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      • J.-J. Rousseau의 자서전 서술방식에 관하여 : 언술행위 이론을 중심으로

        이신철,박종탁,양인봉 東亞大學校 大學院 1990 大學院論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        En nous situant au discours vu dans la perspective de l'ennonciation, nous nous proposons, dans notre etude, d'analyser les quelques phrases ou le sujet evoque sa naissance et les relations qu'elle fait entre lui et ses parents. Pour cela, nous nous servons volontiers de procedures linguistiques qui dependent de la notion d'enonciation. A travers la tension entre les protagonistes, telle qu'au moment de l'ecriture le narrateur la restitue, nous pouvons constater que l'ambivalance du pere se refletent dans la double attitude de son fils : au-dela de la tendresse filiale apparaissent l'accusation et la haine, c'est ce qui nous amene donc a croire que c'est le d'esir inconscient du narrateur qui a distribue les roles a l'un rt a l'autre. en nous referant a l'opposition entre temps histor que et temps du discours, nous constatons aussi que le narrateur rapporte un enenement historique, mais en realite cette objectivite n'est qu' apparente. ciest parce que l'evocation subite de la mort de son pere revele la vengeance secrete du narrateur. La conclusions que nous pouvons tirer de notre etude, c'est que notre etude n'est qu'une approche pour atteindre les traces du sujet inconscient qui affleure dans les textes autobiographiques.

      • KCI등재

        공공부조 수급자의 생활실태와 소득활동에 관한 연구 : 광주광역시 서구 영구임대주택 거주 국민기초 생활보장 수급자를 중심으로

        조원탁,이형하,윤종성 한국사회복지정책학회 2004 사회복지정책 Vol.19 No.-

        본 연구에서는 소득활동에 참여하는 국민기초생활보장제도 수급자의 일과 생활에서 나타나는 급여수 행태와 욕구를 확인하고 소득획득금액이라는 변수를 활용하여 욕구별 차이를 살펴보았다. 먼저 일하는 수급자의 일반적 특성을 사회복지전담공무원이 활용하는 보건복지종합행정시스템의 자료를 활용하여 기초통계 분석을 실시하였으며 다음으로 가족특성과 근로형태를 고려하여 선정된 44사례에 대해 귀납적 방법으로 욕구 분석을 하였다. 또한 욕구별 소득획득금액의 차이를 복지급여액과 기타 지원내용을 현금화한 자료와 빈곤을 구성하는 지수를 통해 분석하였다. 분석결과를 요약하면 첫째, 일하는 수급자의 특성에서 여성가구주는 자녀교육과 양육에 대한 부담이 크고 남성가구주는 질병과 장애가 있는 가구원 보호에 대한 부담이 큰 것으로 나타났다. 20대에서는 양육과 보호에 대한 욕구, 30~40대에서는 교육비지원에 대한 욕구, 50대에서는 일자리 유지와 질병에 대한 욕구가 강한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 일하는 수급자의 생활에서 파악된 급여 수급형태는 일반 장기관에 신고되지 않는 소득활동에 참여하는 형식으로 나타났다. 주된 욕구문제는 질병문제 교육비 부담, 가사부담, 아동보육, 불안정한 소득기반, 빈곤생활의 지속, 부채 등으로 나타났다. 셋째, 복지급여액과 기타 지원내용을 현금화한 소득획득금액을 산출을 통한 분석 결과 일하는 수급자들은 국가가 정한 최저생계비 대비 130%의 수입효과를 얻는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 향후 차상위계층의 소득획득금액의 분석을 통해 비교연구를 하는 것이 필요하다. This study intends to examine the behaviours within daily lives of recipients of national basic livelihood protection, who participate in economic activities, and get the bottom of the efficiency of their needs. First, I conducted fundamental statistics analysis on general data of working recipients by using materials from health and welfare general administration system, which is used by governmental employees in social welfare department. Then I selected 44 cases considering their family career and type of business they are engaged in, and conducted analysis on their needs inductively. In addition, I conducted this analysis by converting welfare allowance and other support into money to determine the result of behaviours for their needs. The result can be summarized as follows. First, it is found out that female householders worry about the educational expenditure of their children and the cost of bringing up their children the most and that male householders family members who suffer from illnesses or disorders the most. It is shown that the recipients in their 20s are interested in the bringing up and protection of their children, in their 30s to 40s meeting the educational expenditure of their children, and in their 50s keeping being employed and maintaining their health. Second, they avoid getting usual jobs, prefer self-support jobs provided by the government to usual ones and work close to their home, and mostly participate in economic activities, which are not registered in social security institutes, as I examined their strategies by conducting intensive interview on their life and job. They mostly worry about their health, educational expenditure, household duties, bringing up their children, unstable income, continuation of poverty and debt. Third, they earn 130% of minimum cost of living, which is determined by the government, according to the analysis on their needs and efficiency. Especially, the efficiency was found high in cases where recipients seem to worry about education, protection of their children and debt. This study has significance as it intends to examine the recipients who live in permanent rental apartments and evaluate their needs and efficiency of the allowance in a situation where their residential space and health care are insured. Second, this study proved the adequacy of implementing separate allowance system in areas such as residence, health care and education, by clarifying strategies by needs and conducting analysis on efficiency.

