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      • Cytogenetic Characteristics of Chinese Hamster Ovarian Cell CHO-K1

        Sohn, Sea-Hwan,Cho, Eun-Jung,Jang, In-Surk The Korean Society of Animal Reproduction 2006 Reproductive & developmental biology Vol.30 No.4

        The Chinese Hamster Ovarian cells CHO-K1 are one of the most extensively used cells for the evaluation of gene expression and toxicology. However, these cells are frequently used for biomedical research without consideration of their cytogenetic characteristics. Therefore, we carried out to investigate the karyologic profiles, the frequency and type of chromosome aberration, and the distribution of telomeric DNA on chromosomes of the CHO-K1 cells. The GTG banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization on CHO-K1 cells were performed to characterize the karyotype and the distribution of telomeric DNA The present study revealed that the chromosome modal number of CHO-K1 cells was 2n=20; eight chromosomes appeared to be identical with those of the normal Chinese hamster, whereas the remaining 12 chromosomes were shown to be translocated, deleted, inversed, or rearranged from Chinese hamster chromosomes. The telomeric DNA on CHO-K1 chromosomes was intensively distributed at the centromeres rather than the ends of chromosomes. In addition, three chromosomes had interstitial telomeres and one marker chromosome entirely consisted of telomeric DNAs. The frequency and type of chromosome aberrations in CHO-K1 cells were examined. Of the 822 metaphase spreads, 68 (8.3%) cells resulted in chromosome aberrations of which the chromosome breakage was the most frequently occurred.

      • HIV 감염자에 대한 달팽이 엑기스의 혈액면역학적 효과

        조영걸,이희정,오원일,강은숙,김은순,김영봉,조양자,조군제 大韓免疫學會 1996 大韓免疫學會誌 Vol.18 No.2

        A unique sialic-acid-binding lectin from giant African snail Achatina fulica(AF) has a T cell mitogenicity. It was also noted that acetone extracts of AF have a anti-HIV effect in vitro. Thirty HIV-infected individuals(HIV+) were treated with AF extract(40% Chunho extract) for average 5. 5 months. Peripheral blood sampling and questionnaire were done every month after take. There was a significant decrease of WBC from 4 months after take. As a result, lymphocyte counts also decreased(P<0.01). However, there was a significant increase of CD4+T cell percentage from 1 month(P<0.01). The mean increase of CD4+T cell count was significant for first one month(39/pl)(P<0.05). Body weight also increased significantly(P<0.05). Over 90% HIV+ ex-pressed symptomatic improvement and wanted to be treated with AF extract continuously after the end of this study. In one HIV+ treated with AF for 19 months, the increases of CD4+T cell percentage and counts over 11 times after AF extract take were mean 67% and 85%, respectively, compared to baseline value. These data strongly suggest that aqueous AF extract has a immune enhancing effect on HN+.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁과 지방화단

        조은정(Cho Eun-Jung) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2010 한국민족문화 Vol.38 No.-

