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      • KCI등재

        Pari.s et défi.s dans la traduction de la poésie

        Carmen ANDREI 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2022 에피스테메 Vol.- No.27

        The present article revisits ideas punctually treated in Carmen Andrei, Vers la maîtrise de la traduction littéraire. Vade-mecum théorique et pratique (Galaţi, Galati University Press, 2014), in the chapter entitled ‘Traduire la poésie’ [Translating Poetry], refining them by a case study involving two very different translation versions of the famous prose poem by Charles Baudelaire, Chacun sa chimère, one by Dan Dănilă, and the other an anonymous one found on the internet. My choice is justified beyond the title: the translation of poetry has forever been a challenge to the conscience and the critical spirit of the experts in this particular type of ‘specialised’ discourse, requiring a specific set of skills. It goes without saying that translating poetry means entering an infinitely complex system, in a third language. Meaning retrieval and ‘faithful’ prosodic imitation? Reputedly untranslatable, even impossible since value and truth are intrinsic to it, the translation of poetry puts forth genuine bets and challenges to reveal, and difficulties and dilemmas to surmount. Avoiding standardising, even stigmatising typologies, and making good use of creativity are among the pre-requisites of a good translation of poetry. Dans cet article, je reprends des propos auxquels j’ai réfléchi ponctuellement dans Carmen Andrei, Vers la maîtrise de la traduction littéraire. Vade-mecum théorique et pratique (Galaţi, Galati University Press, 2014), chapitre « Traduire la poésie » en les raffinant par une étude de cas sur deux traductions riches mais surtout différentes du célèbre poème en prose de Charles Baudelaire, Chacun sa chimère, la première appartenant à Dan Dănilă, la seconde, anonyme, puisée sur la Grande Toile. Mon choix se justifie à plus d’un titre : la traduction poétique a longuement travaillé la conscience et l’esprit critique des théoriciens et des praticiens de ce type de discours « spécialisé », de niche ou créneau exigeant une adresse particulière. Il est admis à l’unanimité que traduire la poésie, c’est se placer dans un système infiniment complexe, dans une troisième langue. Restitution du sens et imitation prosodique « fidèles » ? Réputée intraduisible, impossible puisque valeur et vérité lui sont immanente, la traduction poétique lance de vrais paris et défis à relever, des difficultés et des dilemmes à surmonter (garde au nivellement). Eviter les typologies qui standardisent, voire stigmatisent, bien peser la créativité (entre les affres du style flaubertiens et le respect du continu rhythmique meschonniciens) sont parmi les préconditions d’une bonne traduction poétique.

      • KCI등재

        (S)écrire la déconfiture identitaire dans La Fille démantelée de Jacqueline Harpman

        Carmen ANDREI 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2021 에피스테메 Vol.- No.26

        The present pointed research is aimed at the multiple facets taken by the identity shaping of Edmée, the protagonist-narrator of the novel La fille démantelée by Jacqueline Harpman. After having considered several biography details sweeping the unique career of the Belgian author whose works mostly refer to her active profession as a psychoanalyst, our approach turned to the writing project of the heroine who writes (to herself?) the identity failure of the mother-daughter relationship, which is essential and decisive for the development of any individual. In recusing and annulling her hereditary baggage, the narrator rehabilitates herself as an emotionally stable and socially responsible adult, without recuperation or regeneration (although the trauma is impossible to erase) precisely by and due to the parentage narrative signifying identity liberation and reconstruction inaugurated by the “dismantling”, illustrating writing lucidity and honesty, indispensable ingredients in (auto)fiction. Nous envisageons dans notre recherche ponctuelle les multiples facettes que prend la modélisation identitaire d’Edmée, narratrice-protagoniste du roman La fille démantelée de Jacqueline Harpman. Après nous être attardée sur quelques biographèmes indispensables qui balisent la carrière singulière de l’écrivain belge dont les écrits reposent majoritairement sur son activité de psychanalyste, exercée activement, nous nous penchons sur le projet scriptural de l’héroïne qui (s)écrit la déconfiture identitaire de la filiation mère-fille, essentielle et décisive pour le devenir de l’individu. Tout en récusant et anéantissant le bagage héréditaire, la narratrice Edmée se réhabilite en tant qu’adulte stable émotionnellement et responsable socialement, sans récupération ni régénération (les tares restent néanmoins indélébiles) justement par et grâce au récit de filiation qui signifie libération et reconstruction identitaire après « le démantèlement », témoignant de la lucidité et de l’honnêteté scripturale, ingrédients indispensables de la recette de l’(auto)fiction.

      • KCI등재

        Histoire.s fracturée.s dans les romans de Felicia Mihali

        Carmen Andrei 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2020 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.24

        Fractured Histories in Felicia Pertaining to the new migrant wave of Québec, Felicia Mihali professes a plural identity by personal example, depicted in her ten novels, as well as by building original narrative worlds in a literature of intranquility. The present analysis focuses on a kaleidoscope of feminine characters torn by individual histories or the collective History of (post)communism. She are at the same time (de)mythicalized and (de)mystified,  thirsty women driven by migrant ardour, exiled to a real or imaginary somewhere else in search of resilience.Mihali’s Novels Ecrivaine de la nouvelle vague migrante au Québec, Felicia Mihali affirme une identité plurielle tant par l’exemple personnel, biographié dans ses dix romans, que dans la construction des mondes narratifs originaux dans une littérature de l’intranquillité. Notre analyse pointe un kaléidoscope de personnages féminins fracturés par les histoires individuelles ou l’Histoire collective (post)communiste. Des femmes (dé)mythifiées et (dé)mystifiées à la fois, des femmes assoiffées et mues par ardeur migrante, en exil vers un ailleurs concret ou dans l’imaginaire à la recherche de la résilience, démythifiées et démystifiées à la fois.

