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      • KCI등재

        중국 셰일가스 개발 문제점과 지원정책 분석

        이채영(Chaeyoung Lee),윤준일(Junil Yoon),이홍(Hong Lee),이영수(Youngsoo Lee),신창훈(Changhoon Shin) 한국가스학회 2015 한국가스학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        세계 최대 셰일가스 부존국가인 중국은 자국 국영기업을 중심으로 셰일가스 자원의 개발과 기술 확보에 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 중국의 셰일산업은 정부의 적극적인 지원과 기술적인 측면에서의 빠른 성장세를 감안할 때 향후 발전 가능성은 높은 것으로 보이나, 복잡한 지질구조와 상대적으로 심부에 위치한 셰일지층의 특성과 수자원, 인프라 부족 등과 같은 문제점으로 인해 단기적인 발전은 어렵다는 분석도 동시에 있다. 중국은 우리와의 지정학적으로 밀접한 관계는 물론 셰일가스 산업이 아직 초기단계에 있어, 최근 국내에서도 관련기업들을 중심으로 관심이 증가하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는, 중국 셰일자원 개발산업과 유관산업의 현황과 문제점 및 중국정부를 중심으로 한 해결 노력과 지원정책 등을 조사, 분석하여 우리기업들이 중국 셰일산업의 미래를 조망하는 데 도움을 주고자 하였다. 나아가 향후 중국 셰일산업의 발전에 따른 영향과 우리의 대처, 협력 및 참여 방안 수립에 참고가 되고자 하였다. 결과적으로, 본 연구에서는 중국의 셰일가스 개발을 위한 다양한 문제점을 검토하고, 중국정부의 정책적 지원, 국영기업의 독자적 기술 확보에 대한 노력과 해외기업과의 협력 추진 및 해외자산 인수 등 다양한 분야의 활동을 조사, 분석하여 제시하였다. China holding the world largest shale resources, has been trying to develop their domestic shale gas fields mainly with its NOCs. Chinese shale industry looks likely to have high potential to grow in the future, considering the eager support of Chinese government and the rapid development of relevant technologies by NOCs. However, there are opposite opinions as well that Chinese shale gas could not play a positive short-term results because of the complexity of structural geology, inadequacy of water resources and related infrastructure. Recently, Korean companies began to be interseted in Chinese shale gas industry, because of the special relationships with Korean industries in terms of geographic proximity and better opportunities due to the early phase of shale gas business in China. In this study, it was tried to help those companies looking out of future Chinese shale gas industry that surveying current status and problems of Chinese shale gas industry and relevant industries and investigating some trials and policies driven by China government. As a result, the various and long-term problems in Chinese shale development were reviewed and the active supports and polices of Chinese government, NOCs trials for establishments of their independent technologies and the cooperation with foreign companies or M&As were also investigated.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Composite Interval Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci with Granddaughter Design

        Lee, Chaeyoung,Lee, Kwang Jeon 한국유전학회 2003 Genes & Genomics Vol.25 No.1

        For outcrossing species with limited female fertility, granddaughter design has been effective to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs). In the design, the sons of informative grandfathers who are heterozygous for the genetic markers are genotyped, and phenotypes of quantitative traits are recorded on the daughters of these sons. The composite interval mapping (CIM) with the granddaughter design to identify QTLs was empirically evaluated through the simulation in this study. The estimates of likelifhood ratios, QTL effects, and linkage positions were better in the populations with a larger family size, but the differences were not large, which implied that the QTL detection did not largely depend on the family size. On the other hand, QTL mapping significantly depended on the number of families in the population. And, the balanced design performed better than the unbalanced. One of the two QTLs simulated in the current study was not detected in the unbalanced population with the heritability of 0.3. This recommended that, in order to detect QTLs, the design should not be used in the population when the heritability was 0.3 or lower. This study also showed that a higher level of heritability led to more significant likelihood ratios and more accurate estimates of QTL effects and positions, enhancing the ability to identify QTLs. Also, precision of the estimates was improved with a large heritability.

