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      • KCI등재
      • The influence of CEO equity incentives on licensing

        O'Connell, Vincent,Lee, Jong-Ho,O'Sullivan, Don Elsevier 2018 European Management Journal Vol.36 No.2

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In a study of life science firms, we find that, in accordance with predictions drawn from agency theory and behavioral agency theory, CEO stock ownership is negatively associated with licensing while CEO stock options are positively associated with licensing. Furthermore, by combining theoretical insights from the capabilities literature with both agency theory and behavioral agency theory, we predict that a key measure of capabilities in the licensing context—a firm's alliance experience—significantly influences the ways in which CEO equity incentives impact licensing. More specifically, we find that, in accordance with our theoretical predictions, alliance experience positively (negatively) moderates the relationship between CEO stock ownership (CEO stock options) and licensing. Our study contributes to the wider literature on the determinants of licensing by examining whether licensing is sensitive to CEO equity incentives. We also extend the capabilities literature on licensing by examining the contrasting influences of a firm's alliance experience on the relationship between CEO equity incentives and licensing. Our findings also inform behavioral agency-based research on the effects of equity incentives by highlighting the usefulness of a capabilities perspective in augmenting our understanding of the behavioral role of CEO equity incentives.</P>


        Safety and Immunogenicity of a Randomized Phase 1 Prime-Boost Trial With ALVAC-HIV (vCP205) and Oligomeric Glycoprotein 160 From HIV-1 Strains MN and LAI-2 Adjuvanted in Alum or Polyphosphazene

        O'Connell, Robert J.,Excler, Jean-Louis,Polonis, Victoria R.,Ratto-Kim, Silvia,Cox, Josephine,Jagodzinski, Linda L.,Liu, Michelle,Wieczorek, Lindsay,McNeil, John G.,El-Habib, Raphaelle,Michael, Nelson Oxford University Press 2016 The Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol.213 No.12

        <P>Background. Prime-boost regimens comprising ALVAC-HIV (prime) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) Env (boost) induce HIV-specific neutralizing antibody and cell-mediated immune responses, but the impact of boost schedule and adjuvant requires further definition. Methods. A phase 1 trial was conducted. In part A (open label), 19 volunteers received oligomeric glycoprotein 160 from HIV strains MN and LAI-2 (ogp160 MN/LAI-2) with dose escalation (25, 50, 100 mu g) and either polyphosphazene (pP) or alum adjuvant. In part B, 72 volunteers received either placebo (n=12) or recombinant canarypox virus expressing HIV antigens (ALVAC-HIV [vCP205]) with different doses and schedules of ogp160 MN/LAI-2 in pP or alum (n = 60). Results. The vaccines were safe and well tolerated, with no vaccine-related serious adverse events. Anti-gp70 V1V2 antibody responses were detected in 17 of 19 part A volunteers (89%) and 10%-100% of part B volunteers. Use of a peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based assay revealed that US-1 primary isolate neutralization was induced in 2 of 19 recipients of ogp160 protein alone (10.5%) and 5 of 49 prime-boost volunteers (10.2%). Among ogp160 recipients, those who received pP were more likely than those who received alum to have serum that neutralized tier 2 viruses (12% vs 0%; P = .015). Conclusions. Administration of ogp160 with pP induces primary isolate tier 2 neutralizing antibody responses in a small percentage of volunteers, demonstrating proof of concept and underscoring the importance of further optimization of prime-boost strategies for HIV infection prevention.</P>

      • History and Perspective of Asian Federation on Mental Retardation

        Brendan O'Connell 대구대학교 2002 Journal of Asia-Pacific Special Education Vol.2 No.2

        It was 29 years ago that AFMR was born in the Philippines. AFMR, however, is still a weak organization. There is little continuity from one president to another. It was only in the 15th Conference in Manila that the subject of "Inclusion: From Vision to Reality, Policy and Action" . It is my belief that there is a new watershed taking place. Instead of making school placements available ro all children, as has been the effeorts in more recent years, we have to change our "backward" special education policies where segregation is the only answer to a world where each child is valued for what they and only can give to everyone else's quality of life.