        1950년에 발발한 한국전쟁은 식민지에서 벗어난 지 얼마 되지 않은 상태였던 한국 사회의 많은 것을 변화시켰고 미술인의 활동에도 일정 부분 변화를 가져왔다. 월북과 월남 그리고 부산으로의 피난으로 대표되는 작품활동 지역의 변화는 근거지를 잃은 작가들이 고향과 경제력을 상실하게 함으로써 개인적인 패배감을 강화시켰을 뿐만 아니라 심리적인 공황까지 야기시켜 작가 자신의 세계를 개척하기 어렵게 만들었다. 하지만 전쟁 중에도 화가들은 다방에서 개인전이나 그룹전을 열어 창작열을 불태웠으며 대한미술협회라는 단체를 결성하여 전열을 정비하기도 하였다. 그림 그릴 재료가 곤궁하고 생활이 어려운 상황에서도 미술에 열중할 수 있다는 프로의식과 예술에의 의지를 볼 수 있는 이들 전시문화에는 당시의 상황에 대응한 작가의 현실 인식이 반영되어 있다. 현실 도피로서의 순수에의 집념, 무능한 가장으로서 현실적으로 해낼 수 있는 유일한 일인 그림그리기, 그 어느 것이든 한국전쟁기 화단의 활동은 멈추지 않았는데 이는 상당히 중요하며 고무적인 일이다. 다만 이념의 갈등이 빚어낸 전쟁이고 자신의 국토에서 발발한 전쟁이지만 정작 자신들은 전쟁의 주체가 되지 못한 전쟁이 한국전쟁이었다는 뼈아픈 사실을 감안하지 않으면 안 된다. 전쟁이 건국초기에 비하여 한층 더 강화된 반공이념을 정당화시키는 상황에서 미술단체와 미술제도 그리고 개개인은 이념으로부터 자유로울 수 없었다. 이념적 성향에 따라 세속적 성공과 좌절이 결정되고 마는 한계 상황에 설 수 밖에 없게 되었던 것이다. 인적 구성의 변화는 남한 내에서도 마산에 있던 임호나 이준이 부산으로 왔고, 또 휴전과 함께 이준은 서울에서 열린 제2회 〈국전〉에 화려하게 등장하였다. 미술인의 이동은 월남이나 월북 이외에 남한 내에서도 지방에의 정착과 지방미술인의 상경으로 이루어졌다. 피난민으로서 미술가들의 위상은 거주지를 옮겼음에도 끊임없이 전시를 하거나 미술작품의 창작을 쉬지 않음으로써 미술가로서의 정체성을 유지한 것이었다. 일찍이 미술에서 그렇게 활발하게 직접적으로 중앙과 지방의 교류가 이루어졌던 적은 없었다. 미술인들은 자신이 거주하는 곳의 환경과 의미를 느꼈고 그것을 어떠한 방식이든 작품에 투사하였다. 박고석의 부산의 여러 장소에 대한 풍경이나 이중섭의 제주도 풍경이 그러한 예이다. 또한 부산에 거주하는 작가들에게 다른 지역 작가들 특히 서울에서 피난온 모더니즘 계열의 자극은 자신이 속한 지역의 색채에 대한 깊이있는 논의로 이어져 전통에 대한 관심과 민족적인 미술의 확산으로 이어졌던 것도 주목할 일이다. 지방과 중앙 혹은 피난민 화가들과 지역작가들과의 관계는 일방적 영향관계로 파악했을 때, 상대에 대한 부정으로 작용하여 문화적 교류 혹은 충격이라는 사실조차 부정하게 되는 것을 본다. 그리고 당시에조차 그러한 시각은 중앙의 모더니즘 대 지방의 전통이라는 이원적인 시각을 양산하는 배경이 되었다. The Korean War that broke out in 1950 had brought a lot of changes into the Korean society, as it was only a while after becoming decolonized. It also had affected certain parts of artists’ activities. Due to evacuating toward north or south over the border, and to Busan, artists loosing their hometown and economic strength were the changes in major regions of creating pieces. Therefore, it didn’t only enhancethe sense of defeat, but also caused psychological panic so it made the artists even more difficult to develop their own world. However, artists opened private or group exhibitions in coffee shops to express their creativity. They also formed a group called ‘Korean Association of Art’ and settled the combative fervor. Artists’culture of exhibitions reflected their cognitive reality of coping with the circumstances during that time and it proved that even with scarce art materialsand difficult living environment, they could concentrate on art as professionals and it represented their will of art. Being deeply attached to purity to avoid the reality, as being an incompetence head of a household, the only thing they would do was drawing; however, none of the reasons stopped them from participating in the world of artists during the Korean War, which was really important and encouraging. Even Korean War was aroused in Korea, Korea wasnot the main subject of the war, and it started due to ideological conflicts. Therefore, the fact that Korean War was a definite agony should not be taken out of consideration. It was not possible for artists’organization, art institutions, or individuals to express their ideology fully after the war, since the anti-communism sentiment had become even more justified, compared to initial stage of establishing a country. They had to face the limited reality where secular success and breakdown were decided by their ideological propensity. The change in formation of human footsteps had also existed in South Korea; Lim, Ho and Lee, Jun had movedto Busan from Masan, and as armistice started, Lee, Jun had remarkably exposed himself through 2n the National Art Exhibition in Seoul. The movement of artists was not only crossing over the border to South or North Korea, but some artists settled in rural regions, and some came up to Seoul from rural areas. Even changing their place of residence as refugees, artists maintained their identity by opening art exhibitions constantly and not giving up on creating artworks. There never had been that direct and active way of interchange in art between the rural and central regions. Artists were impressed by their surrounding environments and significances, thus they portrayed it in their artworks in anyway. Several scenery of Busan by Park, Go-suk, and Jeju Island’s scenery by Lee, Jung-Sup are the examples. Also, the artists of modernism line from other regions’, especially Seoul, had stimulated artists living in Busan. It should be noted that, the fact of having in-depth discussion about their regional coloration among the artists had led them to become more interested in the tradition, and it even extended the field of art. By understanding the relations between the rural and central, the refugee artists and regional artists, respectively, were unilaterally influential relations they even disagreed on the fact that it was cultural exchange or cultural shock since they impactedeach other negatively. Even during that time, that kind of viewpoint had become the background of setting the ‘central modernism vs. rural tradition’ dualistic perception.


