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      • Public Perceptions of the EU in South Korea: Longitudinal Study (2004-2006)

        ( Natalia Chaban ),( Sae Won Chung ) 한국EU학회 2009 Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies Vol.7 No.1

        This paper focuses on the external perceptions on the European Union (EU)-a relatively new political entity which has already become one of the global economic centres and is growing in its international political importance. More specifically, this paper investigates dynamics of the general public`s views on the EU in one Asian country-South Korea. The data for this research came from two trans-national comparative projects investigating public, media and elite perceptions of the EU in the Asia-Pacific, one of them being supported by the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF). Analysing results of two general public opinion surveys conducted in South Korea in 2004 and 2006, this paper examines shifts and changes in Korean public perceptions of the EU when it comes to its perceived importance (in the present and in the future); the views on state of the relationship with the EU; spontaneous images of the EU; and finally, perceptions of the EU`s impacts on Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Safety Culture Assessment in Petrochemical Industry: A Comparative Study of Two Algerian Plants

        Assia Boughaba,Chabane Hassane,Ouddai Roukia 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2014 Safety and health at work Vol.5 No.2

        Background: To elucidate the relationship between safety culture maturity and safety performance of a particular company. Methods: To identify the factors that contribute to a safety culture, a survey questionnaire was created based mainly on the studies of Fernández-Muñiz et al. The survey was randomly distributed to 1000 employees of two oil companies and realized a rate of valid answer of 51%. Minitab 16 software was used and diverse tests, including the descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, mean analysis, and correlation, were used for the analysis of data. Ten factors were extracted using the analysis of factor to represent safety culture and safety performance. Results: The results of this study showed that the managers’ commitment, training, incentives, communication, and employee involvement are the priority domains on which it is necessary to stress the effort of improvement, where they had all the descriptive average values lower than 3.0 at the level of Company B. Furthermore, the results also showed that the safety culture influences the safety performance of the company. Therefore, Company A with a good safety culture (the descriptive average values more than 4.0), is more successful than Company B in terms of accident rates. Conclusion: The comparison between the two petrochemical plants of the group Sonatrach confirms these results in which Company A, the managers of which are English and Norwegian, distinguishes itself by the maturity of their safety culture has significantly higher evaluations than the company B, who is constituted of Algerian staff, in terms of safety management practices and safety performance.

      • KCI등재

        ‘Trading Giant’ and ‘Economic Powerhouse’?: Images of the EU in Korean Television News

