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        OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: The First<i>Spitzer</i>Bulge Planet Lies Near the Planet/Brown-dwarf Boundary

        Ryu, Y.-H.,Yee, J. C.,Udalski, A.,Bond, I. A.,Shvartzvald, Y.,Zang, W.,Jaimes, R. Figuera,Jørgensen, U. G.,Zhu, W.,Huang, C. X.,Jung, Y. K.,Albrow, M. D.,Chung, S.-J.,Gould, A.,Han, C.,Hwang, K.-H.,Sh American Astronomical Society 2018 The Astronomical journal Vol.155 No.1

        <P>We report the discovery of OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb, which is likely to be the first Spitzer microlensing planet in the Galactic bulge/ bar, an assignation that can be confirmed by two epochs of high-resolution imaging of the combined source-lens baseline object. The planet's mass, M-p = 13.4 +/- 0.9 M-J, places it right at the deuteriumburning limit, i. e., the conventional boundary between 'planets' and 'brown dwarfs.' Its existence raises the question of whether such objects are really ' planets' (formed within the disks of their hosts) or 'failed stars' (lowmass objects formed by gas fragmentation). This question may ultimately be addressed by comparing disk and bulge/bar planets, which is a goal of the Spitzer microlens program. The host is a G dwarf, M-host = 0.89. +/- 0.07 M-circle dot, and the planet has a semimajor axis a similar to 2.0 au. We use Kepler K2 Campaign 9 microlensing data to break the lens-mass degeneracy that generically impacts parallax solutions from Earth-Spitzer observations alone, which is the first successful application of this approach. The microlensing data, derived primarily from near-continuous, ultradense survey observations from OGLE, MOA, and three KMTNet telescopes, contain more orbital information than for any previous microlensing planet, but not quite enough to accurately specify the full orbit. However, these data do permit the first rigorous test of microlensing orbital-motion measurements, which are typically derived from data taken over < 1% of an orbital period.</P>


        Miyake, N.,Udalski, A.,Sumi, T.,Bennett, D. P.,Dong, S.,Street, R. A.,Greenhill, J.,Bond, I. A.,Gould, A.,Kubiak, M.,Szymań,ski, M. K.,Pietrzyń,ski, G.,Soszyń,ski, I.,Ulaczyk, K.,Wyrzyk IOP Publishing 2012 The Astrophysical journal Vol.752 No.2

        <P>We report the extremely high-magnification (A > 1000) binary microlensing event OGLE-2007-BLG-514. We obtained good coverage around the double peak structure in the light curve via follow-up observations from different observatories. The binary lens model that includes the effects of parallax (known orbital motion of the Earth) and orbital motion of the lens yields a binary lens mass ratio of q = 0.321 +/- 0.007 and a projected separation of s = 0.072 +/- 0.001 in units of the Einstein radius. The parallax parameters allow us to determine the lens distance D-L = 3.11 +/- 0.39 kpc and total mass M-L = 1.40 +/- 0.18 M-circle dot; this leads to the primary and secondary components having masses of M-1 = 1.06 +/- 0.13 M-circle dot and M-2 = 0.34 +/- 0.04 M-circle dot, respectively. The parallax model indicates that the binary lens system is likely constructed by the main-sequence stars. On the other hand, we used a Bayesian analysis to estimate probability distributions by the model that includes the effects of xallarap (possible orbital motion of the source around a companion) and parallax (q = 0.270 +/- 0.005, s = 0.083 +/- 0.001). The primary component of the binary lens is relatively massive, with M-1 = 0.9(-0.3)(+4.6) M-circle dot and it is at a distance of D-L = 2.6(-0.9)(+3.8) kpc. Given the secure mass ratio measurement, the companion mass is therefore M-2 = 0.2(-0.1)(+1.2) M-circle dot. The xallarap model implies that the primary lens is likely a stellar remnant, such as a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.</P>



        Fukui, A.,Gould, A.,Sumi, T.,Bennett, D. P.,Bond, I. A.,Han, C.,Suzuki, D.,Beaulieu, J.-P.,Batista, V.,Udalski, A.,Street, R. A.,Tsapras, Y.,Hundertmark, M.,Abe, F.,Bhattacharya, A.,Freeman, M.,Itow, IOP Publishing 2015 The Astrophysical journal Vol.809 No.1

