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        Francesco Capone,Luciana Lazzeretti 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        In the international literature, there is an increasing attention on the analysis of the fashion city (Breward & Gilbert, 2006) and its implication on city branding and competitiveness (Jensen, 2005; Power & Hauge, 2008; Pasquinelli, 2010) and local identity (Bovone, 2006). Some examples are the study of Weller (2013) who examines the success of New Zealand’s designer fashion industry in the first years of the twenty-first century. Hauge, Malmberg & Power (2009) analyse the Swedish fashion cluster underlining that it is benefit from localisation economies, but it also follow rules of globalised industries. Rantisi (2004) examines how New York City was able to reinvent itself as a fashion capital. By tracing the origins of women's ready-to-wear in New York in the late nineteenth century and its consolidation in the Garment District by the early twentieth century. Jansson & Power (2010) approaches the ways in which fashion and design-based industrial actors contribute to creating images and myths that support global-city status. The Italian city of Milan is used as a case study to show how the city is an arena where different brand channels are negotiated and formed to service fashion and design branding. Fashion capitals usually have a broad mix of business, financial, entertainment, cultural and leisure activities and are internationally recognised for having a unique and strong identity (Gemperli, 2010) In this chart of fashion capital city, Italy ranked in a good position with Milan as capital fashion city. Milan emerged as a fashion capital city in 1970s, while Florence and Rome stayed in the following positions (Merlo & Polese, 2006). Florence is usually ranked in the third position in Italy thanks to the luxury pole around the metropolitan area with global brand as Gucci, Ferragamo and Prada. The Global Fashion Monitor (2012) scored Florence at the thirteen position at global level in the ‘World's Leading Cities for Fashion’, with a gain of three position from previous chart and indicating as motivation “Florence: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli — A proud heritage to a thriving fashion industry”. This situation anyways is not guaranteed in the future. In fact some authors also underlined that this chart of global city will not be maintained in the future as city from developing countries are increasingly enter in the competition (McKinsey, 2013; Gilbert, 2006). In particular, McKinsey (2013) ranks Paris, London, Milan and Seoul in the mature growing fashion industry in the Luxury segment, while Moscow, Singapore, San Peterbrurg, Beijing, Shangai, San Paolo etc as emerging city in the global fashion industry. FASHION AND CITY BRANDING Crewe & Beaverstock (1998) underlined the contemporary fashion industry and the role it plays in identity formation has created a situation where fashion can be taken seriously as a cultural industry supplying symbolic content in sold goods. In this context fashion is identified as a powerful stylistic marker, not a simply part of a trivial consumer culture. Jansson & Power (2010) underlined that the value of global fashion city-based brands lies partly in their ability to persuade consumers of products’excellence, quality, and innovation. Also, the brand infuses products (and firms) with the ‘feel’ of the city: cool clothes come from cool cities. Labels of origin such as ‘Made in Italy’ or Rive Gauche are used as strategic tools in the fashion industry (Hauge et al., 2009). Positive connections between product images and place may create a kind of monopoly rent and therein can create barriers to entry for products from competing places; and give firms an incentive for being in the ‘right’ place. Jansson & Power (2010) underline also that clustering in few fashion city produce also some other benefits as agglomerations of firms and consumers play a central role in the gathering, creation, and transfer of industry-relevant knowledge and cluster of creative industries (Lazzeretti & Capone, 