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      • Prednisolone 에 의한 장티푸스 抗菌治療의 지연

        鄭喜泳,鄭圭源,金在亨,徐廷和,宋貞燮 대한감염학회 1976 감염 Vol.8 No.1

        For the purpose of shortening of febrile period of typhoid fever, prednisolone was administered with bacteriocidal antibiotics though corticosteroid had not been used routinely for its possible side effects on typhoid fever. The authors suspected beneficial effects of corticosteroid because the action of bacteriocidal antibiotics was different from the action of bacteriostatic effects of chloramphenicol which was used in the last 30 years. The result was quite different from expectation and the febrile period of the patients was prolonged in all of the cases as shown in figures. Corticosteroid must not be used in typhoid fever so far as it is possible because delay of antibiotic effect than other known side effect. The possible mechanism of the longer intracellular parasitism of Salmonella typhi due to corticosteroid for the prolongation of fever was discussed.

      • 非晶質 As_3-Te_6-Ge_1 膜의 光吸收

        鄭吉煥,李亨宰 全北大學校 文理科大學 1976 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        Absorption coefficients have been investigated on vitreous As_3-Te_6-Ge_1 films prepared by vacuum evaporation in an affort to provide information about the state distribution at the valence band edge. Energy range of 1.5~2.0ev gives the the absorption characteristics described by direct band-to-band transitions, and shows the density of states given by an eguation N(E)=N_O E^1/2. The state in the lower energy range is approximately explained by both exponential and Gaussian distribution, N(E)=N_O exp(E/△) and N(E)=N_O exp[(-E-E_m)^2/△^2] respectively.

      • KCI등재

        1차 의료기관에서 코감기에 처방한 향균제

        정형준,이훈재,김은실,이진수,정문현 대한감염학회 2007 감염과 화학요법 Vol.39 No.3

        Background : Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are common benign illnesses that are associated with significant economic burden, adverse effects of medications, and antimicrobial resistance. These effects have been evaluated chiefly at the tertiary health care centers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prescribing habits, including antibiotic use, for the management of URIs among the primary care physicians. Methods : Between July and August 2006, 23 medical students visited 122 clinics of primary care physicians for the management of simulated common cold. They were instructed to present symptoms that simulated common cold; clear rhinorrhea and nasal stuffiness that lasted for 3 days, and neither was accompanied with fever nor myalgia. Results : The physicians' specialties were as follows: 43 were general internists; 40, otolaryngologists; 23, general practitioners; 15, family practitioners; and 1, pediatrician. The mean number of prescribed oral medications was 4.71 (S.D.±0.951). Glucocorticoids were prescribed in 10 (8.2%) clinics. Antibiotics were prescribed in 50 (41.0%) clinics - cephalosporins in 17, amoxicillin-clavulanate in 16, amoxicillin in 8, fluoroquinolones in 5, macrolides in 3, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in 1 clinic. There was no difference in the rates of antibiotic prescription among the specialties. Injections were recommended in 32 (26.4%) clinics. With the exception of chest X-ray recommended in 1 clinic, no laboratory or radiologic evaluation was performed. Conclusion : The antibiotic prescription rate observed in this study is lower than those of the previous studies. Since diagnostic tests are seldom performed, diagnostic ambiguity might be a key cause for the overuse of antibiotics in the management of URI. The reasons for the high rates of prescription of parenteral medications need to be evaluated. 목적 : 상기도 감염은 매우 흔한 질환으로 개개인으로 보면 중요하지 않은 병이나 국가 전체로 보면 비용, 부작용, 항균제 내성에 미치는 영향이 더 문제가 되는 병이다. 이런 영향에 대한 연구가 주로 3차 병원에서만 되므로, 3차 병원에 도착하기 전까지 받은 치료 내역이 연구 결과에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있지만, 국내에서는 의약분업 후로는 의원에서 감기 처방에 대한 조사가 없어 현재 진료 상황을 알 수가 없다. 이에 의약분업 이후, 1차 의료에 종사하는 의원들을 대상으로 코감기에 관련된 진단의 다양성, 주사제의 사용, 항균제 사용에 대해 조사를 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : 2006년 7월과 8월에 걸쳐 서울, 경기, 인천에 개업하고 있는 일반의, 내과의, 이비인후과의, 가정의를 대상으로 122개 의원을 조사 하였다. 23명의 의과대학생들이 코감기 환자로 모의를 하여 개원의들의 진찰을 받은 후, 진단과 처방을 분석하였다. 코감기 증상은, 3일간 지속한 콧물과 코막힘을 주소로 했고, 발열과 오한은 없었으며, 목아픔과 기침은 약간 있는 정도로 하였다. 결과 : 조사한 의원에서 코감기에 사용한 경구 약제 수는 평균 4.71 (SD±0.951), 과별 차이는 없었다(P=0.99 by chi-square test). 부신피질호르몬은 10개(8.2%) 의원에서 처방하였다. 항균제는 50개(41.0%) 의원에서 처방하였으며, 세팔로스포린 17건, Augmentin 16건, amoxicillin (7) 또는 bacampicillin (1) 8건, 퀴놀론 5건, macrolide 3건, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 1건이 었다. 과별로는 내과 34.9%, 이비인후과 52.5%, 가정의학과 33.3%, 일반외과 39.1%, 소아과 0%였고 통계적 의미는 없었다(P=0.41 by chi-square test). 주사를 권한 경우는 32 (26.4%)예였다. X-선 검사를 권유받은 1건 외에는 검사를 권유받지 않았다. 결론 : 이전 보고보다는 감기에서 항균제 사용률은 낮았으며, 진단을 하기 위한 검사가 적어 진단의 불분명을 극복하기 위한 것도 항균제 남용의 한 원인으로 생각된다. 주사제 처방률도 높은 듯하며 이는 빨리 증상이 호전되지 않을 때 병원을 바꾸는 환자들의 행위에 대한 반응일 가능성이 있으며, 항균제 사용 역시 빠른 증상 호전을 위한 것이어서, 환자의 행동 양상에 대한 조사가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 2.45GHz ISM 대역의 송신 전력 제어를 위한 전력 검출 기법 비교 연구

