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      • Indian consumers’ mall patronage intentions: impacts of shopping motivations, subjective norms, materialism, and self-efficacy

        Sanjukta Pookulangara,Dee K. Knight 한국마케팅과학회 2013 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.4 No.1

        While Indian malls are proliferating, 80% are ailing. Why is this? There are a numberof possible explanations, including the inability to compete with unorganized retailersand an inadequate understanding of the evolving influences that impact Indianconsumer behavior. Using a mall intercept technique, this study investigatedantecedents to Indian consumers’ mall patronage intention. SEM analysis suggests thatthe impacts of motivation, subjective norms, materialism and self-efficacy on mallpatronage intention reflect evolving Indian consumer behavior.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Examining the Relationships among Attitude toward Luxury Brands, Customer Equity, and Customer Lifetime Value in a Korean Context

        Kyung Hoon Kim,Seong-Yeon Park,Seunghee Lee,Dee K,Knight,Bing Xu,Byung Joo Jeon,Hak Il Moon 한국마케팅과학회 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        During the past 10 years, sales of luxury goods increased significantly to more than US$ 130 billion in 2007. In this industry, more than half of the revenue comes from Asia where the average income has risen significantly, and the demand for luxury products is forecast to grow rapidly. Purchasing luxUly brands appears to be an intriguing social phenomenon that is profitable for companies in this region. As a newly developed country, Korea is one of the most attractive luxUly markets in Asia. CUITently, a total of 120 luxUly fashion brands have entered the Korean market, primarily in luxury districts in Seoul where the competition is fierce, The purposes of this study are to: (I) identi fy antcccdcnts of attitude toward luxUly brands, (2) examine thc cffcct of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer equity, (3) detelllline the impact of attitudes toward luxUly brands on customer lifetime value, and (4) investigate the influence of customer equity on customer life time value. Previous studies have examined materialism, social nccd, experiential need, need for uniqueness, confollllity, and fashion involvement as antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands, Richins and Dowson (1992) suggested that that materialism influences consumption behavior relative to quantity of goods purchased. Nueno and Quelch (1998) reported that the ownership of luxUly brands conveys infonnation related to the owner's social status, conununicates an image of success and prestige, and is a detenninant of purchase behavior. Experiential need is recognized as an important aspect of consumption, especially for new products developed to meet consumer demand. Since luxury goods, by definition are relatively scarce, ownership of these types of products may fulfill consumers' need for uniqueness, In this study, value equity, relationship equity, and brand equity are examined as drivers of customer equity. The sample (n = 114) was undergraduatc and graduate students at two private women's universities in Seoul, Korea, Data collection was conducted using a sel f-administered questionnaire survey in March, 2009. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS 15.0 software, Data analysis resulted in a number of conclusions. First, experiential need and fashion involvement positively influence pat1icipants' attitude toward luxury brands. Second, attitude toward luxury brands positively influences brand equity, followed by value equity and relationship equity. However, there is no significant relationship between attitude toward luxury brand and customer lifetime value. Finally, relationship equity positively influences customer lifetime value, In conclusion, young consumers are an impottant potential consumer group that tries different brands to discover the ones most suitable for them. LuxUlY marketers that use effective marketing strategies to attract and engender loyalty among this potentially lucrative consumer group may increase customer equity and lifetime value,

      • KCI등재

        Examining the Relationships among Attitude toward Luxury Brands, Customer Equity, and Customer Lifetime Value in a Korean Context