      • KCI등재

        L’écriture fractale dans Visage retrouvé de Mouawad Wajdi

        Carmen Andrei,Georgeta Prada 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2019 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.21

        A resilient child, a teenager in the quest for the self, an adult of a faltering identity, the protagonist of Visage retrouvé, written by Mouawad Wajdi is a broken individual, in continuous transformation. We underline the fragmentary dimension of this novel, which describes the mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot and the painter J.-C. Meynard. This writing abounds in the representation of the fragmentary, such as : the reconstruction of the self, the encounter with the Other, the fears, the madness, the red, the war, the withdrawal, the hybrid, the death, the exile, the bomb, the face, the memory, or the wolves. We analyze the complexity of the “I” in the novel, who wants to be perceived as a “he”, the fantasies and the visions of the decomposed self, who saves himself through painting.

      • KCI등재

        Stratégies dans la traduction des culturèmes roumains en français

        Carmen Andrei 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2020 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.23

        Famous for being untranslatable, culture specific elements are an obstacle that can be overcome during the translation process. They are linguistic testimonies of immanent connotations, of different world outlooks, or even of socio-cultural trasfer of realia present in the source culture, but absent from the target culture. The study of Romanian culture specific elements of the past referring to the field of customs and beliefs, to the material culture shows that there are useful strategies that the translator may resort to: direct literal translation, adaptation, explicitation, while experiencing an entire rethinking process. Réputés d'être intraduisibles, les culturèmes sont un obstacle franchissable dans la traduction. Ils témoignent des connotations immanentes, des visions différentes des mondes ou encore du transfert socioculturel des realia présents dans la culture de départ, mais absents dans celle d'arrivée. L'étude ponctuelle des culturèmes roumains d'autrefois renvoyant aux coutumes et croyances, à la culture matérielle montre qu'il y a des stratégies adroites à la portée du traducteur : traduction littérale directe, adaptation, compensation, en traversant tout un travail de repensée.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Efficiency of Marine Hydropower Farms Consisting of MultipleVertical Axis Cross-Flow Turbines

        Georgescu, Andrei-Mugur,Georgescu, Sanda-Carmen,Cosoiu, Costin Ioan,Alboiu, Nicolae Korean Society for Fluid machinery 2011 International journal of fluid machinery and syste Vol.4 No.1

        This study focuses on the Achard turbine, a vertical axis, cross-flow, marine current turbine module. Similar modules can be superposed to form towers. A marine or river hydropower farm consists of a cluster of barges, each gathering several parallel rows of towers, running in stabilized current. Two-dimensional numerical modelling is performed in a horizontal cross-section of all towers, using FLUENT and COMSOL Multiphysics. Numerical models validation with experimental results is performed through the velocity distribution, depicted by Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry, in the wake of the middle turbine within a farm model. As long as the numerical flow in the wake fits the experiments, the numerical results for the power coefficient (turbine efficiency) are trustworthy. The overall farm efficiency, with respect to the spatial arrangement of the towers, was depicted by 2D modelling of the unsteady flow inside the farm, using COMSOL Multiphysics. Rows of overlapping parallel towers ensure the increase of global efficiency of the farm.


        Topical Products for Human Hair Regeneration: A Comparative Study on an Animal Model

        ( Meda Sandra Orasan ),( Pompei Bolfa ),( Andrei Coneac ),( Adriana Muresan ),( Carmen Mihu ) 대한피부과학회 2016 Annals of Dermatology Vol.28 No.1

        Background: Hair loss and hair growth is the subject of tremendous amount of research. Objective: This study investigated the efficacy of three chemical treatments used in humans for hair loss, using a rat model of hair regrowth. The products tested were 2% minoxidil, Hairgrow (Dar-Al-Dawa Pharma), Aminexil, Dercos (Vichy Laboratoires), and Kerium, Anti-chute (La Roche-Posay). Methods: Thirty-two adult female Wistar-Bratislava rats were assigned to 4 groups. Two rectangular areas (2×4 cm) were shaved on either sides of the mid dorsal line (left side - control; right side - test area). Group I was treated topically with 2% minoxidil, group II with Aminexil, and group III with Kerium. Each rat received 0. 3 ml of substance applied topically to the shaved dorsal skin every day for 28 days. Rats in group IV served as sham controls receiving no treatment. Hair regrowth was evaluated by trichoscopy (with a dermatoscope), grown hair weight (from a surface area of 1 cm2), and histopathological examination for skin thickness, follicle count, and percentage of anagen induction (morphometric assessment). Results:Treatment with 2% minoxidil significantly induced hair regrowth as assessed by trichoscopy, hair weight examination, and morphometric evaluation. Hair weight examination and morphometric assessment demonstrated the lowest hair growth effect with Aminexil among the tested products. Treatment with Kerium was found to significantly induce hair regrowth (p<0. 05 as compared to the control group). Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that hair regrowth efficacy of products recommended for human use is not similar when tested on an animal model.

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