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      • KCI등재

        Transition metal borides of Ni-B (Co-B) as alternative non-precious catalytic materials: Advances, potentials, and challenges. Short review

        Marek Lewandowski,Maria Bartoszewicz,Karolina Jaroszewska,Gérald Djéga-Mariadassou 한국공업화학회 2022 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.116 No.-

        This review gives a brief presentation of the types, structure, synthesis, and application of amorphoustransition metal borides (Mt-B) in particular the bulk or supported nickel and cobalt borides (NiB andCoB). Mt-B materials are amorphous metal-metalloid alloys and constitute an important group of catalyticsystems due to their special chemical and physical properties, including broad composition, structuralhomogeneity, and high concentration of coordination unsaturated sites. These features along withthe relatively cheap and simple methods of synthesis make them interesting alternative catalytic materialsfor numerous new, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable yields and applications. Muchattention has been paid to Mt-B as an interesting alternative to the industrially applied catalysts basedon expensive and/or susceptible to sulphur poisoning, precious metals, and Raney nickel. Therefore, thisreview presents the application of Mt-B in different sectors: chemical production, energy storage/conversion,and environmental remediation. The current and future directions of research in this area areanalysed.

      • KCI등재

        Variability in Responses to Phoma medicaginis Infection in a Tunisian Collection of Three Annual Medicago Species

        Mounawer Badri,Amina Ayadi,Asma Mahjoub,Amani Benltoufa,Manel Chaouachi,Rania Ranouch,Najah Ben Cheikh,Aissa Abdelguerfi,Meriem Laouar,Chedly Abdelly,Ndiko Ludidi,Naceur Djébali 한국식물병리학회 2023 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.39 No.2

        Spring black stem and leaf spot, caused by Phoma medicaginis, is an issue in annual Medicago species. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the response to P. medicaginis infection in a collection of 46 lines of three annual Medicago species (M. truncatula, M. ciliaris, and M. polymorpha) showing different geographic distribution in Tunisia. The reaction in the host to the disease is explained by the effects based on plant species, lines nested within species, treatment, the interaction of species × treatment, and the interaction of lines nested within species × treatment. Medicago ciliaris was the least affected for aerial growth under infection. Furthermore, the largest variation within species was found for M. truncatula under both conditions. Principal component analysis and hierarchical classification showed that M. ciliaris lines formed a separate group under control treatment and P. medicaginis infection and they are the most vigorous in growth. These results indicate that M. ciliaris is the least susceptible in response to P. medicaginis infection among the three Medicago species investigated here, which can be used as a good candidate in crop rotation to reduce disease pressure in the field and as a source of P. medicaginis resistance for the improvement of forage legumes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁내막증 치료에 있어서 GnRH agonist ( Nafarelin Acetate ) 의 효용성

        전대준(DJ Jeon),고준성(JS Ko),이주학(JH Lee),정동근(DK Chung),남주현(CH Nam),목정은(JE Mok) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.10

        To evaluate the efficacy and safety of nafarelin for the treatment of endometriosis, twenty women with laparoscopically proven endometriosis were recruited to the study. The patient were treated with intranasal nafarelin, 400 micro g/day(100 micro twice a day) for 6 months. Efficacy assessments were based on preadmission and end-of treatment laparoscopic scores and subjective symptom scores at admission and end-of treatment. Safety was evaluated by adverse events. We observed following results. 1. Serum estradiol levesl and serum CA-125 levels significantly fell during the treatment. 2. The endometriosis scores significantly decreased after treatment. 3. Symptoms of endometriosis significantly improved during treatment. 4. There was none of patients interrupted during treatment due to adverse effects. These data suggest that intranasal GnRH agonist, nafarelin is a effective and convenient approach to the medical treatment of endometriosis.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁외임신의 임상적고찰

        김동진(DJ Kim),박병삼(BS Park),강용필(YP Kang),이상범(SB Lee),임헌정(HJ lm) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.10