        Kim, Kyung-Hoon,Park, Seong-Yeon,Lee, Seung-Hee,Knight, Dee K.,Xu, Bing,Jeon, Byung-Joo,Moon, Hak-Il Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        在?去的10年里,奢侈品??已?有了?著的增?. 在2007年, 奢侈品消??已?超?1300?美元. 在奢侈品??中, 有超?一半的利??自平均收入?著增?, ?奢侈品的需求快速增加的?洲. 在???域??奢侈品牌已?成?一?有趣的社??象???些公司??利?. 作?新?的???家, ??是?洲最有吸引力的奢侈品市?之一. 如今, 共有120?奢侈??品牌?入了??市?. ?些品牌主要集中在首?的奢侈?域, 因此??也十分激烈. 本文的目的是: (1) ??奢侈品牌?度的要素. (2) ??奢侈品牌?度??客??的影?. (3) ?定奢侈品牌?度??客?身价?的影? (4) 深入?究?客????客?身价?的影?. 以前的?究已??定物?主?, 社?需要, ??需要, ?特需要, 适?性和??卷入是?奢侈品牌?度的?成要素. Richins and Dowson (1992) ??物?主????品?量相?的??行?有影?. Nueno and Quelch (1998) ?到?奢侈品牌的?有??着和所有者社?地位相?的信息. 表?着一?成功和?望的形象, 是??行?的一?要素. ??需要被??是消?的一?重要方面. 尤其是?展?足消?者需求的新?品. 由于奢侈品被定??相?稀少的?品, ??些?型?品的?有?足消?者??特性的需要. 本?究中, 价???, ?系??和品牌??被????客??的??因素. ?本 (n=114) 是在??首?的?所私立女子大?的本科生和?究生. 我?在2009年3月?行了自?式?卷???收集?据. 我??用SPSS15.0?分析?据, 包括?述性??, 因子分析, 信?度分析和回?分析. 通??据分析我?得出一些??, 首先, ??需要和??卷入???者?奢侈品牌的?度有??的影?. 第二, ?奢侈品牌的?度?品牌??有??影?. ??其后的是价???和?系??. 但是我??有??奢侈品牌?度和?客?身价?之?的?著?系. 最后, ?系????影??客?身价?. ?而言之, 年?消?者是重要的?在消?群. 他???不同的品牌到最?????品牌最适合自己. 奢侈品??者使用有效的行?策略?吸引?些可?利的?在消?者?使他??生忠?度?增加?客??和?客?身价?. During the past 10 years, sales of luxury goods increased significantly to more than US$ 130 billion in 2007. In this industry, more than half of the revenue comes from Asia where the average income has risen significantly, and the demand for luxury products is forecast to grow rapidly. Purchasing luxury brands appears to be an intriguing social phenomenon that is profitable for companies in this region. As a newly developed country, Korea is one of the most attractive luxury markets in Asia. Currently, a total of 120 luxury fashion brands have entered the Korean market, primarily in luxury districts in Seoul where the competition is fierce. The purposes of this study are to: (1) identify antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands, (2) examine the effect of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer equity, (3) determine the impact of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer lifetime value, and (4) investigate the influence of customer equity on customer life time value. Previous studies have examined materialism, social need, experiential need, need for uniqueness, conformity, and fashion involvement as antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands. Richins and Dowson (1992) suggested that that materialism influences consumption behavior relative to quantity of goods purchased. Nueno and Quelch (1998) reported that the ownership of luxury brands conveys information related to the owner's social status, communicates an image of success and prestige, and is a determinant of purchase behavior. Experiential need is recognized as an important aspect of consumption, especially for new products developed to meet consumer demand. Since luxury goods, by definition are relatively scarce, ownership of these types of products may fulfill consumers' need for uniqueness. In this study, value equity, relationship equity, and brand equity are examined as drivers of customer equity. The sample (n = 114) was undergraduate and graduate students at two private women's universities in Seoul, Korea. Data collection was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire survey in March, 2009. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS 15.0 software. Data analysis resulted in a number of conclusions. First, experiential need and fashion involvement positively influence participants' attitude toward luxury brands. Second, attitude toward luxury brands positively influences brand equity, followed by value equity and relationship equity. However, there is no significant relationship between attitude toward luxury brand and customer lifetime value. Finally, relationship equity positively influences customer lifetime value. In conclusion, young consumers are an important potential consumer group that tries different brands to discover the ones most suitable for them. Luxury marketers that use effective marketing strategies to attract and engender loyalty among this potentially lucrative consumer group may increase customer equity and lifetime value.

      • KCI등재

        Examining the Relationships among Attitude toward Luxury Brands, Customer Equity, and Customer Lifetime Value in a Korean Context

        김경훈,박성연,Seunghee Lee,Bing Xu,Byung Joo Jeon,Hak Il Moon,Dee K. Knight 한국마케팅과학회 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        During the past 10 years, sales of luxury goods increased significantly to more than US$ 130 billion in 2007. In this industry, more than half of the revenue comes from Asia where the average income has risen significantly, and the demand for luxury products is forecast to grow rapidly. Purchasing luxury brands appears to be an intriguing social phenomenon that is profitable for companies in this region. As a newly developed country, Korea is one of the most attractive luxury markets in Asia. Currently, a total of 120 luxury fashion brands have entered the Korean market, primarily in luxury districts in Seoul where the competition is fierce. The purposes of this study are to: (1) identify antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands, (2) examine the effect of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer equity, (3) determine the impact of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer lifetime value, and (4) investigate the influence of customer equity on customer life time value. Previous studies have examined materialism, social need, experiential need, need for uniqueness, conformity, and fashion involvement as antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands. Richins and Dowson (1992) suggested that that materialism influences consumption behavior relative to quantity of goods purchased. Nueno and Quelch (1998) reported that the ownership of luxury brands conveys information related to the owner’s social status, communicates an image of success and prestige, and is a determinant of purchase behavior. Experiential need is recognized as an important aspect of consumption, especially for new products developed to meet consumer demand. Since luxury goods, by definition are relatively scarce, ownership of these types of products may fulfill consumers’ need for uniqueness. In this study, value equity, relationship equity, and brand equity are examined as drivers of customer equity. The sample (n = 114) was undergraduate and graduate students at two private women’s universities in Seoul, Korea. Data collection was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire survey in March, 2009. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS 15.0 software. Data analysis resulted in a number of conclusions. First, experiential need and fashion involvement positively influence participants’ attitude toward luxury brands. Second, attitude toward luxury brands positively influences brand equity, followed by value equity and relationship equity. However, there is no significant relationship between attitude toward luxury brand and customer lifetime value. Finally, relationship equity positively influences customer lifetime value. In conclusion, young consumers are an important potential consumer group that tries different brands to discover the ones most suitable for them. Luxury marketers that use effective marketing strategies to attract and engender loyalty among this potentially lucrative consumer group may increase customer equity and lifetime value.

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