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브레라 예술대학(Accademia di Brera) 계획안에 관한 연구 - 1935~1940년도 발표 계획안을 중심으로 -
조성용,최진희,Cho, Sung-Yong,Choi, Jin-Hee 한국교육시설학회 2019 敎育施設 Vol.26 No.5
The purpose of this study is to analyze the 'Brera Academy', worked between 1935-1940 at Milano in Italy. Giuseppe Terragni(1904-1943) is, as it is well known, one of the representative architects in the period of Italian rationalism architecture. In particular, his 'Casa del Fascio(1928~1936)' is evaluated as a representative work of this period. The research is based on original drawings and letters, mostly produced by G. Terragni or relative person and office of this work. Through analyze on the design process, the research tries to reveal Italian rationalist's design method and strategy, especially in the educational facility project. There are at least three deferent phases in the design process; in each phase, there are fundamental changes such as a structural system, relationships between the traditional garden and new building or spatial sequences. So, this study attempts to clarify the design methodology and strategy of the Italian rationalist in the design of educational facilities through analysis of the design process of Brera Academy.
암만나띠(B. Ammannati) 건축의 도시적 특성에 관한 연구 - 팔라쪼 피렌체을 중심으로 -
조성용,최진희,Cho, Sung-Yong,Choi, Jin-Hee 한국건축역사학회 2006 건축역사연구 Vol.15 No.5
This paper presents a study on the Palazzo Firenze of B. Ammannati, designed between 1550~572. He was active in Rome and Firenze in the middle of 16th Century. His most important project, such as Palazzo Pitti, is located in Firenze. But there are some projects that are important as well as Palazzo Pitti in Rome, such as villa Giulia and Palazzo Firenze. Usually, in the history of Western Architecture, the period in which Ammannati was active is denominated as late-Renaissance or Mannerism. In this period there was very important progress in field of artistic theory. There were active many great Masters such as Michelangelo, Vignola and Giulio Romano. But, over the all, the most important characteristic of this period was a transition period between Renaissance and Baroque. This paper try to reveal such characteristics reflected in architectural projects designed in this period, focusing on, over the all, B. Ammannati and his Palazzo Firenze project.
Cyanex 272를 이용한 폐산화은배터리 침출액으로부터 Ag 및 Zn의 분리
조성용,서현,쑨판판,Sung-Yong Cho,Hyeon Seo,Pan-Pan Sun The Korean Institute of Resources Recycling 2024 資源 리싸이클링 Vol.33 No.1
The separation of Ag and Zn from the nitrate leachate of spent silver oxide batteries using Cyanex272 as an extractant was investigated. The extraction of Ag and Zn was affected by the concentrations of nitric acid and the extractant. Cyanex-272 selectively extracted Zn over Ag when the HNO<sub>3</sub> concentration was lower than 0.1 mol/L. The co-extracted Ag was removed by stripping with 1 mol/L thiourea. Stripping of Zn from the loaded Cyanex-272 was accomplished using 0.5 mol/L HNO<sub>3</sub> after the removal of Ag. The McCabe-Thiele diagrams for the extraction of Zn with Cyanex-272, the scrubbing tripping of Ag with thiourea, and the stripping of Zn with HNO<sub>3</sub> were constructed. The results were verified by simulated counter-current extraction and stripping experiments. Finally, a process for the separation of Ag and Zn from silver oxide batteries was proposed.
최신판례분석 : 양형참고자료 통보행위의 위헌성 - 헌재 2016. 4. 28. 2012헌마549, 2013헌마865 (병합) 결정 -
조성용1 ( Cho Sung-yong ) 법조협회 2017 法曹 Vol.66 No.4