        <P>We report the discovery of a microlensing exoplanet OGLE-2012-BLG-0563Lb with the planet-star mass ratio of similar to 1 x 10(-3). Intensive photometric observations of a high-magnification microlensing event allow us to detect a clear signal of the planet. Although no parallax signal is detected in the light curve, we instead succeed at detecting the flux from the host star in high-resolution JHK'-band images obtained by the Subaru/AO188 and Infrared Camera and Spectrograph instruments, allowing us to constrain the absolute physical parameters of the planetary system. With the help of spectroscopic information about the source star obtained during the high-magnification state by Bensby et al., we find that the lens system is located at 1.3(-0.8)(+0.6) kpc from us, and consists of an M dwarf (0.34(-0.20)(+0.12)M(circle dot)) orbited by a Saturn-mass planet (0.39(-0.23)(+0.14)M(Jup)) at the projected separation of 0.74(-0.42)(+0.26)AU (close model) or 4.3(-2.5)(+1.5)AU (wide model). The probability of contamination in the host star's flux, which would reduce the masses by a factor of up to three, is estimated to be 17%. This possibility can be tested by future high-resolution imaging. We also estimate the (J - K-s) and (H - K-s) colors of the host star, which are marginally consistent with a low metallicity mid-to-early M dwarf, although further observations are required for the metallicity to be conclusive. This is the fifth sub-Jupiter-mass (0.2 < m(p)/M-Jup < 1) microlensing planet around an M dwarf with the mass well constrained. The relatively rich harvest of sub-Jupiters around M dwarfs is contrasted with a possible paucity of similar to 1-2 Jupiter-mass planets around the same type of star, which can be explained by the planetary formation process in the core-accretion scheme.</P>


        Sumi, T.,Udalski, A.,Bennett, D. P.,Gould, A.,Poleski, R.,Bond, I. A.,Skowron, J.,Rattenbury, N.,Pogge, R. W.,Bensby, T.,Beaulieu, J. P.,Marquette, J. B.,Batista, V.,Brillant, S.,Abe, F.,Asakura, Y.,B American Astronomical Society 2016 The Astrophysical journal Vol.825 No.2

        <P>We present the discovery of the first Neptune analog exoplanet or super-Earth with a Neptune-like orbit, MOA-2013-BLG-605Lb. This planet has a mass similar to that of Neptune or a super-Earth and it orbits at 9 similar to 14 times the expected position of the snow line, a(snow), which is similar to Neptune's separation of 11 a(snow) from the Sun. The planet/host-star mass ratio is q = (3.6 +/- 0.7) x 10(-4) and the projected separation normalized by the Einstein radius is s = 2.39 +/- 0.05. There are three degenerate physical solutions and two of these are due to a new type of degeneracy in the microlensing parallax parameters, which we designate 'the wide degeneracy.' The three models have (i) a Neptune-mass planet with a mass of M-p = 21(-7)(+6)M(circle plus) orbiting a low-mass M-dwarf with a mass of M-h = 0.19(-0.06)(+0.05)M(circle dot), (ii) a mini-Neptune with M-p = 7.9(-1.2)(+1.8)M(circle plus) orbiting a brown dwarf host with M-h = 0.068(-0.011)(+0.019)M(circle dot), and (iii) a super-Earth with M-p = 3.2(-0.3)(+0.5)M(circle plus) orbiting a low-mass brown dwarf host with M-h = 0.025(-0.004)(+0.005)M(circle dot), which is slightly favored. The 3D planet-host separations are 4.6(-1.2)(+4.7) au, 2.1(-0.2) (+1.0) au, and 0.94(-0.02)(+0.67) au, which are 8.9(-1.4)(+10.5), 12(-1)(+7), or 14(-1)(+11) times larger than a(snow) for these models, respectively. Keck adaptive optics observations confirm that the lens is faint. This discovery suggests that low-mass planets with Neptune-like orbits are common. Therefore processes similar to the one that formed Neptune in our own solar system or cold super-Earths may be common in other solar systems.</P>


        A COLD NEPTUNE-MASS PLANET OGLE-2007-BLG-368Lb: Cold neptunes are common

        Sumi, T.,Bennett, D. P.,Bond, I. A.,Udalski, A.,Batista, V.,Dominik, M.,Fouqué,, P.,Kubas, D.,Gould, A.,Macintosh, B.,Cook, K.,Dong, S.,Skuljan, L.,Cassan, A.,Abe, F.,Botzler, C. S.,Fukui, A.,Fu IOP Publishing 2010 The Astrophysical journal Vol.710 No.2

