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      • KCI등재

        훈련의 권리, 시장의 늪

        장홍근(Hong Geun Chang),주민규(Min Kyu Joo) 한국노동연구원 2012 노동정책연구 Vol.12 No.4

        지난 15년간 두 차례에 걸친 경제위기를 거치며 우리나라의 실업자훈련 시스템은 큰 변화를 겪었다. 근래에는 실업자훈련 및 다양한 취약계층 훈련이 직업능력개발계좌제로 재편되었다. 우리보다 앞서 영국·미국 등은 훈련바우처를 핵심으로 하는 실업자훈련 시스템의 개혁을 추진하였다. 하지만 시장주의적 개혁의 성과는 불확실하며 성공적 정착을 위한 선결요건들이 있음을 보여주었다. 최근 우리나라에 도입된 직업능력개발계좌제는 수요자의 선택권과 책무성을 강조하고, 훈련기관 간의 경쟁을 통한 훈련시장의 효율화를 도모한다는 점에서 시장주의적 개혁의 전형을 보여준다. 실업자훈련의 시장주의적 재편을 통해 훈련과정과 훈련공급기관, 그리고 훈련참여자가 급증하면서, 훈련의 기회와 권리가 크게 신장되었다. 하지만 산업현장에서의 인력수요가 훈련참여자의 합리적 선택을 견인하도록 하는 훈련상담, 훈련평가 및 정보시스템 등 제도적 메커니즘이 제대로 작동하지 않음에 따라, 실업자훈련은 왜곡된 시장 논리의 늪에 빠져 훈련의 질과 취업성과는 이전에 비해 퇴보하고 있다. 훈련의 권리 확대, 곧 취약계층의 훈련 기회 확대와 동시에 효율성 증진 차원에서 출발한 직업능력개발계좌제가 편향된 시장주의의 함정을 빠져나와 소기의 목적을 달성하려면 훈련전달체계의 재구축 및 인프라의 확충, 그리고 정부 등 이해관계자의 역할의 재설계가 필요하다. In the past 15 years economic crises have caused big changes in the Korean vocational training system for the unemployed. Recently similar and overlapping training programs were combined into a new vocational training voucher system. England and the United States pursued the reformation of vocational training for the unemployed before Korea. However, the performance of market oriented reformation is unclear. The cases show that several prerequisites are needed for the successful reformation of the system. Since the Korean vocational training voucher emphasizes the choice and the responsibility of consumers and promotes the efficiency of the training market through competition among training providers, it shows the stereotype of market oriented reformation. As the number of training programs, training providers, and training participants through market oriented reformation of vocational training for the unemployed has increased, it initially seems that the opportunity and the right of training have improved. However, since institutional mechanisms such as training counseling, evaluation, and information systems, which are helpful for rational choice do not work properly, vocational training for the unemployed has fallen into a distorted market swamp. This causes training quality and performance to be low. To escape biased market principle, vocational training for the unemployed that aims to enhance training rights and efficiency of vulnerable social groups is necessary for rebuilding of the training delivery system, expansion of infrastructure, and redesigning roles of stakeholders, especially, including government.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘1987 노동체제’에 대한 이해와 대안 모델의 탐색

