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      • A Multi-Phase Software Reuse Model

        Cho, Youngsuk 東國大學校 1995 東國論叢 Vol.34 No.-

        지난 10년 간 소프트웨어의 개발과 유지 및 보수에 있어서의 문제점은 빠른 속도로 가중되어 왔다. 그것은 소프트웨어의 크기가 폭발적으로 증대했고, 응용 소프트웨어가 훨씬 복잡해졌으며, 소프트웨어의 역할이 보다 결정적으로 되었고, 또 보수를 기다리는 소프트웨어가 점차 쌓여만 가고 있기 때문이다. 그러나, 같은 기간 중 소프트웨 엔지니어의 생산 능력이 비례적으로 제고되지는 못했다. 소프트웨어의 재사용 방법을 통하여 소프트웨어의 질과 생산성을 높힘으로써 현재 직면하고 있는 소프트웨어의 위기를 극복할 수 있다는 믿음은 이미 보편화되어 있다. 본 논문에서는 소프트웨어 생명주기의 모든 국면에 있어서의 재사용을 가능케하는 다국면적 소프트웨어 재사용 모델(the Quintet Web Model)이 제시된다. Quintet Web은 현존하는 소프트웨어 내의 다섯가지 관계를 나타내는 재사용 지원정보를 연결하는 링크로 이루어져 있다. 즉, 의미론적 관계, 수평적 관계, 계층적 관계, 문법적 관계와 선택적 관계를 통합하는 망을 말한다. 이 다섯가지 관계는 Quintet Web 내에서 각각 Semantic Web. Horizontal Web, Vertical Web. Syntactic Web, 그리고 alternative Web으로 불리운다. Semantic Web은 각 소프트웨어 블록의 기능적 측면의 개념적 표현을, Horizontal Web은 각 소프트웨어 생명주기간의 기능적 동일성을, Vertical Web은 각 소프트웨어 블록 간의 종속적 구조를, Syntactic Web은 프로그램 내에서 변수의 정의에서 사용까지의 chain을, Alternative Web은 동일한 기능을 구현하는 여러 알고리즘에서의 선택 가능성을 나타낸다. Prototyping을 통해 Quintet Web 모델을 소프트웨어의 개발 뿐만 아니라 유지 및 보수에도 적용 될 수 있으며, 개발 단계에 적용될 경우, 개발되고 있는 소프트웨어의 일관성을 점검하는 수단으로도 사용될 수 있음이 증명되었다. Over the past decade, problems in software development and maintenance have increased rapidly. the size of software has grown explosively, complexity of software applications has increased, the nature of software applications has become more critical, and large quantities of software to be maintained have accumulated. During the same time, the productivity of individual software engineers has not improved proportionally. Software reusability is widely believed to be a key to help overcome the ongoing software crisis by improving software productivity and quality. We present a multi-phase software reusability model, a Quintet Web, that enables designers to reuse software artifacts from all phases. The quintet Web consists of links of five types of reuse support information among existing document blocks: semantic,

      • DNA-based small molecules for hole charge injection and channel passivation in organic heptazole field effect transistors

        Cho, Youngsuk,Lee, Junyeong,Lim, June Yeong,Yu, Sanghyuck,Yi, Yeonjin,Im, Seongil IOP 2017 Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics Vol.50 No.6

        <P>DNA-based small molecules of guanine, cytosine, thymine and adenine are adopted for the charge injection layer between the Au electrodes and organic semiconductor, heptazole (C<SUB>26</SUB>H<SUB>16</SUB>N<SUB>2</SUB>). The heptazole-channel organic field effect transistors (OFETs) with a DNA-based small molecule charge injection layer showed higher hole mobility (maximum 0.12 cm<SUP>2</SUP> V<SUP>−1</SUP> s<SUP>−1</SUP>) than that of a pristine device (0.09 cm<SUP>2</SUP> V<SUP>−1</SUP> s<SUP>−1</SUP>). We characterized the contact resistance of each device by a transfer length method (TLM) and found that the guanine layer among all DNA-based materials performs best as a hole injection layer leading to the lowest contact resistance. Since the guanine layer is also known to be a proper channel passivation layer coupled with a thin conformal Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> layer protecting the channel from bias stress and ambient molecules, we could realize ultra-stable OFETs utilizing guanine/Au contact and guanine/Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> bilayer on the organic channel.</P>