교정시설의 장이 법원의 요청 없이 미결수용자의 규율위반사유와 징벌처분의 내용 등을 양형참고자료로 관할법원에 통보한 행위는 헌법에 위배된다. 그러한 통보행위는 수집한 개인정보를 수집한 목적의 범위 내에서 제공할 수 있다고 규정하고 있는 개인정보보호법 제17조 제1항 제2호에 의하여 정당화되지 않는다. 왜냐하면 그러한 행위는 적정한 양형의 실현 및 형사재판절차의 원활한 진행을 위한 것으로는 볼 수 있을지언정, 교정시설 내 안전과 질서유지를 위한 것으로는 보기 어렵기 때문이다. 나아가 그러한 통보행위는 개인정보보호법 제18조 제2항 제8호에 의해서도 정당화될 수 없다. 물론 동 조항은 임의규정의 형식으로 규정되어 있으므로 법원이 요청한 경우뿐만 아니라 교정시설의 장이 자발적으로 통보한 경우까지도 허용하는 것으로 볼 여지는 있다. 그러나 만약 위 조항을 법원의 요청이 없어도 교정시설의장이 임의로 미결수용자의 양형참고자료를 관할법원에 통보할 수 있다고 해석하게 되면 형집행 실무상 미결수용자에게 매우 불리한 결과를 초래할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 법관은 충분한 사실심리를 하기도 전에 미결수용자의 양형참고자료를 심사해야 하는 상황에 처할 수 있다. 이는 법원의 예단금지, 무죄추정의 원칙 및 공정한 재판의 원칙에 반한다. 그리하여 미결수용자의 양형참고자료 통보행위는 법원이 요청할 때, 더 정확히 표현하면 법관이 사실심리의 경과를 보아 가면서 유죄의 심증이 확고해진 후에야 비로소 헌법적으로 정당화될 수 있을 것이다. Nach der Meinung des Verfassers verstoßt die Ubermittlung der zumessungsbezogenen Daten der Untersuchungsgefangenen fur andere Zwecke ohne Ersuchen des Gerichts gegen Verfassungsrecht. Solche Ubermittlung kann nicht von dem §17 Abs. I Nr. 2 Datenschutzgesetz rechtfertigt werden, nach dem die Anstalt personenbezogene Daten ubermitteln darf, soweit dies fur den Vollzug erforderlich ist. Denn sie kann niemals der Aufrechterhaltung der Sicherheit und Ordnung in der Vollzugsanstalt dienen. Ferner kann sie auch nicht von dem §18 Abs. II Nr. 8 Datenschutzgesetz rechtfertigt werden, nach dem die Ubermittlung personenbezogener Daten fur andere Zwecke zulassig ist, soweit dies fur gerichtliche Maßnahmen erforderlich ist. Da §18 Abs. II. Nr. 8 Datenschutzgesetz zwar als Konnen-Norm angesehen wird, konnte es erlaubt sein, ihn derart zu interpretieren, daß er sowohl fur Ubermittlungen, die aufgrund eines Ersuchens des Gerichts erfolgen als auch fur seitens der Anstalt fur erforderlich erachtete Ubermittlungen(“Spontanubermittlungen”) gilt. Das kann aber nicht mit Unschuldsvermutung und Recht auf fair trial vereinbar sein. Fur die zukunftigen Datenschutzregelungen im StrVollzG empfiehlt es sich, daß die Ubermittlung unterbleibt, wenn fur die ubermittelnde Stelle erkennbar ist, daß unter Berucksichtigung der Art der Information und der Rechtsstellung der Untersuchungsgefangenen die Betroffenen ein schutzwurdiges Interesse an dem Ausschluß der Ubermittlung haben.
조성용,김동현,전영훈,Cho, Sung-Yong,Kim, Dong-Hyun,Jeon, Young-Hoon 한국교육시설학회 2012 敎育施設 Vol.19 No.2
Under the WTO, UIA asks professional degree programs such as B.Arch program, practical experience, and an examination to meet the international requirements. In this context, we are started professional degree programs. Following the foundation of KAAB, Korean architectural education sectors have made substantial changes throughout the nation. There was lots of discussions about education system, however, we are lack of discussing about internship program in Korea. Therefore, this research was intended to review the professional practice program in other countries for the purpose of propose our education program. The specific content deals with various issues, like CPD and foreign architect legislations, and the recent korean legislation reform of 'Architect Law' centered upon Professional Training System. The aim is to identify the examples of forms and contents regarding the execution of new Professional Training System in current conditions.
Recovery of Silver from Nitrate Leaching Solution of Silicon Solar Cells
조성용,김태영,쑨판판,Cho, Sung-Yong,Kim, Tae-Young,Sun, Pan-Pan The Korean Institute of Resources Recycling 2021 資源 리싸이클링 Vol.30 No.2
Spent photovoltaic module is one of the important resource of silver, while related research concerning silver recovery remains limited. In our previous research, HNO3 was utilized to dissolve Ag(I) and Al(III) from the spent silicon solar cells. In order to recover Ag(I) from the leachate of a silicon solar cell, the present study made use of a nitrate solution containing Ag(I) and Al(III), which was subjected to a solvent extraction process with 5,8-diethyl-7-hydroxydodecan-6-oxime (LIX63). Ag(I) was selectively extracted with LIX63 over Al(III) from the nitrate leach solution. Subsequently, quantitative stripping of Ag(I) from the loaded LIX63 was performed by using 20% ammonia water. The McCabe-Thiele plots for the extraction and stripping isotherms of Ag(I) were also constructed. Extraction and stripping simulation tests confirmed an Ag(I) extraction and stripping efficiency of >99.99% and 98.9%, respectively with high purity Ag (99.998%) and Al (99.99%) solution. A process flow sheet for Ag(I) recovery from the nitrate leach solution was proposed.
