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        mGlu<sub>1</sub> receptor mediates homeostatic control of intrinsic excitability through <i>I</i><sub>h</sub> in cerebellar Purkinje cells

        Shim, Hyun Geun,Jang, Sung-Soo,Jang, Dong Cheol,Jin, Yunju,Chang, Wonseok,Park, Joo Min,Kim, Sang Jeong American Physiological Society 2016 Journal of neurophysiology Vol. No.

        <P>Homeostatic intrinsic plasticity is a cellular mechanism for maintaining a stable neuronal activity level in response to developmental or activity-dependent changes. Type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGlu(1) receptor) has been widely known to monitor neuronal activity, which plays a role as a modulator of intrinsic and synaptic plasticity of neurons. Whether mGlu(1) receptor contributes to the compensatory adjustment of Purkinje cells (PCs), the sole output of the cerebellar cortex, in response to chronic changes in excitability remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the mGlu(1) receptor is involved in homeostatic intrinsic plasticity through the upregulation of the hyperpolarization-activated current (I-h) in cerebellar PCs. This plasticity was prevented by inhibiting the mGlu(1) receptor with Bay 36-7620, an mGlu(1) receptor inverse agonist, but not with CPCCOEt, a neutral antagonist. Chronic inactivation with tetrodotoxin (TTX) increased the components of I-h in the PCs, and ZD 7288, a hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel selective inhibitor, fully restored reduction of firing rates in the deprived neurons. The homeostatic elevation of I-h was also prevented by BAY 36-7620, but not CPCCOEt. Furthermore, KT 5720, a blocker of protein kinase A (PKA), prevented the effect of TTX reducing the evoked firing rates, indicating the reduction in excitability of PCs due to PKA activation. Our study shows that both the mGlu(1) receptor and the PKA pathway are involved in the homeostatic intrinsic plasticity of PCs after chronic blockade of the network activity, which provides a novel understanding on how cerebellar PCs can preserve the homeostatic state under activity-deprived conditions.</P>

      • Three zone of purple, red and white patch, A characteristic dermoscopic sign for glomus tumor

        ( Woo-haing Shim ),( Geun-hwi Park ),( Sung-min Park ),( Hyun-joo Lee ),( Tae-wook Kim ),( Hyunju Jin ),( Hyang-suk You ),( Gun-wook Kim ),( Hoon-soo Kim ),( Hyun-chang Ko ),( Byung-soo Kim ),( Moon-b 대한피부과학회 2017 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.69 No.2

        Background: Despite characteristic clinical features of glomus tumor, dermatologists can meet diagnostic difficulty in some cases with glomus tumor. Objectives: To investigate clinical features and dermoscopic findings of glomus tumors. Methods: For 22 cases of glomus tumors, sex, age of initial visit, disease duration, site of lesion, size, associated symptoms and nail deformities and dermoscopic findings were investigated. Results: Mean age of initial visit and disease duration was 43.4±13.4 years old and 5.6±5.1 years, respectively(19 female, 3 male). Both 1st Fingers(9, 40.9%) were most common involved site. Nail lunula(12,54.5%) was more frequently involved than proximal nail fold(6,27.3%) or nail bed(4,18.2%). 15 cases were identifiable for size, and mean size was 6.0±1.9mm. There was associated symptoms such as pain(16,72.7%), tenderness(7,31.8%) and cold intolerance(2,9.1%). Onychoschizia(13,59.1%), longitudinal ridging(12,54.5%) and distal nail notching(8,36.4%) were commonly associated nail changes. On dermoscopic examination, whitish patch(16, 72.7%), purplish patch(15, 68.2%), erythematous patch(13, 59.1%) and irregular linear vessel(1, 4.5%) were observed. In 9 cases(40.9%), characteristic three zone consisting of central purplish patch, middle erythematous patch and peripheral whitish patch were observed. Conclusion: Characteristic dermoscopic findings of this study can help making more accurate diagnosis and performing appropriated treatment in glomus tumors

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        모반세포성 모반에서 발생한 악성 흑자 1 예

        장대성(Dae Sung Chang),심주현(Joo Hyun Shim),서성준(Seong Jun Seo),송계용(Kye Yong Song),홍창권(Chang Kwun Hong) 대한피부과학회 2001 대한피부과학회지 Vol.39 No.5

        Lentigo maligna(LM) is a pigmented lesion that occurs on the sun-exposed skin of an older patients and may become lentigo maligna melanoma(LMM). Currently the percentage of LM type melanoma appears to be increasing, and this rise has been attributed to increasing UV radiation exposure. In addition to UV radiation, estrogen and progesterone, and nonpermanent hair dyes have been proposed as risk factors. A case is a 66-year-old female with a 3 years history of pigmented patch. She had a gradually enlarging irregular bordered brown to black mottled patch on the right temple area. Histologic examination revealed atypical melanocytes along the basal layer of atrophic epidermis, arranged in solitary units and small nests. Perilesional skin showed many scattered melanophages and regressing nevus cell nests which suggested preexisting nevus underwent regressive change. On the basis of clinicopathologic examination we diagnosed this case as lenigo maligna arising from nevocytic nevus and then we removed the lesion by wide surgical excision and could not find any recurrence until now.

