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        Design of a set of One-to-Many Node-Disjoint and Nearly Shortest Paths on Recursive Circulant Networks

        Chung, Ilyong Korea Multimedia Society 2013 멀티미디어학회논문지 Vol.16 No.7

        The recursive circulant network G(N,d) can be widely used in the design and implementation of parallel processing architectures. It consists of N identical nodes, each node is connected through bidirectional, point-to-point communication channels to different neighbors by jumping $d^i$, where $0{\leq}i{\leq}{\lceil}{\log}_dN{\rceil}$ - 1. In this paper, we investigate the routing of a message on $G(2^m,4)$, a special kind of RCN, that is key to the performance of this network. On $G(2^m,4)$ we would like to transmit k packets from a source node to k destination nodes simultaneously along paths on this network, the $i^{th}$ packet will be transmitted along the $i^{th}$ path, where $1{\leq}k{\leq}m-1$, $0{{\leq}}i{{\leq}}m-1$. In order for all packets to arrive at a destination node quickly and securely, we present an $O(m^4)$ routing algorithm on $G(2^m,4)$ for generating a set of one-to-many node-disjoint and nearly shortest paths, where each path is either shortest or nearly shortest and the total length of these paths is nearly minimum since the path is mainly determined by employing the Hungarian method.

      • KCI등재

        The design of an efficient load balancing algorithm employing block design

        Ilyong Chung,Yongeun Bae 한국전산응용수학회 2004 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.14 No.-

        In order to maintain load balancing in a distributed system, we should obtain workload information from all the nodes on network. This processing requires O(v2) communication overhead, where v is the number of nodes. In this paper, we present a new synchronous dynamic distributed load balancing algorithm on a (v, k + 1, 1)-configured network applying a symmetric balanced incomplete block design, where v = k2+k+1. Our algorithm needs only O(vpv) communication overhead and each node receives workload information from all the nodes without redundancy. Therefore, load balancing is maintained since every link has the same amount of traffic for transferring workload information.

      • KCI등재
      • An Analysis of the Secret Routing algorithm for Secure Communications

        Chung, Ilyong,Kim, Seongyeol,Bae, Yongkeun CHOSUN UNIVERSITY 1997 Basic Science and Engineering Vol.1 No.2

        Routing security is related to the confidentiality of the route taken by the route taken by the data transmitted over the network. If the route is deteced by the adversary, the probability is higher that the data are lost or the data can be intercepted by the adversary. Therefore, the route must be protected. To accomplish this, we select an intermediate node secretly and transmit the data using this intermediate node, instead of sending the data to the destination node using the shortest path. Furthermore, if we use a number of secret routes from the starting node to the destinationnode, data security is much stronger since we can transmit partial data rather than the entire data along a secret route. In this paper, the routing algorithm for multiple secret paths on MRNS(Mixed Radix Number System). Network, which requires O(ℓ) for the time complexity where ℓis the number of links on a node, is presented employing the HCLS(Hamiltonian Circuit Latin Square) and is analyzed in terms of entropy.

      • 애니메트로닉스 외형 제작을 위한 디지털제조프로세스의 적용

        정일용(Ilyong Chung),김진영(JinYoung Kim),이상원(SangWon Lee),정관영(KwanYoung Joung) (사)한국CDE학회 2011 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.1

        Animatronics is a combination technology of animation and electronics which is a mechanized puppet programmed or remotely controlled. The conventional technology for making animatronics puppet totally depended by skilled craftsman manually, but that process is needed more cost and money to be completed. On this study, we suggest digital manufacturing process instead of the conventional method and apply for making animatronics horse using Styrofoam.