        정명래,이상원,김학선,이윤현,이형재 대전산업대학교 반도체기술연구소 1999 半導體技術硏究所報 Vol.1 No.-

        본 논문에서는 2.45GHz ISM 대역의 전력 제어시 추정 오차를 줄이기 위하여 콘덴서를 이용한 직접 결함 전력 검출기와 방향성 결합기에 의한 전력 검출기를 설계하여 전압 감도, 대역폭, 기판 크기 등의 특성을 비교. 분석하였다. 측정한 결과, 전압 감도는 입력 전력이 -50dBm 에서 -25dBm까지는 전압 감도가 거의 비슷하지만 -25dBm에서 -10dBm까지는 방향성 결합기에 의한 전력 검출기의 전압 감도가 최대 3.5㎶/㎼ 정도 우수하며, 대역폭은 방향성 결합기에 의한 전력 검출기가 콘덴서를 이용한 직접 결합 전력 검출기보다 63MHz 더 넓었다. 그러므로 전력 제어를 위한 검출기 선정시에 송신기의 출력 레벨이 -20dBm 이하인 경우는 특성이 비슷하므로 기판 크기를 줄이기 위해서는 콘덴서를 이용한 전력 검출기를 선정하는 것이 좋고, -20dBm 이상 또는 광대역의 경우는 전압 감도를 고려하여 방향성 결합기에 의한 전력 검출기를 선정하는 것이 추정 오차를 줄일 수 있다. In this paper, we designed the power detector with the capacitor to decrease the estimation error and directional coupler which are used in 2.45GHz ISM band, also compared and analyzed the characteristics of the power sensitivity to estimate the performance of detector, the bandwidth and the printed circuit board size. As the results, their voltage sensitivity is constant from -50dBm to -25dBm which is the input power, but the detector composed by the directional coupler is superior about 3㎶/㎼ than that by the single diode from -25dBm to -10dBm and its bandwidth is wider about 63MHz than the directional coupling power detector with the capacitor. Therefore when the output level of transmiter is below -20dBm, the power detector with the capacitor had better be selected as the detector for the power control to reduce the area because of the similar characteristics, and above -20dBm or in the wide band system, the estimation error can be eliminated by the selection of directional coupler considered the voltage sensitivity for the power detector.

      • 活性炭에 依한 파라톨루이딘 吸着特性에 관한 硏究

        姜在瑩,鄭在灌 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.44 No.2

        Adsorption on activated carbon on the basis of an effective and widely used process for removing p-toluidine organics from municipal and waste waters has been studied. In this study, the p-toluidine adsorption from aqueous solutions was performed using the activated carbon manufactured by Duksan Chemical Co. The main experimental procedures were divided into two parts of batch experiments and differential bed column tests. The results were as follows ; 1. In the test of pH effects on adsorption, maximum adsorption capacity on activated carbon was observed at pH 7 in solutions. So batch adsorption tests and differential bed adsorption experiments were performed at the condition of pH 7. 2. The adsorption isotherm experiments were conducted at various initial concentrations of 5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 ppm and at initial pH fixed at pH 7 in solutions, with varying carbon dosages. As the best fit Freundlich adsorption isotherm was determined as follows ; q_s = 69.1823C_s^(0.273144) 3. At pH 7 and the flow rate of 450㎤/min greater than 400㎤/min above which the film diffusion resistance was minimized in the differential bed column tests, the reaction kinetics for the removal of p-toluidine from the solution by activated carbon showed 즉 r = 0.01142C_fc - [(1.9887 X 10 exp(-7)) C_i^(2.496075)]q_s^(7.78558Ci^(0.62958)) 4. In the case of activated carbon surfaces treated with acid or basic solutions(O.l N-HC1, 0.1 N-H_2 SO_4, 0.1 N-HNO_3, 0.1 N-NaOH), activated carbon treated by 0.1 N-NH_3 showed good adsorption capacity. On the other hand, when the pH of solution was fixed at 7, carbons not treated by acid or basic solutions showed good performance. It was presumed that the activated carbon employed in this experiment was H-type.

      • 단일펄스 전압구동 방식에 의한 스위치드 리럭턴스 전동기의 속도제어에 관한 연구

        김보형,안정준,김연충,김재문,원충연 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1998 論文集 Vol.49 No.2

        The conventional PI controller has been widely used in industrial applications. If it is selected suitable a PI control gain, the PI controller shows very good control performance. But it is very difficult to find the optimal PI control gain. This thesis deals with the speed control of switched reluctance motor using the PI controller with 4-rule based fuzzy logic modifier. Simulation and experimental results show that the fuzzy logic modifier which exhibits a stabilizing effects on the closed-loop system, has good robustness regarding the improperly tuned PI controller. The performance of the PI controller with fuzzy logic modifier is superior to that of the conventional PI controller.

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