      • Software Reusability at Variety Levels of Abstraction

        Cho, Youngsuk 동국대학교 경주대학 1996 東國論集 Vol.15 No.-

        소프트웨어 위기를 극복하기 위한 시도로써 여러 방향으로 그 해결책이 모색되고 있으나 아직 최선의 유일한 방법이라 할 수 있는 방안은 제안되지 않았다. 그 하나로써 소프트웨어의 재사용 방안이 연구되어왔고 여러 기관에서 시도되었다. 많은 연구를 통하여 소프트웨어의 재사용 가능성이 높다는 것이 인식되었고 대부분의 시도에서 만족할만한 결과가 보고되어 보다 활발한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 소프트웨어의 재사용이 성공적으로 이루어 지기 위해서는 소프트웨어의 생명주기의 모든 국면에서 사용될 수 있는 도구가 필요하다. 그 도구는 각 국면에서의 각기 다른 추상화 레벨을 지원할 수 있어야하며 용이한 검색을 가능하게 해야한다. 또한, 한 국면에서 검색된 소프트웨어를 통하여 다른 모든 국면 즉, 사용자 명세서, 요구 명세서, 디자인 문서, 코오드, 및 테스트 데이터를 검색할 수 있어야 소프트웨어의 재사용의 목적인 소프트웨어의 질과 생산성의 제고가 효과적으로 또 효율적으로 이루어 질 수 있다. 소프트웨어 엔지니어의 소프트웨어 부품에 대한 필요성 인식은 개념으로 표현되고, 하나의 또는 여러개의 키워드의 조합으로 구체화된다. 가장 자연스러운 검색은 그들이 인식한 키워드를 직접 사용여 이루어진다. 또한 그 키워드의 대부분은 이미 생산된 소프트웨어 문서에 사용되었기 때문에 체계적인 문서화가 이루어 진다면 적은 비용으로 검색 시스템이 만들어 질 수 있다. Semantic Web 모델은 키워드를 이용한 검색의 도구이며 소프트웨어의 생명주기의 모든 국면에서 각기 다른 추상화 단계를 모두 지원한다. 그러므로 소프트웨어의 생명주기의 이른 단계에서 사용하여 개발 비용을 최소화 할 수 있게 한다. Software reusability is widely believed to be a key to help overcome the ongoing software crisis by improving software productivity and quality. However, it is unrealistic to expect that every software system can be developed solely by reusing existing software; however, software reusability has proven to be a way of enhancing software productivity and quality in different organizations. It is also believed that reuse of code segments alone does not significantly reduce softWare development effort. SoftWare reuse must be considered and practiced at the early stage of software life-cycle in order to reduce software cost and enhance software quality. At early phases, software engineers' needs for software components are expressed as highly abstract concepts. As the development activity goes on, the concepts consist of more detailed Information. Therefore, a reusability system must support different levels of abstraction at different phases. The Semantic Web supports search and retrival of software components at different phases. Keywords are linked to actual software components. This feature provides the retrieval of documents of all phases through the search at any phase. In this paper, a model for the Semantic Web is discussed. As basic requirements for the Semantic Web, a design of data structure is also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        사립유치원의 공공성 강화를 위한 정책의 현황 및 개선방향 : 유치원3법을 중심으로

        조영숙(Cho Youngsuk) 한국법학회 2021 법학연구 Vol.84 No.-

        유치원 3법을 통해 우리사회는 사립유치원의 공공성에 대한 사회적 공론화를 구체화하였다. 사립유치원의 공공성의 문제는 2004년 유아교육법이 제정된 이래로 계속되어 온 문제였지만 사립유치원은 사유재산과 사학의 자율성 침해를 이유로 정부의 시책에 반대해 왔다. 2018년 교육위원회 감사결과 사립유치원 운영자의 비리 명단과 사례가 공개되었고, 이를 계기로 유치원 3법(유아교육법, 사립학교법, 학교급식법)의 개정이 발의되었고, 이는 여야가 정면 대립하는 정치적 쟁점화까지 이르렀다가 결국 2020년 1월에 국회를 통과하게 되었다. 유치원 3법의 시행으로 회계투명성 강화, 유치원 운영의 공개, 급식부정문제 차단, 교육자로서의 자격 기준을 강화하는 등 많은 성과를 가져오게 되었다. 그러나 아직까지도 많은 사립유치원의 원장들은 막대한 금액을 출연하여 설립한 사립유치원은 사유재산이며, 사학에 대한 자율성을 보장해야 한다는 생각이 지배적이다. 유치원은 기관을 운영하는 원장의 신념이 어떠한가에 따라 교육의 가치와 운영방법에 많은 영향을 받는 기관임을 감안하면 진정한 교육의 공공성을 이루기 위해서 규제위주의 정책은 한계가 있을 것이다. 사립유치원의 교육 공공성에 대한 합의를 이끌고 자발적이고 진정성 있는 협치를 위한 노력이 필요하다. Through the Kindergarten 3 Act, our society embodied social public debate about the publicity of private kindergartens. The issue of publicity of private kindergartens has continued since the enactment of the Early Childhood Education Act in 2004, but private kindergartens have opposed the governments policies citing violations of private property and private schools autonomy. As a result of the 2018 audit by the Education Committee, the list and cases of corruption by private kindergarten operators were disclosed, and the revision of the Kindergarten 3 Act (Early Childhood Education Act, Private Schools Act, and School Meals Act) was proposed leading to a political issue in which the opposition parties face-to-face confrontation. The implementation of the Kindergarten 3 Act has brought many results, such as strengthening accounting transparency, disclosing the operation of kindergartens, blocking the problem of irregular meals, and reinforcing qualification standards as educators. However, the prevailing idea is that private kindergartens established by the directors of many private kindergartens are private property and that autonomy over private schools should be guaranteed. Kindergarten is greatly influenced by the value of education and the method of operation according to the beliefs of the director who runs the institution. In order to achieve the true publicity of education, there will be limits to policy-oriented policies. Efforts are needed to lead a consensus on the publicity of education in private kindergartens and to pursue voluntary and sincere cooperation.

