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        EEMR 관을 이용한 식도 과립세포종의 제거 1예

        문정섭,유권,전영빈,정원종,양대열,이승진 대한소화기내시경학회 1999 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.19 No.4

        The granular cell tumor was first described in 1926. Recently, it has been suggested that the tumor is Schwann cell in origin, and this notion has been supported by electron microscopic studies and immunohistochemistry of the S-100 protein. The most frequently involved organs include the tongue, skin, breast, and digestive tract. The esophagus is rarely involved. The treatment of choice for an esophageal granular cell tumor is still controversial. The traditional treatment has been surgical excision, but new therapeutic options, including laser surgery, diathermy loop, and multiple biopsies have recently been tried. An endoscopic esophageal mucosal resection (EEMR) tube, originally designed for resection of early esophageal cancer, is widely used nowadays. A case of a granular cell tumor of the esophagus, which was successfully removed by an EEMR tube, is herein reported.

      • Ir/LaY 촉매상에서 n-Heptane과 Cyclohexane의 수소첨가 분해반응에 관한 연구

        이대섭,김문찬,김경림 연세대학교 대학원 1994 延世論叢 Vol.30 No.1

        요약 Ir/LaY 촉매를 이용하여 n-heptane과 cyclohexane, 그리고 두 반응물을 몰비 1:1로 배합한 혼합물을 반응물질로 하여 고정층 연속흐름 반응기에서 수소첨가 분해반응을 행하여 분해반응 및 이성화 반응의 비율과 생성물 분포의 관점에서 연구하였으며, Ir/LaY 촉매의 특성을 알아보았다. 조작조건의 범위는 온도 400∼500℃, 압력 20×105∼50×105Pa, 접촉시간 20∼50 gcat.hr/mol, 그리고 H2/H.C. 몰비는 2∼8이었다. Ir/LaY 촉매에 대한 IR 분석 결과 1440∼1460cm-1에서 Lewis acid site가 존재하여 여기에서 주된 분해반응이 일어나는 것으로 판단되었다. 온도 중가에 따라 425℃ 이후에서 분해 반음이 이성화 반응보다 우세하였으며, 생성물 분포의 관점에서 혼합물의 경우 분해가 가장 잘 일어났다. Ir/LaY 촉매상에서 각 반응물에 대한 활성화 에너지는 n-heptane은 23kcal/mo1, cyclohexane은 20.4 kcal/mol, 그리고 혼합물은 10.5 kcal/mol 이었다. Abstract Using the Ir/LaY catalyst, the hydrocracking of n-heptane and cyclohexane, and the mixture of reactants in a fixed bed continuous reactor was examined in the points of reaction ratio of cracking to isomerization and the distribution of products. In addition, the characteristics of the Ir/LaY catalyst was studied. The experiment was carried out under the operating conditions of the timperature between 400 and 500℃, pressure from 20×105 to 50×105 Pa, contact time between 20 and 50 gat.hr/mol, and H2/H.C. mole ratio between 2 and 8. From the IR analysis of Ir/LaY catalyst, Lewis acid sites showed to exist in the range of 1440∼ 1460 cm-1, where most of hydrocra king occurs. Cracking resulted to be dominant over isocerication above 425℃ and from the products distribution, the best results were obtained as to hydrocracking in the case of reactant mixture. The activation energy for n-heptane, cyclohexane, and the mixture found to be 23, 20.4, and 10. 5 kcal/mol respectively.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Competitiveness of Sea Transport by Comparing International Transport Routes between Korea and EU

        Dae-seop MOON,김동진,Eun-kyung LEE 한국해운물류학회 2015 The Asian journal of shipping and Logistics Vol.31 No.1

        This study analyzes competitiveness of the six Korea-Europe transport routes. For the criteria of analysis, the quantitative factors (total transport distance, total transport time, and total transport cost) and the qualitative factors (transport service, safety, and awareness) were selected and weighed. The factors were then applied to the TOPSIS technique to rank the routes based on their competitiveness. The result of TOPSIS analysis showed the priority in the routes as follows:Route 1 (Trans Korea Railway(TKR) and Trans Siberia Railway(TSR))> Route 6 (Arctic Route)>Route4(Busan-Vanino-TSR)>Route2(Busan-Vostochny-TSR)>Route3 (Busan-Vladivostok-Vostochny-TSR)> Route 5 (Suez Canal Route). Route 1 was found the most competitive, and Route 5, the most widely used sea way was ranked the lowest. In addition, the new transport routes, Route 1 and 6 are shown to be more competitive than the currently available routes, Route 2, 3 and 4. However, these routes need national level supports (rail construction for Route 1 and subsidy plan for Route 6) for the commercial use in the future.

      • 철도시설의 효율적 활용을 위한 정비방안 : 도시의 공간확산과 철도역의 이전ㆍ정비

        문대섭(Moon Dae-Seop) 한국철도학회 2001 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This primary study describes some proposition of restoration and rehabilitation of rail station and station impact area for efficient use. Therefore, I reviewed the functions and roles about rail station and other railway facilities related with urban structures and development, and also analysed the case studies about realignment of rail station, and then, suggested primary management plan of efficient railway installation. This study has some bounds and limits owing to the descriptive reviews but not detailed analyses. Hereafter, I am planning to consider the management plan for efficient railway installation use as coinciding with specific city characteristic and comprehensive plan such as rearrangement of the station.