2015). There is in fact an increasing effort in the research on the city branding with the help of local industry and local cultural production (Jensen, 2005). Breward & Gilber (2006) have underlined that city branding is more a focus from city authorities in order to appear in the global hierarchy of fashion capital. Niedamysl (2004) besides points out that city branding has the main aim of attracting visitors, investors or inhabitants. Power & Hauge (2008) discuss the role of the branding for territories, places and cities, underlining that has been a topic deeply undervalued for territorial competitiveness and they analyse the fashion industry as an example. City branding is a recent strand of research with a growing trend (Merrilees, Miller & Herington, 2009) and it results a complex research theme, due to its multidisciplinary approach (Pike, 2011). Born at the beginning for the analysis of the image of the city, it deals increasingly with analysis of marketing strategies and policy for urban context (Merrilees, Miller & Herington, 2012). At the moment, it is a theme that rise interest from different subjects as marketing, management, but also urban studies, economic geography and urban and regional development. If an analysis on ISI Web of Science is developed on ‘city branding’, over 100 articles are collected on these themes with article from the following Journal as Cities, International Journal of Tourism Science, Journal of Business Research, Urban Studies, Applied Geography, Current Issues in Tourism, European Journal of Marketing, etc. These Journals confirm the multidisciplinary approach and the interest on city branding from several stakeholders: policy-makers, urban planners, marketing strategist, urban developer, etc. Within the theme, several studies have focused on how city branding is particularly attached to some local industries and activities, that denote the area and the city. In this context, one of the most interesting aspect is interactions between branding and fashion (Jansson & Power, 2010; Hauge et al .. 2009; Martinez, 2007). The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of fashion and fashion design for the city of Florence, in the formation of a new image of the city, also in a perspective of new branding strategies for the future. The analysis is based on a multi-level approach. First, an initial analysis is developed on publications on ‘city branding’ on ISI Web of Science to identify the relevance of the theme and the most used methodologies in these studies. The second part of the work is instead based on analysis of reviews of online communities (TripAdvisor, Twitter, etc.) of the attractions of the city and a questionnaire is administrated to visitors of the main fashion outlets in Florence (The Mall, Barberino Desegner Outlet, etc.), in order to emphasize the perception of visitors and consumers of fashion in the city and how it contributes to the fashion city branding of the city of Florence. From the point of view of marketing, several authors have tried to analyse the brand association in fashion (Ranfagni, Guercini & Crawford, 2014), but mainly from the point of view of products. In this work, we try to contribute to this debate through the analysis of online communities and city branding of Florence. Merrilees et al. (2009) investigate what are the city attributes influencing city brand attitudes with a quantitative survey of a sample of 878 residents of the Gold Coast City. Hankinson's (2001) study of twelve English cities shows the diversity of approaches in how city organizations market and brand themselves. Vanolo (2008) analysed the city of Turin and its transition from post-industrial to a cultural and creative city. This work develop a single stake-holder perspective as most studies avoid to considers multiple stakeholders perception on city branding (Merrilees et al., 2012). Results confirm the importance of the fashion industry in the perceived image of Florence from the visitors and for the future city branding policies are even more strategic to continue to exploit the competitive advantage that Florence has in the fashion industry globally.

