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      • KCI등재

        Pragmatic or Syntactic Ziji? Evidence from Language Transfer

        ( Darcy Sperlich ) 서울대학교 인지과학연구소 2016 Journal of Cognitive Science Vol.17 No.4

        This article aims to understand the place of syntax and pragmatics in regard to Chinese ziji. While there has been continued theoretical debate on this topic, there is little experimental evidence to verify whether syntax or pragmatics plays the defining role in the regulation of ziji. This study achieves this by investigating the interpretation of the long-distance reflexive ziji by English and Korean learners of Chinese. English learners of Chinese are hypothesized to negatively transfer their syntactic anaphoric strategies into their L2 Chinese, while Korean learners of Chinese are hypothesized to positively transfer their pragmatic anaphoric strategies in their L2 Chinese, as Chinese reflexive pronouns are pragmatically regulated. The data gathered includes antecedent judgements and psycholinguistic observations, finding that Korean learners of Chinese are at an advantage over their English counterparts. This is discussed against current syntactic and pragmatic anaphoric theory, arguing that this evidence supports the theory that ziji is pragmatic in nature.

      • KCI등재

        The Push and Pull of Syntax and Pragmatics over Reflexives: The System Exchange Hypothesis

        ( Darcy Sperlich ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2017 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.32 No.-

        As learners of a second language progress past the advanced stage, there are cer-tain features that may continue to set near-native speakers apart from native speak-ers. This may be apparent in non-native like acquisition of the phonology (retaining L1 features), having a non-native like control of the grammar, or not having a full sociopragmatic understanding. In this study, we examine bilinguals’ understanding of reflexive pronouns that straddle the syntactic-pragmatic interface due to how their L1 and L2 process reflexives. Exploratory by nature, we examine five native English speakers, one Spanish speaker and one Chinese speaker with a mixed back-ground. The aim of this article is to understand their interpretation of the Chinese reflexive pronoun ziji ‘self’which is understood here to be pragmatically regu-lated (Huang 2000). The key question is whether the participants have a native-like interpretation of ziji, matched with native-like processing. This is achieved by using phased choice methodology (Sperlich 2015) and using subjective measures of confi-dence and knowledge source, including reaction timing, to arrive at a well-rounded understanding of how the judgement was made. Ultimately, it is found that prag-matic ziji does present some difficulties for our participants, namely they have con-tinued difficulty in selecting for the long-distant antecedent given their preference for the local antecedent, which is reflected in timing measures. Thus, they have yet to fully transition their L2 anaphoric systems to a pragmatic-style one as is present in Chinese, presenting a possible area of fossilization. This issue gives raise to the System Exchange Hypothesis introduced in this study.

      • KCI등재

        항공운송에서 지역통합 : 아세안과 EU사례를 중심으로

        Darcy Dominique MUHETO 통합유럽연구회 2019 통합유럽연구 Vol.10 No.1

        항공운송은 지역경제통합에서 중요한 분야이다. 항공운송에서 지역통합은 항공자유화협정으로 알려진 두 국가 혹은 한 지역 내에서 영공이 개방되는 것으로 귀결된다. 현재 항공자유화가 완결된 유일한 지역은 EU이고, 회원국 간 모든 비준 절차가 완료되었음에도 ASEAN에서 항공자유화의 진행은 EU에 비해서 더디게 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구는 항공자유화 진행에 대한 연구로, 지역통합 이론과 EU사례를 접목하여, ASEAN에서 항공자유화가 성공적이지 못했는가에 대한 이유를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 항공자유화협정이 현재 항공시장에서 중요한 시장점유율을 보이고 있는 저비용항공사(LCC)의 발전과 연관되어 있음을 주목한다. LCC의 성장은 FSC를 위협할 정도가 되었고, FSC는 LCC를 모방하거나 FSC 내에 LCC자회사를 설립하고 있다. 본 연구는 다양한 사례연구를 진행하면서, EU와 ASEAN간의 차이에 주목하였다. 그리고 EU의 사례에 대한 연구분석은ASEAN 항공시장자유화의 진행상황을 진단하는데 유용하였다. 전 세계에서 유일하게 완벽한 항공시장 자유화를 구현한 EU사례연구는 EU와 ASEAN이 여러 관점에서 차이가 있음에서 ASEAN에서 항공자유화가 성공적으로 진행되기 위해서 반드시 고려되어야 한다. EU사례의 활용은 EU가 항공자유화를 발전시키는데 직면했었던 난관을 아세안이 미리 예방을 하거나 최소화하는데 기여할 것이다. Liberalization of aviation market is an important part of economic regional integration. Regional integration in air transportation is associated with the liberalization of the air space between two countries or within a region, as is known as Open Sky Agreement (OSA). The European Union is a fully-liberalized region of aviation market. Meanwhile, even though the member states of ASEAN completed the ratification of all the protocols about the Open Skies, the implementation of OSA in ASEAN is slow. The emphasis of this paper was to look at the relevance of OSA in two regions (EU and ASEAN) and analyzes some of the reasons why ASEAN has not been successful. The important finding of this study is that Open Sky Agreement leads to the development of Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) which now have an essential share in the aviation market. The emergence of LCC threatens the operation of Full Services Carriers which nowadays tend to imitate the strategy of LCC or create their own LCC subsidiaries. This comparative cases of EU and ASEAN represent(economic, institutional and strategic) the disparities between EU and ASEAN. Despite such differences between EU and ASEAN, the study of the development of EU’s Open Skies is expected to provide some implications to the success of OSA in ASEAN. The case of the EU should be taken into consideration even though the two regions differ in some aspects. This should help ASEAN prevent and avoid any difficulties that the EU had encountered during the development of its liberalization of aviation market.

