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      • 한글 Logo 개발 및 그래픽 인터페이스에 관한 연구

        鄭洪,金鎭相,朴起賢 계명대학교 산업기술연구소 1985 産業技術硏究所 論文報告集 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper reports on aspects in the design and implementation of Hanguel Logo programing language which reflects a model in the design and implementation of Hanguel programing language. This article contains an in-depth analysis of Logo interpreter and many problem involved in the implementation procedure of Hanguel Logo, and some methods on resolving them. Design and implementation of a graphic interface for Logo's turtle geometry are also presented.

      • KCI등재
      • 隔板을 가진 傾斜 4角密閉空間內의 自然對流 流動特性

        鄭仁基,金重燁,洪性吉 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 1987 연구보고 Vol.15 No.2

        Two-dimensional natural convection in a partially divided inclined square enclosure is investigated experimentally. Two opposite walls of the enclosure are adiabatic while the other two isothermal walls are maintained at different temperatures, and a partition is situated perpendicularly at the mid-height of one adiabatic wall. The flow visualization experiments are carried out with water, Pr=4.95, for two Rayleigh numbers, Ra=1.968x10?? and 3.936x10??. The inclination of enclosure is varied from -30°to 90°, and the length of a partition is varied from L=0 to L=11/13W. The length of a partition and the inclination of an enclosure are to significantly effect on the flow patterns within the enclosure. The transition to the primary circulating flow is occured at the inclination of 30°∼40°, and the strongest wall-boundary flow and the wide core-stagnation region are presented at the inclination of 50°∼60°regardless the partition length. An oscillatory motion of natural convection is also found to occur in certain lengths of a partition at θ=0°, such as an enclosure heated from below with a horizontal partition.