        윤성원,Natalia Chaban,정세원 한국유럽학회 2010 유럽연구 Vol.28 No.3

        This study analysed image of the EU in the Korean television media. In particular, KBS and MBC –two representative TV channels in Korea –were selected and were monitored for the period of six month in 2009 (1 January-30 June). Since it was when the Korea-EU FTA was an important agenda of the Korean government and underwent final rounds of negotiations, the EU was covered more often than ever on the Korean TV. The collected data was analysed in two aspects –the first aspect concerned ‘formal characteristics’ such as degree of centrality, focus of domesticity and placement of news, and the other concerned ‘substantive characteristics’ with a special focus on actor, evaluation attitude and visual imagery and so on. The analysis came up with three main results. First, although FTA was a turning point to attract the public and media attentions to the EU, its political significance was not as much important as a domestic political scandal as was seen in the case of the suicide of former state leader. Second, on both KBS and MBC, the most visible topic in EU coverage was a ‘trading giant’ and ‘economic powerhouse’. Such image was associated with politically sensitive news such as the EU website’s erroneous inclusion of Dokdo to the Japanese territory, thus the Korean televisions were very likely to interpret the EU as an insensitive and self- interested economic entity only. Third, in reporting other news than FTA, KBS and MBC had a quite different attitude. Whereas KBS maintained neutral attitude by reporting the EU in various degrees of centrality, MBC covered the EU mainly in a third country context. The latter also dealt with the EU as a passive participant in international political issues. Given the fact the perception on the EU is greatly shaped by ‘the eyes of Others’ and this will eventually affect the performance and capabilities in the international arena, it is necessary to analyse the EU’s external media images constantly and systematically. With the negative image of the EU created by the news, a more effective and efficient EU-Korea partnership cannot be expected. Therefore, constant efforts are more required than ever, especially when Korea and the EU are heading toward a strategic partnership on occasion of the successful conclusion of FTA. 본 논문은 한국 TV 매체에서 비춰지는 EU에 대한 이미지를 파악하기 위해 2009년 상반기 동안 대표적인 방송 채널인 KBS와 MBC에서 보도된 EU에 관한 뉴스를 수집 및 분석하였다. 이 기간은 특히 한-EU FTA에 관한 논의가 진행 중인 시기여서 EU에 관한 뉴스가 그 어느 때보다도 많이 다루어졌다. 수집된 기사들은 ‘형식적 특징’과 ‘내용적 특징’ 이라는 두 가지 측면에서 분석되었다. 전자는 중요도(기사에서 EU가 차지하는 역할의 비중)와 지역성(EU가 다뤄지는 뉴스의 지역 범위), EU 뉴스의 분류 카테고리에 초점을 맞춰 분석되었고, 후자의 경우는 주요 EU 행위자, EU에 대한 평가 관점, 뉴스 화면상의 시각적 이미지 등에 초점을 두었다. 분석 결과 다음의 세가지 결과를 도출할 수 있었다. 첫째, 비록 한-EU FTA가 EU에 관한 대중적인 관심을 이끄는 데 결정적인 계기가 되었지만 EU뉴스의 중요도는 여전히 국내 정치적 사건에 비하면 뉴스 가치가 떨어짐을 보여주었다. 둘째, 양 채널 모두 가장 대표적으로 비춰지는 EU의 이미지는 거대한 무역 대상국으로서의 이미지라 할 수 있다. 그러나 이 이미지는 종종 한국민들이 민감하게 여기는 독도 영유권 표기 오류와 같은 정치적으로 민감한 뉴스들과 맞물려, EU가 자국의 경제적 이득만을 추구하는 이기적인 경제공동체라는 부정적인 이미지로 보여지도록 하는 결과를 가져왔다. 셋째, FTA이외의 기사를 보도하는 데 있어서는 KBS와 MBC 간에 차이점이 있었다. 전자의 경우 EU를 다양한각도에서 다룬 반면, 후자의 경우는 EU를 주로 제3국가의 관점에서 보도함으로써 EU가 정치적 이슈에 관해서는 소극적인 행위자로서 비춰지는 결과를 가져왔다. EU에 관한 인식이 상당부분 ‘타인의 시각’에 의해서도 형성된다는 점을 감안한다면 이러한 미디어에 비춰지는 EU의 이미지는 궁극적으로 국제 무대에서의 EU의 활동 영역과 역할을 규정짓는 데에 영향을 미칠 것이다. 만일 미디어에서 비춰지는 EU에 관한 이미지가 부정적이라면 한-EU 관계에서도 보다 진일보하는 관계를 기대하는 것은 어려울 것이다. 따라서 한-EU FTA를 계기로 양국간의 관계 발전을 추구하고자 한다면 미디어에서보다 신중하게 EU 관련 뉴스를 다룰 필요가 있다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        Bivalve collection of C.E. Lischke in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg: Mytilidae, Ungulinidae and Tellinidae

        Lutaenko, K.,Elena M. Chaban 한국패류학회 2016 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.32 No.2

        In addition to the Arcidae (Lutaenko, 2015), a collection of Mytilidae, Ungulinidae and Tellinidae from Japan, identified by the German malacologist C.E. Lischke, was found and studied at the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. This collection is very important for regional malacological studies in Japan, Korea and China as it contains type material and vouchers. Syntypes of Mytilus atratus Lischke, 1871 (= Xenostrobus atrata (Lischke, 1871)) and vouchers of Tellina diaphana Deshayes, 1855 (= Serratina diaphana (Deshayes, 1855)), Tellina nitidula Dunker, 1860 (= Nitidotellina hokkaidoensis (Habe, 1961)), and “Diplodonta orbella Gould, 1851” (= Diplodonta gouldi Yokoyama, 1920)) are figured with taxonomic and nomenclatural comments. No other voucher or type specimens used in the compilation of the Japanische Meeres-Conchylien were located in the entire bivalve collection.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Boron Content and Temperature on Interactions and Electron Transport in BGaN Bulk Ternary Nitride Semiconductors

        Yasmina Bouchefra,Nasr-Eddine Chabane Sari 한국전기전자재료학회 2017 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Material Vol.18 No.1