      • KCI등재

        The EU-ASEAN Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement and the ASEAN’ cross border joint ventures: The prospects of ASEAN single aviation

        Darcy Dominique MUHETO 한국유럽학회 2020 유럽연구 Vol.38 No.2

        Aviation in ASEAN accounted a remarkable expansion over the last decade. Domestic scheduled traffic passenger grew by 10.7% in 2017, making it the world’s largest domestic market. Despite the fact that ASEAN is still not a complete open sky, Low cost carriers’ penetration grew from less than 30% to over 50% in 2018. This was mainly due to the introduction of cross border joint ventures that captured an important share of the domestic market. ASEAN in that perspective is near completing the comprehensive air transport agreement with the European Union. This paper assessed the prospects of ASEAN single aviation market by analyzing the effectiveness of cross border joint ventures with the open sky already in place and analyzed if the new comprehensive air transport agreement would contain up to the sixth freedom carriers to overcome the fierce competition of the sixth freedom carriers already operating under designed bilateral agreement between EU and ASEAN member states. The study found that the establishments of cross border joint ventures have contributed to the rapid expansion of ASEAN aviation industry, and with the unequal bargaining position that lay between the two region, they should perhaps attempt to adapt some of the successful agreements of the European Union and other countries such as Canada and the USA. That is in including eventually fifth freedom rights and removing the ownership restrictions of other airlines. The Comprehensive agreement constitutes a breakthrough in ASEAN’s aviation recovery in regard to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic.

      • Development of a multidisciplinary design optimization framework for an efficient supersonic air vehicle

        Allison, Darcy L.,Morris, Craig C.,Schetz, Joseph A.,Kapania, Rakesh K.,Watson, Layne T.,Deaton, Joshua D. Techno-Press 2015 Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science Vol.2 No.1

        A modular multidisciplinary analysis and optimization framework has been built with the goal of performing conceptual design of an advanced efficient supersonic air vehicle. This paper addresses the specific challenge of designing this type of aircraft for a long range, supersonic cruise mission with a payload release. The framework includes all the disciplines expected for multidisciplinary supersonic aircraft design, although it also includes disciplines specifically required by an advanced aircraft that is tailless and has embedded engines. Several disciplines have been developed at multifidelity levels. The framework can be readily adapted to the conceptual design of other supersonic aircraft. Favorable results obtained from running the analysis framework for a B-58 supersonic bomber test case are presented as a validation of the methods employed.

      • KCI등재

        Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitiveness

        Keith T. Darcy 피터드러커 소사이어티 2010 창조와 혁신 Vol.3 No.1

        During the past twenty years corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly important agenda item in the board room and executive suite of most major corporations. Gone are the days when paternalistic businesses can build their reputation on mere propaganda as patron of the local arts and other feel good, pet projects of management. Today’s global business environment requires a substantially greater understanding of the firm’s social obligations to a broad range of transnational stakeholders. Companies that fail to grasp the significance of this change can face substantial consequences. For companies that understand and embrace the difference, and integrate it into corporate strategies, it can lead to a significant competitive advantage. Peter Drucker long argued that a firm is merely a social actor operating in a social environment. He understood the need to actively manage the social environment, or be managed by it. Importantly, Drucker believed businesses have a responsibility to serve the interests of society beyond the economic value that they create. This study aims to examine the evolution of CSR and it relationship to the competitiveness of the firm.

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