        <P>We present the discovery of a Neptune-mass planet OGLE-2007-BLG-368Lb with a planet-star mass ratio of q = [9.5 +/- 2.1] x 10(-5) via gravitational microlensing. The planetary deviation was detected in real-time thanks to the high cadence of the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics survey, real-time light-curve monitoring and intensive follow-up observations. A Bayesian analysis returns the stellar mass and distance at M(l) = 0.64(-0.26)(+0.21) M(circle dot) and D(l) = 5.9(-1.4)(+ 0.9) kpc, respectively, so the mass and separation of the planet are M(p) = 20(-8)(+7) M(circle plus) and a = 3.3(-0.8)(+1.4) AU, respectively. This discovery adds another cold Neptune-mass planet to the planetary sample discovered by microlensing, which now comprises four cold Neptune/super-Earths, five gas giant planets, and another sub-Saturn mass planet whose nature is unclear. The discovery of these 10 cold exoplanets by the microlensing method implies that the mass ratio function of cold exoplanets scales as dN(pl)/d log q alpha q(-0.7+/-0.2) with a 95% confidence level upper limit of n < -0.35 ( where dN(pl)/d log q alpha q(n)). As microlensing is most sensitive to planets beyond the snow-line, this implies that Neptune-mass planets are at least three times more common than Jupiters in this region at the 95% confidence level.</P>


        Hwang, K.-H.,Choi, J.-Y.,Bond, I. A.,Sumi, T.,Han, C.,Gaudi, B. S.,Gould, A.,Bozza, V.,Beaulieu, J.-P.,Tsapras, Y.,Abe, F.,Bennett, D. P.,Botzler, C. S.,Chote, P.,Freeman, M.,Fukui, A.,Fukunaga, D.,Ha IOP Publishing 2013 The Astrophysical journal Vol.778 No.1

        <P>A planetary microlensing signal is generally characterized by a short-term perturbation to the standard single lensing light curve. A subset of binary-source events can produce perturbations that mimic planetary signals, thereby introducing an ambiguity between the planetary and binary-source interpretations. In this paper, we present the analysis of the microlensing event MOA-2012-BLG-486, for which the light curve exhibits a short-lived perturbation. Routine modeling not considering data taken in different passbands yields a best-fit planetary model that is slightly preferred over the best-fit binary-source model. However, when allowed for a change in the color during the perturbation, we find that the binary-source model yields a significantly better fit and thus the degeneracy is clearly resolved. This event not only signifies the importance of considering various interpretations of short-term anomalies, but also demonstrates the importance of multi-band data for checking the possibility of false-positive planetary signals.</P>


        Miyake, N.,Sumi, T.,Dong, Subo,Street, R.,Mancini, L.,Gould, A.,Bennett, D. P.,Tsapras, Y.,Yee, J. C.,Albrow, M. D.,Bond, I. A.,Fouqué,, P.,Browne, P.,Han, C.,Snodgrass, C.,Finet, F.,Furusawa, K IOP Publishing 2011 The Astrophysical journal Vol.728 No.2

        <P>We report the gravitational microlensing discovery of a sub-Saturn mass planet, MOA-2009-BLG-319Lb, orbiting a K-or M-dwarf star in the inner Galactic disk or Galactic bulge. The high-cadence observations of the MOA-II survey discovered this microlensing event and enabled its identification as a high-magnification event approximately 24 hr prior to peak magnification. As a result, the planetary signal at the peak of this light curve was observed by 20 different telescopes, which is the largest number of telescopes to contribute to a planetary discovery to date. The microlensing model for this event indicates a planet-star mass ratio of q = (3.95 +/- 0.02) x 10(-4) and a separation of d = 0.97537 +/- 0.00007 in units of the Einstein radius. A Bayesian analysis based on the measured Einstein radius crossing time, t(E), and angular Einstein radius,theta(E), along with a standard Galactic model indicates a host star mass of M-L = 0.38(-0.18)(+0.34) M-circle dot and a planet mass of M-p = 50(-24)(+44)M(circle plus), which is half the mass of Saturn. This analysis also yields a planet-star three-dimensional separation of a = 2.4(-0.6)(+1.2) AU and a distance to the planetary system of D-L = 6.1(-1.2)(+1.1) kpc. This separation is similar to 2 times the distance of the snow line, a separation similar to most of the other planets discovered by microlensing.</P>


        OGLE-2014-BLG-0289: Precise Characterization of a Quintuple-peak Gravitational Microlensing Event

        Udalski, A.,Han, C.,Bozza, V.,Gould, A.,Bond, I. A.,Mró,z, P.,Skowron, J.,Wyrzykowski, Ł.,Szymań,ski, M. K.,Soszyń,ski, I.,Ulaczyk, K.,Poleski, R.,Pietrukowicz, P.,Kozłowski, S.,Abe, F American Astronomical Society 2018 The Astrophysical journal Vol.853 No.1