      • P177 Dermoscopic findings during the course of β -blocker treatment for infantile hemangioma

        ( Jin-hwa Son ),( Hyun-ju Jin ),( Hyang-suk You ),( Woo-haing Shim ),( Jeong-min Kim ),( Gun-wook Kim ),( Hoon-soo Kim ),( Byung-soo Kim ),( Moon-bum Kim ),( Hyun-chang Ko ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.68 No.2

        <div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div><div style="display:none">fiogf49gjkf0d</div> Background: Dermoscopy is a useful tool for examining morphology and structure of blood vessels in vascular skin lesions like infantile hemangioma (IH). However, dermoscopic findings are not fully elucidated in the course of β-blocker treatment for IH. Objectives: To investigate changes of dermoscopic findings during the course of β-blocker treatment for IH. Methods: Superficial or mixed-type IH patients treated with topical timolol solution or oral propranolol were enrolled in Pusan National University Hospitals (Busan and Yangsan) from November 2011 to January 2016. Clinical photograph and dermoscopic findings were recorded and assessed at the baseline, 1, 2, 3 and 6 months. Results: Total 115 patients (male: 38 and female: 77 / superficial type: 48 and mixed type: 67 / timolol: 77 and propranolol: 38) were included. Diffuse light erythema tended to be diminished but milky-red area increased gradually during the course of treatment. The patients treated with oral propranolol showed more prominent changes on each dermoscopic findings than those treated with topical timolol (p=0.023 and p=0.018, respectively). But, other findings like red-globular vessels, red-dot vessels, red-circulated vessels, red-linear vessels did not show significant changes. Conclusion: Dissolution of diffuse light erythema and increase of milky-red area were significant dermoscopic findings in accordance with clinical improvement after β -blocker therapy for IH.

      • KCI등재

        조기 천장골염의 자기공명영상 소견

        김태환 ( Tae Hwan Kim ),전재범 ( Jae Bum Jun ),심승철 ( Seung Cheol Shim ),장대국 ( Dae Kook Chang ),고회관 ( Hee Kwan Koh ),정성수 ( Sung Soo Jung ),이인홍 ( In Hong Lee ),배상철 ( Sang Cheol Bae ),유대현 ( Dae Hyun Yoo ),전의용 대한류마티스학회 1998 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        목적: 천장골염의 유무가 척추 관절염의 진단에 중요한데 단순 골반 검사에서 변화가 없는 환자를 대상으로 MRI를 이용하여 천장골염의 조기변화 소견 및 MRI방법에 따른 장점을 비교하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 단순 골반 검사에서 천장골염 유무가 확실하게 구분되지 않은 혈청 음성 척추 관절염 환자 26명을 대상으로 MRI를 시행하고 염증의 주침범위치를 천측과 장측, 관절의 상하로 구분하고, MRI방법에 따른 변화를 비교하였다. 결과: 모든 예에서 조영 증강되는 판누스를 관찰할 수 있었고, Grade I 이하에서는 장골측과 관절하부, 인대성 관절보다 활막성 관절을 더 많이 침범하였다. Grade II 이상에서도 장골측과 관절 하부에 더 많았으나 인대성 관절을 Grade I이하에서보다 더 많이 침범하였다. 관절 주변 지방 침착역시 장골측과 관절 하부에 더 주로 침범하였고 Grade II 이상에서 약간 더 많았다. 관절 주변 골염은 Grade 0에서는 없었고, Grade I에서는 주로 장골측과 관절 하부에서 92%가 양성이었고, Grade II에서는 93%에서, Grade III에서는 64%에서 양성으로, 장골측을 주로 침범하였으나 관절 상하부의 구분은 없었다. 인대성 천장골 관절은 Grade I 이하에서 38%, II 이상에서는 94%에서 침범하였다. 관절 주변 골염과 지방 침착, 그리고 판누스의 관찰에는 MPGR보다 스핀에코 영상이 좋았고, 관절면의 불규칙성 또는 관절강의 확대와 관절 강직여부의 관찰에는 스핀에코에 비해 MPGR 영상이 좋았고, 연골하 경화는 비슷하였다. 천장골염의 정도와 ESR, CRP와의 연관성은 없었다. 걸론: 천장골 관절에서 염증의 시작은 주로 장골 측과 관절의 하부에서 먼저 시작되고, 관절이 진행될수록 장골측에서 천골측까지로 범위가 확대 되었다. MRI방법에 의한 차이로 초기단계에는 스핀에코 영상이 관절염을 확인하는데 도움이 되고 관절면이 불규칙하게 되고 경화가 되어 병이 진행된 상태에서는 MPGR영상이 진단에 더 도움이 되었다. 염증성 배부 동통이 있는 경우 단순 골반 검사에서 이상이 없는 환자인 경우에도 MRI 검사를 시행하여 천장골염의 유무를 확인하는 것이 중요하다. Objective: The early detection of sacroiliitis on X-ray is important to diagnose spondyloarthropathy(SpA). The conventional radiography, bone scan, and computer tomogram have the problems of sensitivity, specificity, and side effects. We examined sacroiliitis using MR imaging in patients who had inflammatory back pain, but no definite changes in conventional radiogrphy. Other radiologic techniques were compared in detection of early sacroillitis. Methods: Twenty six patients with SpA were examined. The MRI findings of both sacroiliac joints were evaluated in every patients, such as pannus, periarticular osteitis and fat accumulation, subchondral sclerosis, and joint space changes(irregularity, ankylosis). Also we analyzed the changes of sacroiliac joints in sacroiliitis. Results: The predominant sites of involvement were upper aspect and iliac surface of sacroiliac joint in subchondral sclerosis, lower and iliac in pannus, periarticular fat accumulation, and iliac in periarticular osteitis. The MPGR images were superior to spin echo images in evaluation of joint space changes(irregularity, and ankylosis). Conclusions: Sacroiliitis is initiated in iliac side and lower portion of sacroiliac joints. MRI can detect early changes of sacroiliitis in patients with no conventional radiographic changes. MRI seems to be needed in patients with inflammatory back pain.