      • KCI등재

        입원 남성 및 여성 알코올리즘 환자의 인구학적, 임상적 및 인격적 특성비교

        정원후,김성부,장기용,손진욱,박철수 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.4

        저자들은 1996년 5월 1일부터 1996년 7월 15일까지 부산·경남·대구 소재의 대형정신병원과 종합병원에 입원해 있는 여성 알코올리즘을 대상으로 하고, 또한 같은 기간에 국립부곡정신병원에 입원한 남성 알코올리즘을 비교군으로 해서 사회인구학적 특성, 음주양상, 음주와 관련된 문제점, 성격 및 정신병리등을 비교하여 남녀 알코올리즘에서의 원인과 임상적 특성에서의 차이점을 알고자해서 본 연구를 하게 되었다. 저자들이 작성한 반구조화된 설문지, MAST(Michigan alcoholism screening test). Zung의 SAS(Self-rating anxiety scale)과 SDS(Self-rating depression scale). MMPI(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), SCL-90-R(Symptom checklist-90-revision) 및 EPQ(Eysenck personality questionnaire)등의 검사도구를 이용하였고, 그 결과를 독립표본 t-test(independent-samples t-test)와 χ²-test로 검정하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 여성 알코올리즘에서 남성 알코올리즘보다 더 낮은 교육 수준을 보였으며 초등학교수준 이하가 52.4%를 차지하였다. 반면에 남성 알코올리즘에서는 중학교·고등학교 수준이 76.7%였다.(p〈0.01). 2) 여성 알코올리즘에서 형제들 중에서 더 낮은 서열을 보였으며 세째딸이 1/3로 가장 많았고 다음이 외동딸로써 23.8%를 차지하였다. 반면 남성 알코올리즘에서는 장남이 46.7%였다.(p〈0.01). 3) 여성 알코올리즘이 사회경제적 수준에서 더 낮았다(p〈0,01). 4) 여성 알코올리즘의 음주시작동기는 대인관계를 위한 사교목적, 심리적 갈등이나 다른 정신적인 문제, 가족들과의 갈등 등이 비슷하게 많았다. 그러나 남성 알코올리즘에서는 대인관계를 위한 사교목적으로 음주하는 경우가 절대적으로 많았다.(p〈0.05). 5) 처음으로 음주를 시작한 연령은 여성 알코올리즘보다는 남성 알코올리즘에서 유의하게 더 어린 연령에서 시작하였다.(p〈0.001). 6) 1일 평균 음주량은 여성 알코올리즘에서 유의하게 더 적었다.(p〈0.01). 7) 금단증상경험, 알코올성 신체장애 및 음주로 인한 법적 처벌경험도 남성 알코올리즘보다는 여성 알코올리즘에서 유의하게 더 낮았다.(p〈0.05). 8) SCL-90-R에서 PSY척도에서 유의하게 여성 알코올리즘군에서 더 높았고, EPQ에서는 L척도에서 유의하게 여성 알코올리즘이 더 높았다(p〈0.05). 결론적으로 본 연구는 심리적 요인과 사회적 요인이 남녀 알코올리즘간에서 많은 차이가 있는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 여성 알코올리즘의 원인에는 심리적 또는 사회인구학적 요인이 더 밀접하게 연관이 되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. Objective : This study was designed to compare the characteristics of demographic data, clinical features, and personality in male and female alcoholics and to identify the clinically meaningful differences in the etiologies and the clinical features between the two groups. Methods : The study group was composed of 30 males and 21 females who were recruited into the impatient treatment. The researchers used self-reporting questionnaire composed of demographic data and drinking patterns, Michigan alcoholism screening test(MAST), self-rating anxiety scale(SAS) and self-rating depression scale(SDS) of Zung, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI), symptom Checklist-90-revision(SCL-90-R), and Eysenck personality questionnaire(EPQ). The differences between the two groups were tested by chi-square test and independent-sample t-test. Result : 1) Education level of the female alcoholics was significantly less than that of male alcoholics(p〈0.05) and the birth order the female alcoholics was significantly higher than that of male alcoholics(p〈0.05). 2) The level of socioeconomic status of female alcoholics was significantly lower than that of male alcoholics(p〈0.01). 3) The initial motivations of female alcoholics were mainly due to social, psychological, and intrafamilial problems while those of male alcoholics were due to social problems. There were significant difference between the two groups(p〈0.05). 4) The onset of initial drinking in female alcoholics was significantly earlier than that of male alcoholics(p〈0.001). 5) The average amount of daily drinking in female alcoholics was significantly less than that of male alcoholics(p〈0.01). 6) Withdrawal symptoms, physical disorder, and social or legal problems induced by alcohol drinking in female alcoholics were significantly less than those of male alcoholics(p〈0.05). 7) The mean scores of PSY scale of SCL90R and of L scale of EPQ in female alcoholics were significantly higher than those of male alcoholics(p〈0.05). Conclusion : Demographic and psychosocial factors differed to a significant degree between male and female alcoholism. We suggest that these factors are more important in female alcoholism than in male one in the etiologies and the clinical features. These differences are due to more complex factors rather than simple ones, thus the further evaluations are needed to elucidate the differences in the etiologies between male and female alcoholism.

      • Oxymetholone의 造血促進效果

        黃基錫,鄭聖洙 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1980 慶北醫大誌 Vol.21 No.2