        장홍근(Chang Hong-Geun) 고려대학교 노동문제연구소 2020 노동연구 Vol.40 No.-

        이 논문은 ‘1987 노동체제’를 분석하고 대안 모델의 방향과 내용을 탐색한 것이다. 노동체제는 노동 문제를 둘러싼 구조와 행위의 변증법적 과정이자 결과물이다. 필자는 ‘1987 노동체제’의 문제구조와 특성을 분석한 다음 노동체제의 재구성을 위한 ‘연성 노동정치’로서 사회적 대화의 전개과정과 결과를 살펴보았다. ‘1987 노동체제’의 특징은 불안정하고 균열된 노동시장, 취약한 사회안전망과 노동력재생산구조, 위계적으로 조직된 작업장 체제, 단기이익 중심의 기회주의적 노동정치로 요약된다. 한국에서 사회적 대화는 새로운 고용노동질서의 형성을 위한 ‘형성·자율형 대화’로 첫 발을 내디뎠지만, ‘위기 대응형 대화’를 거쳐 이전 두 개의 보수정부시기에 ‘동원형 사회적 대화’로 변모하였다. 대안적 노동체제는 노동시장의 통합성과 효율성, 사회안전망 및 노동력재생산의 안정성, 노동과정과 작업장체제의 혁신을 지향하는 방향으로 나아가야 하며, 새로운 노동체제로의 전환을 위해 노동정치 주체들의 상호존중과 신뢰에 기반한 ‘자율형사회적 대화’가 활성화되어야 한다. This paper overviews the structural problems of the Korean labor regime and seeks the direction and content of alternative model. Labor regime is a dialectical process and its result consisting of structures and actions. I analyzed the characteristics of the 1987 labor regime and looked at the development and outcome of social dialogue as a soft labor politics for restructuring the labor regime. The features of the 1987 labor regime are as follows: unstable and cracked labor markets, weak social safety nets and labor reproduction structures, a hierarchically organized workplace system and opportunistic labor politics seeking short-term interests. Social dialogue in Korea began with in the form of ‘autonomous formative social dialogue’ to form new employment and labor order, passed through the period of ‘social dialogue as a response to overcome the economic crisis’ and plunged into a ‘mobilized type of social dialogue’ during the previous two conservative governments. An alternative labor regime should move toward the integration and efficiency of the labor market, stability of social safety net and labor reproduction, innovation of labor process and workplace system. Autonomous social dialogue based on mutual respect and trust among labor political actors should be activated for the transition to a new labor regime.

      • KCI등재후보

        An Analysis on the Trajectory of Social Dialogue in Korea : A Tentative Study based on Quantitative Analysis

        Chang Hong-Geun(장홍근) 고려대학교 노동문제연구소 2021 노동연구 Vol.43 No.-

        1987년 이래 한국에서는 새로운 노동체제의 구조적 문제들을 사회적 대화로 해결하려는 일련의 노력이 전개되었다. 이 연구는 지난 30여년간 한국 사회적 대화의 변동을 사회적 대화의 제도화 수준, 활성화 수준 그리고 성과 수준으로 나누어 살펴보고, 이 세 수준간의 상호관계를 분석하였으며, 사회적 대화의 저해요소를 탐색하였다. 사회적 대화의 제도화 수준은 지속적으로 상승하여 2007년 정점에 도달한 후 2017년까지 그 수준이 유지되었다. 사회적 대화의 활성화 수준은 2009년까지 상승하다가 이후 하강하였다. 사회적 대화의 성과 수준은 1995년까지는 낮은 상태였지만, 1996년 이래 기복이 심한 상태로 오르내렸다. 합의 불이행 특히 정부에 의한 심각한 불이행은 사회적 대화의 활성화와 성과에 심각한 부정적 영향을 미쳤다. 노동조합에 의한 전술적인 사회적 대화 불참이나 탈퇴는 사회적 대화의 활성화와 성과 수준에 큰 영향을 미치지 않았다. Under the so-called ‘1987 labor regime’ in Korea, a series of efforts have been made to solve the structural problems of the new labor regime through social dialogue. I analysed the fluctuations of social dialogue in terms of the institutionalization, activation and performance for the past 30 years, the relations between those three levels of social dialogue, and investigated the deterrents of social dialogue. The institutionalization level continued to rise from a very low level to its peak in 2007 and kept on the level till 2017. The activation level continued upward until 2009 and downward afterwards. The performance level was low until 1995, but has been fluctuated very much since 1996. The ‘counter-implementation’, a kind of severe non-compliance done by government has a considerable negative influence on both activation and performance of social dialogue. Ordinary suspension/withdrawal from social dialogue as a tactic used by labor unions has little effect on the activation or performance of social dialogue.