      • KCI등재

        La libre pensée et Flaubert

        LEE Chaeyoung(이채영) 프랑스문화예술학회 2008 프랑스문화예술연구 Vol.26 No.-

        일반적으로, 종교에 대한 플로베르의 태도를 고려할 때, 우리는 쉽게 그를 〈무신론자 ahtee〉 로 떠올린다. 그러나, 플로베르의 종교적 성향을 설명하기에 이 단어는 그다지 충분하지 않다. 왜냐하면, 그의 〈반교권주의 Anticlericalisme〉 경향으로부터 규정되는 이러한 규정의 기저에는 〈자유 사상 Libre pensee〉의 울림이 함께 하고 있기 때문이다. 우리가 〈자유 사상〉을 고려할 때 가장 의미 있는 것은 이 흐름이 종교를 종교의 교리를 벗어나 사고할 수 있는 사고의 자유를 허락한다는 것이다. 동시에 〈자유 사상〉은 단지 교권이나 종교의 권위에 도전하는 것이 아니라, 종교의 정치적, 지적 그리고 영적인 가치를 고려한다는데 그 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 플로베르에게 있어서의 〈자유 사상〉의 영향의 고려는 플로베르의 종교적 경향을 이해하는 중요한 근거가 될 수 있다. 〈자유 사상가 Libre penseur〉의 경향은 〈관용 tolerance〉과 〈이성 raison〉, 〈자유 liberte〉그리고 〈인간적 존엄성 la dignite humaine〉이라는 가치들에 의해 특징지어진다. 특히 자유 사상 정신의 가장 근본을 이루는 관용 정신과 이성이 가능케 하는 진보성은 등의 특징들은 자유 사상 그 자체 뿐만 아니라 19세기 사상의 틀을 위한 기반으로의 중요성을 가지고, 19세기를 구성하는 중요한 정신이 된다. 이러한 자유 정신의 역사는 인본주의의 역사와 일치한다. 왜냐하면, 이 자유사상적 경향은 과학과 문화의 진보를 가능하게 한 정신이기 때문이다. 특히 1848년 이후, 19세기를 지배했다고 해도 과언이 아닌 과학과 새로운 통합의 정신은 종교에 있어서도 비판과 함께 다양한 비전을 제시했고, 자유 사상의 경향은 이러한 지적, 종교적, 결국은 하나의 철학적 흐름을 형성하기까지 한다. 이런 자유사상가들의 종교의 특징은 종교에 대한 비전이 종교에 대한 그들의 연구에 근거한다는 것이다. 더군나나 오귀스트 꽁트August Comte이후, 과학주의적 태도는 19세기가 요구하는 중요한 태도이고, 이는 플로베르가 단순히 가톨릭의 반교권주의에서 기인한 종교적 반감을 넘어 ‘종교 la Religion’를 다루는 기본 태도이기도 하다. 플로베르에게 있어서 자유사상가적 비판 정신은 신 자체를 부정하게 하는 것이 아니라, 인간이 인정하는 〈절대적 존재 l’Absolu〉로서의 〈신 Dieu〉에 접근하게 하는 하나의 방법이 된다. 이런 플로베르에게 아떼적 성향은 일반적인 종교를 뛰어넘으려는, 인간적인 의식이 표출되는 과정에서 규정되는 것이다. 그리고 반교권주의적 경향과 함께 자유 사상가로서의 그의 경향을 드러내는 것일 뿐이다 : 그 아떼로서의 기저에는 〈정신적 도약 l’elan spirituel〉에 의한 종교적 통합과 같은 〈어떤 새로운 이상적인 사상 Une grande Idee ou d’une nouvelle idee〉 에 대한 갈망이 함께 하기 때문이다. 그래서 플로베르에게 〈자유 사상〉의 정신은 〈위마니떼 Humanite〉의 진보를 상징하는 것이기도 하다. 이렇게 플로베르가 간직하고 있는 〈자유 사상〉의 정신은 성 앙트완느의 유혹의 세 번 째 판본을 위한 그의 종교적 연구가 어느 정도 끝난 시기이자, 세 가지 짧은 이야기Les Trois contes의 준비기에도 여전히 나타난다. 1875년 10월의 그의 서간문에서 드러나는 쌩-시몽Saint-Simon과 Voltaire볼테르에 대한 자유사상가로의 언급과 새로운 관심은 그의 자유사상적 경향이 어떻게 종교적 사상에 반영되는지 생각해 보게 한다. 또한 이는 그의 생애의 거의 마지막 작품이라고 할 수 있는 세 가지 짧은 이야기에 담겨있는 플로베르의 종교적 색채에 접근하는 더 넓은 시각을 제시할 수 있다.