      • 『 詩와 賦의 系譜考』 (下)

        張深鉉 成均館大學校 1962 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        The papers deal with the genealogies of Shi-jing (詩經) and Ci-fu (辭賦). I denying the former opinions the Fu (賦) was a variation of Shi, have brought it to light that the Shi and Fu had been originated and developed on the different lines. The former is the rhythmed verse originated from Shi-jing and developed fully in T'ang dynasty and the latter is the free-verse originated in the south China and developed on a peculiar line into Ci-fu in Han dynasty. I accordingly, deny the opinion that Shi-jing was followed with Ch'u-t'zu, that cause them to mistake the free-verses on the course of Ch'u-t'zu of the south, Sun-tzu-fu (荀子賦) , Lu-fu (律賦) in T'ang and Sung-t'zu (宋詞) as variations of Shi-jing. Finally I conclude that genealogies of Chinese verse to be separated rhythmed verse of Shi and Free-verse of Fu.

      • CBD으로 제작한 In:Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S/CdTe 태양전지의 전기적 특성에 관한 연구

        심재선,송우창,방영근,김남석,임창민,장현 三陟大學校 2006 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        CdS thin films have been widely used a window material in heterojunction solar cells. In solar cell systems, where CdS thin films have been proved to be useful, partial substitution of Zn for Cd increases the optical window of the hetero-junction and also the diffusion potential. In this thesis, effects of the thickness of indium films and the annealing temperature on structural, optical and electrical properties of chemically deposited CdZnS films for the efficiency of the Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S/CdTe solar cells were investigated. Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S films were grown by chemical bath deposition (CBD), which is a very attractive method for low-cost and large-area solar cells. The open circuit voltage of Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S/CdTe solar cells increased due to reduced electron affinity difference between Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S and CdTe films. However, the conversion efficiency of Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S/CdTe solar cell decreased because of the higher series resistance(R_(s)) than CdS/CdTe solar cell. The series resistance and conversion efficiency of Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S/CdTe solar cell were improved by using indium-doped Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S films as window layer. Cd_(1-x)Zn_(x)S/CdTe solar cells fabricated with optimal conditions exhibited V_(oc)=630mV, J_(sc)=38.89mA/㎠ , FF=0.53, and η=13.2%

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        배추절임시 염수농도와 침지온도 및 시간에 따른 특성 변화