      • 장애아동의 학대예방 부모교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구

        조영숙(Cho, Youngsuk) 한국장애아동인권학회 2016 장애아동인권연구 Vol.7 No.1

        본 연구는 장애아동의 학대예방 부모교육프로그램 개발을 위한 기초연구로, 연구자료를 바탕으로 장애아동의 부모를 대상으로 한 부모교육프로그램과 학대예방프로그램의 경향성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 성공적인 학대예방 프로그램을 위해서는 우선적으로 대상 아동 및 가족의 욕구파악이 가장 우선적으로 선행되어야 한다. 또한 장애아동의 경우 장애 및 발달 적 특성에 따른 학대의 선별평가방법에 대한 고려가 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 둘째, 장애아동의 학대예방을 위한 부모교육프로그램은 학대가정의 위험수준이 다양하기 때문에 위험요인 뿐 아니라 보호요인을 증가시킬 수 있도록 고안되어야 한다는 것이다. The purpose of this study is to explore parent education and abuse parent prevention programs for the disabled children. Furthemore, it has a purpose to utilize basic data in order to develop a parent education program for the prevention of child abuse for the disabled children based on this study. The results are as follows. First, it is important to consider the needs of disabled childen and their family for the effective abuse prevention program. It is critical to consider how to assess maltreatreatment children with disabilities in accordance with the type and developmental characteristics of the disabilities. Second, abuse preventin parent education program for the disabled specifically has to be designed to increase protective factors as well as reduction of risk factors.

      • KCI등재

        Search for Structural Cardiac Abnormalities Following Sudden Cardiac Arrest Using Post-mortem Echocardiography in the Emergency Department: A Preliminary Study

        ( Sung-bin Chon ),( Sang Do Shin ),( Sang Hoon Na ),( Youngsuk Cho ),( Hwan Suk Jung ),( Jun Hyeok Choi ),( Gyu Chong Cho ),( Kap Su Han ),( Taehwan Cho ),( Sung-woo Lee ),( Yong Joo Park ) 대한응급의학회 2017 대한응급의학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose: Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) accounts for approximately 15% of all-cause mortality in the US and 50% of all cardiovascular mortalities in developed countries; 10% of cases have an underlying structural cardiac abnormality. An echocardiography has widely been used to evaluate cardiac abnormality, but it needs to be performed by emergency physicians available in the emergency department immediately after death, rather than by cardiologists. We aimed to determine whether post-mortem echocardiography (PME) performed in the emergency department may reveal such abnormalities. Methods: We evaluated the reliability and validity of PME performed by emergency physicians in the emergency department. Measurement by a cardiologist was used as reference. Results: Two emergency physicians performed PME on 3 out of the 4 included patients who died after unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation. PME was started within 10 minutes of death, and it took 10 minutes to complete. Parasternal views in either supine or left decubitus position were most helpful. The adequacy of the image was rated good to fair, and that of measurements was acceptable to borderline. Regarding the chamber size and left ventricular wall thickness, intraclass correlation coefficients for reliability and validity were 0.97 (n=15) and 0.95 (n=35), respectively (p<0.001). Evaluation of presence/absence of left ventricular wall thinning, valve calcification, and pericardial effusion was incomplete (3/7-5/7), precluding further analysis. Conclusion: Emergency physicians could perform reliable and valid PME to assess the chamber size and left ventricular wall thickness. A large prospective study with collaboration between emergency physicians and cardiologists would reveal the feasibility and usefulness of PME in diagnosing structural causes of sudden cardiac arrest.