      • KCI등재

        Fashion and city branding: An analysis of the perception of Florence as a fashion city

        Francesco Capone,Luciana Lazzeretti 한국마케팅과학회 2016 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.7 No.3

        The aim of the present work is to investigate the role of fashion in branding a city as a fashion city, through an analysis of tourists’ and fashion consumers’ perceptions of Florence, Italy. The analysis was based on how the city’s fashion industry and image were perceived by tourists and how such perceptions influenced their decisions to visit Florence. The data were gathered from a field survey carried out during the months of March and April 2015. A questionnaire was created and administered in person to tourists and fashion consumers around the via Tornabuoni, a famous luxury street in the historic city centre of Florence. Tourists’ and fashion consumers’ perceptions of the city’s image and its shopping opportunities were subsequently analysed. The results demonstrate the significant role that fashion plays in the global attractiveness of Florence as a fashion city by improving its image, promoting positive tourist perceptions and strengthening the competitiveness of local fashion brands and shops. Some interesting implications for managers of fashion brands and city marketers were also found, as both the branding and the status of Florence as a fashion city can influence the future success of the fashion industry.

      • KCI등재

        The exfoliation of irradiated nuclear graphite by treatment with organic solvent: a proposal for its recycling

        Mauro Capone,Nadia Cherubini,Maria Letizia Cozzella,Alessandro Dodaro,Tiziana Guarcini 한국원자력학회 2019 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.51 No.4

        For the past 50 years, graphite has been widely used as a moderator, reflector and fuel matrix in differentkinds of gas-cooled reactors. Resulting in approximately 250,000 metric tons of irradiated graphitewaste. One of the most significant long-lived radioisotope from graphite reactors is carbon-14 (14C) [1]with a half-life of 5730 years, this makes it a huge concern for deep geologic disposal of nucleargraphite (NG). Considering the lifecycle of NG a number of waste management options have beendeveloped, mainly focused on the achievement the radiological requirements for disposal [2]. Theexisting approaches for recycling depend on the cost to be economically viable. In this new study, an affordable process to remove 14C has been proposed using samples taken fromthe Nuclear Power Plant in Latina (Italy) which have been used to investigate the capability of organicand inorganic solvents in removing 14C from exfoliated nuclear graphite, with the aim to design apracticable approach to obtain graphite for recycling or/and safety disposed as L& LLW.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Intradermal Therapy (Mesotherapy) for the Treatment of Acute Pain in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Preliminary Study

        Conforti, Giorgio,Capone, Loredana,Corra, Stefano The Korean Pain Society 2014 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.27 No.1

        Background: The carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common cause of severe hand pain. In this study we treated acute pain in CTS patients by means of local intradermal injections of anti-inflammatory drugs (mesotherapy). Methods: In twenty-five patients (forty-five hands), CTS diagnosis was confirmed by clinical and neurophysiological examination prior to mesotherapy. A mixture containing lidocaine 10 mg, ketoprophen lysine-acetylsalycilate 80 mg, xantinol nicotinate 100 mg, cyanocobalamine 1,000 mcg plus injectable water was used. Sites of injection were three parallel lines above the transverse carpal ligament and two v-shaped lines, one at the base of the thenar eminence, and the other at the base of the hypothenar eminence. Results: The day after the treatment, all but four patients reported a significant reduction in pain and paresthesias. After 12 months, 17 patients had a complete pain relief, eight patients reported recurrence of pain and sensory symptoms and four out of them underwent surgical treatment. Conclusions: With the obvious limits of a small-size open-label study, our results suggest that mesotherapy can temporary relieve pain and paresthesias in most CTS patients and in some cases its effect seems to be long-lasting. Further controlled studies are needed to confirm our preliminary findings and to compare mesotherapy to conventional approaches for the treatment of CTS.


        Proposal of a prototype plant based on the exfoliation process for the treatment of irradiated graphite

        Pozzetto, Silvia,Capone, Mauro,Cherubini, Nadia,Cozzella, Maria Letizia,Dodaro, Alessandro,Guidi, Giambattista Korean Nuclear Society 2020 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.52 No.4

        Most of irradiated graphite that should be disposed comes from moderators and reflectors of nuclear power plants. The quantity of irradiated graphite could be higher in the future if high-temperature reactors (HTRs) will be deployed. In this case noteworthy quantities of fuel pebbles containing semi-graphitic carbonaceous material should be added to the already existing 250,000 tons of irradiated graphite. Industry graphite is largely used in industrial applications for its high thermal and electrical conductivity and thermal and chemical resistance, making it a valuable material. Irradiated graphite constitutes a waste management challenge owing to the presence of long-lived radionuclides, such as <sup>14</sup>C and <sup>36</sup>Cl. In the ENEA Nuclear Material Characterization Laboratory it has been successfully designed a procedure based on the exfoliation process organic solvent assisted, with the purpose of investigate the possibility of achieving graphite significantly less toxic that could be recycled for other purpose [1]. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the possibility of the scalability from laboratory to industrial dimensions of the exfoliation process and provide the prototype of a chemical plant for the treatment of irradiated graphite.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Intradermal Therapy (Mesotherapy) for the Treatment of Acute Pain in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; A Preliminary Study

        ( Giorgio Conforti ),( Loredana Capone ),( Stefano Corra ) 대한통증학회 2014 The Korean Journal of Pain Vol.27 No.1