        <P>We present the analysis of the binary-microlensing event OGLE-2014-BLG-0289. The event light curve exhibits five very unusual peaks, four of which were produced by caustic crossings and the other by a cusp approach. It is found that the quintuple-peak features of the light curve provide tight constraints on the source trajectory, enabling us to precisely and accurately measure the microlensing parallax pi(E). Furthermore, the three resolved caustics allow us to measure the angular Einstein radius theta(E). From the combination of pE and qE, the physical lens parameters are uniquely determined. It is found that the lens is a binary composed of two M dwarfs with masses M-1 = 0.52 +/- 0.04 M-circle dot and M-2 = 0.42 +/- 0.03 M-circle dot separated in projection by a(perpendicular to) = 6.4 +/- 0.5 au. The lens is located in the disk with a distance of D-L = 3.3 +/- 0.3 kpc. The reason for the absence of a lensing signal in the Spitzer data is that the time of observation corresponds to the flat region of the light curve.</P>



        Yee, J. C.,Shvartzvald, Y.,Gal-Yam, A.,Bond, I. A.,Udalski, A.,Kozłowski, S.,Han, C.,Gould, A.,Skowron, J.,Suzuki, D.,Abe, F.,Bennett, D. P.,Botzler, C. S.,Chote, P.,Freeman, M.,Fukui, A.,Furusawa, K. IOP Publishing 2012 The Astrophysical journal Vol.755 No.2

        <P>Because of the development of large-format, wide-field cameras, microlensing surveys are now able to monitor millions of stars with sufficient cadence to detect planets. These new discoveries will span the full range of significance levels including planetary signals too small to be distinguished from the noise. At present, we do not understand where the threshold is for detecting planets. MOA-2011-BLG-293Lb is the first planet to be published from the new surveys, and it also has substantial follow-up observations. This planet is robustly detected in survey+follow-up data (Delta chi(2) similar to 5400). The planet/host mass ratio is q = (5.3 similar to 0.2) x 10(-3). The best-fit projected separation is s = 0.548 +/- 0.005 Einstein radii. However, due to the s <-> s(-1) degeneracy, projected separations of s-1 are only marginally disfavored at Delta chi(2) = 3. A Bayesian estimate of the host mass gives M-L = 0.43(-0.17)(+0.27) M-circle dot, with a sharp upper limit of M-L < 1.2 M-circle dot from upper limits on the lens flux. Hence, the planet mass is m(p) = 2.4(-0.9)(+1.5) M-Jup, and the physical projected separation is either r(perpendicular to) similar or equal to 1.0 AU or r(perpendicular to) similar or equal to 3.4 AU. We show that survey data alone predict this solution and are able to characterize the planet, but the Delta chi(2) is much smaller (Delta chi(2) similar to 500) than with the follow-up data. The Delta chi(2) for the survey data alone is smaller than for any other securely detected planet. This event suggests a means to probe the detection threshold, by analyzing a large sample of events like MOA-2011-BLG-293, which have both follow-up data and high-cadence survey data, to provide a guide for the interpretation of pure survey microlensing data.</P>


        Street, R. A.,Choi, J.-Y.,Tsapras, Y.,Han, C.,Furusawa, K.,Hundertmark, M.,Gould, A.,Sumi, T.,Bond, I. A.,Wouters, D.,Zellem, R.,Udalski, A.,Snodgrass, C.,Horne, K.,Dominik, M.,Browne, P.,Kains, N.,Br IOP Publishing 2013 The Astrophysical journal Vol.763 No.1

        <P>We present an analysis of the anomalous microlensing event, MOA-2010-BLG-073, announced by the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics survey on 2010 March 18. This event was remarkable because the source was previously known to be photometrically variable. Analyzing the pre-event source light curve, we demonstrate that it is an irregular variable over timescales >200 days. Its dereddened color, (V - I)(S),(0), is 1.221 +/- 0.051 mag, and from our lens model we derive a source radius of 14.7 +/- 1.3 R-circle dot, suggesting that it is a red giant star. We initially explored a number of purely microlensing models for the event but found a residual gradient in the data taken prior to and after the event. This is likely to be due to the variability of the source rather than part of the lensing event, so we incorporated a slope parameter in our model in order to derive the true parameters of the lensing system. We find that the lensing system has a mass ratio of q = 0.0654 +/- 0.0006. The Einstein crossing time of the event, t(E) = 44.3 +/- 0.1 days, was sufficiently long that the light curve exhibited parallax effects. In addition, the source trajectory relative to the large caustic structure allowed the orbital motion of the lens system to be detected. Combining the parallax with the Einstein radius, we were able to derive the distance to the lens, D-L = 2.8 +/- 0.4 kpc, and the masses of the lensing objects. The primary of the lens is an M-dwarf with M-L,M-1 = 0.16 +/- 0.03 M-circle dot, while the companion has M-L,M-2 = 11.0 +/- 2.0 M-J, putting it in the boundary zone between planets and brown dwarfs.</P>

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