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      • KCI등재

        1975년 베트남전 종전과 북한정부의 대응: 베트남자료를 중심으로

        DOTHANHTHAOMIEN 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2014 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.48

        The end of the Vietnam War and the unification of Vietnam created a certain impact on both North and South Korea. For South Korea, the collapse of Saigon was considered as the historical tragedy of an ally in Southeast Asia. The Vietnam issue, therefore, was under considerable concern in South Korea. Meanwhile, for North Korea, Vietnam’s reunification was considered as an encouragement from North Vietnam towards North Korea to its unification-through-forces strategy. The meaning of the reunification of Vietnam did not stop here. Since the end of the 1960s, South Korea stopped sending troops to South Vietnam and started to withdraw its troops from the country in the 1970s. The relation between South Vietnam and South Korea began to deteriorate. The North Korean government looked at the Vietnam case and saw no capability for it to achieve unification in the way of Vietnam. It means that, in reality, North Korea abandoned the provocative unification policy towards South Korea. It was because North Korea admitted the different political situation between Korean peninsula and Vietnam. In addition, it was also due to the different unification forces, will and capability between North Korea and North Vietnam. Apart from that, China also played an important role in the unification of both Vietnam and Korea. China in the middle of 1950s advocated the two Koreas and two Vietnam policies in the long-run. Different from North Vietnam with its strong unification will despite external obstruction, North Korea at the moment was heavily depended on China. Thus, without Chinese support, the possibility of unification through forces was quite low. Although Vietnam was unified, this did not increase the unity among North Korea, North Vietnam and China. Vietnam War end had some impact on the unification policy of North Korea, yet it was not unification through forces but a more flexible and diverse policy. Such kind of flexible and diverse policy taken by North Korea was reflected through its request to the US government to withdraw from Korean peninsula and a proposal for peace agreement. However, such policy developed nearly no result. The ineffective policy towards unification that North Korea took reflects its weak unification will. North Korean leaders indeed nurtured a status quo policy instead of unification. North Korea moved from the peaceful status quo policy to a tensed status quo policy. The reason for such kind of policy was to strengthen the great leadership institution. North Korea in the middle of 1970s recognized Kim Jongil as the successor. The political situation in North Korea at the moment was around the process of expanding Kim Ilsung and his successor’s institution. In this situation, North Korean leaders took advantage of the Vietnam War conclusion to mobilize the whole country. North Korean Government propagandized that the country was threatened by the US and South Korea. And under the tag of war preparation, it mobilized the whole country. Moreover, North Korean leaders turned the victory of North Vietnam to revolutionary opportunity and consolidate “one-ideology” institution. As the results, with economic and political achievements, Kim Jongil stepped on political stage and the great leadership institution achieved its base to be completed later on. 베트남전쟁은 한반도 주변 관계사에서 중요한 이슈이다. 제2차 세계대전이 종결되고 베트남과 한반도가 분단된 이후 남한과 남베트남, 북한과북베트남은 각각 수교를 시작했다. 1975년 베트남전쟁의 종결과 통일은남북한 모두에게 시사점을 남겼다. 우선, 베트남 통일은 남한에 우방의 패배라는 역사적 비극을 안겨주었기 때문에 남한에서 베트남 문제는 “강 건너 불처럼” 무관심의 대상일 수 없었다. 또한, 베트남 통일은 북한의 북베트남 지원 사실과 더불어 북한의 무력통일의지를 고무시켰다. 하지만 베트남 통일이 한반도에 남긴 의미는 이것뿐만이 아니었다. 베트남전쟁은 전쟁, 파병, 철군-종전의 세 국면으로 나눌 수 있다. 이중 철군-종전에 대한 연구는 앞의 요소들에 비해 부족하다. 특히, 베트남 통일은 냉전질서 속에서 남한과 북한의 정치, 사회와 한반도의 대외관계에 중요한 영향을 미쳤다. 그럼에도 불구하고 베트남 전쟁과 북한 정치의상관성에 대한 학술적인 연구는 최근까지 근소한 상태이다. 본 연구는1975년 베트남전 종결과 베트남 통일로 인해 북한 지도부의 대응방식이어떠했는지, 또한 이로 인해 북한에 어떠한 정치적 변화가 일어났는지를고찰할 것이다. 특히, 1970년대 중반 북한정부의 통일정책 및 내부권력변화에 베트남전쟁의 종결이 어떻게 구체적인 영향을 미쳤는지에 대한 해답을 찾는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 학계의 남ㆍ북한 연구 동향 및 쟁점: 베트남 전쟁 시기(1954~1975년)를 중심으로