      • Optimal designs for estimating and testing interaction among multiple loci in complex traits by a Gibbs sampler

        Lee, Chaeyoung,Kim, Younyoung Elsevier 2008 Genomics Vol.92 No.6

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>A simulation study was conducted to provide a practical guideline for experimental designs with the Bayesian approach using Gibbs sampling (BAGS), a recently developed method for estimating interaction among multiple loci. Various data sets were simulated from combinations of number of loci, within-genotype variance, sample size, and balance of design. Mean square prediction error (MSPE) and empirical statistical power were obtained from estimating and testing the posterior mean estimate of combination genotypic effect. Simultaneous use of both MSPE and power was suggested to find an optimal design because their correlation estimate (−0.8) would not be large enough to ignore either of them. The optimal sample sizes with MSPE >2.0 and power >0.8 with the within-genotype variance of 30 were 135, 675, and >8100 for 2-, 3-, and 4-locus unbalanced data. The BAGS was suggested for interaction effects among limited number (4 or less) of loci in practice. A practical guideline for determining an optimal sample size with a given power or vise versa is provided for BAGS.</P>


        What Holds the Future of Quantitative Genetics? - A Review

        Lee, Chaeyoung Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.2

        Genetic markers engendered by genome projects drew enormous interest in quantitative genetics, but knowledge on genetic architecture of complex traits is limited. Complexities in genetics will not allow us to easily clarify relationship between genotypes and phenotypes for quantitative traits. Quantitative genetics guides an important way in facing such challenges. It is our exciting task to find genes that affect complex traits. In this paper, landmark research and future prospects are discussed on genetic parameter estimation and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping as major subjects of interest.


        Evaluation of Cofactor Markers for Controlling Genetic Background Noise in QTL Mapping

        Lee, Chaeyoung,Wu, Xiaolin Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.4

        In order to control the genetic background noise in QTL mapping, cofactor markers were incorporated in single marker analysis (SMACO) and interval mapping (CIM). A simulation was performed to see how effective the cofactors were by the number of QTL, the number and the type of markers, and the marker spacing. The results of QTL mapping for the simulated data showed that the use of cofactors was slightly effective when detecting a single QTL. On the other hand, a considerable improvement was observed when dealing with more than one QTL. Genetic background noise was efficiently absorbed with linked markers rather than unlinked markers. Furthermore, the efficiency was different in QTL mapping depending on the type of linked markers. Well-chosen markers in both SMACO and CIM made the range of linkage position for a significant QTL narrow and the estimates of QTL effects accurate. Generally, 3 to 5 cofactors offered accurate results. Over-fitting was a problem with many regressor variables when the heritability was small. Various marker spacing from 4 to 20 cM did not change greatly the detection of multiple QTLs, but they were less efficient when the marker spacing exceeded 30 cM. Likelihood ratio increased with a large heritability, and the threshold heritability for QTL detection was between 0.30 and 0.05.

      • Cross-species translation of abiotic stress-responsive genes between Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula.

        Chaeyoung Lee,Daejin Hyung,Jinhyun Kim,Dongwoon Yu,Yejin Jo,Jusuk Park,Eunji Kwon,Hongkyu Choi 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2013 No.07

        Cross-species translation of genomic information may play a crucial role in applying biological knowledge gained from one species to other genomes. To screen and identify a broad range of abiotic stress-responsive genes, we employed a diverse array of resources, including Arabidopsis databases (http://www.arabidopsis.org), expression profiling data and previously reported literatures. As a result, a total of 1,377 genes were identified and classified into 18 different functional criteria based on biological processes of gene ontology. The gene set was translated into M. truncatula, which is a representative model system in the Fabaceae, by identifying orthologous genes between these two genomes with a combination of tBlastx and BlastP analyses. It is shown that approximately 82% of genes were estimated to be translated between the two genomes below the E-value of 10-30. These orthologous loci were used to construct comparative maps by developing a user-friendly analysis platform, resulting in a total of 52 synteny blocks. Furthermore, to discover central genes by which control responses to the abiotic stresses, a combination of AraNet (http://www.functionanet.org) and the Cytoscape program was used for the gene network analysis. The analysis resulted in the identification of 240 potential key genes. We anticipate that these genes may impact molecular breeding programs by discovering trait-associated SNPs followed by marker development.