        Background: The carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common cause of severe hand pain. In this study we treated acute pain in CTS patients by means of local intradermal injections of anti-inflammatory drugs (mesotherapy). Methods: In twenty-five patients (forty-five hands), CTS diagnosis was confirmed by clinical and neurophysiological examination prior to mesotherapy. A mixture containing lidocaine 10 mg, ketoprophen lysine-acetylsalycilate 80 mg, xantinol nicotinate 100 mg, cyanocobalamine 1,000 mcg plus injectable water was used. Sites of injection were three parallel lines above the transverse carpal ligament and two v-shaped lines, one at the base of the thenar eminence, and the other at the base of the hypothenar eminence. Results: The day after the treatment, all but four patients reported a significant reduction in pain and paresthesias. After 12 months, 17 patients had a complete pain relief, eight patients reported recurrence of pain and sensory symptoms and four out of them underwent surgical treatment. Conclusions: With the obvious limits of a small-size open-label study, our results suggest that mesotherapy can temporary relieve pain and paresthesias in most CTS patients and in some cases its effect seems to be long-lasting. Further controlled studies are needed to confirm our preliminary findings and to compare mesotherapy to conventional approaches for the treatment of CTS. (Korean J Pain 2014; 27: 49-53)


        The Kinetics of Hepatitis C Virus-Specific CD8 T-Cell Responses in the Blood Mirror Those in the Liver in Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection

        Shin, Eui-Cheol,Capone, Stefania,Cortese, Riccardo,Colloca, Stefano,Nicosia, Alfredo,Folgori, Antonella,Rehermann, Barbara American Society for Microbiology 2008 Journal of virology Vol.82 No.19

        <B>ABSTRACT</B><P>Peripheral blood T-cell responses are used as biomarkers in hepatitis C virus (HCV) vaccine trials. However, it is not clear how T-cell responses in the blood correlate with those in the liver, the infection site. By studying serial liver and blood samples of five vaccinated and five mock-vaccinated control chimpanzees during acute HCV infection, we demonstrate a correlation between HCV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in the blood and molecular and functional markers of T-cell responses in the liver. Thus, HCV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in the blood are valid markers for intrahepatic T-cell activity.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Heuristic Algorithms for Optimization of Energy Consumption in Wireless Access Networks

        ( Josip Lorincz ),( Antonio Capone ),( Dinko Begusic ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2011 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.5 No.4

        Energy consumption of wireless access networks is in permanent increase, which necessitates development of more energy-efficient network management approaches. Such management schemes must result with adaptation of network energy consumption in accordance with daily variations in user activity. In this paper, we consider possible energy savings of wireless local area networks (WLANs) through development of a few integer linear programming (ILP) models. Effectiveness of ILP models providing energy-efficient management of network resources have been tested on several WLAN instances of different sizes. To cope with the problem of high computational time characteristic for some ILP models, we further develop several heuristic algorithms that are based on greedy methods and local search. Although heuristics obtains somewhat higher results of energy consumption in comparison with the ones of corresponding ILP models, heuristic algorithms ensures minimization of network energy consumption in an amount of time that is acceptable for practical implementations. This confirms that network management algorithms will play a significant role in practical realization of future energy-efficient network management systems.

      • KCI등재

        Immunotherapy in endometrial cancer: new scenarios on the horizon

        Chiara Di Tucci,Carmela Capone,Giulia Galati,Valentina Iacobelli,Michele C Schiavi,Violante Di Donato,Ludovico Muzii,Pierluigi Benedetti Panici 대한부인종양학회 2019 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.30 No.3

        This extensive review summarizes clinical evidence on immunotherapy and targeted therapy currently available for endometrial cancer (EC) and reports the results of the clinical trials and ongoing studies. The research was carried out collecting preclinical and clinical findings using keywords such as immune environment, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, programmed death-1 (PD-1)/programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression, immune checkpoint inhibitors, anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies and others' on PubMed. Finally, we looked for the ongoing immunotherapy trials on ClinicalTrials.gov. EC is the fourth most common malignancy in women in developed countries. Despite medical and surgical treatments, survival has not improved in the last decade and death rates have increased for uterine cancer in women. Therefore, identification of clinically significant prognostic risk factors and formulation of new rational therapeutic regimens have great significance for enhancing the survival rate and improving the outcome in patients with advanced or metastatic disease. The identification of genetic alterations, including somatic mutations and microsatellite instability, and the definition of intracellular signaling pathways alterations that have a major role in in tumorigenesis is leading to the development of new therapeutic options for immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

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