        DOTHANHTHAOMIEN 이화여자대학교 이화사학연구소 2015 梨花史學硏究 Vol.0 No.50

        Following the end of the World War II, both Vietnam and Korean peninsula ware divided. Since the 1950s, South Korea (the Republic of Korea) and SouthVietnam (the Republic of Vietnam), North Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) and North Vietnam (the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) started to establish official diplomatic relations. The Park Chung-Hee government from 1964 sent South Korean combating troops to Vietnam War battle fields and North Korea from this moment also started its assistance for Vietnam officially. This study examines and analyzes research trends in Vietnam so far on North and South Korea during the Vietnam War, which covers: ① South Korean participation in this war; ② North Korean assistance; and ➂ North-South Korean relationship. Firstly, the studies in Vietnam have formed discussion issues regarding the motivation of war participation, the fighting role on the battles and the results of sending South Korean troops to Vietnam. The views of Vietnamese academia are divided into “subjective” and “objective” motivations, that is to say South Korean government’s decision to dispatch troops to Vietnam was for national interest or followed the request by the US. The latter point of view is in fact in more accordance with the official standpoint of current Vietnamese government. It at last argues that the US was the one that took greater responsibility in sending South Korean combating troops to Vietnam. In reality, this point of view reflects the characteristics of the Vietnam War, at the same time reflects the current standpoint of Vietnam that the Vietnam War was indeed the “resistance war against the Americans.” On the fighting role and the importance of South Korean troops, changes of perception are happening now among Vietnamese scholars. There exists research trend that recognize the importance of South Korean troops in the battle fields based on their special fighting and operating capacity. Yet while mentioning the combating process of South Korean troops, these researches could not overlook the main leading-commanding role of the US. Studies of the results of sending troops mainly focuses on analyzing the interests that South Korean government received by participating in the war, surrounding military-economic, South Korea-South Vietnamese relations, US-South Korean relations, and politico-social aspects. Most of the studies mention the negative consequences of South Korean participation in the Vietnam War, such as strained North-South Korean relations, the anti-war movement within Korean society and all over the world which South Korean government had to face. Among the consequences that mentioned, the worst can be said the civilian massacres done by South Korean army during the Vietnam War. This has been seen leaving painful marks for Vietnam and the darkest chapters in the history of Vietnam-Korean relations. Secondly, this study analyzes the issue of assistance from North Korea during the Vietnam War, starting from the moment of formation of the solidarity community spirit between North Korea and North Vietnam. Through the books published since the 1950s, we are able to see North Vietnam’s interest in the Korean War which left lessons and experiences for Vietnam, at the same time the characteristic of North Korea-North Vietnam relationship at the moment – the Anti-American solidarity community spirit and Socialist solidarity community spirit. It was during the period of formation of the solidarity community spirit that North Korea paid attention to the Vietnam War and started to assist North Vietnam since the mid-1960s. In Vietnam in 2000 appeared researches on the assistance of North Korea and the dispatch of its air-force to North Vietnam. It can be argued that the announcement of North Korean assistance by Vietnamese government was thanks to the improvement of North Korea-North Vietnam relationship at the moment (follows Vietnam War’s end, the relat...

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