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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신품종을 포함한 한국산 Acanthopanax속의 분류(Ⅰ)

        육창수(Chang Soo Yook),이동호(Dong Ho Lee),서윤교(Yoon Kyo Seo) 한국생약학회 1976 생약학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        1. The Korean Acanthopanax genus includes 12 kinds consisting of 9 species and 3 forma. 2. The Korean Oga-pi which is on market sale has been used as bark for the medicinal purpose, and Oga-pi shall use Radicis Cortex. That is why it is basic rule that herbalogy shall use Radicis Cortex. 3. The origin of Oga-pi on sale is Acanthopanax sessiliflorum forma chungbunensis C.S. YOOK. 4. CHUNG and NAKAI`s report on A. koreanum told us that there are brown hair on the mid-leaf junction. but in addition to it, our investigation was resulted in the fact that there are thorn along mid-rib sometimes. 5. 2 kinds of new forma are similar to A. sessiliflorum, but are different in the view-point of chemotaxonomy, compared with A. sessiliflorum. In its morphology, we can find some difference between 2 kinds of new forma and A. sessiliflorum. Our effort of examination on documents tell us that the all plants growing in the central part of our country is A. sessiliflorum forma chungbunensis C.S. YOOK. The one which has thorn on both side among the plants collected in Mt. Dukyu, is called A. sessiliflorum forma nambunensis C.S. YOOK. 6. A. sessiliflorum is growing in the southern part in Korea, and most Chungbu Oga-pi A. sessiliflorum forma chungbunensis in the central part of our country. For the convenience of our study, the key of Korean Acanthopanax plant is classified into I-IV, as shown on the following items: I. No hair on both side of leaf A. Flower stalk is longer than petiole, and there are thorn under the petiole (5-7 stigma).…A. sieboldianum. B. Flower stalk is longer than petiole, or same length. The serration lie down, and the stem has short thorn (stigma is divided into 3 part).……A. seoulense II. There are a lot of thorn or hair on back of leaf. A. A lot of thorn and hair on the vein of leaf back, and a number of small thorn on petiole.…A. chiisanensis. B. There are thorn on the vein of leaf back.……A. sessiliflorum forma chungbunensis. III. There are hairs on both side of leaf. A. There are small hairs on the batik of leaf.……A. sessiliflorum. B. There are small hairs on both side of leaf.……A. sessiliflorum f. nambunensis. C. There are thick hairs on junction of main vein on back of leaf.……A. koreanum. D. There are brown hairs on vein of leaf back, and brown hairs or small petiole.……A. rufinerve. E. There are shrunk hairs in grey-brown on back of leaf, and tense hairs on new branch (one stigma).……A. divaricatum. IV. There are long thorn, just like needles, on the stem and petiole. A. Long needle grows on whole stem tensely, and long needles on petiole.……A. senticosus. B. There are no needles, just like needles and hairs on petiole, and needles grow on the stem thinly.……A. asperatus. C. There are no needle on small branch, leaf and inflorescence are larger than A. senticosus.……A. senticosus forma inermis.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        국산 족도리풀(세신)속의 신종, 신품종

