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        논문(論文) : 춘추시대(春秋時代) 축성(築城) 작업에 나타난 민(民)의 개체성 연구

        천영미 ( Young Mi Chun ) 한국한문고전학회(구.성신한문학회) 2008 漢文古典硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        고대 중국에서 民은 有德者의 통치로 보호받아야 될 수동적인 존재로서 여겨져 왔다. 그러나 『좌전』이나 『논어』에는 民의 또 다른 면모가 보인다. 民은 통치자의 교화를 기다리는 수동적인 존재가 아니라, 자신의 욕구를 충족시켜 줄 군주를 찾아 나서기도 하고, 불합리한 정책에 적극적으로 대응하기도 하며, 통치자의 다스림을 공고하게 할 수 있는 결정적인 요소인 `신뢰`를 제공하는 존재로서 나타나 있다. 그러므로 본고에서는 수동적 존재로서만 부각되어 왔던 民이 개체적 존재로서 결단을 내리기도 하고, 부당한 정책에 대해서는 적극적으로 대응하는 면모를 밝히고자 하였다. 民의 개체성 양상은 욕구 충족적인 특징을 지녔다. 民은 기본적인 욕구를 충족시켜줄 군주를 찾아 `떠남`으로써 개체성을 표출하였다. 民의 개체성은 春秋時代까지 이어져서 사회전반의 현상에서 불합리한 정책에 직면하였을 때, 民은 일탈하는 행동을 통해 개체성을 표출하게 되었다. 춘추시대는 각 제후국들 간의 전쟁으로 인하여 축성작업이 자주 진행되었고, 民으로부터의 부역을 부과하는 일이 비일비재하였다. 지배층의 과도한 축성작업은 民의 일탈현상을 초래하였다. 民은 과도한 축성작업을 견디지 못하고 도주하기도 하였고, 과도한 부역으로 지친 民은 축성작업을 중단시키기도 하였다. 또한 民은 고된 부역에 자신들을 징발하는 위정자를 풍자하는 노래를 지어 부르기도 하였고, 축성작업 중에 民을 부당하게 대우한 감독관을 죽이기도 하였다. 이로써 보면 축성작업에 동원된 民은 위정자의 부당한 처사에 대해 적극적으로 대응함으로써 개체성을 표출하였음을 알 수 있다. 본고는 西周時代에 태동한 욕구충족적인 民의 개체성이 春秋時代로 이어지면서 부당한 정책에 대응하는 적극적인 양상으로 발전하고, 이러한 民의 개체성 표출은 戰國時代에 이르러 여러 사상가들이 `民`을 국가의 근본으로 인식할 수 있는 계기를 마련해 준 것으로 보고, 그 과정을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. The people in the Ancient China were considered as passive beings to be protected by the rule of a virtuous man. However, we can see another aspect of the people in "Joajun" and "The Analects of Confucius". The people were not passive any more in here. They tried to look for a monarch who could satisfy their desires and rise to unreasonable policies actively rather than wait for edification of the ruler. They were the people providing `confidence` which must be the decisive factor of solid rule of the ruler. Therefore, in this study I tried to clarify another phase of the people who came to a definite decision as individuals and rose to unjust policies actively rather than were passive beings. The aspect of `the individuality` had a characteristic of satisfying their desires. The people expressed the individuality by `leaving` to look for a monarch who could satisfy their basic desires. `The individuality` of the people continued until Chun-chu era and they expressed the individuality through deviation movements when they faced unjust policies throughout the society. In Chun-chu era there were lots of work of building castles due to wars between feudal lords, and therefore the people were forced to work hard very often. Too much work of building castles caused the people to depart from their works. Some people fled from excessive work and others who were bone tired of overwork made the work stopped. Furthermore, the people made songs to satirize statesmen who put in requisition for excessive work and they sometimes killed supervisors who treated them unjustly during the work. Through this fact we can see that the people who were forced to work expressed the individuality by coping with the raw deal of the statesmen actively. Therefore, the individuality of the people satisfying their desires in Suh-Ju era was revealed in Chun-chu era in a way that they were against the unreasonable policies. And the expression of the individuality by the people made many philosophers recognize that `the people` are the foundation of a nation in the age of civil wars.