      • 변혁적 리더쉽에 관한 연구

        오종석,이용탁 釜山大學校 商科大學 1996 釜山商大論集 Vol.67 No.-

        Transformational leadership is a well-known and widely researched topic in a variety of management literatures. Bass(1985) argued to specify the distinction between transactional leaders who attempt to satisfy current needs of followers by focusing attention on exchanges and transformational leaders who attempt to raise the needs of followers and promote dramatic changes of individuals, groups, and organizations. A transactional exchanges of reward with subordinates for the services they lender limits how much effort will be forth coming from the subordinates, how satisfied subordinates will be with the arrangements, and how effectively they will contribute to reaching the organization's goals. In contrast, the transformational leader articulates a realistic vision of the future that can be shared, stimulates subordinates intellectually, and pays attention to the differences among the subordinates. The purpose of this study is to find out most suitable leadership style for Korean companies based on the transformational leadership that Bernard M. Bass proposed, and to investigate the primary impact of leadership style on the outcomes of leadership(subordinates' extra effort, satisfaction with the leader, effectiveness of the leader) to his/her supervisors, as well as the differential effect of leadership style-transformational and transactional leadership - by mediating variables such as leader's age, position, education, division area. Data were gathered from mail questionnaire conducted in metropolitan cities in Korea, A total of 522 usable questionnaires were collected from employees at 16 manufacturing firms. Independent and dependent variables have been evaluated by Cronbach Alpha for reliability. The result of the empirical analysis are as follows: First, transformational and transactional leadership have the differential effect on the outcomes of leadership by leader's by leader's age, education, position, division areas. Second, the higher transformational factor is, the higher outcomes of leadership. Third, it was verified that transformational leadership is more effective than transactional leadership to leadership outcomes. In conclusion, transformational leadership is expected to enhance the overall leadership effectiveness, such as subordinates' extra effort, satisfaction with the leader, effectiveness of the leader. Therefore, it is imperative that organizations must develop transformational leadership.


        Relationship between piezoelectric properties of ceramics and output performance of 33-mode piezoelectric energy harvesters

        Lee, Tae-Gon,Lee, Ho-Jun,Kim, Sun-Woo,Kim, Dae-Hyeon,Lee, Ku-Tak,Kang, Chong-Yun,Kim, Miso,Nahm, Sahn Institute of Physics Publishing 2018 Smart materials & structures Vol.27 No.11

        <P>Ring-type 33-mode piezoelectric energy harvesters (PEHs) were fabricated using Pb(Zr,Ti)O<SUB>3</SUB>- and (Na,K)NbO<SUB>3</SUB>-based piezoelectric ceramics. The relationship between the output performance of the PEH and the piezoelectric properties of the ceramics was investigated. Ring-type PEHs were selected for this investigation because they can be mounted on a specimen holder at the same position, ensuring structurally reliable output performance. The <img ALIGN='MIDDLE' ALT='${{{k}_{{eff}^{}}}^{2}}^{}$' SRC='http://ej.iop.org/images/0964-1726/27/11/115027/smsaae6a6ieqn1.gif'/>?×?<I>Q</I> <SUB> <I>m</I> </SUB>/<img ALIGN='MIDDLE' ALT='${{s}^{E}}_{33}$' SRC='http://ej.iop.org/images/0964-1726/27/11/115027/smsaae6a6ieqn2.gif'/> value, which was reported as a figure of merit (FOM) of the PEH under resonance condition, could not adequately explain the output performances of the 33-mode PEH with a specimen holder much larger than the size of the specimen. The <I>d</I> <SUB>33</SUB>?×?<I>g</I> <SUB>33</SUB> value, which is a FOM derived from the theoretical output power of the 33-mode PEH, can explain the variation of the output power of the 33-mode PEH with a large specimen holder. However, since the variation of the output power was more accurately explained by the <I>d</I> <SUB>33</SUB>?×?<I>g</I> <SUB>33</SUB>?×?<img ALIGN='MIDDLE' ALT='${{k}_{eff}}^{2}$' SRC='http://ej.iop.org/images/0964-1726/27/11/115027/smsaae6a6ieqn3.gif'/> value, this was suggested as a new FOM of the output power of the ring-type 33-mode PEH with a large specimen holder.</P>