      • KCI등재

        동유럽의 체제 이행과 경제발전

        정일용(Ilyong Chung) 한국경제발전학회 2007 經濟發展硏究 Vol.13 No.1

          이 글은 동유럽 국가들의 체제 이행 과정을 검토하고 체제 이행의 성과를 평가하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이 글은 특히 체제 이행의 성과를 경제발전이라는 시각에서 검토하고 있다. 동유럽에서의 경제적 체제 이행은 계획경제에서 시장경제로, 국유재산에서 사유재산으로의 전환, 그리고 봉쇄경제 체제에서 세계경제에의 통합의 형태로 진행되었다고 볼 수 있다.<BR>  동유럽의 체제 이행의 특수성은 대외적으로 유럽 경제와의 통합, 그리고 EU 가입을 통해서 이루어지고 있다는 점이다. 현재 동유럽 15개국 중 10개 국이 EU에 가입하였고 나머지는 가입 신청 중이거나 신청 예정이다. 동유럽 국가 모두 EU 가입을 통하여 체제 이행과 경제발전을 추구하고 있다. EU가 요구하는 가입 조건이 시장 체제 이행을 위한 개혁의 준거점이자 견인 역할을 하고 있다. EU가입으로 체제 이행이 종료되었다는 견해도 있으나 동유럽 국가의 국제경쟁력과 발전 수준이 미국과 서유럽 선진국에 비해 아직 크게 뒤떨어지고 있다는 면에서 이행은 종료되지 않았다고 할 수 있다.<BR>  동유럽 국가 중 체제 이행과 경제발전에 있어서 격차와 다양성을 발견할 수 있다. 중동유럽과 발틱 국가들이 발전 수준이 높고 시장체제로의 개혁에 앞서고 있으며 남동 유럽 국가들은 발전 수준이 낮고 시장체제로의 이행도 뒤늦다. 전자의 그룹을 이행 선진국, 그리고 후자를 이행 후진국으로 평가할 수 있다. 또한 체제 이행과 발전은 상당한 정도로 초기 조건에 의존한다는 것이 확인된다. 각국의 체제 이행과 경제발전은 신자유주의적 경제학자들이 생각한 것처럼 단기간에 단선적으로 진행되는 것이 아니라 각 개별 국가들의 역사, 문화, 종교, 가치관, 지리적 위치, 정치 잡단들의 정치경제적 이해, 소득 수준 등에 의해 영향 받고 규정되면서 다양하고 독특하게 진행된다고 할 수 있다.<BR>  동유럽 각국은 이행과정에서 전환 침체를 겪었고 또한 생산의 회복이 이루어지면서도 실업 증가, 빈곤층의 확대, 소득과 부의 불평등 확대 등 사회적 안정성이 큰 위협을 받고 있다. 이러한 면에서 지속 가능한 발전, 평등한 발전, 민주적 발전의 목표를 제시하고 이에 대한 정책 수단을 이행과 발전정책으로 개발할 것을 요구하는 포스트 워싱턴 컨센서스(Post-Washington Consensus) 정책에 대한 수용이 확산될 것으로 예상된다.   This article investigates the features of transition process and assess macro and micro economic performance of the former centrally planned economies in East Europe and deals with when transition is over. The countries dealt with are 15 countries, 5 Central and East Europe countries(Czech, Slovak, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia), 3 Baltics, 7 Southern and East countries or Balkans (Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro).<BR>  With the collapse of communist rule, the East European countries have abandoned central planning, state ownership of productive assets and economic insularity and have sought to join the liberal global economy. In the initial stage of transition, the transition was guided by the neo-liberal policies, so called Washington Consensus. In later stage more emphasis has been put on the institutions building which is prerequisite to the functioning of the market economy. In recent time, post-Washington Consensus is called upon to solve the development problems caused in the process of transition as the transition problem has been reduced to the problem of economic development.<BR>  Most of the East European countries have gone in one of two directions. Some of the more advanced nations, especially in Central Europe and the Baltic countries have better macro and micro economic performances and have been successful at turning toward the market. They have become members of the European Union and appear to be converging on existing European economic and political patterns.<BR>  Others are Southern and East European countries, namely Balkan countries. They look different from the Central European countries. They have rather poor macro economic performances and are troubled in transition. Success of transition in East European countries depends on the nature and orientation of policies implemented and institution building for transition and development, which in turn are affected by initial conditions in each country.<BR>  Many problems has been brought about in the process of transition. Post-socialist countries in East Europe experienced unprecedentedly deep economic recession and are faced with the new occurrence and rise of unemployment, growth of poverty and increasing inequality. Post-Washington Consensus theorists argue that privatization in this region has brought catastrophic results of worst redistribution of income and assets without improvement of efficiency. Many tasks are ahead for transition and development. In that sense, we can say that transition is not over in Eastern European countries.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        A Nearly Optimal One-to-Many Routing Algorithm on k-ary n-cube Networks

        Choi, Dongmin,Chung, Ilyong THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF SMART MEDIA 2018 스마트미디어저널 Vol.7 No.2

        The k-ary n-cube $Q^k_n$ is widely used in the design and implementation of parallel and distributed processing architectures. It consists of $k^n$ identical nodes, each node having degree 2n is connected through bidirectional, point-to-point communication channels to different neighbors. On $Q^k_n$ we would like to transmit packets from a source node to 2n destination nodes simultaneously along paths on this network, the $i^{th}$ packet will be transmitted along the $i^{th}$ path, where $0{\leq}i{\leq}2n-1$. In order for all packets to arrive at a destination node quickly and securely, we present an $O(n^3)$ routing algorithm on $Q^k_n$ for generating a set of one-to-many node-disjoint and nearly shortest paths, where each path is either shortest or nearly shortest and the total length of these paths is nearly minimum since the path is mainly determined by employing the Hungarian method.

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