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      • Upregulation of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase by radiation potentiates the effect of bioreductive beta-lapachone on cancer cells.

        Choi, Eun K,Terai, Kaoru,Ji, In-Mi,Kook, Yeon H,Park, Kyung H,Oh, Eun T,Griffin, Robert J,Lim, Byung U,Kim, Jin-Seok,Lee, Doo S,Boothman, David A,Loren, Melissa,Song, Chang W,Park, Heon Joo Stockton Press 2007 Neoplasia Vol.9 No.8

        <P>We found that beta-lapachone (beta-lap), a novel bioreductive drug, caused rapid apoptosis and clonogenic cell death in A549 human lung epithelial cancer cells in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. The clonogenic cell death caused by beta-lap could be significantly inhibited by dicoumarol, an inhibitor of NAD(P)H:quinone oxido-reductase (NQO1), and also by siRNA for NQO1, demonstrating that NQO1-induced bioreduction of beta-lap is an essential step in beta-lap-induced cell death. Irradiation of A549 cells with 4 Gy caused a long-lasting upregulation of NQO1, thereby increasing NQO1-mediated beta-lap-induced cell deaths. Although the direct cause of beta-lap-induced apoptosis is not yet clear, beta-lap treatment reduced the expression of p53 and NF-kappaB, whereas it increased cytochrome C release, caspase-3 activity, and gammaH2AX foci formation. Importantly, beta-lap treatment immediately after irradiation enhanced radiation-induced cell death, indicating that beta-lap sensitizes cancer cells to radiation, in addition to directly killing some of the cells. The growth of A549 tumors induced in immunocompromised mice could be markedly suppressed by local radiation therapy when followed by beta-lap treatment. This is the first study to demonstrate that combined radiotherapy and beta-lap treatment can have a significant effect on human tumor xenografts.</P>

      • Spathius gwangneungensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a new larval ectoparasitoid of Anoplophora chinensis (Förster) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Korea

        Deok-Seo Ku,Moo-Sung Kim,Frank Hérard,Juli Gould,David W. Williams,Il-Kwon Kim,Ki-Jeong Hong 한국응용곤충학회 2015 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2015 No.04

        The genus Sphathius is belong to the subfamily Doryctinae in the family Braconidae and are described with >300 species in the world (Shenefelt and Marsh, 1976). This genus is distinguished from other winged Doryctinae by 1) forewings with three submarginal cells; 2) first subdiscal cell of forewing closed; and 3) first metasomal segment petiolate, widening apically, lacking basal wing-like projections, and inserted on propodeum near coxal bases (Marsh, 1997). For the purpose of finding the biological agent for Asian longhorned beetle (ALB; Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky)) and Citrus longhorned beetle (CLB; A. chinensis (Förster)), we had installed the ALB- and CLB-infested sentinel logs to attract parasitoids at experimental field of the Korea National Arboretum during summer season in 2014. Several L1 and L2 CLB larvae were found attacked by braconid larvae that were reared to adult stage. Their larvae are identified to Spathius gwangneungensis sp. nov. belong to the Spathius exarator species group. This new species has special characteristics as following; Body reddish brown or dark reddish brown, body length 2.5~3.7mm and forewing length 2.2~3.0mm in female and body length 2.1~2.6mm and forewing length 1.5~2.0mm in male, hind femur distinctly transversely aciculate dorsally, forewing more or less infuscate with a longitudinal hyaline band medially, vein m-cu of hind wing interstitial, second tergite entirely sculptured without striation, and third to fifth tergites basally sculptured. Ovipositor sheath 0.6 times as long as metasoma.

      • T Cell Receptor-MHC Class I Peptide Interactions : Affinity, Kinetics, and Specificity

        Corr, Maripat,Slanetz, Alfred E.,Boyd, Lisa F.,Jelonek, Marie T.,Khilko, Sergei,Al-Ramadi, Basel K.,Kim, Young Sang,Maher, Stephen E.,Bothwell, Alfred L. M.,Margulies, David H. 충남대학교 생물공학연구소 1996 생물공학연구지 Vol.4 No.-

        The critical discriminatory event in the activation of T lymphocytes bearing αβT cell receptors (TCRs) is their interaction with a molecular complex consisting of a peptide bound to a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded classⅠor class Ⅱ molecule on the surface of an antigen-presenting cell. The kinetics of binding were measured of a purified TCR to molecular complexes of a purified soluble analog of the murine MHC classⅠ molecule H-2L^d (sH-2L^d) and a synthetic octamer peptide p2CL in a direct, real-time assay based on surface plasmon resonance. The kinetic dissociation rate of the MHC-peptide complex from the TCR was rapid (2.6×10^-2) second^-1, corresponding to a half-time for dissociation of approximately 27 seconds), and the kinetic association rate was 2.1×10^ 5 M^-1 second^-1. The equilibrium constant for dissociation was approximately 10^-7M These values indicate that TCRs must interact with a multivalent array of MHC-peptide complexes to trigger T cell signaling.