      • KCI등재

        김시습(金時習) 이해의 시선과 그 의미

        전성운(Chun, Sung-woon) 우리문학회 2013 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        김시습의 삶을 이해할 수 있는 자료는 다음과 같은 세 군을 형성하고 있다. 첫째, 김시습 자신이 쓴 것으로 <자사진찬(自寫眞贊)>, <동봉육가(東峰六歌)>, <상유양양진정서(上柳襄陽陳情書)> 등이며, 둘째, 홍유손(洪裕孫)의 <제김열경시습문(祭金悅卿時習文)>, 윤춘년(尹春年)의 <매월당서(梅月堂序)> 등. 셋째, 이자(李.)의 <매월당집서(梅月堂集序)>, 이산해(李山海)의 <매월당집서(梅月堂集序)>, 이이의 <김시습전> 등이 그것이다. 이들 자료는 김시습 관련 서로 다른 이해의 시선을 보여준다. 김시습은 낙백(落魄)한 소광한 은자로 자신을 규정한다. 낙백의 원인은 젊은 시절의 좌절과 어긋남 때문이다. 개인적 비극인 박명과 불우, 선(善)의 좌절과 이교(異敎)의 번성이라는 사회적 불합리와 모순 때문이다. 그리고 그런 것이 누적되며 자신은 영원히 화합할 수 없이 어그러졌다고 보았다. 다음으로 홍유손을 비롯한 이들은 김시습을 생이지지(生而知之)한 성인, 자유자재한 대인(大人) 혹은 부처로 이해했다. 이들은 김시습을 천부적 자질을 지닌 초월적 인물로 규정하려 했다. 물론 김시습을 미친 사람이라고 하거나, 색은행괴의 무리에 불과하다고 본 경우도 있다. 이이나 이산해의 김시습 이해는 천부적인 문장가이자 절의를 표방하고 윤기를 붙든 백세의 스승이라는 시선에 바탕한다. 또한 이들은 김시습이 한 때 세상을 등진 것은 비분강개하는 기질 상 어쩔 수 없는 것이라고 보았다. 김시습을 성리학적 의리관으로 분식(粉飾)하여 이해했다. 이런 이해는 하나의 전범(典範)이 되어, 이후 연구자들에게 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. There are three kinds of materials concerning Kim, Si-sup"s life. The first kind of materials are written by Kim Si-sup himself, for examples Jasajinchan(自寫眞贊), Dongbongyukga(東峰六歌), Sangyuyangyangjinjeong-Seo(上柳襄陽陳情書) etc. Second are JeKimyeolgyeongsiup-mun(祭金悅卿時習文) by Hong, Yuson, Maewuoldang-seo(梅月堂序) by Yun, Chun-nyeon etc. Third are Maewuoldangjip-Seo(梅月堂集序) by Lee, Ja, Maewuoldangjip-Seo(梅月堂集序) by Lee, San-Hae and Kimsisup-Jeon(金時習傳) by Lee, Yi etc. These materials shows different aspects of comprehend Kim, Si-sup. Kim prescribed himself as a dejected hermit. Reasons of dejection are a misfortune and sad fate, a frustration caused by social contradictions etc. He experienced these difficulties continuously, and tuned his back on the world at last. He explained himself as a sad and frustrated hermit. The next group of people regarded Kim as a genius like Kong Zi(孔子), a great man(大人) with perfect freedom, and a living Buddha. The Confucian thought Kim as a reborn of Kong Zi, and the Taoist regard him as a freely upright man, and of course, the Buddhist respected him as a spiritually awakened man, a living Buddha. These people tried to comprehend Kim as a mythic person with a transcendent abilities. Of course, there is a group of people who thought Kim as a madness with a odd and strange behaviour. The third group of people, especially Lee, Yi or Lee, San-Hae, understood Kim as a quite and genuine writter and a model man. They gave him a honorible name for adhering Confucian principles. They thought the fact that Kim tuned his back on the world as a inevitable fate because of his righteous wrath. These people"s understanding became a model. The next generations generally comprehend Kim on the basis of this understanding.

