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        Implementing Action Research to Improve Preparatory English Programs at Universities in Korea

        Myeong-Hee Seong,Daniel J. Cuffey,Hyung-ji Chang 한국영어교과교육학회 2017 영어교과교육 Vol.16 No.4

        This paper aims to propose a case study for universities looking to improve their preparatory English programs for incoming students. For the study, the University Preparatory English Program (UPEP) was conducted at a university in Korea for two weeks in 2017. This program is designed to prepare students academically and socially for the rigors of university life. On the basis of action research method, the research questions were set based on the findings of the 2016 program identified through students and instructors surveys and meetings. Participants in the 2017 program included 50 students and five native English-speaking instructors. The dada were collected from the form of students and instructors questionnaires and daily journals. The further development of UPEP is an ongoing process through action research methods to continuously build on the strength of this program each year. Accordingly, some suggestions are provided for the coming years.

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