      • KCI등재

        전직 실업자의 구직행태, 임금유보성향 및 결정요인

        장홍근 한국직업능력개발원 2002 직업능력개발연구 Vol.5 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze job-search and wage reservation attitudes of the unemployed in Korea. We focused on job-search method; attitudes for changing occupation, employment form and working form; and wage reservation ratios. The main findings are as follows: In Korea, the most frequent job-search method used by the unemployed is yet the informal way such as the broker through families, friends, etc. But, recently, there are significant increases in the use of PES and internet. One-third of the surveyed wished occupational change. Most people wished full-time and regular jobs. But the percentage of those who wish part-time jobs reached 21.7%, which is significantly higher than that of the past. As for the wage reservation attitudes, 20.8% of the surveyed wished the maintenance of wage level, 41.8% of them did the more and 37.4% did the lower wage than that of the past. When compared with the past survey results, the percentage of those who willingly submit to the reduction of wage ratio increased significantly. According to the analysis of the determining factors of wage reservation ratios, femininity and the wage level of the past jobs strengthen the reservation attitudes. But the factors such as schooling period, family income level, past irregular employment effect negatively to wage reservation attitudes of the unemployed. The implications are as follows: The PES's in Korea need to improve the employment service quality through the specialization of the staff and personnel, and to provide services which meet the demands of customers. And it is also important for the PES's to secure the better quality of Job-seekers and companies who needs manpower. Especially, for meeting the changing behavior patterns of the unemployed, it becomes more and more important for the PES's to actively use the spearhead IT.

      • KCI등재후보

        공공양성훈련의 취업효과와 결정요인

        장홍근 한국직업능력개발원 2003 직업능력개발연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This study intends to analyze the employment effects of the middle and long-term training courses (over 6 months) supported by the national treasury and employment insurance funds, based on a survey data of 1,500 persons who have completed these training courses. In this study, employment effects were measured on two dimensions. One is the simple quantitative side of employment itself, and the other is the qualitative side of employment which implies wage level, employment status, the protection by social insurances, and the relationship between the contents of the training courses and those of actual works etc.. We analyzed the employment effects of public pre-employment training and the determinants of employment quality by the trainees' individual properties such as age, gender, marriage, household responsibility and training-related variables such as the degree of training substantiality, training courses, certificates got by training, training duration, employment guidance. Some important findings of our analysis are as follows. Of the individual properties, age and household responsibility are positively affect the employment. In terms of training properties, training substantiality, training duration, certificates got by training, employment guidance are positive determinants of employment qualities. This study gives us some implications regarding policy directions of public pre-employment training, including its target group, curriculum development and employment guidances etc..

      • KCI등재

        한국 전자산업 기술인력의 스킬과 학습

        장홍근,박준식,이종선 한국직업능력개발원 2006 직업능력개발연구 Vol.9 No.2

        이 연구는, 전자산업의 주요 업종인 반도체, 휴대폰, 전자의료기기 세 업종의 핵심 분야에서 진행되는 시장, 기술, 조직의 변화 양태 및 스킬형성과 학습의 변화발전을 분석한 것이다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전자산업을 주도하는 핵심기업들은 다기능의 유연한 노동력의 역동적인 학습과 혁신 역량에 의존하는 경향이 강하다. 둘째, 조직 내에서 암묵지 중심의 학습이 갖는 중요성은 약한 편이다. 셋째, 현장에서 습득한 지식과 스킬을 연관 직종이나 기업에 활용할 가능성은 높다. 넷째, 현장 지식을 보편화시켜 산업일반에 적용하거나 공유하는 종합화 수준은 낮다. 다섯째, 형식지의 내면화를 통한 사회화는 비교적 활발하다. 여섯째, 핵심 부문종사자들의 기술은 장기누적형 스킬 유형에 수렴하는 경향을 보인다. 일곱째, 빠른 기술혁신속도에 따라 노동자들의 일자리와 숙련은 다양한 방식으로 분해, 재편성되고 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyse the characteristics and changes of skill formation and learning processes in Korea's electronic industry, In this study, we deal with the three major electronic sectors - semi-conductor, cellular phone manufacturing, and electronic medical equipment manufacturing. The main findings are as follows. First, Korea's leading electronic companies tend to rely on flexible multi-functional workforce with dynamic learning and innovation capacity. Second, the importance of learning on-the-job tacit knowledge is relatively low. Third, there is a relatively high possibility of applying such knowledge to other companies or related jobs. Fourth, the level of comprehension to apply or share the skills and knowledges in general industries is low. Fifth, the socialization of formal knowledge through internalization is actively taking place. Sixth, the skills of core manpower in Korean electronic industry tend to be converging toward the long-term cumulative skill formation.

      • KCI등재

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