        This retrospective study was undertaken for the clinical evaluation and statistical analysis on the 760 caes of the ectopic pregnancies who were managed and confirmed histopathologically at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kwang-Ju Christian Hospital during the period from January .1 1989 to December 31. 1994. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 1 in 26.9 deliveries. 2. The most frequent age group was in 26-30 years of age. 3. Nullipara was 26.7% and the case who experienced artificial abortion was 74.1%. 4. According to past history of illness , laparoscopic tubal sterilzation was seen in 12.1%, PID in 7.2 %, repeated ectopic gestation in 3.4%. 5. On symptomatological analysis, lower abdominal pain was encountered in 95.6%, vaginal spotting in 62.1% and amenorrhea in 85.1%. 6. The most frequent missed period was 8th week in 22.6%. 7. Hemoglobin value over 10.0mg/dl was in 73.9% and below 8.0mg/dl in 5.6%. 8. Initial systolic pressure above 100mmHG was in 79.3% the mean value was 103.5mmHG. 9. Urine HCG test was positive in 91.5%, culdocentesis in 93.4%, USG finding in 84.3% and diagnostic laparoscopy in 95.8%. 10. As to implantation site, ampulla was in 83.6% fimbria in 6.6%, isthmus in 5.5%, interstitium in 2.1% ovary in 1.7%, cervix in 0.2% and abdomen in 0.3%. 11. Type of ectopic pregnancies was ruptured one in 52.3% and abortive one in 47.6%. 12. 52.0% of all cases received transfusion. 13. 88.2% of all cases was treated with salpingectomy 1.0% with total hysterectomy 1.0% with fimbrial evacuation, 0.6% with salpingectomy or salpingectomy 5.4% with laparoscopic operation 0.1% with local infiltration of methotrexate and 0.1% with foley catheterization into the cervical canal. 14. Of 760 cases , no death occured.

      • KCI등재

        초유 성숙유와 분유 우유에서의Prolactin, IgG 및 IgA 농도의 비교

        심도진(DJ Shim),김영일(YI Kim),남기민(KM Nam),노영숙(YS Roh),황인수(IS Hwang),김승조(SJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1987 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.30 No.1

        초유와 성숙유, 분유와 우유에서의 prolactin, IgG, IgA의농도를 측정하여 비교하기 위하여 분만전과 분만후 1,2,3,4,7,14,60일에 정맥혈 및 유즙을 10cc씩 채취하여 분유와 우유를 아기에게 주는 방식대로 희석하여 지방을 제거한 후에 한 가점물당 5회씩 방사면역법 및 방사면역확산법으로 각각 측정하여 다음과같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 모유에서의 prolactin 농도는 분유 및 우유의 농도와 비교하여 의의있게 높았다.(P<0.001). 2. 분만후 60일동안에 모유에서의 IgG의농도는 최고 53.7±4.4mg/dl, 최저 13.7±1.7mg/dl로 분유 및 우유에서 전현 검출되지 않은 것과 비교하여 현저한 차이가 나타났다.(P<0.001) 3.분만후 60일동안에 모유에서의 IgA의농도는 최고 980.3±93.3m/g.dl, 최저 98.6±9mg/dl로 분유 및 우유에서전혀 검출되지 않은것과 비교하여 상당량의 IgA가 모유에 한유되어 있는 것을 발견할 수 있었다 (P<0.001). 이상의성적으로 모유내에는 많은 양의 prolactin, IgG, IgA가존재하는 것을 증명 할 수 있었고 모유가 분유 및 우유보다 우수하다는 것을알 수 있었다. We Measured the levels of prolactin, IgA and IgG in amternal milk (colostrum, mature milk) and artificial milk (powdered mlk, pasteurized milk) respectively. We took 10cc of venous bloocd and the same amount of breast milk before andafter delively from each patients. The postpartum sampling was done on the 1st, 2nd,3rd, 4th, 7th, 14th and 60th day. To compare those levels between maternal and artficial milk, we dilated the breast milk in accord with the sam concentration of artficial milk fed to the baby. After removing fat, we examination each of the extracts 5 times by radioimmunoassay and radioimmune diffusion methode. The result were as follows. 1. The prolactin level of maternal milk was significantly higher than that of artificial milk(P< 0.001). 2. During the period of 60dayd after delivery, the range of IgG level of maternal milk was from 13.7±1.7 to 53.7±4.4 mg/dl. This result indicates that abundant IgG is present in breast milk when compared with artficail milk(P<0.001). 3. During the period of 60 days after delivery, the measured highest concentration of Ig A was 980.3±93 ng/dl and the lowest was 98.6±9.9ng/dl. It also shows that adundant IgG is present in present in breast milk when compared with artificail milk(P<0.001). According to the above result, we concluded that enought amount of prolactin, IgA and IgG were contained in maternal milk and it goes without saying that meternal milk was much superior to powdered and pasteurized milk.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        인슐린 비의존성 당뇨병 여성에서 DEXA를 이용한 요추 골밀도 변화