        Three-Dimensional Porous Collagen/Chitosan Complex Sponge for Tissue Engineering

        Kim, Sung Eun,Cho, Yong Woo,Kang, Eun Jung,Kwon, Ick Chan,Lee, Eunhee Bae,Kim, Jung Hyun,Chung, Hesson,Jeong, Seo Young The Korean Fiber Society 2001 Fibers and polymers Vol.2 No.2

        A three-dimensional, porous collagen/chitosan complex sponge was prepared to closely simulate basic extracellular matrix (ECM) constitutes, collagen and glycosaminoglycan. The complex sponge was prepared by a lyophilization method and had the regular network with highly porous structure, suitable for cell adhesion and growth. The pores were well interconnected, and their distribution was fairly homogeneous. The complex sponge was crosslinked using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl aminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) to increase its boilogical stability and enhance its mechanical properties. The crosslinking medium has a great effect on the inner structure of the sponge. The homogeneous, porous structure of the sponge was remarkably collapsed in an aqueous crosslinking medium. However, the morphology of the sponge remained almost intact in a water/ethanol mixture crosslinking milieu. Mechanical properties of the collagen/chitosan sponge were significantly enhanced by EDC-mediated crosslinking. The potential of the sponge as a scaffold for tissue engineering was investigated using a Chinese hamster ovary cell (CHO-K1) line.