      • KCI등재

        The Price Elasticity on Alcoholic Beverages in Korea

        David H Kim,Mieun Yun,Mikyung Kim,Woorim Sung,Sungsoo Chun 알코올과 건강행동학회 2015 알코올과 건강행동연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Objectives: The aims of this study were to analyze the price elasticity on alcoholic beverages’ consumption and figure out the consumption pattern and its changes in Korea from 1997 to 2010 for using the official data relating alcohol consumption and its’ price. Methods: The alcohol 'unit' price of each type of alcoholic beverage in each year from 1997 to 2010 was extracted and its price inflation was compared with the consumer price inflation. Also, alcohol consumption of each type of beverage was calculated to see any changes over the years. Finally, the price elasticity of each alcoholic beverage was calculated to see the effect of the price changes on the alcoholic beverages’ consumption rate. Results: The price inflation rate from 1997 to 2010 was 3.682% for soju, 4.584% for wine, 1.887% for beer, and –1.48% for spirit and whisky and other similar kinds. The consumption rate decreased for soju 3611g (83%), but it was increased for beer 558g (120%), for spirit and whisky kinds 358g (208%), and for wine 107g (396%). The price elasticity of soju as –0.112, and beer as –0.153 showed that there is no significant effect of the price on the consumption rate, but the spirit and whisky kinds displayed as 1.840, wine 1.457, did show significant effect. Conclusion: From 1997 to 2010, the price inflation of alcoholic beverages was higher than the consumer price inflation. Of the total alcoholic beverage consumption, soju consumption was the highest with 60%. Especially, the phenomenon of producing lower alcoholic content liquor from 2006 caused a decrease in the total alcohol consumption. This means that the alcoholic beverage consumption of the drinkers(ℓ) remained the same, but only the unit consumption(g) has decreased. Thus, the decrease in the total unit alcohol consumption is not caused by the changes in consumption patterns of the drinkers. The price elasticity shows that the price does not have an effect on the drinking patterns. This may mean that the price of alcoholic beverages in Korea is still too cheap that it does not have a significant effect on the consumption pattern.

      • KCI등재

        미국 배심재판에서 전문증거와 대면권

        David H. Taylor, 김종구(Kim, Jong-Goo)(번역) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2011 法學論叢 Vol.18 No.3