      • Genetic map construction of model legume, Medicago truncatula, and analysis of genomic co-linearity with M. sativa

        Chaeyoung Lee,Daejin Hyung,Jinhyun Kim,Dongwoon Yu,Jeonghoon Park,Meejin Kim,Hyun-A So,Eunsook Jeong,Howon Chung,Youngsoo Chung,Dohoon Kim,Jaihun Lee,Hongkyu Choi 한국육종학회 2012 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2012 No.07

        A core genetic map of the legume Medicago truncatula has been established by analyzing the segregation of 288 sequence-characterized genetic markers in an F2 population composed of 93 individuals. These molecular markers correspond to 141 ESTs, 80 BAC end sequence-tags, and 67 resistance gene analogs, covering 513 cM. In the case of EST-based markers we used an intron-targeted marker strategy, with primers designed to anneal in conserved exon regions and amplify across intron regions. Polymorphisms were significantly more frequent in intron vs exon regions, thus providing an efficient mechanism to map transcribed genes. Genetic and cytogenetic analysis produced eight well-resolved linkage groups, which have been previously correlated with eight chromosomes by means of FISH with mapped BAC clones. We anticipated that mapping of conserved coding regions would have utility for comparative mapping among legumes; thus 60 of the EST-based primer pairs were designed to amplify orthologous sequences across a range of legume species. As an initial test of this strategy, we used primers designed against M. truncatula exon sequences to rapidly map genes in Medicago sativa. The resulting comparative map, which includes 68 bridging markers, indicates that the two Medicago genomes are highly similar, and establishes the basis for a “Medicago” composite map.

      • Gene expression profiling study of grapevine in response to the Pierce’s disease and drought stress

        Chaeyoung Lee,Daejin Hyung,Jinhyun Kim,Yejin Jo,Jusuk Park,Dongwoon Yu,Hongkyu Choi 한국육종학회 2014 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2014 No.07

        Susceptible Vitis vinifera responds to Xylella infection with a massive redirection of gene transcription. This transcriptional response is characterized by increased transcripts for phenlypropanoid and flavonoid biosynthesis, ethylene production, adaptation to oxidative stress, and homologs of pathogenesis related (PR) proteins, and decreased transcripts for genes related to photosynthesis. In addition, the results suggest that susceptible genotypes respond to Xylella infection by induction of limited, but inadequate, defense response. We also compared the transcriptional and physiological response of plants treated by pathogen infection, low or moderate water deficit, or a combination of pathogen infection and water deficit. Although the transcriptional response of plants to Xylella infection was distinct from the response of healthy plants to moderate water stress, we observed synergy between water stress and disease, such that water stressed plants exhibit a stronger transcriptional response to the pathogen. This interaction was mirrored at the physiological level for aspects of water relations and photosynthesis, and in terms of the severity of disease symptoms and pathogen colonization, providing a molecular correlation of the classical concept with the disease triangle.

      • Integration of comparative genetic maps for ten legume species using gene-based cross-species markers

        Chaeyoung Lee,Daejin Hyung,Jinhyun Kim,Yejin Jo,Jusuk Park,Dongwoon Yu,Hongkyu Choi 한국육종학회 2014 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2014 No.07

        The legume family is the third largest group, including approximately 650 genera and 18,000 species, in the flowering plants and the second important crops to the Poaceae in the agricultural economy. Comparative analysis is a useful tool to understand cross-species genomic structure and alterations during organism’s evolutionary history. In this study, we constructed a composite comparative map of ten legume species, including Medicago truncatula, Medicago sativa, Lens culinaris, Pisum sativum, Lotus japonicus, Cicer arietinum, Vicia faba L, Vigna radiata, Phaseolus vulgaris and Glycine max. Of these species, M. truncatula, which is a representative model system, played a central role to develop the cross-genome amplifiable PCR gene markers for the purpose of transferring them to other related legume species. A total of 140 cross-species core markers were employed to analyze genomic colinearity across this broad array of legume species. The comparative map demonstrates a diverse array of evolutionary events, such as duplications, inversions and reciprocal translocations. It is anticipated that resulting maps would provide a broader insights into the lineage-specific genomic organization of these glalegoid/phaseoloid legumes, which are two clades containing almost all crop legumes of economic importance, and can further used for the molecular breeding through translating genomic information into other orphan legumes.

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