      • KCI등재

        Flow Characteristics Analysis for the Chemical Decontamination of the Kori-1 Nuclear Power Plant

        Cho, Seo-Yeon,Kim, ByongSup,Bang, Youngsuk,Kim, KeonYeop Korean Radioactive Waste Society 2021 방사성폐기물학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Chemical decontamination of primary systems in a nuclear power plant (NPP) prior to commencing the main decommissioning activities is required to reduce radiation exposure during its process. The entire process is repeated until the desired decontamination factor is obtained. To achieve improved decontamination factors over a shorter time with fewer cycles, the appropriate flow characteristics are required. In addition, to prepare an operating procedure that is adaptable to various conditions and situations, the transient analysis results would be required for operator action and system impact assessment. In this study, the flow characteristics in the steady-state and transient conditions for the chemical decontamination operations of the Kori-1 NPP were analyzed and compared via the MARS-KS code simulation. Loss of residual heat removal (RHR) and steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) simulations were conducted for the postulated abnormal events. Loss of RHR results showed the reactor coolant system (RCS) temperature increase, which can damage the reactor coolant pump (RCP)s by its cavitation. The SGTR results indicated a void formation in the RCS interior by the decrease in pressurizer (PZR) pressure, which can cause surface exposure and tripping of the RCPs unless proper actions are taken before the required pressure limit is achieved.


        Optical Tunneling Mediated Sub-Skin-Depth High Emissivity Tungsten Radiators

        Cho, Jin-Woo,Lee, Kyung-Jun,Lee, Tae-Il,Kim, Young-Bin,Choi, Dae-Geun,Nam, Youngsuk,Kim, Sun-Kyung American Chemical Society 2019 NANO LETTERS Vol.19 No.10

        <P>Tailoring the spectrum of thermal radiation at high temperatures is a central issue in the study of thermal radiation harnessed energy resources. Although bulk metals with periodic cavities incorporated into their surfaces provide high emissivity, they require a complicated micron metal etch, thereby precluding reliable, continuous operation. Here, we report thermally stable, highly emissive, ultrathin (<20 nm) tungsten (W) radiators that were prepared in a scalable and cost-effective route. Alumina/W/alumina multiwalled, submicron cavity arrays were fabricated sequentially using nanoimprinting lithography, thin film deposition, and calcination processes. To highlight the practical importance of high-temperature radiators, we developed a thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system equipped with fabricated W radiators and low-bandgap GaSb photovoltaic cells. The TPV system produced electric power reliably during repeated temperature cycling between 500 and 1200 K; the power density at 1200 K was fixed to be approximately 1.0 W/cm<SUP>2</SUP>. The temperature-dependent electric power was quantitatively reproduced using a one-dimensional energy conversion model. The symmetric configuration of alumina/W/alumina multiwall together with the presence of a void inside each cavity alleviated thermal stress, which was responsible for the stable TPV performance. The short-current-density (<I>J</I><SUB>SC</SUB>) of developed TPV system was augmented significantly by decreasing the W thickness below its skin depth. A 17 nm thick W radiator yielded a 32% enhancement in <I>J</I><SUB>SC</SUB> compared to a 123 nm thick W radiator. Electromagnetic analysis indicated that subskin-depth W cavity arrays led to suppressed surface reflection due to the mitigated screening effect of free electrons, thereby enhancing the absorption of light within each W wall. Such optical tunneling-mediated absorption or radiation was valid for any metal material and morphology (e.g., planar or patterned).</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>

      • KCI등재

        Decision Making Method based on Function and Performance Matrix Assessment Considering Design Change

        Youngsuk Oh,Jaeyoul Chun,Jaeho Cho 대한건축학회 2015 Architectural research Vol.17 No.3

        A comprehensive understanding of functions and performances enables a selection of appropriate alternatives to the existing design and can prevent defective design. A performance-based design quality management can ensure successful project completion. This study proposes a new model for design quality management in order to prevent defective design and to minimize design change. The new quality management model defines the requirement about function and performance based on technical characteristic, and assesses suitability for design alternatives. This study attempts to propose a quality matrix assessment method that can compare the alternative design and requirements defined with the new quality management model. This method can judge conformity and suitability of design quality in accordance with the requirements configured.

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