        이 논문은 전문법칙의 기원과 역사를 논하고, 전문법칙의 예외가 적용되어 전문증거가 형사사건에서 피고인에 불리한 증거로 제출되는 경우 제6차 미연방수정헌법상 대면권과 상충하게 되는 문제를 다루고 있다. 또한 본 논문은 미연방대법원이 전문법칙과 대면권의 해석에 있어서 취한 서로 상반된 방식을 논하고, 어떻게 전문법칙의 예외규정들이 대면권 조항과 조화되고 있는가에 대하여 상세히 설명하고 있다. 미국 배심재판은 독특하면서도 특이한 사법적 분쟁해결 시스템이다. 배심재판에서 증거의 증거능력과 관련하여 가장 눈에 띠는 것이 전문진술 형태의 증거의 사용금지이다. 배심원단은 만약 그 진술에 의하여 주장된 사실의 진실성을 증명하기 위해 제출되는 것이라면 법정 밖에서의 진술을 증거로 인정할 수 없다. 전문법칙은 커먼로체계에 있어 복잡하고도 어려운 법칙이다. 그러한 복잡성의 대부분은 전문증거의 사용금지에 관한 8가지의 면제사유와 28가지의 예외사유들에 있다. 일반적으로 이러한 면제와 예외는 어떠한 법정 밖 진술이 이루진 정황이 신뢰할만하고, 이로써 전문진술이 반대신문에 의하여 확인될 필요성이 없다는 것에 근거한다. 형사사건에 있어서는 피고인이 자신에게 불리한 증언을 하는 증인과 대면할 수 있는 권리가 제6차 미연방 수정헌법상 대면권 조항(Confrontation Clause)에 의해 보장되어 있다. 법정 밖 진술에 관하여 다양한 예외를 규정하고 있는 전문법칙과 반대신문권을 보장하는 대면권 조항의 법칙 사이에는 명백히 상충하는 면이 있다. 전문법칙과 대면권은 유사한 가치를 보호하는 것이지만, 두 법칙이 완전히 중첩되는 것은 아니다. 미연방대법원은 1980년 Roberts 사건에서 신뢰성 있는 전문증거는 대면권을 침해하는 것이 아니라고 하여 비로소 전문법칙의 예외와 대면권이 무슨 관계인가를 정의하였다. 그 후 수년 동안, 대면권 법칙은 많은 변화를 겪었으며, 특히 그 중에서도 눈에 띄는 것은 비교적 최근인 2004년 Crawford 사건에서 Roberts 판결을 뒤집고 증언적(testimonial) 전문진술은 대면권을 침해하는 것이라고 판결하여, 전문법칙과 대면권을 조화시키는 완전히 새로운 접근이 이루어졌다. 미국에서 전문법칙과 대면권을 조화시키는 방법은 계속하여 발전하고 있다. In this article the author discusses the origin and history of the hearsay doctrine, including the goals it seeks to achieve and the many exceptions to the rule against hearsay. The author then discusses that when exceptions to hearsay are offered into evidence against the accused in a criminal prosecution, a conflict exists with the Sixth Amendment right of confrontation. The author discusses the two very different approaches the US Supreme Court decisions has taken in defining the relationship between hearsay doctrine and the right of confrontation, and how hearsay exceptions are presently reconciled with the Confrontation Clause. An American jury trial is a unique and peculiar system of judicial dispute resolution. In order to promote fair and accurate fact finding by the untrained lay jury, the law of evidence has been developed. Most notable among the limitations on what evidence the jury may receive is the prohibition of evidence in the form of hearsay. The jury may not receive statements made out of court when offered to prove the truth of what is asserted by the statement. Nevertheless, hearsay is a complex and difficult doctrine unique to common law. Much of the complexity lies in the eight exemptions and twenty-eight exceptions to the prohibition of hearsay. In criminal cases, the Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment guarantees the accused the right “to be confronted with the witnesses against him.” While the prohibition against hearsay and the right of confrontation protect similar values, the two doctrines do not entirely overlap. Confrontation doctrine has taken many twists and turns, most notably in the relatively recent 2004decision Crawford v. Washington, which reversed Roberts and held that hearsay statements which were “testimonial” when made violate the right to confrontation, an entirely new approach to reconciling hearsay and confrontation. How these two doctrines are to be reconciled continues to develop.

      • Highly stable trypsin-aggregate coatings on polymer nanofibers for repeated protein digestion

        Kim, Byoung Chan,Lopez-Ferrer, Daniel,Lee, Sang-Mok,Ahn, Hye-Kyung,Nair, Sujith,Kim, Seong H.,Kim, Beom Soo,Petritis, Konstantinos,Camp, David G.,Grate, Jay W.,Smith, Richard D.,Koo, Yoon-Mo,Gu, Man B WILEY-VCH Verlag 2009 Proteomics Vol.9 No.7

        <P>A stable and robust trypsin-based biocatalytic system was developed and demonstrated for proteomic applications. The system utilizes polymer nanofibers coated with trypsin aggregates for immobilized protease digestions. After covalently attaching an initial layer of trypsin to the polymer nanofibers, highly concentrated trypsin molecules are crosslinked to the layered trypsin by way of a glutaraldehyde treatment. This process produced a 300-fold increase in trypsin activity compared with a conventional method for covalent trypsin immobilization, and proved to be robust in that it still maintained a high level of activity after a year of repeated recycling. This highly stable form of immobilized trypsin was resistant to autolysis, enabling repeated digestions of BSA over 40 days and successful peptide identification by LC-MS/MS. This active and stable form of immobilized trypsin was successfully employed in the digestion of yeast proteome extract with high reproducibility and within shorter time than conventional protein digestion using solution phase trypsin. Finally, the immobilized trypsin was resistant to proteolysis when exposed to other enzymes (i.e., chymotrypsin), which makes it suitable for use in “real-world” proteomic applications. Overall, the biocatalytic nanofibers with trypsin aggregate coatings proved to be an effective approach for repeated and automated protein digestion in proteomic analyses.</P>

      • Motivating people to sustain healthy lifestyles using persuasive technology: A pilot study of Korean Americans with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes

        Kim, Miyong T.,Kim, Kim Byeng,Nguyen, Tam H.,Ko, Jisook,Zabora, Jim,Jacobs, Elizabeth,Levine, David Elsevier 2019 Patient education and counseling Vol.102 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P><B>Objective</B></P> <P>To test the efficacy of a hybrid model of the self-help intervention program (hSHIP), which combines a mobile version of SHIP (mSHIP) and personal coaching, to address unique cultural and motivational factors for optimal self-management of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes among Korean Americans (KAs).</P> <P><B>Methods</B></P> <P>A single-group feasibility study design was used. The hSHIP utilizes texts and motivational counseling based on well-tested intervention content for KAs. To facilitate the dissemination of hSHIP, we developed a web application adopting the principles of persuasive technology to motivate behavior changes.</P> <P><B>Results</B></P> <P>Feasibility assessment found that hSHIP was well accepted by both participants and community health workers who delivered the intervention. An average of 1.3% A1C reduction (from 7.8% to 6.5%) was achieved by KAs with diabetes (n = 165), 51.5% of whom lowered their A1C below 6.5% in 6-months. No one with prediabetes (n = 50) progressed to diabetes. Other clinical outcomes (e.g., weight, depression, and blood pressure) also improved significantly; 41.2% were able to reduce or discontinue antidiabetic drugs.</P> <P><B>Conclusion</B></P> <P>The feasibility and initial efficacy of hSHIP were demonstrated.</P> <P><B>Practice implication</B></P> <P>This hybrid diabetes self-management model is a viable tool for traditionally underserved groups with diabetes or prediabetes.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We tested feasibility of a hybrid diabetes care model in an ethnic minority group. </LI> <LI> Our model combined a digital touch of mHealth and a human touch of CHWs. </LI> <LI> About a half (51.5%) lowered their hemoglobin A1C below 6.5% in 6 months. </LI> <LI> Many (41.2%) stopped/reduced antidiabetic drugs but still managed their diabetes. </LI> <LI> Weight, depression and blood pressure were also significantly improved. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Balanced Nucleocytosolic Partitioning Defines a Spatial Network to Coordinate Circadian Physiology in Plants

        Kim, Y.,Han, S.,Yeom, M.,Kim, H.,Lim, J.,Cha, J.Y.,Kim, W.Y.,Somers, David E.,Putterill, J.,Nam, H.,Hwang, D. Cell Press 2013 Developmental cell Vol.26 No.1

        Biological networks consist of a defined set of regulatory motifs. Subcellular compartmentalization of regulatory molecules can provide a further dimension in implementing regulatory motifs. However, spatial regulatory motifs and their roles in biological networks have rarely been explored. Here we show, using experimentation and mathematical modeling, that spatial segregation of GIGANTEA (GI), a critical component of plant circadian systems, into nuclear and cytosolic compartments leads to differential functions as positive and negative regulators of the circadian core gene, LHY, forming an incoherent feedforward loop to regulate LHY. This regulatory motif formed by nucleocytoplasmic partitioning of GI confers, through the balanced operation of the nuclear and cytosolic GI, strong rhythmicity and robustness to external and internal noises to the circadian system. Our results show that spatial and functional segregation of a single molecule species into different cellular compartments provides a means for extending the regulatory capabilities of biological networks.

      • Study of Transport and Dielectric of Resistive Memory States in NiO Thin Film

        Kim, Min Gyu,Kim, Sun Man,Choi, Eun Jip,Moon, Seung Eon,Park, Jonghyurk,Kim, Hyoung Chan,Park, Bae Ho,Lee, Myoung Jae,Seo, Sunae,Seo, David H.,Ahn, Seung Eun,Yoo, In Kyeong The Japan Society of Applied Physics 2005 Japanese journal of applied physics Vol.44 No.42

        <P>We have measured the DC resistance <I>R</I>(<I>T</I>) and AC dielectric constant ε(ω) for the bistable high-<I>R</I> and low-<I>R</I> states of NiO thin film. The high-<I>R</I> state shows thermally activated resistance and Debye relaxation of ε(ω). In the low-<I>R</I> state, <I>R</I>(<I>T</I>) exhibits a metallic temperature dependence of <I>R</I>(300K)⁄<I>R</I>(5K)=1.6. The value of ε(ω) is drastically different from that of the high-<I>R</I> state, and we interpret it in terms of the free-carrier Drude dielectric response. The plasma frequency ω<SUB><I>p</I></SUB><SUP>2</SUP> in the metallic low-<I>R</I> state is estimated to be 1.2×10<SUP>9</SUP>/cm<SUP>3</SUP>.</P>

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