      • 내향성 발톱 교정에 관한 사례 고찰 연구

        배민규(Min-Gyu Bae),윤천성(Chun-Sung Youn) 한국뷰티산업학회 2023 뷰티산업연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 ‘내향성 발톱 교정에 관한 사례 고찰 연구’로서 보다 효과적인 내향성 발톱 교정 방안을 제안하고자 함에 있다. 고찰하여 분석한 결과 배민규, 윤천성(2022)은 내향성 발톱 예방 및 개선⋅교정을 목적으로 활용한 레진 젤(크랄레젤)을 활용한 내향성 발톱 교정 방법이 제품 활용 편리성, 문제점 등에서 다른 연구자들의 연구방법에 따른 문제점 등과 비교했을 때 활용 가치가 있을 것으로 판단했다. 다만 기존 다른 연구자들의 아크릴 스캅춰, Brace System, 실크, 와이어 등 제품들에 비해 교정 효과가 비교적 낮아 김경환(2022) 연구자가 내향성 발톱 교정 효과성 검증을 위해 활용했던 견인기를 함께 활용하기를 제안한다. 내향성 발톱 예방 및 재발 방지를 목적으로 배민규, 윤천성(2022) 연구자가 제안한 크랄레젤 리커버 1회 적용을 제안하고, 내향성 발톱 개선 및 교정을 목적으로 김경환(2022) 연구자가 활용한 견인기를 활용하여 발톱을 펴준 후, 배민규, 윤천성(2022) 연구자가 제안한 크랄레젤 리커버를 목적에 맞게 2~5회 적용하여 활용하기를 제안한다. 본 연구 자료가 내향성 발톱 질환으로부터 건강한 삶을 영위하기 위한 자료로 활용될 수 있기를 기대해 본다. As “a case study on the correction of ingrowing nail”, this study aims to suggest more effective measures for the correction of ingrowing nail. In the results of considering and analyzing it, the correction of ingrowing nail using the Resin Gel(Kralle Gel) which was used by researchers Min-Gyu Bae & Chun-Sung Youn(2022) for the purpose of preventing, improving, and correcting the ingrowing nail, seemed to be more useful than other methods used by other researchers in the aspect of convenience of product use and problem. However, compared to the products like Acrylic Sculpture, Brace System, Silk, and Wire used by other researchers, the effect on correction was relatively lower, so it is proposed to be used together with the Retractor that was used by Kyeong-Hwan Kim(2022) for verifying the effectiveness on the correction of ingrowing nail. This study suggests applying Kralle Gel Recover one time suggested by Min-Gyu Bae & Chun-Sung Youn(2002) for the purpose of prevention & recurrence prevention of ingrowing nail, unbending the nail by using the Retractor used by a researcher Kyeong-Hwan Kim(2022) for the purpose of improving/correcting the ingrowing nail, and then applying Kralle Gel Recover 2-5 times suitable for the purpose, suggested by researchers Min-Gyu Bae & Chun-Sung Youn(2022). The results of this study are expected to be utilized as the data for enjoying a healthy life from ingrowing nail disease.

      • Disclosure and Stock Market Reactions to Earnings Management

        Chun, Sungbin,Kim, Yongtae 서강대학교 경영학연구원 2004 서강경영논총 Vol.15 No.1

        Using a sample of US seasoned equity offerings, we examine whether a firm's disclosure strategy affects investors' ability to identify earnings management. The results are consistent with an increase in disclosure activity shortly before the offering announcement being designed to hamper investors' ability to recognize earnings management. Moreover, firms increasing disclosure activity are in successful in delaying the reversal of accruals and misleading the market for over a year after SEOs. As to the level of disclosure activity maintained before offerings, the evidence indicates that investors believe incentive for earnings management is minimal with the high level of disclosure activity maintained.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study of Singapore's English Channel Television Commercials and Sex-Role Stereotypes

        Chun Wah LEE Ewha Womans University Press 2003 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.9 No.3

        The stereotyping of females and their use as sex objects in advertisements has been a hot topic of research. Advertisers tend to use women as 'decorative' items in various promotional strategies. This study focuses on the nature of female stereotyping in Singapore's television industry. A content analysis of one working week of television commercials was conducted on Singapore's English language channel. The coding technique was derived from works such as Craig (1992) and Furnham and Bihar (1993), while various variables were employed to examine how and in what situations women were portrayed in these commercials. The study revealed that women were depicted in diverse roles―ranging from homemaking and baby-caring to endorsing beauty products and working in offices. However, some degree of sex-stereotyping is still prevalent. The study argues that advertisers should portray men and women in more equal partnerships, since the latter now have to manage the increasing demands imposed by work and family.