      • 철도수송수요를 고려한 정차역 선정과 열차운행방안 : 경부선 서울~조치원구간을 중심으로

        문대섭(Moon Dae-Seop),정병현(Chung Byung-Hyun) 한국철도학회 2001 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The purposes of this primary study are the selection of rail station and train operation management techniques for express-rail operation service at the conventional railway electrification. For these analyses, we used the KNR statistics and KROIS data of rail stations and train users by rail line. Therefore, we chose the important stations for express-rail operation of Kyongbu conventional rail line (esp Seoul-Jochiwon section) through the rail transportation demand, and then, suggested primary operational management plan through the effects analyses of decreasing total travel time and increasing transportation demand by train speed-up. This study has some bounds and limits for proceeding, as it does, we excluded as followings: the conditions of fare system, headways and train diagram, economic/financial analysis and technological assessment, and other railway technological infrastructures and a certain railcar specification, etc.. We propose to enlarge this study into a feasibility study of express or skip-stop operation service and compatible vehicle system decision considering with the best possible investment rail line, furthermore, in front of Kyongbu (Seoul-Busan) high-speed rail open in 2004, we have to try to progress the efficiencies of railway operation applying various train operation management plan.

      • 철도의 접근성 강화전략

        문대섭(Moon Dae-Seop),정병현(Chung Byun-Hyun),김경태(Kim Kyung-Tae) 한국철도학회 2004 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This paper is designed the accessibilities at rail station and near facilities without distinguishing transportation handicapped or not handicapped people. Therefore, I would like to refer that this study is the just beginning such as the development for sustainable railway. This primary paper intends to present alternatives of trans-modal systems as the final goal in an attempt to set a direction for future policy making in the high speed rail sector. The alternatives recommended in this report stress two important elements for maximized utility of high speed rail at the station areas.

      • 철도지명의 결정기준과 체계에 관한 기초연구

        문대섭(Dae-Seop Moon),김현웅(Hyun-Woong Kim) 한국철도학회 2011 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.10

        지명은 일정한 지역의 명칭이다. 지명의 발생 요인은 인간의 한 지점이나 지역을 다른 지점 또는 지역과 구별하기 위한 데서 발생한다. 철도의 지명은 철도역명과 노선명 결정시 민감하게 반응한다. 서울을 비롯한 대도시권 도시철도의 노선은 번호체계로 통일되어 있으나 간선철도의 노선은 다양한 성격으로 구분하여 노선명이 혼재하고 있다. 즉 기존선의 경우에는 역명이나 노선명에 혼란이 없으나 신선건설의 경우에는 사업명·노선명에 혼란의 소지가 발생한다. 철도사업법 제4조(사업용철도노선의 고시)에서 국토해양부장관은 사업용 철도노선의 노선번호·노선명·기점·종점·중요경과지(정차역을 포함한다) 그 밖의 필요한 사항을 국토해양부령이 정하는 바에 의하여 지정·고시하도록 의무화하고 있다. 본고에서는 이의 결정기준과 체계화에 대하여 논의한다. There are lots of examples for naming railway lines and stations in Korea. In general we can specify some type of principles for making names at the railway lines. The first rail line name made some decision considering the origin and destination name of city or region. The second type of a decision making is the location or service areas of that railway line or station. And other one is about the destination city or region of that corridor line. In this paper we classified the name of the railway line according to above three types of decision principles and then suggested the guideline and future directions preventing any confusion to make a new railway line name afterwards.

      • 철도 르네상스와 지속가능성

        문대섭(Moon Dae-Seop) 한국철도학회 2004 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This primary study describes some proposition of restoration and rehabilitation of rail station and station impact area for efficient use. Therefore, I reviewed the functions and roles about rail station and other railway facilities related with urban structures and development, and also analysed the case studies about realignment of rail station, and then, suggested primary management plan of efficient railway installation. This study has some bounds and limits owing to the descriptive reviews but not detailed analyses. Hereafter, I am planning to consider the management plan for efficient railway installation use as coinciding with specific city characteristic and comprehensive plan such as rearrangement of the station.

      • 철도분야의 시장확대를 위한 단계별 추진전략

        문대섭(Moon Dae-Seop),이순철(Lee Soon-Chul),방연근(Bhang Yeon-Keun) 한국철도학회 2004 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This primary study describes the strategies for expanding the railway market to overseas. Therefore, I mainly reviewed and analysed the report of KRRI. Hereafter, I referred to the world railway market analysis, and benchmarked about Japan, France and Germany for high speed rail system of their export strategies to the world. After than, I suggested some measures for expanding strategies through analysing the problems. According to opening the KTX from Seoul to Busan, we have to think what the next step is. Like other countries of developing the high speed rail system, we have to try to export some kinds of system for further technology and industry development.

      • 鐵道安全確保方案에 관한 小考

        문대섭(Moon Dae-Seop),이용상(Lee Yong-Sang),김대훈(Kim Dae-Hun) 한국철도학회 2000 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In Korea, the number of railroad accidents is decreasing, but the scale of railroad accidents tend to be growing large. On considering the opening of the high speed railway in 2004, the problem of railroad safety is very important. The purpose of this study is to make plans for improving railroad safety of Korea. To make this plan, we generally analyzed the future railway traffic, and reviewed annual statistics of railroad accidents trend and case studies of foreign railway accidents.

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