        This work takes place in the context of the development of a transport phenomena simulation based on group IIInitrides. Gallium and boron nitrides (GaN and BN) are both materials with interesting physical properties; they havea direct band gap and are relatively large compared to other semiconductors. The main objective of this paper isto study the effect of boron content on the electron transport of the ternary compound BxGa(1-x)N and the effect ofthe temperature of this alloy at x=50% boron percentage, specifically the piezoelectric, acoustic, and polar opticalscatterings as a function of the energy, and the electron energy and drift velocity versus the applied electric fieldfor different boron compositions (BxGa(1-x)N), at various temperatures for B0.5Ga0.5N. Monte carlo simulation, wasemployed and the three valleys of the conduction band (Γ, L, X) were considered to be non-parabolic. We focus onthe interactions that do not significantly affect the behavior of the electron. Nevertheless, they are introduced toobtain a quantitative description of the electronic dynamics. We find that the form of the velocity-field characteristicchanges substantially when the temperature is increased, and a remarkable effect is observed from the boroncontent in BxGa(1-x)N alloy and the applied field on the dynamics of holders within the lattice as a result of interactionmechanisms.

      • KCI등재

        Review of the Shell-bearing Gastropods in the Russian Waters of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). IV. Heterobranchia

        Gulbin, Vladimir V.,Chaban, Elena M. The Malacological Society of Korea 2009 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.25 No.1

        Based on investigation of archive collections of A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok) and O.A. Scarlato Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg), as well as on the analysis of published data, the species composition of shell-bearing gastropod mollusks of the Russian waters of the East Sea (Sea of Japan), consisting of 331 species and subspecies, has been identified. The fourth part of the Review includes 46 species of Heterobranchia (Allogastropoda, Opistobranchia, and Pulmonata). Each species is assigned to a biogeographic grouping in the study area. Its type locality and habitat (depth and substrate) are also documented.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Safety Culture Assessment in Petrochemical Industry: A Comparative Study of Two Algerian Plants

        Boughaba, Assia,Hassane, Chabane,Roukia, Ouddai Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2014 Safety and health at work Vol.5 No.2

        Background: To elucidate the relationship between safety culture maturity and safety performance of a particular company. Methods: To identify the factors that contribute to a safety culture, a survey questionnaire was created based mainly on the studies of $Fern{\acute{a}}ndez-Mu{\tilde{n}}iz$ et al. The survey was randomly distributed to 1000 employees of two oil companies and realized a rate of valid answer of 51%. Minitab 16 software was used and diverse tests, including the descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, mean analysis, and correlation, were used for the analysis of data. Ten factors were extracted using the analysis of factor to represent safety culture and safety performance. Results: The results of this study showed that the managers' commitment, training, incentives, communication, and employee involvement are the priority domains on which it is necessary to stress the effort of improvement, where they had all the descriptive average values lower than 3.0 at the level of Company B. Furthermore, the results also showed that the safety culture influences the safety performance of the company. Therefore, Company A with a good safety culture (the descriptive average values more than 4.0), is more successful than Company B in terms of accident rates. Conclusion: The comparison between the two petrochemical plants of the group Sonatrach confirms these results in which Company A, the managers of which are English and Norwegian, distinguishes itself by the maturity of their safety culture has significantly higher evaluations than the company B, who is constituted of Algerian staff, in terms of safety management practices and safety performance.

      • KCI등재

        Bivalve collection of C.E. Lischke in the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg: Mytilidae, Ungulinidae and Tellinidae

        Lutaenko, Konstantin A.,Chaban, Elena M. The Malacological Society of Korea 2016 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.32 No.2

        In addition to the Arcidae (Lutaenko, 2015), a collection of Mytilidae, Ungulinidae and Tellinidae from Japan, identified by the German malacologist C.E. Lischke, was found and studied at the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. This collection is very important for regional malacological studies in Japan, Korea and China as it contains type material and vouchers. Syntypes of Mytilus atratus Lischke, 1871 (= Xenostrobus atrata (Lischke, 1871)) and vouchers of Tellina diaphana Deshayes, 1855 (= Serratina diaphana (Deshayes, 1855)), Tellina nitidula Dunker, 1860 (= Nitidotellina hokkaidoensis (Habe, 1961)), and "Diplodonta orbella Gould, 1851" (= Diplodonta gouldi Yokoyama, 1920)) are figured with taxonomic and nomenclatural comments. No other voucher or type specimens used in the compilation of the Japanische Meeres-Conchylien were located in the entire bivalve collection.

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