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        The Taylor Rule in Egypt: Is it Optimal? Is there Equilibrium Determinacy?

        Mohamed Maher,Yanzhi Zhao,Chuanzhong Tang 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 2022 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.37 No.3

        We investigate Egypt's Taylor rule (interest rate targeting) between 1976 and 2019 by including the main economic variables in its reaction function. Using the Taylor principle, we investigate Egypt’s monetary policy optimality. To this end, we conduct the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation procedure with different Taylor rule specifications to deal with potential endogeneity among variables. Our GMM estimates reveal that the partial adjustment coefficient is of considerable magnitude, indicating the explanatory power of policy inertia on many total variations in the current values of the nominal interest rate in Egypt. Furthermore, the inflation gap coefficient violates the Taylor principle, making the policy procyclical and inflation "spiral" and inducing divergence from the long-run equilibrium. Therefore, Egypt's Taylor rule, and thus monetary policy, reflects the indeterminacy of equilibrium and is a passive and destabilizing policy. Besides, the output gap coefficient was unexpectedly found to be insignificant.

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