      • 하루 콩단백질 25g 섭취를 위한 메뉴작성 및 영양성분 분석

        한재숙,김정애,서봉순,이연정,서향순,조연숙,한경필,이신정,오옥희,우경자,조은자,구성자,김수진,李承彦,南出隆久 동아시아식생활학회 2002 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop menus for daily intake of 25g soybean protein and to analyse nutrients of these foods. Analytical values were compared to the theoretical one using the food composition table and recommended dietary allowances for Koreans (7th revision). The results are as follows. 1. Soybean curd residue stew, Soybean curd, Kimchi saute, and hard boiled soybean and lotus root were selected for the menu for January, of which the content of soy bean protein(SBP) was 33.1g, soybean stew, soybean curd and soybean sprout saute, and Italian deep fried soybean curd were for February, of which the content of SBP was 35.0g. The content of SBP in soybean paste soup with soybean curd, fried soybean curd and fried soybean curd roll, the menu for March, was 24.9g. That of April were soybean curd gratin with soymilk, soybean curd and ham with garlic dressing and the content of SBP was 26.3g. That of May were soybean porridge, soybean flour cake with honey (Dasik), soybean sprout soup and the content of SBP was 26.7g. That of June were soymilk, pan-fried soybean curd, steamed soybean curd with chicken and the content of SBP was 28.4g. That of July were noodle with soymilk, mapatofu, soybean curd salad and the content of SBP was 24.7g. That of August were soybean sprout with mustard dressing, Tossed green pepper with raw soybean flour, Tofu and Kimchi stew, soybean curd steak and the content of SBP was 26.2g. That of September were Chinese cabbage soup with raw soybean flour, sweet and sour tofu and the content of SBP was 23.2g. That of Oct. were Fermented soybean stew, soybean pan cake and the content of SBP was 24.3g. That of November were not-pressed soybean curd casserole, pan-fried mashed soybean curd with egg, stir frying deep-fried soybean curd with vegetables and the content of SBP was 22.4g. That of December were soybean curd and mushroom casserole, fried soybean curd and vegetables, hard boiled soybean curd and the content of SBP was 28.9g. 2. The ratio of the analytical value over theoretical value (A/B%) of one serving in kcal, carbohydrate, protein, fat, ash and dietary fiber were 57.7~107.7%, 42.9~131.9%, 79.2~118.3%, 54.5~100%, 40.7~80.8% and 42.1~113.2%, respectively. 3. The ratio of A/B% of one serving in Ca, K, Na, P and Fe were 44.1~93.6%, 59.0~153.1%, 53.1~117.7% 64.6%~138.8 and 33.8~77.3%, respectively. That in Fe was the lowest among minerals. 4. The ratio of analytical value over Korean R.D.A(A/C%) in Ca was relatively higher (22.0~85.9%) than that in kcal(18~63%). 5. The ratio of A/C% in Fe was 25.1~64.3% and lower than that in Ca and protein in general.

      • Cu(Ⅱ)이온과 Poly(vinyl alcohol)간에 생성되는 고분자-금속 착물의 열역학적 거동에 관한 연구

        전은덕, 한정호, 조태섭 영남대학교 기초과학연구소 2000 基礎科學硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        The dissociation constants for poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) at a constant ionic strength of μ=0.1(KCl) were measured by potentiometric titration at various temperatures. The formation constants for the Cu(II)-PVA complex at the same condition were also measured in this study. From the temperature dependence of those dissociation and formation constants, various thermodynamic parameters such as ΔG, ΔH, ΔS were determined. From the thermodynamic parameters, it was concluded that the dissociation of a proton from PVA is unfavorable with a negative entropy and positive enthalpy. In contrast, the complex formation was a spontaneous and exothermic process with favorable entropy.

      • KCI등재

        Goldman's Algorithm을 이용한 비외상성 흉통 환자의 분석

        조석진,유진현,김찬웅,어은경,정구영 대한응급의학회 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Back ground : It is important to evaluate the patient presenting with non-traumatic chest pain in emergency department, and it is also difficult to classify appropriately. The purpose of this study is to predict probability of acute myocardial infarction(AMI) and assess the group for low probability of AMI that is target for observation-unit of chest pain in emergency department. Methods : A prospective, clinical study was performed from March 1998 to August 1998 at the department of emergency medicine, Ewha Womans University Mokdong hospital. We classified high-probability group and low-probability group of AMI according to Goldman's algorithm and then compared with the final diagnosis. Results : The study included 218 patients. 84 patients(39%) was the high-probability group and 134 patients(61%) was the low-probability group of AMI. As compared with final diagnosis, AMI was 47 patients(56%) among the high-probability group and 1 patient(0.7%) among the low-probability group. We observed sensitivity of 98%, specificity of 78% in predicting AMI. Conclusion : The classification according to Goldman's algorithm may be useful predictor of AMI and improve triage for emergency department patients with chest pain. It is also helpful for management of observation-unit of chest pain in emergency department.