        권동진(DJ Kwon),노성희(SH Noh),최소영(SY Choi),박태철(TC Park),김장흡(JH Kim),김진홍(CH Kim),이진우(JW Lee),김수평(SP Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.4

        To evaluate the influence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM) on bone mineral density(BMD), we measured BMD in 180 female patients with NIDDM usitng dual energy x-ray absorptiometry(DEXA). BMD was measured in lumbar vertebrae(L2-4). BMD is slightly higher in the diabetic patients compared with control subjects(p>0.05) and bone loss starts before the onset of menopause. The BMD of postmenopausal women showed a difinite decrease with aging and there was about bone loss after age 55(p

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신성 고혈압 환자에서 혈소판 및 혈청의 화학적 검사에 관한 연구

        이동진(DJ Lee),박학렬(HR Park),석지혜(JH Suk),최은주(EJ Choi),최윤석(YS Choi),최영철(YC Choe),박일수(IS Park) 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.2

        This study was undertaken to evaluate the significance of platelet counts and blood chemical assays in predicting pregnancy induced hypertension and differentiating its severity. And so the differences in platelet counts and blood chemical assays between 4(0∼24.9, 25.0∼49.9, 50.0∼74.9, 75.0∼100) birth weight- for-date percentile groups in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) and also between normal pregnancy cases and PIH cases in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group were evaluated. 50 cases with mild PIH, 67 cases with severe PIH, and 82 cases with normal pregnancy for control were taken part in this study at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fatima Hospital from July, 1996 to June, 1997. Platelet counts, aspartate aminiotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), total protein, albumin, blood urea nitrogen(BUN) and creatinine levels were measured and analyzed in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe PIH according to birth weight-for-date percentile groups. The results were as follows: 1. There was a significant correlation between the birth weight-for-date percentile groups and the pregnancy cases. 62.5% of 0∼24.9 birth weight-for-date percentile group were distributed in severe PIH cases and 55.3% of 75.0∼100 birth weight-for-date percentile group were distributed in normal pregnancy cases. 2. There was no significant difference on platelet count between each birth weight-for-date percentile groups in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe PIH and also between normal pregnancy and mild PIH cases in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group. There were significant differences between normal pregnancy and severe PIH cases in the 25.0∼49.9 and 50.0∼74.9 birth weight-for-date percentile groups. 3. There was no siginificant difference in serum AST and ALT levels between each birth weight-for-date percentile groups in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe PIH and also between normal, mild and severe PIH cases in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group. 4. There was no significant difference in serum total protein levels between each birth weight-for-date percentile groups in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe PIH and also between normal pregnancy, mild and severe PIH cases in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group except 0∼24.9 birth weight-for-date percentile group. The serum albumin levels in severe PIH cases were significantly different between 0∼24.9 and 75.0∼100 birth weight-for-date percentile groups. The serum albumin level in severe PIH cases was significantly lower than that in normal pregnancy at 0∼24.9 birth weight-for-date percentile group. 5. There was no significant difference in BUN levels between each birth weight-for-date percentile groups in mild and severe PIH cases but a difference was found between normal pregnancy and severe PIH cases in 25.0∼49.9 and 50.0∼74.9 birth weight-for-date percentile groups. There was no significant difference in serum creatinine levels between each birth weight-for-date percentile groups in normal pregnancy , mild and severe PIH cases and also between normal pregnancy, mild and severe PIH cases in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        동소 mRNA 보합결합법을 이용한 영양세포막과 탈락막의 표피성장인자 수용체 발현

        권동진(DJ Kwon),박태철(TC Park),이귀세라(GSR Lee),김재훈(JH Kim),김진홍(CH Kim),이진우(JW Lee),김수평(SP Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.3

        Recent studies have demonstrated that epidermal growth factor(EGF) and its receptor play an important role in organogenesis. We have studied the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) by EGFR-mRNA in situ hybridization method in the early-, mid-, and late trimester placentas and deciduas. In the cytotrophoblast EGFR was moderately expressed in the early-, and mid trimester, and weakly expressed in the late trimester. In contrast, in the syncytiotrophoblast EGFR was weakly expressed in the early trimester, and moderately to intensely expressed in the mid-, and late trimester. And in decidua, EGFR was moderately expressed in the early-, mid-, and late trimester. These findings suggest that EGFR may have an important role in trophoblast and decidua during gestation.

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