        김재길,육창수,Kim, Jae-Gil,Yook, Chang-Soo 한국생약학회 1996 생약학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        한국의 신분류군 식물 1신종,2품종을 다음과 같이 발표한다. Asiasarum koreanum J. Kim et C. Yook (국명신칭: 자주족도리풀)-충북 청원, 음성, 괴산일대 그리고 속리산 근교에 자라고 잎은 어릴 때에 뚜렷한 자주색을 띠고 꽃은 대형(大型)으로 열편(裂片)은 삼각형(三角形)에 접근되며 흔히 끝은 점첨두이고 흔히 꼬이며 꽃받침은 반구형으로 안쪽의 주름이 명확하며 열편에 반점이 있거나 또는 없다. 특히 다른 Asiasarum속에 비해서 화경 $7{\sim}9cm$로 매우 길다. 구환(口環)은 흑자색을 띠며 종자는 바깥면이 흑색으로 폭 1.86 mm, 길이 3.78 mm로 Asiasarum속에서 가장 크다. 화학성분에 있어서도 다른 분류군(족도리풀, 만주족도리풀 등)과는 달리 지상부에 ${\alpha}-copaene$, nerolidol등이 있고 뿌리에는 4-carene. 4-terpineol, ${\alpha-terpineol$이 있어 Asiasarum 속의 신종으로 하였다. Asiasarum sieboldii Miquel for. chungbu ensis C. Yook et J. Kim (국명신칭: 무늬족도리풀)-강원도 내설악 일대와 광덕산 일대에 자라며 개체의 크기는 족도리풀과 유사하나 잎이 얇고 잎의 상면에 유백색의 무늬가 있다. 꽃은 작고 열편은 자주색으로 삼각형이며 구환은 검은색을 띤다. 종자는 폭 1.58mm, 길이 3.2mm이고 뿌리는 빈약하여 약용으로는 곤란하다. 족도리풀과 유사하나 잎에 무늬가 있으므로 족도리풀의 신품종으로 하였다. Asiasarum heterotropoides var. mandschuricum Maximowicz for. glabrata C. Yook. J. Kim et J. Nam (국명신칭: 반들족도리풀)-경기도 광릉일대와 경남 가야산일대에 자라고 잎의 하면은 광택이 있고 상면은 무모(無毛)이다. 꽃은 작고 열편은 삼각형 모양이며 구환은 백색이며 각각의 세 열편은 뒷쪽으로 젖혀져 화판통(perianth tube)와 밀착하며 수평으로 퍼지지 않는다. 뿌리는 매운맛이 뚜렷하다. 형태학적으로 지상부는 만주족도리풀(Asiasarum heterotropoides var. mandschuricum)과 유사하나 잎에 전혀 털이 없고 열편의 모양이 다 르므로 만주족도리풀의 신품종으로 하였다. A new species of Asiasarum, a new forma of A. sieboldii and a new forma of A. heterotropoides var. mandschuricum were found at the central part of Korea. The taxa of new plants are as follows: Asiasarum koreanum J. Kim et C. Yook sp. nov.; Asiasarum heterotropoides var. mandschuricum Maximowicz for. glabrata C. Yook, J. Kim et J. Nam f. nov.; Asiasarum sieboldii Miquel for. chungbuensis C. Yook et J. Kim f. nov. (Aristolochiaceae)

      • 운동 종료 후의 당질·단백질·지질의 혼합물 섭취가 근 글리코겐 회복에 미치는 효과

        육조영,송영주,류기성,장창현,김한수,김대경 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.5

        In this study 8 male athletes and 8 female athletes for matches requiring endurance were examined for the purpose of comparison and analysis on the effect of absorption of sugars and effect of absorption of sugars+protein+fats restoration of muscular glycogen after elapse of 4 hours subsequent to closing 90 minutes exercise. (Amount of energy absorbed was same). Examinees were tested with 3 kinds of performance such as CPF Performance whereby they were made to take ① sugars (0.75 g/㎏) and protein (0.1g/㎏) and fats (0.02 g/㎏) after elapse of 1 hour subsequent to long hours of exercise and CHO Performance whereby examines were made to take ② sugars (1g/㎏) alone and Performance whereby they were made to take ③ placebo (which does not contain any sugars, protein or fats). Also the examinees took meals which had same amount of energy and nitrogen during the Performance on the date prior to experiment or on the date of experiment. Women during the exercise showed significantly higher rate of oxidation of fats, basic element of energy than that of men. In CHO Performance and CPF Performance value of blood sugar and density of insulin were significantly higher in comparison with performance with placebo. At such cases there was no difference between different genders. Same kind of phenomena were confirmed with restoration of muscular glycogen. From such fact it could be observed that absorption of fats alone and absorption of sugars+protein+fats in comparison with absorption of placebo after exercise promoted relatively higher level of restoration of muscular glycogen for both men and women.

      • 바디나물 과실의 Furanocoumarin 성분연구(Ⅱ)

        陸昌洙,柳庚洙 慶熙大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        Angelica decursira Fr. et Sav. is widely distributed in Korea, but has so far not been investigated chemically. The six kinds of chemical constituents which are substances, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, and Ⅵ, are isolated. Substance Ⅰ∼Ⅴ is identified as β-sitosterol. isoimperatorin, imperatorin, bergapten and umbelliferone. Substance Ⅵ is suggested as a new substance based on chemical and spectral discussions. The molecular formula of substance Ⅵ shows C_16H_11O_5 and its melting point is 107℃. Due to the spectral data, it is confirmed that substance Ⅵ is a derivative of psoralen. Substance Ⅵ shows different data of m, [a]D, UV, IR, and NMR compared with those of the known psoralen substances as heraclenin. At the NMR spectrum, ppm : 7.65(3H)of substance Ⅵ shows at lower field than Koreanin. Xanthotoxin, methylate of xanthotoxol, is obtined by methylation of xanthotoxol which is derived by hydrolysis of substance Ⅵ. This fact confirmed that the side chain of substance Ⅵ is attached on 8 position of psoralen. The side chain at the 8-position of substance Ⅵ is confirmed β, γ-oxido-isoamyloxy group due to IR, NMR, Mass spectral data. Author wish to name substance Ⅵ as “Badinin” and suggests badinin as 8-(β, γ-oxido-isoamyloxy) psoralen.