        著者는 흰 숫쥐에 蛋白同化 스테로이드인 oxymetholone을 經口的으로 投與하고 投與量에 따르는 赤血球系 造血能의 變動과 好中球, 血小板, 그리고 其他 造血細胞成分에 미치는 影響을 檢討하기 위해 이 實驗을 企圖했으며 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 卽, 體重 ㎏雷 2㎎을 每日 4週間 投與한 實驗群에서는 實驗後 2週부터 網赤血球數가 增加하기 시작하였으며, 對照群에 比하여 骨髓赤芽球 絶對數 및 赤血球 ^59Fe 利用率의 有意한 增加가 있었다. 그리고, 體童 ㎏當 10㎎을 每日 4週間 投與한 實驗群에서는 實驗後 綱赤血球數뿐 아니라 血色素値, hematocrit値 및 赤血球數의 增加도 있었다. 또, 骨髓赤芽球 絶對數와 赤血球 ^59Fe 利用率에 있어서도 2㎎ 投與群보다 多少 높은 增加率을 보여 주었다. 그리고, 體重 ㎏當 20㎎을 每日 4過間 投與한 實驗群에서는 10㎎ 投與群과 大差없는 血色素値, hematocrit値, 赤血球數 및 網赤血球數의 增加가 있었다. 그러나, 10㎎ 投與群에서 볼 수 없었던 好中球 絶對數와 單球 絶封數의 增加를 볼 수 있었으며 아울러 骨隨에 있어서도 亦是 好中球 絶對數와 單球絶 對數의 增加가 있었다. 骨隨赤芽球數의 增加와 赤血球 ^59Fe 利用率의 士昇에 있어서는 10㎎ 投與群과는 큰 差가 없는 것 같았다. The hematopoietic effects of oxymetholone in the albino male rats was studied with the following results. In rats administered oxymetholone orally at a dose of 2㎎/㎏ daily for 4 weeks, reticulocyte count began to rise significantly at second week after the medication. Futrhermore, a marrow absolute erythroid cell count as well as erythrocyte ^59Fe incorporation were appreciably increased as compared with those of the control group. The peripheral blood of the rats treated with an oral administration of oxymetholone at a dose of 10㎎/㎏ daily for 4 weeks, revealed a significant and gradual enhancement of the reticulocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocytc count at the first week after the administration of the drug. The marrow absolute erythroid cell count and erythrocyto ^59Fe incorporation also were noticeably increased and their increment were much greater than those of the 2㎎/㎏ group. In the rats given oxymetholone orally at a dose of 20㎎/㎏ daily for 4 weeks, there were pronounced elevation of the hemoglobin, henlatocrit, erythrocyte count, reticulocyte count, marrow absolute erythroid cell count as well as erythrocyte ^59Fe incorporation. However, their increment were not much different from those of the 10mg/kg group. It was noteworthy that the absolute neutrophil and monocyte count in the peripheral blood as well as the marrow were characteristically enhanced in this particular massive dosage group.

      • 이사회의 독립성과 보고이익의 질

        문상혁,정영기 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2005 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        This study investigates empirircally for the effect how outside directors on the board of directors can cause quality of reported earnings. Board of directors is charged with monitoring management to protect shareholders' interests, and we expect that board composition will influence whether or not a company engages in earnings quallity.To the extent that independent outside diretors monitor management more effectively than inside directors, we hypothesize that companies with a greater proportion of outside directors will be more likely to maintain high quality of earnings than those whose board of directors are staffed primarily with inside directors. To estimate the quality of retported earnings, accrual estimation errors by Dechow and Dichev(2002) model is used. The empirical findings by 1,919 Listed firms on Korea Stock Exchange market(1998~2002). As increase of outside directors on the board, the quality of reported earnings isn't significantly increased. The empirical findings imply that independence of the board has no effect on the quallity of earnings.

      • KCI등재

        의과대학생과 일반대학생의 삶의 질 비교

        민성길,신원철,김광일,정지인,김동기 대한신경정신의학회 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.6

