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        Genetics of Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and Efficacy of Associated SSR Markers

        Deepu Singh,B. Sinha,V. P. Rai,M. N. Singh,D. K. Singh,R. Kumar,A. K. Singh 한국식물병리학회 2016 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.32 No.2

        Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt (FW) diseasecaused by Fusarium udum was investigated in pigeonpeausing four different long duration FW resistantgenotypes viz., BDN-2004-1, BDN-2001-9, BWR-133and IPA-234. Based on the F2 segregation pattern, FWresistance has been reported to be governed by onedominant gene in BDN-2004-1 and BDN-2001-9, twoduplicate dominant genes in BWR-133 and two dominantcomplimentary genes in resistance source IPA-234. Further, the efficacy of six simple sequence repeat (SSR)markers namely, ASSR-1, ASSR-23, ASSR-148, ASSR-229, ASSR-363 and ASSR-366 reported to be associatedwith FW resistance were also tested and concluded thatmarkers ASSR-1, ASSR-23, ASSR-148 will be used forscreening of parental genotypes in pigeonpea FW resistancebreeding programs. The information on geneticsof FW resistance generated from this study would beused, to introgress FW resistance into susceptible buthighly adopted cultivars through marker-assisted backcrossbreeding and in conventional breeding programs.

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