      • Monobactams과 aminoglycosides의 병용효과에 관한 연구(第1報)

        陸昌洙,陸省花,李仁宰 慶熙大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Antimicrobial combination theraphies are used frequently to treat patients who are seriously infected In these patients, the broad-spectrum coverage provided by antimicrobial combinations may be essential until the pathogen is isolated and identified. Or combinations of antimicrobials are chosen because the responsible pathogen is resistatn to them and killing by conventional doses of single antimicrobials. This paper describes a combination effect of Monobactam antibiotics (Aztreonam, Imipenem) and Aminoglycoside antibiotics (Gentamicin, Amikacin, Tobramycin, Astromicin) on 50 strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 25 strains of Escherichia coli, 26 strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and 25 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in vitro. The results obtained are as following; 1. Aztreonam has the lowest MIC_50(0.09ug·ml^(-1)) against E. coli, Kl. Pneumoniae and Proteus vulgaris and the highest MIC_50(200ug·ml^(-1)) against. S. auraus and Bacillus spp. 2. MlC_50 of Imipenem on S. aureus, E. coli, Kl. Pneumoniae and Ps. aeruginosa were 3.13ug·ml^(-1), 0.18ug·ml^(-1), 0.78ug·ml^(-1) and 1.56ug·ml^(-1), respectively. 3. In the results of aminoglycosidid MIC test on S.aureus. MIC_50, of Gentamicin, Amikacin, Tobramycin and Astromicin were 50ug·ml^(-1), 12.5ug·ml^(-1), 25ug·ml^(-1) and 200ug·ml^(-1), respectively. On E. coli, MIC_50 of Gentamicin, Amikacin, Tobramycin and Astromicin were 1.56ug·ml^(-1), 6.25ug·ml^(-1), respectively. The results of KL. pneumoniae and Ps. aeruginosa were similar to those of E. coli. 4. The combined application of Aztreonam and Genatarmcin showed the additive effect on S. aureus, the additive (1/2) or antagonistic (1/2) effect on Kl. Pneumoniae and additive (1/2) or synergistic (1/2) effect on Ps. aeruginosa. The combined application of Aztreonam and Amikacin showed the additive (1/2) or antagonistic (1/2) effect on S. aureus, the antagonistic effect on Kl. Pneumoniae. the additive effect on E. coli and the synergistic effect on Ps. aeruginosa. The combined application of Aztreonam and Tobramycin showed the synergistic effect on S. aureus and Ps. aeruginosa, but the antagonistic effect on Kl. Pneumoniae. The combined application of Aztreonam and Astromicin showed the synergistic effect on S. aureus. the additive effect on Kl. Pneumoniae. and the antagonistic effect on Kl. Pneumoniae. All combined application of limpenem and Aminoglycosides (Gentamicin, Amikacin, Tobrarmycin, Astromicin) showed the markable synergistic effect on E. coli and Kl. Pneumoniae. Conversely, when S. aureus. and Ps. aeruginosa wre tested, they showed the antagonistic effect. 5. In order to investigate a mechanism of the resistance. Chloromosomal DAN and Plasmids were isolated from the resistant microrganism. The purified Plasmids from E. coli No. 3, 6, 13 were transfered to the competent cell, E. coli HB 101, the colonies were cultured on medium containing Gentamicin or Tobramycin. That is these Plasmids may contain the resistant gene of R plasmid. When S. aureus is cultured in medium containing Aztreonam, unknown protein Ⅰ & Ⅱ secreted into medium identified in the presence of antibiotics.