        연구목적 : 미래에 환자들의 신체적, 정신적 건강을 책임지게 될 의과 대학생 집단이 의학을 공부하는 과정에서 어떤 신체적, 정신적 및 사회적 문제들에 의해 고통받는지 알아보고 이의 개선방향을 발견하기 위해, 의과대학생들이 느끼고 있는 삶의 질에 대한 연구를 실시하였다. 방 법 : 1999년도에 연세대학교 의과 대학에 재학중인 본과 학생 317명과, 연세대학교 재학중인 일반 대학 150명을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였다. 조사도구는 세계보건기구 삶의 질 간편형 척도(WHOQOL-BREF)였다. 의과대학생과 일반대학생의 삶의 질을 각 항목(item)별, 영역(domain)별, 그리고 총점의 평균값을 비교하여, T-test로 검정하였고, 각 영역의 기여도를 다중회귀 분석으로 평가하였다. 결 과 : 전체점수에서는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 그러나 항목별점수에서는, 수면과 휴식, 성적 활동, 레저와 여가활동에 대한 참여와 기회에서는 의과대학생의 삶의 질이 유의하게 낮게 보고되었으며, 약물과 치료에 대한 의존도, 경제적 자원, 새로운 정보와 기술을 얻을수 있는 기회, 교통수단에서는 의과대학생의 삶의질이 유의하게 높게 보고되었다. 영역점수에서는, 사회적 관계 영역에서 의과대학생의 삶의 질이 낮게, 환경 영역에서는 높게 보고되었다. 그리고 의대생에서 신체적 건강, 환경, 그리고 사회적 관계 영역들이 삶의 질에 크게 기여하였고, 반면 일반대생에서는 심리적 영역과 환경 영역이 크게 기여하였다. 결 론 : 이와 같은 결과는 주로 의대생들의 사회적 관계 영역, 그리고 기타 하부척도에서는 수면과 휴식, 성적활동, 레저와 여가 활동에 대한 참여와 기회 등의 항목에서 삶의 질을 높이는 것이 필요하다는 것을 시사한다. Objectives : The quality of life of medical students was investigated and compared with that of general college students to identify what kind of problems medical students are suffering from. Method : Korean version of WHOQOL-BREF was administered to 317 medical students and 150 general college students of Yonsei University in 1999. Collected data were analyzed with t-test and multiple regression analysis Results: There was no significant difference in the total scores of WHOQOL-BREF between medical students and general college students. However, the scores of facets of sleep and rest, sexual activity, and participation and opportunities for recreation/leisure were significantly lower in medical students than in general colleges for recreation/leisure were significantly lower in medical students than in general college students, while the scores of facets of dependency on medication and treatment, financial resources, opportunities for acquiring new information and skills, and transport were significantly higher in medical students than in general college students. The score of social relationships domain was significantly lower in medical students than in general college students, while, the score of environmental domain was significantly higher in medical students than in general college students. Physical, environmental and social relationships domains contributed more to the quality of life of medical students than psychological domain while psychological and environmental domains contributed more to the quality of life of general college students than physical and social relationships domains. Conclusion : The result suggests that it is necessary to improve the quality of life of medical students in social relationships domain and in the facets of sleep and rest, sexual activity, participation and opportunities for recreation/leisure.

      • KCI등재

        양로원 노인에서 인지기능 평가에 대한 연구

        최성환,정은기,김유광 大韓神經精神醫學會 1993 신경정신의학 Vol.32 No.6

        The aged population is growing rapidly in Korea. In 1989, the people aged 65 and older marked 4.7% of the population and is expected to exceed 5% in 1993. It has been considered that as the elderly grow older, their cognitive function decline. As the proportion they take in the society is becoming larger, the use of more stable and reliable examination tools become more important to deal with and prevent their cognitive dysfunction. This study looked into the characteristics of cognitive functions of the elderly living in nursing homes. Mini-mental status examination and Brief cognitive rating scale were administered to 530 eldery(mean age 76±7.5) residing in 8 nursing homes located in Kyun-Gi province, vicinity of Seoul, in 1989 and in 1991. Cognitive function correlated with educational level, but not with age. The correlation of MMSE with BCRS was high. According to the results, it was not evident that aging deteriorates cognitive function. The deterioration of cognitive function was related to educational level. MMSE and BCRS were considered appropriate instruments in brief assessment of cognitive function and its prognosis in the elderly. Lengthened follow up interval and the cognitive evaluation of more various groups are desired in the future studies.

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