        중안면부 함몰과 하악전돌을 동반한 Ⅲ 급 부정교합자의 교정-악교정수술 복합치료

        조은정,김종태,양원식 대한치과교정학회 1996 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        성장이 완료된 골격성 III급 부정교합의 치료는 골격 부조화의 심도, 절치 치축, overbite와 연조직 측모의 심미성 등을 고려하여 필요한 경우 교정치료와 악교정수술을 병행하여 골격과 치아관계 개선에 따른 기능의 증진외에도 안모의 심미성을 증진시킬 수 있다. 특히 전후방적, 수직적, 횡적인 골격 부조화가 크거나 안면비대칭이 있는 경우, 또한 악교정수술후의 안정성이나 보다 이상적인 안모를 위하여 양악수술을 시행한다. 중안면부 함몰환자에서 안와하연과 관골부는 보존하며 비상악체를 전방이동하는 pyramidal Le Fort II osteotomy를 시행할 수 있으며, 안와하연과 관골부의 전방이동을 필요로 할 때는 quadrangular Le Fort II osteotomy를 시행할 수 있다. 이 수술법은 안와하연의 위치를 변화시켜 안와체적에 영향을 미치므로 상악골의 횡적, 수직적 이동량이 5mm 이상일 때는 시행할 수 없다. 서울대학교병원 치과진료부 교정과에 내원하여 중안면부 함몰과 하악전돌을 골격성 III급 부정교합으로 진단되어 교정-악교정수술(Le Fort II osteotomy 와 BSSRO) 복합치료를 받은 2명의 환자에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. In non-growing Class III malocclusion, the critical aspects which determine the need of orthognathic surgery are the severity of skeletal discrepancy, incisor inclination, overbite and soft tissue profile. Two-jaw surgery is more effective in correcting severe sagittal, vertical, transverse skeletal discrepancies and facial asymmetry. And more esthetic and stable profile can be achieved by two-jaw surgery. Some midfacial deficiency patients can be treated by pyramidal Le Fort II osteotomy to maintain infraorbital rim and malar complex and to advance nasomaxillary complex. Others who require advancement of infraorbital rim and malar complex can be treated by quadrangular Le Fort II osteotomy. On the following cases, patients who had represented midfacial deficiency and mandibular prognathism were treated with combined orthodontic-surgical therapy by Le Fort II osteotomy and BSSRO.

      • KCI등재

        TPN 처방시스템을 이용한 약국업무 개선

        조영환,김정태,김승란,백지은,김미경 한국병원약사회 2000 병원약사회지 Vol.17 No.1

        As a part of a plan to improve the multifunctional hospital information system, Asan Medical Center has invented the COES (Clinician's Order Entry System) for the physicians which involves computerized TPN prescription. As an initial step, an outline of the system has been formulated after collection relevant materials from various sources including foreign materials. This project simplifies and standardizes COES between physicians and pharmacists. By introducing this system, we could minimize the possible errors during inputing the inscription and converting the requirements to the volumes to prepare the required medicine. Units of prescribed volume were automatically changed through the computerization of TPN order. This procedure can save time and man-power for preparing the medicine by using Automatic TPN Prescripter. All of these has encouraged us to seek more active TPN consultation for the systemical examination and monitor TPN inscription, and to provide patients with TPN of a good quality.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애아동의 통합 어린이집에서 일반 초등학교로의 전이 지원 모형개발

        조윤경,홍은주,이은정 한국영유아보육학회 2002 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.28

        The comprehensive transition program supporting the three children with disabilities served in integrated day-care center, proceeded to elementary regular school was implemented. The program was consisted of the direct supporting services from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. by supporting teacher stayed in the first grade class included with the three children with disabilities. And the after-school program was carried out in day-care center consisted of small group learning, music therapy, special physical education, community-based training, parent counseling and education. The transition support was lasted for 15 months, as 3 months for preparation and 12 months for program implementation. The results indicated that three children with disabilities showed the positive increases in academic achievement and behavior adjustment in the first grade class compared with the level of initial performance. Based on these outcomes, the future directions for improving the transition support model were discussed.

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