      • 한방약의 성분 및 약효에 관한 연구(제1보) : 매자나무의 성분 연구 Study on the Components of Berberis koreana Palibin

        柳庚秀,陸昌洙 慶熙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The Korean Berberis genus included 5 kinds consisting of 3 species and 2 varieties. Berberis Koreana was announced as a new species by Palibin. A shrub 1-2m high, with branched spines, ovate toothed leaves in clusters and yellow flowers in drooping racemes. Flowers May-June and berries red. The five kinds of chemical components are isolated from MeOH extracts of Berberis koreana by column fractionation. Substance I is suggested as a quaternary based (bis-isoquinoline type) series substance (berberine and jateorrhizine) based on mp, admixture of authentic sample, TLC and IR spectral data. Substance Ⅱ-Ⅲ were identified as palmatine and magnoflorine. Phyosterol were indentified as β-sitosterol.

      • 韓方藥劑의 品質評價와 藥效에 關한 硏究 (第5報) : 竹柴胡의 品質評價 Study on Quality Control of Bupleurum longiradiotum

        盧榮洙,金申圭,陸昌洙 慶熙大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        A quantitative quality control method of traditional oriental drug Bupleurum falcatum and B. longiradiotum was attempted with the high performance liquid chromatograph. Sapons(saikoside D) could be assayed on an Ultrasil^TM-NH₂column(10μm, 4.5㎜×25㎝ length stainless steel column) by using a variable wavelength UV detector, The moble phase containing chloroform : Methanol : water : 2% Sodium hydroxide(10 : 1: 0.1) was utilized The proposed method is considered to be useful for the quality control of the above mentioned traditional oriental drug.

      • 한약개발에 관한 연구(第Ⅱ報) : 왕자귀나무 Albizzia coreana Nakai의 활성성분 및 행동약리학적 연구(2) Studies on the behavioral pharmacology and the activated constituents of Albizzia coreana Nakai(2)

        徐成勳,陸昌洙,姜三植 慶熙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Albizzia coreana belonging to Leguminosae was firstly collected from southern area of Korea in 1930 by Dr. Nakal. A deciduous tree(higher:3∼5m). Leaves bipinnate, leablet(20∼45㎜), entire, 6-10 pairs. Flowers in axillary long-peduncled heads, pale yellowish. pods thin(width:2㎝. length 7∼12㎝), Seeds(Width:4-5㎜, length 7㎜) The stem bark(Albizia coreana) are used medicinally(folk medicine). Prescreibed as sedative in insonmia, in a state of deep depression and nervosity. Dose 6∼12gm.(powdered) The chemical components of the methanol extracts of Leaves, stem bark and root barks of Albizzia coreana Nakai. From the stem bark of Albizzia coreana, sapogenin, 3β, 21 β-dihydroxyolean-12-en-28-vic acid methylester, 3β-hydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid and acacic acid lactone were isolated and characterized by chemical and spectral analysis. β-sitosterol, cholesterol and octadecanoic acid were isolated from the stem bark and leaves. Flavone and flavonol glycosides, quercetin-3-L-rhammoside, quercetin-3-0-glucoside and quercetin-3-0-galactoside were isolated from the Albizzia leaves and identified by spectral data.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The effects of Sa-Mul-Tang (Si-Wu-Tang),a Traditional Chinese Medicine,on Phenylhydrazine-induced Anemic Rats

        Yook, Chang Soo,Ryu, Jong Hoon 한국응용약물학회 2001 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.9 No.1

        Sa-Mul-Tang (Si-Wu-Tang, SMT), a kind of Chinese medicine, has been used for the hemato-deficient disease for hundreds of years. In this work, investigations on the anti-anemic activity of an aqueous extract of SMT were undertaken in order to find the pharmacological basis for the ethnomedical use of the formulation. Three kinds of Angelicae species, such as Angelica sinensis, Angelica acutiloba, and Angelica gigas, were used for preparing the water extracts of SMT. Anemic model rats were induced by the treatment of phenylhydrazine (40 mg/kg/day, i.p.) for 4 days. After the treatment of phenylhydrazine, rats were divided into several groups for their different treatment of three kinds of SMT. Red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hg), and hematocrit (Hct) were determined on the day 0, 3, 6, 10, 14 after the treatment of SMTs and erythrocytes deformabilities were also determined at the end of experiments. Oral administration of SMT (1 g/kg/day) for 14 days did not ameliorate drug-induced anemic states evaluated by RBC counts, Hg contents, and Hct values. However, the erythrocyte deformabilities were improved in phenylhydrazine-treated group by the administration of SMTs (p<0.05). Especially, these effects were high in the Angelica acutiloba group. These results suggest that SMTs have an ameliorative effect on blood rheology related to the blood stasis syndrome in oriental diagnostics not on the blood deficient states related to the anemic syndrome.

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