study finds KNA women parliamentarians’ educational qualifications, ages, and incumbency rates to have risen considerably over time with women now more likely to hold advanced academic degrees than their male counterparts. Hence, this study concludes that although women in the Korean National Assembly may to a certain extent be “differently qualified” than male legislators, they can no longer be said to be “underqualified” compared to male MPs.

      • KCI등재

        Using Workers' Compensation Claims Data to Describe Nonfatal Injuries among Workers in Alaska

        Lucas, Devin L.,Lee, Jennifer R.,Moller, Kyle M.,O'Connor, Mary B.,Syron, Laura N.,Watson, Joanna R. Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2020 Safety and health at work Vol.11 No.2

        Background: To gain a better understanding of nonfatal injuries in Alaska, underutilized data sources such as workers' compensation claims must be analyzed. The purpose of the current study was to utilize workers' compensation claims data to estimate the risk of nonfatal, work-related injuries among occupations in Alaska, characterize injury patterns, and prioritize future research. Methods: A dataset with information on all submitted claims during 2014-2015 was provided for analysis. Claims were manually reviewed and coded. For inclusion in this study, claims had to represent incidents that resulted in a nonfatal acute traumatic injury, occurred in Alaska during 2014-2015, and were approved for compensation. Results: Construction workers had the highest number of injuries (2,220), but a rate lower than the overall rate (34 per 1,000 construction workers, compared to 40 per 1,000 workers overall). Fire fighters had the highest rate of injuries on the job, with 162 injuries per 1,000 workers, followed by law enforcement officers with 121 injuries per 1,000 workers. The most common types of injuries across all occupations were sprains/strains/tears, contusions, and lacerations. Conclusion: The successful use of Alaska workers' compensation data demonstrates that the information provided in the claims dataset is meaningful for epidemiologic research. The predominance of sprains, strains, and tears among all occupations in Alaska indicates that ergonomic interventions to prevent overexertion are needed. These findings will be used to promote and guide future injury prevention research and interventions.

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