      • The HBV DNA Amounts in Serum Have No relationship with ALT level and Hetergeneous Population Coexits in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection

        Chun, Yoon-Keun,Ha, Joo-hun,Hong-Jung-Woo,Oh, Soo-Myung,Kim, Sung-Soo 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Yoon-Keun Chun¹,Joohun Ha□Hong-Jung Woo□, Soo Myung Oh□,Sung Soo Kim□ ¹Department of Molecular Biology, College of Medicine,²Department of Surgery, college of Medicine,³Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine,and ⁴East-Weat Medical Reserch Institute,Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. The HBV DNA Amounts in Serum Have No relationship with ALT level and Hetergeneous Population Coexits in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 212-230, 1999. -Hepatitis B is caused by hepadnavirus. Hepatitis B virus replicates through 3.5kb pregenomic RNA intermediate which is regulated by core promoter. Pathogenesis of hepatitis B virus has been bilieved the result of host immune response. But recently many studies have reported that high level of viral replication caused by mutation in core promoter might result in severs hepatitis. But these studies were performed in vitro, not in vivo. So there is yet debate about which factor, viral of host factor, is more important in pathogenesis of hepatitis B virus. So we measured real viral replication level in 204 chronic hepatitis B patients by quantifying HBV DNA from sera by our novel PCR-based more sensitive method, and compared these results with ALT level measured from same sera, which indicates liver cell damage. Surprisingly there are no significant correlation between HBV DNA quantity and ALT level. Then we cloned core promoter region. In SSCP, we found that many viral mutants coexist in one patient. Base on SSCP result, we chose main viral core promoter type in each patients, which is thought to determine overall viral replication level in this patient. Main type of core promoter region of each 41 patients were directly sequenced. And with these we measured promoter activity by luciferase assay system and compared promoter activity with on another. We found tha there were some differences in promoter activity according to core promoter sequences. And we constructed replication-competent viral constructs with core promoter from 41 patients and Transfected these into HepG2 cell and measured HBV DNA by southern blot. There were also differences in HBV DNA quantity according to core promoter sequences. On these all results we investigated correlation between the effect of HBV core promoter on viral replication in vitro and HBN DNA quantity, ALT level from sera of each patients. We found there is no significant correlation among them. As a result, we concluded that in determining severity chronic hepatitis B patients, host factors of each patient is more important rather than replicative activity of virus itself.

      • A Dual Relation between the Talmud Rule and the Random Arrival Rule for 3-Person Bankruptcy Problems

        Chun, Youngsub 서울大學校 經濟硏究所 2005 經濟論集 Vol.44 No.3-4

        The bankruptcy problem is concerned with how to divide the net worth of a bankrupt firm among its creditors. Aumann and Maschler(1985) argue that the Talmud rule is based on the equal-gain principle until mid-point (when the total amount to divide is less than or equal to half of the sum of claims) and the equal-loss principle afterwards. Moreover, it coincides with the nucleolus of the corresponding transferable utility coalitional form game. In this paper, we propose a new rule based on the equal-loss principle until midpoint and the equla-gain principle afterwards. As it turns out, for 2- and 3-person bankruptcy problems, this rule coincides with the random arrival rule, which coincides with the Shapley value of the corresponding transferable utility coalitional form game. However, this relation does not hold for more than 3-person problems.

      • Genetic Analysis of Apoplastic Proteins in Barley Crosses

        Chun,Jong-Un,Choi,Kap-Seong,Griffith,Marilyn 한국자원식물학회 2004 Plant Resources Vol.7 No.2

        Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) accumulate in the leaves of barley during cold acclimation, where they may inhibit ice recrystallization and produce freezing resistance of the plant. Four parental diallel crosses of the barley varieties were used to determine the heritability of AFPs and the relationship between the accumulation level of AFPs and freezing resistance. The concentration of apoplastic proteins in the cold-acclimated leaves was increased in the mean by four-fold over as compared with that of nonacclimated. The diallel cross analyses revealed that the gene of Sacheon 6 was dominant and those of Reno and Dongbori 1 were recessive. The AFPs had high narrow-sense heritabilities. The general combining ability effects of Reno and Dongbori 1 were much higher than the other parents. The bands of 32-kD for GLP, 35-& 28-kD for CLP and 25-, 22- & 16-kD for TLP were observed in the apoplastic extracts from cold-acclimated plants, but there were no clear differences between the parents and Fl hybrids. The concentrations of AFPs were significantly correlated with the degree of freezing resistance, indicating that the concentration of AFPs in the plant is the very important factor for freezing resistance.

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