        심영현,안기정,유창희 한국조리과학회 2003 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        오늘날 우리의 김치제조는 가정 내 소규모 제조보다는 산업화, 공장화 제품으로 변화되어 가는 추세이다. 현장에서 도움이 되면서도 질적으로 우수한 김치 제조를 위한 가장 기초라 할 수 있는 절임 공정은 무시 될 수 없는 부문이기에 본 실험에서도 배추 절임 시 가장 중요한 염 용액의 농도와 절임 시 온도변화 절임 시간을 달리해 절임 배추의 조직감에 대한 기초자료 확립에 목적을 두었다. 최적염도 2.8 도달점과 조직감을 살펴볼 때 10%염용액 25℃ 10시간째, 15%염용액 25℃ 6-8시간대에서 가장 빨리 도달했다. 조직감을 10-15 % 염용액에서 6-10 시간대에서 우수한 질감으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 온도가 올라갈수록 적정 염농도인 2.80에 도달하는 시간이 각 시료마다 다르고 조직감에서는 질긴 조직감보다는 신선하고 청량감을 줄 수 있는 조직감을 보이는 시료가 10% 염용액, 25%, 10시간째 15%, 25℃, 6-8시간째로 염농도 도달점, 조직감이 일치하므로 절임시간과 온도, 염용액의 염도를 보정함이 맛과 영양적으로 우수 할 뿐만 아니라 시간적, 경제적인 부문에서도 많은 경감효과를 가지고 올 수 있다고 본다. When Kimchi is cooked, it is very import to find an appropriate level for the salt content of the cabbage to makes the best tasting Kimchi. Therefore, in this article, attempts were made to find the best salted cabbage condition using difference salt solution concentration, temperatures and fermentation periods. In the experiments with the difference of the salt solutions, 10 and 15%, the salted cabbages were packed in polyethylene bags, and incubated at 10, 15. 20 and 25'c for 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 hrs. As a result, the best tasting Kimchi, in terms of texture characteristic, were found with storage times of 10 and 6-8 hrs, with salt solution concentrations of 10 and 15%, respectively, both of these at 25"C . The best conditions, in terms of the Kimchi taste characteristics, where 6-10 hrs, with the salt solution concentrations of 10 & 15%. With storage conditions of 10 hrs and a salt solution concentration of 10%, and 6-8 hrs and a salt solution concentration of 15%, both at 25"C, the texture characteristics were fresh, clear and cool. Also, the points of the appropriate salt content differ with temperature. Therefore, the appropriate conditions for the salting time, storage temperature and salt solution concentrations will make the best tasting, most nutritious Kimchi, in the least time and most economically.

      • 전기자극이 성견 골결손부에 매식된 임플란트 주위조직의 치유에 미치는 영향

        심재창,김영준,김옥수,정현주 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2003 구강과학 Vol.15 No.2

        Several experimental studies showed that the application of small amounts of electric current to bone stimulated osteogenesis at the site of the cathode and suggested that electrical currents promote osseointegration around dental implants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of direct microcurrent to endosseous titanium implants placed in bone defects. The right and left 2nd, 3rd and 4th mandibular premolars in ten mongrel dogs (15kg of weight) were extracted. One month later, Ti-machined screw type implants(3.8 mm diameter×8.5 mm length, AVANA�, Ostem) were placed in surgically created circumferential defect area(width 5mm, depth 4mm). The implants were divided into three groups according to the treatment modalities: Control group- implants without electrical stimulation; Experimental group I- implants with allogenic demineralized freeze dried bone grafting and Experimental group Ⅱ- implants allogenic demineralized freeze dried bone grafting and electric stimulation. The animals were sacrificed in the 4th and 8th week after implant placement and un-decalcified specimens were prepared for histological and histometrical evaluation of bone-implant contact ratio (BIC) and bone formation area ratio (BFA) in defect area. Some specimens at 8 weeks after implantation were used for removal torque testing. Histologically, there were connective tissue infiltration in the coronal part of defect area in control and the experimental group I. whereas direct bone contact was found in the experimental group Ⅱ without connective tissue invasion. Average BIC ratios at 4 weeks of healing were 60.1% in the experimental group Ⅱ, 47.4% in the experimental group I and 42.7% in the control. Average BIC ratios at 8 weeks after implantation were 67.6% in the experimental group Ⅱ, 55.9% in the experimental group I and 54,6% in the control. The average BFA ratio was 84.0% in the experimental group Ⅱ, 71.8% in the experimental group I and 58.8% in the control at 4 weeks, and the BFA ratios were 89.6% in the experimental group Ⅱ, 81.4% in the experimental group I and 70.5% in the control at 8 weeks after implantation. The experimental group Ⅱ showed also significantly greater BIC and BFA ratios compared to the control and the experimental group I (p<0.05). The removal torque values at 8 weeks after implantation were 56 Ncm in the experimental group Ⅱ, 49 Ncm in the experimental group I and 43 Ncm in the control. There was a statistically significant difference among 3 groups(p<0.05) . These results suggest that electrical stimulation improve and accelerate bone healing around endosseous titanium implants in bone defect.

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