주세페 테라니의 산텔리아 유치원 계획에 관한 연구 - 근대 교육시설의 가변성 및 개방성을 중심으로 -
조성용,Cho, Sung-Yong 한국교육시설학회 2015 敎育施設 Vol.22 No.6
The purpose of this study is to analyze the 'Sant'Elia Nursery School' constructed in 1937 at Como, Italy. Giuseppe Terragni(1904-1943) is, as it well known, one of the representative architects in the period of Italian rationalism architecture. In particular, his 'Casa del Fascio(1928~1936)' is evaluated as a representative work of this period. The research is based on the original drawings and letters, mostly produced by G. Terragni himself. Through the analyze on the design process, the research tries to reveal Terragni's design method and strategy, especially in the educational facility project. There are at least four deferent phases in the Terragni's design process; in each phase, there are fundamental changes such as a structural grid system, relationships between skin and columns or spatial sequences. Establishment of a new guideline on the educational facility in 1925 is also an another important issue. There was a political need, during the period of Mussolini's regime, to find a model of educational facilities. So, this project reflects not only the Terragni's design process but also the good example of educational facility in the early Twenty Century in Europe.
조성용,이윤용,김승재 ( Sung Yong Cho,Youn Yong Lee,Seung Jai Kim ) 한국화학공학회 1996 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.34 No.4
The characteristics of a sieve tray having the 20㎝ diameter and 8.2% free area were studied in an air-water system. Hydrodynamics such as dry pressure drops, total pressure drops, dynamic heads and froth heights on the sieve tray were carried out. Aeration factors were estimated from the experimental results obtained from this work. In addition, the residence time distributions of liquid on the sieve tray as a simulated reactive distillation column were measured and compared with those of the modified sieve tray combined a meshed chamber for an improvement of the performance. As a result, mean residence times on the combined sieve tray are about 40% higher than those on the conventional sieve tray.
전방향성 방사 패턴을 갖는 차량용 HF 대역 저자세 안테나
조성용(Sung-Yong Cho),정재영(Jae-Young Chung) 한국전자파학회 2021 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.32 No.3
본 논문에서는 차량 루프(roof) 위에 탑재 가능한 HF(high frequency) 대역 초저자세 안테나를 제안한다. 본 안테나의 특징은 패치 형태의 낮은 높이(예: 5 ㎝, 0.0034 λ @ 20 ㎒)에도 불구하고, 모노폴과 같은 전방향성 방사패턴을 갖는 것이다. 이를 위해 안테나 급전부와 패치의 모서리에 코일을 설치하여 품질계수(Q-factor)를 높이고, 코일 옆에 단락핀(shorting pin)을 연결하여 급전부와 단락핀에 동위상의 전류가 흐르도록 하였다. 코일은 상호인덕턴스와 내부저항 등을 고려하여 품질계수가 1,000에 이르도록 설계하였고, 단락핀을 단락판(plate) 형태로 변경함으로써 안테나 이득을 증가시켰다. 목표 주파수인 20 ㎒에서 1/4파장 모노폴 안테나는 그 길이가 6 m에 달하는 것에 반해, 제안하는 안테나의 높이는 5 ㎝(0.0034 λ @ 20 ㎒)에 불과하며, 패치 크기는 70 ㎝×70 ㎝ (0.047 λ× 0.047 λ @ 20 ㎒)로 차량 루프에 설치가 용이하다. 3차원 전파 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어를 이용해 계산한 안테나의 이득은 −9 ㏈i, 차량 루프에 탑재할 경우의 이득은 −2.7 ㏈i를 보였다. 안테나를 제작하여 측정한 수신전력값이 시뮬레이션을 통해 계산한 이득값과 유사한 경항성을 보였다. This paper proposes a high-frequency (HF) band on an extremely low-profile antenna that can be mounted on the roof of a car. This antenna generates a monopole-like omnidirectional radiation pattern despite the low height of the patch shape (5 ㎝, 0.0034λ @ 20 ㎒). A coil was installed at the edge of the antenna feeding part and the patch to increase the quality factor (Q-factor) and a shorting pin was connected next to the coil to ensure that in-phase current flows through the feeding part and shorting pin. The coil is designed such that the quality coefficient reaches 1,000 considering the mutual inductance and internal resistance. The Q-factor of the antenna is increased by changing the shorting pin to a shorting plate. A quarter-wavelength monopole antenna with a target frequency of 20 ㎒ is 6 m in length, whereas the proposed antenna height is only 5 ㎝ (0.0034λ @ 20 ㎒) and the patch size is 70 ㎝ × 70 ㎝ (0.047 λ×0.047 λ @ 20 ㎒), making it easy to install the antenna on the vehicle roof. The gain in the Q-factor of the antenna, calculated using a 3D radio wave simulation software, was −9 ㏈i, and the gain when it was mounted on the vehicle roof was −2.7 ㏈i. The power value measured by introducing the antenna showed a star similar to the gain value calculated via simulations.