      • Electronic States of GaAs Surfaces

        Lee, Jun-Ho,Kim, Chong-Tak,Lim, Hunhwa 慶熙大學校 材料科學技術硏究所 1989 材料科學技術硏究論集 Vol.2 No.-

        반도체 表面 및 界面 물리학에서 논란이 되고 있는 문제는, 表面 또는 界面의 結晶學的 구조와 이들을 구성하고 있는 化學的 成分 및 이들 영역내에서의 電子的 特性사이의 相關關係를 理解하는데 있다. 특히 表面 또는 界面에 局在한 상태(surface state)의 원인과 위치, 그리고 이들이 表面의 각종 再構成에 의하여 變化되는 樣狀을 統一的으로 이해하려는 노력들이 지난 수년간 활발하게 진행되어 왔다. 本 論文에서는 表面效果나 構造的 變形의 원인들을 이해하는데 통찰력을 주는 理想的인 表面의 電子的 상태를 계산하였다. LDOS와 subspace Hamiltionan tenchnique을 이용하여 再構成되지 않은 GaAs(111)-(1×1)面의 電子 構造를 결정하였고 이러한 결과들은 pseuolopotential등 다른 理論的 方法에 의하여 計算한 結果와 잘 一致됨을 볼 수 있었다.


        Simplified Synthetic Testing Facility with Modified TRV Circuit

        Chong, Jin-Kyo,Lee, Kyung Seob,Lee, Chang-Hoon,Kim, Gyu-Tak The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2018 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.13 No.2

        In order to develop a gas circuit breaker (GCB), the breaking performance of the short line fault (SLF) should be prioritized over that of the breaker terminal fault (BTF). In brief, it is necessary to evaluate the thermal characteristics of the insulating gas that is filled in a GCB. In the process of developing a GCB, many companies use the simplified synthetic testing facility (SSTF).In order to evaluate the SLF breaking performance of a GCB with a long minimum arcing time, a modifications to the conventional SSTF was proposed. In this study, we developed the SSTF with a modified transient recovery voltage circuit. The performance of the newly developed SSTF was verified by an $L_{90}$ breaking performance test on a rating combination of 170 kV, 50 kA, and 60 Hz.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        부인과 수술환자에서 정맥내 자가통증조절법의 기저 주입 유무에 따른 비교

        김종수,김진태,이규탁,임영진,도상환 대한마취과학회 2000 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.38 No.4

        Backgroand : Intravenous patient-confrolled analgesia (IV-FCA) is widely used because it is a simple, safe, and effective method for postoperative pain control. Conoversies exist over the use of a continuous basal infusion in IV-PCA regarding its effectiveness. We evaluated the analgesic efficacy and side effects of PCA with basal infusion after gynecologic surgery and compared these results with PCA alone. Method : Eighty women undergoing elective gynecologic surgery under general anesthesia were studied. These patients were randomly assigned to receive either PCA alone (group 1) or PCA with basal infusion (group 2). Analgesic consumption, visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score, and side effects were assessed at postoperative 6 hours and 24 hours. Results : In group 1, the amounts of analgesic used during the postoperative 6 hours and 24 hours were 15 ± 5 and 30 ± 13 ml, the median VAS pain score at postoperative 6 hours and 24 hours were 50 and 35 respectively. In group 2, the amounts of analgesic us during the postoperative 6 hours and 24 hours were 19 ± 7 and 43 ± 1 ml, the mediam VAS pain score at postopetative 6 hours and 24 hours were 50 and 38 respectively. The analgesic consumption during the postoperative 6 hours and 24 hours was significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1. There was no significant difference in median VAS pain score between the groups. There were no significant differences in incidence of side effects between groups. Conclusions : The use of a PCA with basal infusion appears to offer no clinical advantage over PCA alone. (Koream J Anesthesiol 2000; 38: 6S1~656)

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      • KCI등재

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