      • KCI등재


        ( Kim Y Hiller Connell ),( Joy M Kozar ) 한국마케팅과학회 2012 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing Vol.3 No.4

        據調?顯示?使消費者非常了解?關心服飾産品與消費引發的環境與社會問題, 能?執行可持續性服飾購買行爲(SAPBs)的人數比率依然?低。因此, ?到削弱這種態度-行爲代溝的有效方法是?有必要的。規範性社會影響可以鼓勵可持續性環保行爲(Cialdini, Reno,& Kallgren, 1990)。此硏究之前的文獻中顯示社會規範對可持續性環保行爲是有影響力的, 包括家庭能源的節約(Nolan,Schultz, Cialdini, Goldstein, & Griskevicius, 2008)與酒店資源的節約(Goldstein, Cialdini, and Griskevicius, 2008)。也就是說, 硏究表明爲了促進可持續性環保行爲, 重點强調他人的可持續性消費者行爲是有效的。因此, 本硏究旨在分析對規範性社會影響的提倡對促進SAPBs是否有效。本硏究參加人員共分爲四組, 運用預備測試, 後續測試與擬實驗設計的方法, 同時利用三組拉門吊?裝置請消費者參與到SAPBs中來。第壹組拉門吊?裝置的信息條中含有呼?可持續性環保的信息, ?不包括社會規範影響。?外兩組拉門吊?裝置都包括規範性社會影響的信息, 其中壹個主要針對可持續性發展人權方面的信息, ?壹個則注重環境方面的影響。數據來源于美國中西部四年制大學中女子社團的學生們。調?抽樣隨機選取四個女子社團。每個社團與居民的選取都是隨機性的直到50個硏究對象名額報滿爲止。每個社團會被隨機分配到四個試驗小組中:管理組、可持續性環保信息組、人權信息組以及環境信息組。試驗開始後(Time 1), 硏究者首先請硏究對象完成預備測試以便于評?他們參與可持續性服飾購買行爲的程度。本調?包括人口統計學選項, 8項可持續性服飾購買行爲(SAPB)測算(Kozar & Hiller Connell, 2010)以及20項可持續性服飾購買(SAA)測算。SAPB測算範圍從1(非常不同意)至7(非常同意), 測算內容例如他們爲否爲血汗工廠中生産的廉價成衣花費的更多。SAA測算範圍從1(從不)至5(總是), 測算內容爲硏究對象參與到可持續性環保服飾購買行爲的頻率。預備測試數據收集完成後, 拉門吊?裝置會根據已經安排好的試驗小組分配到調?對象的房間中, 管理組不會安排拉門吊?裝置。在接下來的10周中, 對調?對象可持續性服飾購買的參與程度進行重新評?, 隨後完成調?對象的後續測試。硏究運用科隆巴赫標准化alpha系數確保測算的可?性(所有alpha?皆大于或等于.89)。接下來, 對SAPB與SAA進行加和平均爲預備測試與後續測試的數據得出兩個複合變量。本硏究采用項間與項內綜合ANOVA評?拉門吊?裝置對SAPB與SAA測算分數的影響, 四個試驗小組分別作爲相間變量, Time 1 與Time 2 作爲相內變量, SAPB總分數(與SAA分數)在不同時間段分別作爲獨立變量。Wilks`` lambda(組內平方和與總平方和之比)在本硏究中作爲檢驗統計量使用。總體來說, 196名調?對象參與了此項硏究。所有調?對象爲女性, 年齡在18至23歲之間。大多數調?對象(94.9%)爲非西班牙裔白人。SAPB的調?對象中, SAPB分數呈顯著變化, 範圍從Time 1(M=2.90, SD=1.25)至Time 2 [M=2.66, SD=1.30, F(1,192) =.967, p=.012]。但是, SAPB測算中調?對象的分數呈降趨勢-也就是說, 在呼?過社會規範影響力後, 他們參與SAPB的程度仍不高。?外, 拉門吊?信息類型(環境、人權、標准)對SAPB的影響沒有呈現統計顯著性, 四組之間?沒有明顯區別[F(3,316)=2.336, p=.074]。同樣, 分數對SAA測算的主要影響範圍從Time 1 (M=1.87, SD=.75)至Time 1 (M=1.87, SD=.75)沒有呈現統計顯著性。拉門吊?信息類型(環境、人權、標准)對SAA沒有顯著影響[F(3,316)=.728, p=.536]。本硏究闡述了雖然規範性社會影響對消費者的可持續性環保行爲有促進作用, 但服飾購買行爲是複雜的, 來自于社會同代人的壓力對有些消費者可持續性服飾消費的模式促進作用不足。在未來的硏究中, 將以此硏究爲基礎?繼續?掘規範性社會影響力的潛力, 以改變服飾消費者的行爲。同時, 進壹步探尋能?鼓勵可持續性服飾消費的機制. Even when consumers are knowledgeable and concerned about sustainability issues related to apparel production and consumption, their level of engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing behaviors is low. Through a four-group pretest posttest, quasi-experimental design, this exploratory research examined the persuasive appeal of door hangers employing social normative influence and petitioning consumers to engage in sustainable apparel-purchasing behaviors. Data were collected from students living on campus at a university in the Midwestern United States. At the start of the experiment, the participants completed a survey that assessed engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing. Door hangers were then distributed to the participants`` rooms. After 10 weeks, the students`` engagement in sustainable apparel purchasing was reassessed by having the participants complete an identical survey. Results indicate that engagement in sustainable apparel-purchasing behaviors among the participants was low. Furthermore, normative social influence was not an adequate motivator to increase consumption of sustainable apparel.


        Domain wall conductivity in semiconducting hexagonal ferroelectric TbMnO<sub>3</sub> thin films

        Kim, D J,Connell, J G,Seo, S S A,Gruverman, A IOP 2016 Nanotechnology Vol.27 No.15

        <P>Although enhanced conductivity of ferroelectric domain boundaries has been found in BiFeO<SUB>3</SUB> and Pb(Zr,Ti)O<SUB>3</SUB> films as well as hexagonal rare-earth manganite single crystals, the mechanism of the domain wall conductivity is still under debate. Using conductive atomic force microscopy, we observe enhanced conductance at the electrically-neutral domain walls in semiconducting hexagonal ferroelectric TbMnO<SUB>3</SUB> thin films where the structure and polarization direction are strongly constrained along the <I>c</I>-axis. This result indicates that domain wall conductivity in ferroelectric rare-earth manganites is not limited to charged domain walls. We show that the observed conductivity in the TbMnO<SUB>3</SUB> films is governed by a single conduction mechanism, namely, the back-to-back Schottky diodes tuned by the segregation of defects.</P>

      • Measurements and correlation of solid-liquid equilibria of the HI + I<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O system

        Hur, J.,O'Connell, J.P.,Bae, K.K.,Kang, K.S.,Kang, J.W. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2011 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY - Vol.36 No.14

        The Sulfur-Iodine thermochemical cycle (SI) for water decomposition is a promising candidate for generating hydrogen (H<SUB>2</SUB>) from nuclear energy. An important challenge to the SI process is decomposition of hydrogen iodide (HI) into H<SUB>2</SUB> and iodine (I<SUB>2</SUB>). KIER (Korea Institute of Energy Research) is developing a membrane-based electrolysis cell for this decomposition. The conversion is enhanced if excess iodine is removed before the electrolysis. Since the melting temperature of I<SUB>2</SUB> is high, precipitation is a possible process. Determining the feasibility of this requires solid-liquid equilibrium. While binary solubilities are available for I<SUB>2</SUB> with HI and H<SUB>2</SUB>O, very few ternary data have been reported. In this study, solid-liquid equilibrium data for the ternary (so-called HIx) mixtures were obtained at temperatures from 303 to 359 K at ambient pressure with the concentrations of HI and I<SUB>2</SUB> iodine via titration. The data have been correlated by the phase and reaction equilibrium model developed at the University of Virginia (UVa model) with a small modification that does not change the model's successful description of VLE and VLLE for reactive distillation.

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